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In this I will write about how Music helped Brazil and how it was
introduced to the western countries.
Lets start with the Slave Era and how music had its role in it.
As we know in the 17th to the 18th centuries, slavery was
present, where American colonies took African families and
traded them for money which lead to such things as the
American Civil war, and building of new Colonies, But enough
about that lets talk about the Music and how it had it role in
there. Different music had different roles during these times,
For example Capoeira, though it is not really considered as a
music genre, it was created to distract the slave owners and
make them think that the people that are doing capoeira are
dancing, in which they were but, they
were doing different acrobatic moves and
involving a lot of kicks to train
themselves. The music was played
through a berimbau, which was created by
attaching a gourd in one end of a bow and
you have one steel string tied around each
end and people would play it by holding a
stick and a caxixi that contained a stone in it and they would hit
the string hard or soft depending on how loud or quiet they
wanted it to be.
During the dancing, the lyrics that were created were to
disorient the slave owners since they sung in Brazilian, most of
the songs during the slave era contained lyrics that planned on
how to escape and disrespecting the slave owners and since
the slave owners did not know, most of them did not mind it, as
a matter of fact some of them wanted to join in to see what
they do. Since social gatherings were not really accepted by
some slave owners, people had to think of an initiative which
was the Roda, a circle where capoeira was taken place in,

where sometimes they would get carried away and forget about
the situation they had during the
time. Capoeira music since then
developed with adding more
instruments such as the
pandeiro, the agogo and the
atabaque which created
diversity in the songs.

As we can see, for the Brazilian

culture, different music had
different roles, but what other
Brazilian Genre had its role in
the culture. I would say that that Samba had its role in the
culture since it basically moulded the crazy culture that is
Brazil. The year 1917 is considered the official birth of samba,
a mixing of maxixe with rhythmic phrases of the Bahia folklore.
Samba was after spread throughout Brazil dominating the
carnival and the whole
(Quote taken from
Samba created different dances and different sub genres like
for example there is a sub-genre called the Carnival samba in
which it is created for the different Samba Marches, these
Samba marches bring everyone together for a big party and
enjoy the Brazilian culture that is fun and eccentric.

We can never understand Music from a different background

unless you go look at it in very in depth detail. There are still
many secrets and many things still to be discovered about
some of the Brazilian music Genres and dances. These genres
have different feels to it, different beats, syncopations,
melodies, instruments to create something unique that defines
the culture that Brazil is. Most people dont know that the
berimbau exists, some people dont even know why it exists. It
all defines Brazil through music and how they contain sounding
songs from any other genre and culture. Which brings me to
another point, we shouldnt really Judge these genres, because
they sound different from the songs we usually listen to, these
genres create happiness and joy to other people like for
example look at the Carnival samba, look at how much joy it
brings to people and how it involves everyone in this one big
march and Dance, or for example look at how capoeira helped
the slaves with communicating and socialising. If we observe
how the culture deals with the music, we could understand on
why it is important for them, but we could never judge them for
listening and creating the genres that they have created.
The Brazilian culture has been influenced by the western music
by introducing such things as Brazilian rock and metal, as well
as Brazilian pop and hip hop, which made some of the Brazilian
society listen more to such things at rock, metal, pop and hip
hop etc. but the culture hasnt changed much and as for the
Western music, it has been influenced by non- western music
by sampling the cultures songs into making a song today, and
most modern pop songs use different genres to make their
song be more unique than any other song.

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