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Discussion Week 6

Post one comment about the course content this week and respond to at least one of your
classmate's comments this week.

One thing that really stuck with me this week was how behavior problems can be
manifested from communication difficulties. In my classroom I work with children who have
limited or no verbal communication skills. There are many times throughout the day where a
student takes my hand and pulls me somewhere, makes loud yelling noises, or even hits/kicks to
get my attention. I have learned from the other staff and parents that they are ways that they are
saying Hey! Listen to me! In a normal class, this would be completely unacceptable behavior.
In this room, while it is still considered unacceptable the staff recognize it for what it is and are
working with the students individually to teach them appropriate ways to get their message
across. I get to see daily how behavioral interventions and speech and language disabilities are
based off one another.

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