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To your question; there are some rules that should always be followed in ideal

circumstances regardless of caste or creed. 1) Cremate anyone who is not

enlightened. Bury or entomb enlightened masters. The body will hold the vital body
close to it and may keep the soul of the departed from being able to rise on the
planes for quite some time. Thus unless the departed is an enlightened master who
has freedom in his spiritual bodies, it is always best to cremate and force the soul to
sever its connections to the body. 2) Making simple offerings such as lighting
candles and offering prayers for the soul to rise are always good practices. 3)
Catholic Rites for the deceased are always good. 4) To help with the passing it is
best not to mourn too much, and to make offerings to give the soul energy to pass
to higher planes, make prayers for angels, saints and other positive beings to
intercede for the soul and carry it to higher planes. Ideally if the person is a
theurgist they can perform special offerings and ceremonies to specifically raise the
vibration of the soul to a higher plane.

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