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Term 2 2015 (Week 2)

Warm Up

Translate the following paragraph into Japanese (romaji) in your


Louise is 42. She is a 1st grade teacher. She works Monday to Friday at a
small school in Sydney. She likes playing tennis and reading books. She is
studying Italian and French.
On the weekends she always goes to the market with her mother to buy
vegetables. She also buys meat and fish there. She walks (around) the
market with her mother for about 1 hour every Saturday morning. They
buy lots of food. She goes to the market by car because the shopping is
Louises mother is from Spain. She is 65 and doesnt work. She is good at
cooking. She cooks dinner for Louise every night. She wants to teach
cooking to Louise, but Louise doesnt like cooking. She likes eating!

Listen to the questions about the above text and answer in


-tara form
Conditional form; (when/if).

Similar to the -eba form

Start with plain past form, and add ra

Make the tara conditional form from these verbs.



To open



To put



To write



To work



To stand



To wait



To sell
To send



To close



To make



To climb



To run



To cut
To ride



To stop



To sit

To be in trouble
To cross



To turn



To paste/stick ________________


Translate the following into Japanese (romaji) on the lines

1. When I went to her house, she wasnt home.

2. When Thomas went home, his dog was sleeping on his bed.
3. If I has practiced every day, I would be able to play that piece.
4. If I cut up the fruit, the children will eat it.
5. If I go by bus, it will be quick.
6. If I run, my leg hurts.
7. If I play with the dogs, they get tired and sleep.

8. When my husband cooks, the kitchen gets really messy.

9. When I wash my car, it always rain.



When I come home, Ill call my mum.



If you stick it in your notebook, it will look beautiful.



When you cross the road, the bank will be on the left.



If you turn left here, we will be in trouble.



If you sit there, you will be cold.



If you close the door it will be warmer.


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