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LO Sons lam the boss of my body! ee erated and my parents’ cell phone number, too. eo a — = _ 2 RULES oi need help! FOR GROWN Kids VPS © | ates check rst ana get permission before |. go anywhere. change my plans. or take something. even if it's from someone I know. If | can't check first, the answer ic NO! = *- = -« -— > - 2 2 & Safe grownups don’t ack kids for help. They ge to ether adults for assistance. ZB wor I don’t have to be polite If someone makes me feel scared or uncomfortable. It’s okay to say NO! even to a grownup: or bigger kid if | have ta Everyone's “bathing sult areas” are private. No bathing sult area games are allowed. I never go anywhere or take anything from eomeone I don't know, no matter what they say. @ “eve: setiostin public placo, | can freeze and yell or go te a mom with kide and ask fer help @-@-e-e@-@e | always licten to my own Inner volce. especially if | get an Guh-oh” feeling -Pss I don't keep secrets from my parents. No one should tell a child to keep a secret from their parents, especially one that Involves their bodies

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