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The Eastern Woodland Indians are most

known for their prominent burial mounds.

These are places that they buried the dead.
Along with burial mounds, they were also
known for sophisticated grave goods. These
are offerings placed at a grave without the
intention of getting them back. This shows
that the Eastern Woodland Indians had a lot of
respect for the dead. The Eastern Woodland
Indians were also known for domestication of
dogs. There was a lot of war among these
people so they are also known for building log
walls around their villages. These walls have
doors and can open and close quickly in case
of attack. Lastly, this group is also known for
its deerskin clothing. This is because when
the European colonists came, they adopted
the style.

One main problem that the Eastern

Woodland Indians faced is that there was a lot
of war between tribes. Most of the fighting
was simply for territorial reasons. War inhibits
the development of an area and group
significantly. History shows that the times an
area thrives the most are times of peace, so it
makes sense that war was a major problem
for this group of people. The second main
problem the Eastern Woodland Indians faced
is disease from the Spanish and English. New
people brought about new disease to the
area. Since the Eastern Woodland Indians had
never been exposed to these diseases before,
their bodies had no way of fighting them off.
Since medicine was poor at best, many
people died. These deaths made it difficult to
continue development.

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