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Juan Enrico M.

Ambrocio 2012-38446
History 2 | MHE | MTh 1:00-2:30 P.M.

The Jews have been very beneficial to the world and to the different societies.
History is about understanding the significant events in the past and using what
is understood as basis for building a better society. The papers focus is on the
benefits that have been brought by the Jews. Jews are oftentimes regarded as bad
people because they have different beliefs in which the majority of the other religions
do not relate to. This paper aims to provide a positive outlook upon the Jewish race,
because it also promotes the concepts of cultural relativism.
Why is the topic argumentative?
Most of the people have a negative outlook upon the Jews, promoted by the
Holocaust and Nazism.
Approach: Against the majority
1 Jews- a person belonging to the worldwide group claiming descent from Jacob
(or converted to it) and connected by cultural or religious beliefs.
2 Torah - (in Judaism) The law of God as revealed to Moses and recorded in the
first five books of the Hebrew scriptures (the Pentateuch).
3 Interfaith Marriage- traditionally called mixed marriage, is marriage (either
religious or civil) between partners professing different religions.
Are there any Jews that are famous for being a great person?
Sub-Thesis: The Jewish People has produced some of the greatest thinkers,
psychiatrists, inventors, jurists, therapists, doctors, philosophers, scientists,
theologians, writers, artists, actors, merchants, entrepreneurs, singers and song
writers, filmmakers - and comedians - the world has known.

Niels Henrik David Bohr was a Danish physicist who made fundamental
contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum mechanics, for
which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922.

Sigmund Freud, born Sigismund Shlomo Freud, was an Austrian psychiatrist who
founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology. Freud is best known for his
theories of the unconscious mind and the defense mechanism of repression and
for creating the clinical practice of psychoanalysis for curing psychopathology
through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst.
Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions regard Abraham as the founding
patriarch of the Israelites, Ishmaelites and Edomite peoples. He is widely
regarded as the patriarch of Judaism and monotheism. Abraham means High
Father, coming from the Aramaic words Aba Rama.
Jesus of Nazareth is the founding figure of Christianity and Christianity is the
religion that shaped Europe, and much of the world as a consequence. As the
largest religion in the world, there is no doubt that Christianity is still making an
impact to this day.
Gustav Mahler was a composer and conductor, born in Bohemia (formerly part of
the Austrian Empire, currently located in the Czech Republic), and identified
throughout his life as a German-speaking Austrian. Mahler was best known
during his own lifetime as one of the leading orchestral and operatic conductors
of the day.

Does the belief of the Jews have a positive effect towards the advancement of the
Sub-Thesis: Judaism emphasizes life as it is lived on earth, rather than the afterlife,
importance is placed on working to repair - even perfect - the world; to struggle against
injustice, to make life better for all, especially the poor and oppressed. Aside from this,
Jews are also known to become good businessman and woman that help the world in
its advancement in terms of the economy.

Majority of the Jewish community protest to support freedom, justice and wellbeing for all peoples. It is part of the fabric of being Jewish.

The fact that Jews were long a minority subject to discrimination is sometimes
given as a reason for their tendency to devote themselves to commerce,
finance, and the professions. Yet not all minorities long subject to discrimination
necessarily succeed under conditions of market competition.

Moreover, in much of Europe, Jews had long been excluded from most of the
established economy of land ownership, and from many other fields that were
reserved for Christians. So they learned to be on the lookout for new
opportunities in underserved markets, working as peddlers, for example, or
creating new products, or new forms of marketing.

Are there any good reasons that answer why interfaith marriages are not allowed
in the Jewish race?
Sub-Thesis: The good reasons are not only stated in the Torah, but it is also shown and
portrayed in our present society. The fact that the Jews are people who strictly adhere to
their beliefs and practices means that interfaith marriage could only lead to conflict if
these practices arent followed.

if something is important to you, why would you marry someone who doesn't
share it? Certainly, the statistics show that intermarried Jews are overwhelmingly
less likely to be involved in Jewish activities: 85% of Jewish couples have or
attend a Pesach seder, while only 41% of intermarried Jews do; 66% of Jewish
couples fast on Yom Kippur while only 26% of intermarried Jews do; 59% of
Jewish couples belong to a synagogue while only 15% of intermarried Jews do.
This shows how the reason for the disapproval of interfaith marriages roots to the
Jews protectiveness upon their beliefs and traditions.
Where will you get married, who will perform the ceremony and how will it be
performed? Most movements of Judaism don't allow interfaith marriages to be
performed in their synagogues, nor do they allow their rabbis to perform interfaith
marriages, and before you casually dismiss this as bigotry, let's remember: you're
the one who is imposing your beliefs (or lack of beliefs) on them, not the other
way around. You're asking them to put a religious stamp of approval on an act
that has nothing to do with their religion.
Different religions have different holidays. A conflict would arise in a family of
intermarried parents during times when these holidays coincide. The family
would not be able to celebrate these holidays together because they always have
to make a choice upon which to attend to.
Just like any other religion, the Jews have their own way of raising their children.
It would be hard to decide upon which set of rules, in accordance with the
different religions, would serve as a guideline for raising their children.


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