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Getting to know you Meeting and greeting people 1 Cum procedati cand faceti cunostinta cu cineva? Ce spuneti? 2 Good morning, my name's Pleased to meet x Yang Chong. you, Yang Chong 3 (Helio, m Anna Polsky How do you do? My name's Harold Brown, salut morning: folosit: CA sal | 2. ‘taairtte de or Good afternoon: foioe 8 al Ap ngs flostca cali I jood eventing: 700° | $opa ora 6 duparariaas 3. Aceste persoane se cunosc deja. Cititi si ascultati cum se saluta. Care dialog este o conversatie telefonic’? 1 “Hello, darling. How are you? ‘I'm fine, Mum, How are you” 2 ‘Good afternoon, David. How are things?” - Fine, thanks. And you? 4 3 ‘Hi Sharon, How are you? ia ‘Very well, thank you, Dr Brown." eee y 4 ‘Anna! Nice to see you!" Hello, Harry. Nice to see you too. 5 ‘Hello? ‘Is that you, David "Yes. Hello. Hilary.’ 4. Gasiti raspunsul adecvat (a-e) la fiecare formula de salut (1-5). Greeting Response del 1 Excuse me, are you Dr Brown? a) I'm fine, thanks. \ 2. How do you do? b) Pleased to meet you, Ms Raisbeck 3 How are you? ©) Yes, am xa 4 Hello, 'm Hilary Raisbeck 4) How de you do? 5. Hi Sharon! Nice to see you. €) Nice to see you too, Hilary. vs Tinintrebari care incep cu How, Wie, What si Wher intonatia este coborétoare: \ oe ‘in intrebar care cer un raspuns da/nu, intonatia este urcdtowre: “i a Excuse me, are you Dr Brown? f 20 minutes+ Se ‘Completati aceste dialoguri cu cuvinte si expresii din chenar. 8 Folositi fiecare cuvant sau expresie 0 singura dat’, 1 A: Excuse me... are you Professor Polsky? z “I B: Yes, Lam. see > same oe se ‘ne thanks 2 C: Hello, Sharon 2 Excuse me BS D: -+ and you? How do youdo 1 3& , David ! ee ts F: And you! GF} slat merstarea pen av vera raspunsule SJ 1 Aveti o carte de vizité? Daca da, ce scrie pe ea? Dacd nu, ce att vea sa sate pe ea? e 2 Cititi urmatoarele carti de vizité si completati propozitile. e Serica ] Getting to know you Where do you come from? 3 ‘Hoanceu Lo Wea Hilary Raisbeck haeee 4 ‘anagem Conlon Cama 827670904 18 Bloe Road anche mig SDD Prone: 0161 471120 Professor Oe ‘ 7 at PT Pe eae Casta ao Cee PT ini ; Nees 1 Hilary comes from M....... (name of town} 2 David Kennett lives in V. (name of country) ‘ 3 Sharon Ward works in 7. (name of town) 4 Anna Polsky lives in M.............e (lame of country} 5. Dr Brown works if K.....c.ssessss (name of town) 6 Yang Chong comes from C.... (name of country) 3 Ultati-va din nou la cartile de vizita si bifati (7) informatia pe care © dau despre fiecare persoans. Business ere ert eet er Co 4_ Ascultati o faimoaséi stea de cinema vorbind despre diferentele dintre orasul ei natal si Hollywood. ‘CAutatl aceste cuvinte In Word Bank dacé e nevoie. different small friendly big speak walk drive see Peyeer a » @ 5. Raspundeti la urmatoarele Intrebari. Puteti asculta din nou Inregistrarea 1 Where does the film star live? She lives in 2 Where does she come from? She comes from ~ 3. What do people say in Minnesota? They say and ; 4. What do people do in Hollywood? ‘They eon everywhere. 5 What kind of house does she live in? She lives in a house, w Raspundeti la urmatoarele tntrebari: 1 Where do you come from? x come from [name of country or home town) 2 Where do you live? I ive in . {name of town) 2 3 What's your name? My name is 4 Where do you work? T WOM ID ctntssatsctl (name of town} tf v4 Getting to know you Lesson 3 What do you do every day? $ 1 Aveti un program zilnic? Exist& lucruri pe care le faceti In fiecare zi a séptmanii si unele pe care le faceti doar Tn weekend? 2. Ascultati-| pe Michael vorbind despre programul lulzilnic Alegeti dintre verbele de mai jos pentru a completa textul Puteti verifica ce Tnseamn& in Word Bank. do finish start get dressed have wake up eet up leave walk cs play watch | © the same things every day. I at seven, but I stay in bed until seven-fiteen, Then | and a shower ‘That really wakes me up! 1 and then | breakfast — some toast and a cup of coffe. 1 the house at eight thirty and 5 to the bus stop. 1 to work by bus. 1 work at about nine, and 1 work at five or six. In the evening, I dinner and television or on the computer. lam usually in bed by eleven! Aer Po Eres utices vec | Watch television (yy | war sen cry | Acest timp verbal e folosit pentru a vorbi despre actiuni facute in mod obisnuit. (always fave cof for breakfast | goto work by Bus. Este folosit si pentru a vorbi despre fapte si adevaruri generale. Pople drive om th right in the United States. People often do the same things every day 3. Cititi caseta de mai sus pentru a afla de ce simplu Tn descrierea lui 4, Modificati urmatoarele propozitiifolosind fe. La majoritatea verbelor se adaugi -s sau -s cand se folosese cu ke, she sau it She walks to work every dy. He watches television inthe evening. Negativul se formeaza punand dort sau does Inaintea verbulul. 1 dot go to work by bus He dost watch evson hhael foloseste prezentul 1 1 get up at seven fifteen. 2 walk to the bus stop. 3 start work at nine. 4 finish work at five or six 5 watch television 6 play on the computer ichael .gets upat seven fifteen He sto the bus stop. He oosccoe enon Work at nine He occseoe ents work at ive or six He os ccssesn@8 television He on the computer, 5. Puneti propozitille de mai sus, din stanga, la negativ folosind don’ 20 minutes+ I don't getup, at, seven, fifteen Serieti un paragraf despre dumneavoastra completand aceste propozitii: Ten (wake up /at ..) ls coon (get dressed) Then I ‘ (have / breakfast) ancien (leave / the house / at.) (g0/to work) Leo csecsesseeffinish J work fat.) In the evenings, I Getting to know you Talk about your family 1 Cati membri are familia dumneavoastrs? Cum descrieti relatille de rudenie? aunt uncle mother children daughter sister —_ brother randparents grandfather eS andmother 2. Priviti arborele genealogic al lui Hannah si stabiliti ce grad de rudenie ‘au urmatorii fat de Hannah, stephen: Sather Martin: Marie and George: janet David susan Rosa and Gemma lle ton (1935-2001) Cee Susan Ellis m. Ken Bart — + ____ = Janet m, Martin Julie m, Stephen — = eel] Fe] ee] wip 3 Céutati verbul tobe in Grammar Bank, Alegetl forma corect a verbului pentru a completa aceste propoziti. ‘Taiati forma incorecta. 1 My brother Owen is /are-at university. 2 1is/am the only daughter in my family 3 Gemma is /are the same age as me, 4 Her name is / am Rosa. 5 Weis area family, 6 They are/is: my grandparents. 4, Puneti proporitiile de la exercitiul 3 la negativ, dup modelul dat: 1 My, net. at. university @° Ascultati-o pe Hannah vorbind despre familia ef in time ce cititi cea ce spune. Observati unde cade accentul in cuvintele sciise cu cursive Ascultati din nou si repetati aceste cuvinte cu voce tare | live with my mother and my father and my two brothers. They are called (Owen and David, Owen is twenty and he's at university. David is sileen and he's at school, like me, 1 have two grandmothers and one grandfither. My other grandfather is dead. I have one uncle and one aunt. My aun: Janet is my mother’s sister. They have two daughters. Rosa is ten and Gemma is fourteen, like me. They are my cousins. Stage 1 Home, sweet home | Care este pentru dumneavoastra casa ideal? Seamtiné cu una dintre acestea? ¥ Puteti spune din ce tard sunt casele? BPE China Switzerland United States 2. Aceste imagini arata diferite tipuri de case. Gasiti pentru fiecare definitia corespunzatoare. Folositi-va de Imagini. detached house semi-detached (UK) duplex (US) rm pec eana my block of flats (UK) bungalow (UX) ranch house (US) terraced house (UK} row house (US) apartment building (US) Definition Type of home @ house with two or more storeys that is not Joined to another detached howse, a house with only one storey 2 tall building with separate homes on each floor 4 house that is joined to another house on one side 2 house that is joined to another house on both sides Oo 3, Ascultati inregistrarea si bifati (V) cele trei case pe care le auziti mentionate. flat detached house terraced house bungalow | semi-detached house Gasiti pe plan cuvinte adecvate pentru a completa propo: The family eat their meals in the. ining, ..roern. Do you want to use the computer? It's inthe ... ‘The children can run around and play in the .. ‘Can | use the... . please? "Yes, of course. It's the second door along the .. They all watch television in the .... We like to sit on the and watch the sun go down, We have some new fish in the... Do you want to see them? eo David's in the «su: He's making some toast and coffee for breakfast. 20 minutes+ Ascultati din nou conversatia si completati propozitille. 1 Where is Brian's car? isn. 2 What does Brian drink? He drinks . 3. What does Susan give to Marie? She gives her 4 How is the baby? Shes 5 What does Marie ask Susan and Brian to do? She asks them to 6 Where are the children playing? ‘They're playing 7 Who do the children want to see? Introducing people | Ce spuneti pe romaneste cand le faceti cunostinja unor persoane? Spuneti ceva despre ele, pentru a sepe conversatia? 2. Ascultati aceste conversatii In timp ce cititi. Care este cea mai putin oficiala? Cum va dati seama? O tives Hello David. Nice to SHARON see you again. How are you? Dawn [im fine, thanks, And you? Dr Brown: Hany Very well, thanks, Row. Poser: David, do you know Yang Chong? Yang Chong, this is David Pe project director in BRK Vietnam Daw, Pleased to meet you, Yang Chong. Maser: YaNe Crone: How do you do, Hitary Mr Kennett? © Ati auzit aceste apelative pe Inregistrare: ‘Mr Kennet Professor Polsky Dr '* Apelativele se pun mnaintea numelul Ms mia} + Mrs: se foloseste doar pentru femelcsatort; Miss pentru ofemeie necisitorits; ‘+ Ms: pentru o femeie, fie stoi, fe necsitorith Getting to know you ;nei In adresarea politicoas’: Barbati — Femel Barbati sl femei cu titluri academice Mr(mister) Mrs misiz]_ Dr (doctor Miss Professor ST} Maya, this is Peter Ling He's from our ffcein Singapor Excuse me, Dr Brown. Can 1 introduce you to Professor Polsky from Macedonia? Anna, this is Dr Harold Brown. He works in Rwanda How do you do? How do you do, Dr Brown? Hello Sharon. How are things with OK thanks, Hilary. Oh, this is Martin, He's my son, Martin, this is Hilary, my friend from Manchester, Hi Hello, Martin 3. Ascultati apelativele de pe inregistrare, Puneti apelativele adecvate lang’ numele persoanelor pe care le stii si completati urmatoarele propozitil. Exersati pronuntarea lor. 1 Do you know osotnnnssennnnnnin 2 This is 7 3 Can H introduce you tO s.sssssssssenseeestnseenssensie? (o 4 Ascultati din nou conversatiile, Bifati () formele contrase, 5. Completati aceste prezentiri folosind o forma contrasé edecvata din caseta 1 Can | introduce you to Dr Harold Brown? a consultant in Kigali 2 Hello, Sharon Ward, | work at the Westerfield Business Centre, 3 This is David Kennett. our project director in Vietnam, 4 Do you know Hilary? ssscsune 8 friend from Manchester, 5 Can lintroduce you to Anna and Ivan? from Macedonia. 20 minutes+ Cititi aceste prezentari si spuneti daca sunt (1) oficiale sau (2) colocviale. 1 Can | introduce you to Professor Polsky? (0 2 Do you know Hilary? She's my cousin. Hilary, this is David, 3. Dr Brown, this is Mrs Ward from the Westerfield Business Centre in Toronto. 4 Hi! I'm Owen and this is my sister, Hannah. ... 5 Do you know Dr Brown from Kigali? Dr Brown, this is David Kennett, our project, director in Vietnam, 6 Hilary, this is Susan. She's a friend from university Getting to know you Lesson 6 What work do you do? Care este ocupatia durnneavoastr’? Va place ceea ce faceti? Aflati cum se numeste profesia dumneavoastrd in englezd si sctieti-o In caseta de mai jos. My job; Potriviti ocupatiile de mai jos cu fotografille taxi driver pilot hairdresser Ly Ce sunteti daca faceti una dintre urmiitoarele munci? drive a taxi or a cab cut hair fly planes Re sell things in a shop e study 4 Ascultatiaceste cinci persoane vorbind despre ocupatiile lor » ‘si stabiliti cine vorbeste. Speaker |... hairdresser, ‘Speaker 2 Speaker’ . _ x Speaker 4 der ‘Speaker 5 y 5. Cele place la profesia lor? Alegeti cate unul dintre réspunsurile din chenar. ier Speaker 1 ....ikes, talking, to. people. likes reading books sf Speaker 2 ....... . likes talking to people ‘Speaker 3 . . likes visiting other countries Speaker 4 likes working at night Speaker 5 likes the other staff Puteti folosi fave fo pentru a spune c& ceva este n ls hard work as [have to stand al day. ‘She has to start work at 8.00 every day. y :¥ 20 minutes+ Gp Mellen ou megovareo penta acess ete est cremple cu oi have to sau dont have to, ‘cts poe stand al_ day. : y ‘Speaker e Speaker 3: ‘Speaker 4: ..... y Speaker 5: . xy ‘Acum faceti singur propozitll. Completing forms and giving personal details I Veti asculta o convorbire telefonica. Uitati-va la formular si ganditi-va la urmatoarele intrebiiri: a) Who do you think Is speaking? 'b) What do you think the conversation is about? % 2. Ascultati tnregistrarea si verificati-va rispunsurile. 3. Mai ascultati-o 0 data si completat! formularul A, First name(s) Emily First name(s) Summame ‘summame Steet Street Towcity Towncty County County Post code Post code Telephone Telephone Email adress Email adaress Jf Pett cor ton. es ob td Period of cover from... ‘Area to be visited 4, Acum imaginati-va cd plecati in vacanta Pere sicompletatiformularul B cu datele dumneavoastr Can si could (timpul trecut) se folosesc adesea pentru a spune ca cineva are priceperea ‘sau capacitatea de a face ceva. 1 can sim quite wel He could drive a carat sixteen Can si could sunt folosite si pentru a cere ceva. ‘Can we use te phone? Cold gou pet tha, pes? mal oficial / politicos) 5 Cate dintre aceste propozitii este o cerere (1) si refera la priceperea sau capacitatea de a face ceva (2)? 2 1 Jane and Peter can dance very well 2 She can drive 3 Could we come inside a moment? 4 He couldn't go to Australia as he didn’t have enough money. 5 Could you answer the phone for me? 6 Ican't do extreme sports, 7 Ican see you like that girl over there 8 Could you help me cross the road, please? 20 minutes+ iti rAspunsul adecvat la urmatoarele intrebiri: 1 How can | help you? 2.Can | take your details? 3 How do you spell that? 4 What's your date of birth? 5 What's your address? Ati auzit aceste expresii in conversafia telefonics Inregistrata: “How ca |help you™ ‘Can I take some details?” “Now, could | have your ttle?” “We cas insure you for Australia... “Could you just wait a minute? a) The sixth of May, nineteen seventy-six, bj want to buy some travel Insurance. ©) It’s forty-two, George Street, Orangeville. d} Ol course, what do you need to know? €) Idaho? It's LD-A-H-O. Getting to know you SE} What can you do? | epreatte saycampetn sv eis acini AINA an dumneavoastri? lati cateva exemple. Le puteti verifica in (tt Fe ( reeercee Word Bank, daca e nevoie SEOREN CT wor * Skills Qualifications ORD POWER, computing, word processing university degree Paver qualifications: teachi diploma Aiplome, certifcane ore ching ploy an ‘iticate cau alte speaking a foreign language cettificate aoatl ofciale, mai curdnd deca, || designing licence Péttucin Sau experiengay driving | (By 2 Ascultaticinci persoane vorbind despre pregatirea si competentele lor. WP Pencru fiecare vorbitor, scrieti care este profesia lui sice pregatire are sau ce competente. Job Qualifications Stalls 1 ..maths, teacher, teaching, ‘© Cineva care are o diploma universitara este a graduate. ‘¢ Cineva care practic de mai multi ani o profesie este experienced. ‘* Cineva care este priceput in profesia lui este skilled. ‘+ Multe persoane learn on the job, adic’ acumuleazi competent’ muncind. ‘Have go si as got sunt deseori folosite in loc de have / has cand se despre posesie. Ati auzit in inregistrare: “Have you gota degre?” “Yes. ve got a degree in maths and a PGCE! Ascultati din nou conversatiile si gasiti si alte exemple cu have got (posesiune} si can (capacitate). Care verb este folosit pentru competent si care pentru pregatire? lS ysrrmeazescsa qualifications Completati urmatoarele propozitil cu can sau have got / fas got. 1 Peter ...h48..9¢t.... a diploma in hairdressing 21 teach all winter sports 3 THeY vacessoeeneenee Speak three languages — Spanish, French and English. 4 feo YOU sossecseseesene a driving licence? 5 Alot of people word processing and computer skills these days. 6 He... HGV licence .. drive a lorry because he an Getting to know you aE) Gp Seaside Mystery: Part 1 Ascultati o povestire politistd care se petrece intr-un oras englez de pe ‘malul mécii. Povestirea are 12 parti si sunt cate 2 parjim flecare sectiune iin English in Twenty Minutes « Day. Partea a doua este tn lectia 19. ‘Ar putea fi util s& urmariti transcrietea inregistrarii Tn timp ce ascultati Distractie placuta! I Acestea sunt cuvinte not din povestire. Cutati-le In Word Bank daca e nevoie. welcome landlady enjoy seaside need difficult task tomorrow beach sorry warm. ‘+ Exist numeroase language schools in Anglia. Student de varste diferite, din toata lumea, vin aici si Invete englezeste. ‘+ Studentiilocuiesc deseori la familii engleze cand urmeaza cursurile uunei astfel de scoll ‘ Persoana care se ocupa de ei este numité uncori landlady. 2. Ascultati urmatoarele persoane gi gisiti descrierea adecvata fiecareia, 1 Yoshiko Miyamatsu a) The director of the school 2 Alan White ) Yoshiko’s landlady 3 Mrs King ©) Astudent from Germany 4 Peter Lieb d) A friend of Peters 5 Carlos Sanchez ) A student from lapan 3. Ascultati din nou povestirea si puneti imaginile Tn ordine corect8. 4. Care dintre studenti spun aceste proporitii? Bifati (7) Yoshiko, Carlos sau Peter. Yoshiko Carlos Peter 1'm from Germany, Do you like it in England? > The schoo! Is very good Do you want to come? ‘She wants me home at six o'clock tonight. lust say you are busy here at the school She is a very nice lady Come on, Peter Let's go to the beach Jam sorry I can't come with you 10. Bye, Yoshiko, See you in school tomorrow, Stage 1 eam Check your progress Aceasté lectle va da prilejul s8 exersati ce afi invatat pnd acum, Verificagl-va rispunsurile si vedeti ce progrese ati facut. ‘Scriefi-va punctajul in chenare. EES | G&siti in coloana din dreapta propozitille corespunzitoare situatiilor din stanga 1 greeting someone you know a) live in London, 2 greeting someone you don't know by I have two sisters and a brother. 3 saying where you are from ©) [leave for work at eight o'clock 4 saying where you live 4) It’s Emily Parish 5 describing what you do every day €) I'ma sales assistant 6 talking about your family f).Icome from Spain 7 saying what you do fora living 8) Tike my boss 8 saying what you like about your job hy Hi there, Ed. How are you? 9 giving your name 1D) Ihave a degree in biology. 10 describing your qualifications i) How do you do, Mr Ling? 'm Bill Saunders. [a +2 = parents grandmother 4 = grandparents aunt +4 5 + daughter, = children 6 + brother 2 Completati tabelul de mal sus cu cuvintele desemnand membrii de familie lipsa 3. Ce fac aceste persoane? | tad driver He me 2 hairdresser she 3 aitline pilot He 4 student she 4. Folositi forma corecta a unui verb adecvat pentru a completa propozitiile. 1 Lusually toast and coffee for breakfast. 2 Professor Polsky from Macedonia. 31 walk to work. | go by bus, 4 My brother the same age 2s you 5 He a degree in German, 6 Tmatex! driver sol ssseesee My Cab all day, 7 How help you? 8 Dr Brown, this .. corseens Peter Jones, 5. Scrieti formele complete corespunzatoare formelor contrase din aceste propozitii: 1 mis boss 2 Hurry up! We're late. 3 What's the time? 4 He's my brother, 5 They're older than me. 6 Where's the taxi? 6 Aceste propozitil descriu o competent sau o pregatire? Bifati (/) Tn coloana corecta. Skill Qualification 1 I've got a diploma in secretarial skils. 2 She sells insurance, 3. We can all ski very well 4 Carlos speaks English and Spanish. 5 Yoshiko has 2 degree in Business. 6 My brother has a licence to drive forties. eas pr eee F i; Getting to know you Lesson 11 Applying for a job (1) Lace interviuri de angajare v-ati prezentat? A Atl completat mai intai o cerere? * Pentru majoritatea slujbelortrebui 8 com- pletatio application form (ceere). Veti asculta 0 inregistrare cu un tant * Uni angajatori cer un CV (Carricalum Ja un interviu de angajare. Pentru ce tip sitae, care contine o descriere detaliaa a de munca este intervievat? Ascultati si alegeti eee cle rail apeeteeen dintre fotografiile de mai jos. pete '» Resumé: versiunea scurta a CV-ului. completati cererea de angajare. APPLICATION FORM Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS, Surname: WOOD — First name(s): THOMAS GUY Address: [7 ORCHARD ROAD, NEWPORT Telephone: 02 8753 (682 Please tick (/) as appropriate: If no full-time job is available, can you wark part time? [ |Yes | |No Available to work [| Monday-Friday [_|Weekends [Nights $8P9€8R un an, ae op, Intre seoaty ot & Obtcet If successful, when can you start work? ir Do you have any holidays booked? [ |Yes [ |No When? BEFORE AUGUST. ‘Are you in full-time education? (yes ["]No If yes, please give details: I START COLLEGE IN 3 NEXT YEAR, WORD Power Work experience: Please describe your work experience including part-time work. BOAT ATTENDANT: 1 WoRK FoR mY. Who IS THE MANAGER OF A HIRE COMPANY. I HELP TO THE BOATS. AND 1 SOMETIMES, LOOK AFTER THE 4 Cititi acest resumé si réspundeti la Intrebari: ¥ Resumé Rosie Lang 208 Parkway, Bristol, BR4S 6HK 01452 487983, Date of birth: 19/8/82 Place of birth: London, UK Education: 1989-95 Belmont Primary School 1995-2001 Moorlands High Schoo! Skills and qualifications: 2002 Diploma in Hairdressing Employment: 2001-now Neil's Hair Salon 1 Where does Rosie live? 2 Where is she from? 3. What does Rosie do? 4 What qualifications has she got? 5 Where does she work? 20 minutes+ ’ Completati acest resumé cu datele dumneavoastra: Resumé Name: Address: Telephone: Date of birth: Place of birth: Education| Skills and qualifications: Employment: Getting to know you el Pd Leave a message “ 1 Ce biletele si mesaje ati primit saptamana aceasta? Obisnuiti si le lssat altora biletele? 2 Cititi aceste mesaje si spuneti unde este cel mai probabil si le gasiti ® Qo . B.. leave | aN parcel next door at Nuttiber 22 ‘Your next appointment with DR LEWIS. ‘Time Date 4I5 pm Friday, 25 April TM, 3 Ascultati sase mesaje de pe robotul telefonic. Alegeti din chenar propozitia care spune la ce se refera fiecare apel. Message |..2omeme, warts, te, talk. about. the, weekend Message 2 Message 3 Message 4 Message 5 Message 6 4 Ascultati din nou si spuneti care apeluri sunt de la rude sau prietent, De la cine sunt celelalte apeluri? Message 1 .... friend. (Steve) Message + Message 2... Message 5 Message 3 Message 6 (Cand vrem sa spunem c un lucru Ti apartine cuiva sau cd o persoana este apropiata de cineva, folosim unul dintre urmatoarele cuvinte: Singular Plural my our your your i fis fier thelr its i ‘Ati auzitaceste exemple Tn Inregistrare: Your moter phoned [like my job. 5. Completati urmatoarele propozitil cu unul dintre adjectivele posesive de mai sus, Primele trei sunt din inregistrare. 1 Can we talk about plans for the weekenc? 2 We can't find house. 3. I'm afraid | can't make appointment 4 I don’t know who he is but | think car is areat! 5 That's a nice dog. What's name? 6 Rosie phones mother every weekend, 20 minutes+ Uitati-va Tne o dati la mesajele din aceasta lectie si scrieti trei mesaje scurte. 1 To remind yourself that you need to buy some stamps today. 2. Towish your mother a happy birthday. 3. Totell your sister about a telephone call for her froma friend. Stage 1 Money matters 1 Ce servicit bancare folositi? 2. Cititi extrasul bancar de mai jos si raspundeti la intrebari smirows [JM Lorne uk Cuenta Account nae 10.Jones_ Sura fr 20 Moy 19 une 2008 ‘cucumber 6033152 Ora it £200.09 ‘Fansactons De Deion ete Memo — Moneyin ane a bo Cate itetowds Sop iy Se mae ) May Payer toRHco SMA Caucse 63 PEPE EY ( CEE 30 May Payment by cheque 100315, 10560 8 2iume Pomerthy daqe 108308 6x0 WORD POWER ‘tne Pamest AR Gage ardPutase 3580, Shine Pamentospacub wea Debt 5620 current: account: con! Tome Rec fom Artech atk Gr Ce 25160 pentru-w cure oe Pancat 12dune Pamert fecha Skt CandPuctase S240 savings account: cont bancar ‘hoe femmtycone 10614 ne porn sector {Bae ct wos sMpeaoe mm la cbotiga dobanda ‘ne Peyneteishcrar reat 21673 eee dobinda la economit o i 7 22une Fyne Fachinkcse ple CardPchase 5.0 verdraft limits uma maxima Rie rain? mma | pe care cllentul o poate ‘imprumuta din cone 1 What type of account is it? Tick (¥) the correct word. savings | current | business 2. What is the customer's name? —_—_— 3. How many deposits does the statement show? 4 How much money does the customer have in the bank on 19th [une? ‘The balance is 5 How much money can the customer have on overdraft? Tick (the correct amount. £100 | £200 | £300 4 Ascultati discutia lui Mr Brown la banca si completati paragraful urmator cu travellers cheques sau cash, ‘Mr Brown asks the cashier to sell him some dollars. She asks him if he wants (1) ..ccccsecesce- OF 2) sou ssess He says hee wants $1000 in (3) sosses and $500 in (4) She says he can have the (5) now, but she hasn't got enough (6) coco at the ‘moment. He says he can come back tomorrow. She asks him to sign the (7)... top left-hand comer, in the 5. Cititi aceste formulare si completati-le cu informatille date. NL wesins norton tik 170090 Denton Branch P.O. BOX 123 Brookdale NO27 404 Date. Pay § I £ ie =a ole. 203233 13-20-40 5020151 I's 15th August 2005. Felicity Blake is sending a cheque for £50 to her daughter Elizabeth Blake. Felicity also wants to pay two cheques and some cash into her current account: a) Cheque 1: £32.50 b) Cheque 2: £112.00) Cash: £80 (3.x £20 + 2.x £10) NNLiset"*r Bank credit Notes £50 ‘CODE NUMBER od eee eons asi stam | National Norther Link eee DENTON Notes 65 ACCOUNT Coins £1 MRS FJ BLAKE TOTAL CASH Cheques ao ev 33-20-40 502015) Tom | ea { Getting to know yo SED Saying thank you Ce spuneti cand vreti 8 1i multumiti unei alte persoane? Folositi anumite expresii? Si cum vise rispunde? lati cateva expresii uzuale pentru multumiri st raspuns la mulfurir a) Thank you for coming. by You're welcome ©) That would be lovely 4) That's very kind of you, ©) This Is delicious! | Thank you so much, in urmatoarele situatii ce expresii (a-f) credeti c& veti folosi? Bifati (Y) sub litera corespunzitoare din tabel. Someone offers to carry your bags, 2 Someone cooks something special for you. 3. Someone gives you a present. 4 Someone thanks you for helping them. 5 Someone leaves your home after a party. 6 Someone invites you out for the evening. | ‘Acum verificati-va réspunsurile cu dialogurile din tnregistrare, Cititi aceste formule de Mncheiere pentru scrisori meee ke cee | Love Yours sincerely with love Yours faithfully (when Love from the letter begins Lots of love Dear Sit/Madern) Best wishes | all the best | ‘Acum gasiti formula de introducere aferenta formulei de incheiere: Dear Mr Parkinson a) Lots of love 2 Dear Sir by) Yours faithfully 3 Dear Camilla } Yours sincerely 4 Dear Mum d) Best wishes 5 Cititi aceste doua scrisori, Care este catre un prieten apropiat? Catre cine este cealalta? Care este scopul fiecareia? ‘Completati aceasta scrisoare de multumiri citre o pretend, folosind expresii din chenar. Sunday, l6th March Dear Marina, for a delicious meal last night. What a wonderful BOK sacriersenssal What about dinner at the Mango Restaurant Atl ‘could pick you up at six from your house , and. g0 toa club afterwards. .. know. Hany Getting to know you ex) What do you look like? | Cum va descrieti infatisarea in propria limba? Vorbiti despre ochi, pr si aspectul general? Aceste cuvinte descriu toate Infitisarea unei persoane. Putetiverifica ce inseamni in Word Bank. short thin big small blond dark bald tall good-looking fat pretty medium-build blue grey black brown longhair) fit curly (hatr) 2. Acum puneti cuvintele tn urmatoarele categori: Cord Pres Cor General é ented good-looking 3 Privitifotografille (a-f) si gasiti-le corespondentul in descrierile 1-6 de mai jos. F e é e © e 1 He's tall with grey hair. e 2. She's very pretty with long blond hair, 3. They both have long curly hair and big blue eyes. O 4. He's thin but he looks ft Me 5. She's got short, dark halt and glasses. 6 He's bald and he's got a beard And leaga dou’ propozitii simi Buf leaga doua afirmatil, cand a doua ‘She's tll and she's got Blond fair. afirmatie modifica informatia deja data de prima. He’ a big man, but fe's not fat. 4. Potrivitiafirmatiile 1-6 cu at pentru a face propoziti cu but. 1 She is sixteen a) but he's not very fit. 2 He's young b) but mydaughter’s eyes are brown, 3. We're in our forties now 6) but she looks twenty-one 4 Those girls are in their twenties 4) but they act like teenagers. 5 Ive got blue eyes €) but he looks much younger. 6 He's fifty years old 4) but we still feel young! 5 Alegeti and sau but pentru a completa urmatoarele propeziti 1 He is thirteen he's a teenager now. 2 tm LOmetres tall 1'm shorter than my brother he's nearly 2 metres! 3. She has brown eyes she's very pretty. 4. My parents are ol, they are both very fit 5 He's big man, he's not fat. 6 She's nineteen she's a student. 20 minutes+ Ascultati-o pe Gloria descriindu-l pe noul ei sef si comp’etati propezitille: 1 He's got . eyes and .ssessesen hal, 2 He's a big man, but he's not 3 He's taller than my .... 4 He's quite wo... ‘Scrieti trei propozitii pentru a va descrie pe dumneavoastra Insiva: Getting to know you Soy Likes and dislikes (I) | Ce va place sice nu va place? Diagrama de mai jos prezinti cateva cuvinte pe care le puteti folosi in acest sens, La nevoie puteti cauta cuvintele In Word Bank. f 2. Ascultati ce spun aceste persoane despre ce le place $i ce nu si bifati (¥) lucrurile despre care vorbesc. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 where they live where they live where they live their job their job their job sport i sport sport holidays holidays holidays: animals animals animals family family family 3 Ascultati din nou si stabiliqi ce le place si ce nu. Propozitille acestea sunt adevarate (V) sau false (X) ? | Speaker I dislikes the people he works with, Wo 2 He likes getting time off. = RD Power 12 OFF Lip 4. Speaker 2 likes being with her children. | fu munging Met Oh care 4 She doesn't lke her job. overtime: ore sup 5 Speaker 3 likes living in the town, 6 He likes dogs. 4. Completati aceste propozitii de doua ori. Intai cu un cuvant apoi cu unul sinonim cu hate, 11 JPME... plaza, 1 hate. pizza 2 He his job. He esesseesee his fob, 3 I think football is 7 | think football is .. 4 They getting up early. They ooocscesnes getting up early 5 Taccccsesse- going to the dentist. 1 going to the dentist, 6 She's got a. car She's Gora oso soe Ca 20 minutes+ Scrieti cinci propozitii despre activitati sau lucruri care va plac sau va displac. 1 Getting to know you Lesson 16 Likes and dislikes (2) Ayn 1 Cum faceti cunostinta cu n< (Y f (¢ ( F : _ rtreryere a tara dumnes > x if A\ meen renner Mer rp le vi duceti ca s& va relaxati si me Bie | ti si 58 va distrati? Worn p, Le 2 Cititi aceste irae tien aoa ‘ ste mesaje de chat pe internet si subliniati unde nicer eae inane tele care exprima placere sau neplacere: ae! cooper ae tone I am 2 Tools Rooms Join Search Sorgii> Kirsty. | hope you don't mind if tall you a bit about myself. As you know, my name R is Sergii Bekker and | come from Tallinn in Estonia, I'm here in London because my father works for a British company. We live in Dulwich in south London. It's a nice part of the ‘ city with some lovely houses and parks. | miss my friends in Tallinn but | don't tke Tallinn, especially in the winter when it gets very col. England is fantastic for me because I want 10 tbo an English teacher and | can spend a lot of time learning English here. | enjoy reading I English books. | think a great way to leam is fo rave English friends. My problem is that | find it difficult to meet many English people because | don't like going to pubs and clubs very much, | like talking on the internet and | hope you do, 100. 3. Completati tabelul despre Sergii si Kirsty. Le ne ee London living at home 4. Gasiti aceste verbe in mesaje. Puteti cduta in Word Bank ce Inseamna Alegeti verbul corect pentru a completa urmatoarele propo: rh. you lle your new job. 2 Tike travelling but | my home and family 3 De you to watch TV tonight? 4 Doccecsssesesseeee YOU get this letter tomorrow. a tohave lone hair 6 Happy Birthday! We ....... os. You have a great day. =< Because introduce un motiv pentru un So lntieduce 6 consecing’ pentru un anaimit. ein London Because my fate wors fora My aut esi Dali, 5 nw it gute well ‘British company. ‘See Grammar Bank 5. Gasiticelelalte exemple in mesaje. Getting to know yo! Le SStee Applying for a job (2) 1 Cum va prezentati unui potential angajator? Ce lucruri pozitive puteti spune despre dumneavoastra? Aceste cuvinte sunt folosite pentru a descrie calitéti personale. Puteti cduta in Word Bank ce Inseamna fiecare. polite tty to understand happy good with people hard-working get on with 2. Cititi urmatorul extras din cererea de angajare a lui Thomas Wood si rispundet! la Intrebarile despre el 1 Why does Thomas think the job could be useful for him? It could help him to prepare for studying .. at 2 What personal skills does he have? 3 What does he like about Freshco Supermarkets? 7. Tell us why you want to join Freshco Supermarkets and why you think ‘you are suitable for this type of work. Zam inlerested in verking fer Freshco because 3 wor to have Some experience of Working in a large. Supermarket | chain. I plon waverly Re hugy Eases na ems so this ae help me te prepare f 1 thie T om good with people ond I like to help custemers I Lec Heh T Son were ord cod yeh on ote tod coor salt T alse know that Fresheo is a great place to work: ond the stall ore hoppy. 3. Ascultati mai departe interviul lui Thomas Wood la Freshco si completati urmatoarea parte a formularului ‘8. What do you do when a) a customer is rude to you? I thine IFS important to be emnune and not to get angry. J listen to them and try to earns bem to put it right. If I can’t then I ask Somebody Such as the ») its time to go home and you still have work to finish? T tell the manager that Tu. the job and bow oun cK T stay and do = to Fish Grammar: Articolul nehotairat a este folosit pentru Articolul hotarat the este folosit ceva sau cineva nedeterminat: pentru ceva sau cineva determinat Have you gota jb? (orice sujba) helristttbeitg Fresco is a supermarket chain, (Exist& si alte lanturi ThE manager at this store is nev. (Exista un singur de supermarketuri.) manager.) sau pentru a descrie ocupatia unei persoane: Wha’ the problem? (Stim c& exista o anumita problema.) Hes a doctor Articolul nehotéirat an este folosit pentru cuvinte care Incep cu o vocal’ (ae io sau 1), 1 dontt want an office jo ‘She's an engineer. See Grammar Bank 4 Completatl aceste propozifil cu a, an sau the 1 She's doctor and her sister works in office. 2 Igot letter and invitation today. _ letter is from my son and ..... invitation is to Director's dinner, 3 We live in centre of town, but it... great place to meet people and make friends 4 Thaven't got... ‘Tv, but | have got computer and | like talking on .- intemet. 5 Ifyou've got problem, you can tell ‘manager about it, He's very good with people 20 minutes+ Scrieti raspunsurile dumneavoastré la aceste Intrebais, I What do you do when a customer is rude to you? 2. What do you do when it’s time to go home and you still have work to finish? l Getting to know you (..onas More family talk | Cine e ruda dumneavoastra favorité? Ce va place la aceasta? Cu care din urmatoarele cuvinte ati descrie-o? (Puteticauta in Word Bank ce inseam fiecare) funny kind. NX interesting a good listener 2. Veti auzi o fata vorbind despre rudele ei. Gasiti in propozitille de mai jos pe cele corespunzatoare celor patru rude. 2} works in a hospital f lives in London by doesn't get angry 8) is an interesting person ©) loves his job hy) wants to listen to me 4) lives with my aunt and uncle 1) Is very funny sometimes €) always brings me something nice _)_is younger than me 1 My father Oo 2 My grandmother 3. My brother 4 Myuncle Harry 3. Ascultati din nou si stabiliti daca aceste propozitii sunt adevarate (V), false (X) sau (2) deoarece fata nu spune. ‘Tre (7) False (X) Don't know (?) | Her father works very hard. Oo O 2 She lives in England with her mother. O O 3. Her grandmother isa good listener [ 4 Her grandmother lives in the same town. { 5 Her brother isin the same class. 1 6 Her brother is twelve and his name is Mark. J 7 Uncle Harry is her father’s brother. 8 J Uncle Harry is an actor and he lives in London. oO a 4. Completati propozitille cu forma corecté a verbului dinte paranteze. TSHE oo csssessss- (miss) her father very much when he is away, 2 The boy with blond hair (go) to the same school as his sister. 3 Her grandmother .............. (Ike) to see her at the weekend, 4 My boyfriend always... (bring) me flowers. 5 She -osseesee (do not mind) living with her parents, 6 Harry (get) on very well with his sister 7 He (have) a job in Paris, Getting to know you ese) Seaside Mystery: Part 2 ‘The story so far: Yoshiko is a new student at the Greenwood language school in Brighton. Carlos and Peter are students at the school, too. They meet Yoshiko at a party for new. students. Yoshiko can't go to the beach with Carlos and Peter after the party, because her landlady, Mrs King, wants her to come home at six o'clock. Carlos and Peter say goodbye to, Yoshiko. They think Mrs King is a difficult woman. Raspundeti la urmatoarele Intrebarl legate de povestire, 1 Who are Peter and Carlos? 2 Where is the language school? 3 Why does Yoshiko go home after the party? 4 What do Peter and Carlos do after the party? 5 What do they think about Mrs King? 2. Urmitoarele cuvinte si expresii apar in partea a doua a povesti Bifati-le (V) pe cele pe care le cunoasteti deja. Vedeti daca puteti ce inseamna celelalte, ascultand povestirea. @ 3. Ascultati povestirea si potriviti intre ele cele dou’ jumaati ale urmatoarelor propozitit. 1 Peter wants to ‘too busy to see them 2 Carlos’ gitfriend where Yoshiko lives, 3 Peter knows is in fove with Yoshiko 4 They knock Mrs King is busy. 5. Mrs King Mrs King is tude. 6 She says Yoshiko Is about Yoshiko. 7 Peter thinks that ‘on the door 8 Carlos thinks that ‘comes from Spain. 9 Carlos thinks Peter ‘opens the door 10 Peter is worried ‘90 to the beach before it gets dark. 4. Gésititrei exemple cu ,Let" In transcrierea inregistréri parti a doua din Seaside Mystery. Stage 1 West. Check your progress Aceasta lectie va da prilejul s& exersati ce ati invatat pana acum. ‘Verificati-va raspunsurile si vedeti ce progrese ati facut. Scrietl-va punctajul in chenare. Ges 1 Completati acest formular folosind cuvinte si expresii din chenarul de m: First names .. Family name Address: 7 Longmarket, .....+..::++sss++++++++ 8001, South Africa Telephone number E mail address Your date of birth Your age in years on Ist September 2005 Your sex Nationality South African 12/4/84 21 years. © Mayo 021348675 Female Cape Town GlloriaJane —_ 2. Gasiti in coloana din dreapta propozitiile corespunzatoare activitatilor 1-7. 1 leaving a message a) He's very tall with grey hair 2 expressing appreciation b) Do come to my party. 3. ending a letter @) Hove to dance 4 inviting someone d) With lots of love 5. describing someone €) hate football 6 saying what you like f) Please phone me later, 7 saying what you don’t like '8) Thank you for a wonderful evening Serr scone ’ CELT 3. Folositi dou’ din aceste cuvinte pentru a descrie fiecare persoan’ din imaginile de mai jos. Folositi cuvintele o singura dat’ thin pretty young angry fat bald worried happy 24 2h Grammar 4 Completati acest tabel. 5. Completati propozitiile cu unul dintre aceste verbe in forma corecté | What a wonderful cook you ' be lock get_— think do 2We to the beach every day. He) eae yr aaateaB 3 he got brown hair? 4 We forward to meeting you all 5 Let's St again sometime, 6 She to understand what their problens are. 71 that it's a great place to work. 8 She 2 cheque for $2000 every week 9 He ‘getting time off 10 Carlos his girlftiend every day, TOTAL Erne re eee et 140

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