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Figure Me Out


Students look at board to find math facts about substitute

Things like: My birthdate, How many people are in my family,
Write down simple (or not, depending on grade/ability) math
equations that lead to answers!-50-fabulousideas-finds-and-tips-for-4th-grade/
Multiplication War

Students are in pairs, can divide 1 deck of cards between 2

Each student has half the deck
Each flips over 1st card, multiply those numbers in head
1st student to say correct answer wins that round
Flip Three

Cards are placed face down in rows/columns

Students take turns turning 3 cards over (randomly pick cards)
If student can make an equation with the cards they picked, they
keep those cards
If they cant, they flip them back over
Player with the most amount of cards wins
Area Dice Game

Students are in pairs, and each pair has a set of dice and a
piece of graph paper
Students take turns rolling dice, the 2 numbers they roll are used
to calculate the area
Once area is calculated, students draw/fill in the appropriate
number of squares on the graph paper
Whoever covers the most area (can add up totals as you go)
Pass the Pigs

Students are in pairs, and each pair has 2 pigs

Students take turns rolling (tossing) the pigs, and seeing which
way the pigs landed on their desks/floor/table
Students can look at the score sheet to determine how many
points they received for their roll (they can keep track on a scrap
piece of paper)
Teacher can decide when game is over (first to 100 points, first
to get 5 of same roll in a row)

Can find pigs here:

Can find instructions here:

Math About Me

Students use math facts about themselves to fill out worksheet

Appropriate for primary grades
$100 Word Challenge

Great way to review concept of money

Students look at each letter, and what the associated value is
Answer questions such as What word is worth $100?
Connect 4

Students are in pairs

Player 1 rolls 2 dice
Adds numbers together
Fills in answer on sheet
Whoever gets 4 in a row first wins!
Multiplication Squares

Students are in pairs

Each has a different coloured pencil crayon
First player rolls 2 dice, multiplies the 2 numbers
Player will find the answer on the sheet, and draw a line on 1
side of the answer
The player to draw the last line around the answer gets to colour
in the number
Whoever has the most squares coloured wins
Students will need to be strategic with where they draw their
Multiplication/Division in the
World Around You

Students can go around the classroom (or playground,

Finding things that are faster to count using multiplication
Can do the same with division

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