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Tara Hamilton

ED 271
May 22, 2016
Journal 4

The past 2 weeks really hit home for me how much I have grown and learned from my
work in this classroom. A few weeks ago I mentioned in a journal how during safety drills we
normally move our students outside in advance to limit complications, but I wasnt sure if we
would be prepared for a real situation. Well, we got a chance to react when the fire alarm went
off unplanned at the end of the day while we had a substitute teacher with us. We were able to
get our students safely and calmly outside and it was all due to teamwork and knowledge of the
process. I feel much more confident now about handling emergencies.
Another thing that happened was I had an interaction with one of the paras I work with
that was positive. I went to put a student on the bus that in the past I wouldnt have because he is
known to get physical at times. The para asked me if I was sure, and I didnt even think twice
about it. After the kids were gone he and I spoke about it. He mentioned how back in February
they all could tell I was overwhelmed and unsure of what to do at times. He said now though, I
am just another part of the team and that if I had all my trainings he is confident I would be
able to handle all situations or tasks as they arose. That really meant a lot to me. To hear that I
am doing well with this role.
I have started to take on more small-group work and 1-on-1 tasks with the students. I
often work with the two most advanced readers on facilitating read-aloud and completing
worksheets. During this time I listen to the students alternate reading pages to one another. I will
assist with pronunciation only if they request help. My goal is to have them both be comfortable
taking turns, speaking clearly, and learning new vocabulary. I then assist them with completing a
worksheet that ties to their reading. Sometimes I help them to write sentences, other times we
match things or draw pictures of vocabulary words. 1-on-1 tasks that I do include helping
students create patterns of blocks, work on fine motor skills like tracing and cutting with
scissors, and have helped one student with learning to quickly and efficiently do household tasks
like washing dishes.

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