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1995 "Return" to Chrysler[edit]

In 1995, Iacocca assisted in billionaire Kirk Kerkorian's hostile takeover of Ch

rysler, which was ultimately unsuccessful. The next year, Kerkorian and Chrysler
made a five-year agreement which included a gag order preventing Iacocca from s
peaking publicly about Chrysler.[10]
In July 2005, Iacocca returned to the airwaves as Chrysler's pitchman,[1] along
with celebrities such as Jason Alexander and Snoop Dogg, to promote Chrysler's "
Employee Pricing Plus" program; the ads reprise the "If you can find a better ca
r, buy it" line, Iacocca's trademark of the 1980s. In return for his services, I
acocca and DaimlerChrysler agreed that his fees, plus a $1 donation per vehicle
sold from July 1 through December 31, 2005, would be donated to the Iacocca Foun
dation for diabetes research.
Chrysler's 2009 bankruptcy[edit]
In an April 2009 Newsweek interview, Iacocca reflected on his time spent at Chry
sler and the company's current situation. He said:[11]
This is a sad day for me. It pains me to see my old company, which has meant so
much to America, on the ropes. But Chrysler has been in trouble before, and we g
ot through it, and I believe they can do it again. If they're smart, they'll bri
ng together a consortium of workers, plant managers and dealers to come up with
real solutions. These are the folks on the front lines, and they're the key to s
urvival. Let's face it, if your car breaks down, you're not going to take it to
the White House to get fixed. But,

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