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A federal judge in Brooklyn, New York issued an emergency stay on Saturday that

temporarily blocks the U.S. government from sending people out of the country af
ter they have landed at a U.S. airport with valid visas.
Setback to climate action plans
That Donald Trump s scepticism about climate change will adversely impact policies
to address global warming became abundantly clear minutes after his swearing-in
as U.S. President. The White House website quickly deleted all mention of clima
te change. Turning its attention to other agencies, the Trump administration ins
tructed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to
The American Civil Liberties Union estimates the stay will affect 100 to 200 peo
ple detained at U.S. airports or intransit, but government lawyers could not con
firm that number.
Banking on good faith
The arrests by the Central Bureau of Investigation of former IDBI officials are
worth noting for timing, intent and implications. The agency is investigating th
ese officials, who had been at the helm of the public sector bank s affairs eight
years ago, on charges of facilitating a ?900-crore loan to the now-defunct Kingf
isher Airlines without due diligence. Two days after the arrests

The ruling by Judge Ann Donnelly of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern Dist
rict of New York came during a hearing called after President Donald Trump issue
d an executive order blocking people from seven Muslim-majority from entering th
e United States and putting a temporary halt to refugee admissions.
Banking on good faith
The arrests by the Central Bureau of Investigation of former IDBI officials are
worth noting for timing, intent and implications. The agency is investigating th
ese officials, who had been at the helm of the public sector bank s affairs eight
years ago, on charges of facilitating a ?900-crore loan to the now-defunct Kingf
isher Airlines without due diligence. Two days after the arrests

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