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Cityview Community School

3350 N. 4th St.

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55412

Michael Miller
Principal Intern

Phone: 612.668.2270


October 4, 2016
Dear Parents and Guardians:
At Cityview Community School, we believe that transparency and communication are important
components to serving you and your students. It is because of these beliefs that I am writing you to
inform you about a situation that occurred today at school.
During the lunch hour there was a disruption involving multiple students. Please know that the
situation was handled promptly and our priority was to ensure that all students were safe during the
disruption. While the staff monitoring the cafeteria responded quickly and appropriately, the
disruption did prevent some students from having enough time to finish their lunch. As a result, we
extended the lunch hour to ensure that every student received the nutrition he or she needed and
gave each student a pass back to class.
As a result of this disruption, we are going to make some changes to the staffing that is provided in
the cafeteria to prevent future disruptions from occurring. At Cityview Community School we are
committed to providing a safe learning environment for every student. We believe these changes
will do just that.
Tomorrow we will have counselors, social workers and administrators available if your student has
any concerns that they would like to discuss. I would also like to extend an invitation for you to
contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Please feel free to schedule an
appointment to visit with me, or you may call or email with your concerns.
Again I would like to reiterate that the disruption was handled quickly and appropriately and we are
taking specific steps to prevent any future disruptions. Please reach out to me with any questions or
concerns. We are looking forward to seeing your student tomorrow for a great day of learning!

Michael J. Miller

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