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He rose from the black bushes like a solid shadow of death.

nightmarish yellow eyes stared at me with hatred. His enlarged pointed nostril
flared as mucous dripped from its depth. His muscled hairy torso expanded to
proportions of unbelievable massiveness. His arms were like tree trunks that
ended in sharp huge claws. From behind me, I heard Deanna scream and my
fear increased for our safety. With foolishness or machismo bravado overcoming
my anguish, I clenched my fists and prepared, if not to save my life, to at least
save Deannas.
The wolf-like creature ripped through the shrubs; his almost human hooves
inching closer to me. His putrid breath an abomination. He glared at me with a
grin of hellish confinement. A grin that grew and grew until all I could see were
fangs crisscrossing other sharp fangs. Heavily steel-like jaws stretched beyond
comprehension. He tilted his ponderous head and howled with blood-dripping
thunder from a throat that was neither human nor animal, more of a demon
spawned in the darkest and deepest gutters of Hell.
His bellow destroyed what was sacred and holy in this world. His knife-like
claws slashed at me, and like a mere puppet, I was thrown across the open
meadow. My breath escaped from my lungs and added a tension of agonizing
panic. I rolled to my knees and searched for something to support me and to
give me strength. To my delirium, what I found were the fast-moving legs of the
freak. He grabbed me in his claws and lifted me at least eight feet off the
ground. I struggled for freedom, but the more I battled the deeper his claws cut
into my back.

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