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Kendall Lowery, Lauren Lyons, and Bella Segovia

Ms. George
Physical Science Block 6
21 May 2014
Wormholes are a very big hypothetical theory in the scientific
field. Wormholes are a rip in time and space potentially allowing
transportation from one area to another in our universe. With
wormholes people could be able to take long journeys in space.
Wormholes have not yet been proven but have lots of evidence
supporting their existence. Wormholes came into the minds of
scientist in the year 1935.
In the same year Albert Einsteins interest in astronomy brought
his eyes to the sky. Through out his years of looking up into space he
noticed some irregular disappearances in space. With these findings
in mind he created the theory of relativity. The theory of relativity
states that it is impossible to determine whether or not you are moving
unless you are looking at another object for a reference point. Also no
matter what you do to light it will stay at the same speed. But
scientists believe that wormholes can be very dangerous.
Some of the many hazards that come with wormholes include
sudden collapses, high radiation, and contact with exotic matter. A
sudden collapse of a wormhole means that some kind of matter has

passed through the wormhole therefore causing it to collapse in on

itself hence the disappearance of wormholes. The high radiation of a
wormhole is harmful to our bodies. Exotic matter is matter that has
somehow deviated from the norm and would have exotic properties,
which maybe harmful if your body was put into contact.

Some still

question how wormholes are formed.

Wormholes are said to be formed naturally. As soon as they are
formed most likely some space debris (matter) is bound to pass
through the wormhole. Therefore causing the wormhole to collapse in
on itself as described above. Wormholes seem very massive and
heavy compared to us on earth. The size and weight of the wormhole
tells that there must be a gravitational pull. Wormholes may be
hypothetical, but today they are still a very complex theory to think
and wonder about.
The exploration of wormholes could cause future journeys in
space. Wormholes cause a rip in time, the main points were
discovered by Einstein because of the theory of relativity, many
dangers, and are formed naturally with a gravitational pull. Still
scientists can not prove the where abouts of wormholes but one day
hope to insure their existence.

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