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A research in 8 graders Negeri 2 Sugio Lamongan

A research in 8 graders has been conducted in SMP Negeri Sugio Lamongan.

It shows that the students still have low achievement in physics. It is caused by the
students problems in understanding the lesson and the learning proses based on
teacher center. The
research is in the form of qualitative descriptive with
randomized control group pretest postest design. Its purpose is to describe 8
graders achievement after implementing group to- group exchange in learning
vibration and wave. The data analysis technique uses the similarity test of 2
averages (t-score). It is a test for one or two variable. The analysis result of two
variable data in yhe first, second and thirt on control class is t = 2,6; t = 2,19 and t
= 2,42. While the t table for one variable test is 1,76 and significance level is o,o5. It
shows that the achievement in VIII A, VIII B, and VIII c is different from control class
because it shows tcount > ttable . the analysis result of one variable in first, second and
thirt experiment classes on control class is t = 2,68; t = 2,19 ; t = 2,42. While t table
for one variable is 1,76 and the sicnificance level is 0,05. Is shows that the
achivement in experiment classes is better than control class because tcount > ttable . it
can beconcluded that students who study by implementing group to group
exchange has better achivement than student who dont implement the learning
Keyword : group-to-group exchange method students achivement, vibration and

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