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Daniel Ruiz

LEI 4727
Activity: Crossword Puzzle with Slam Game
Source: Anne-Marie Cram of Maine Veterans Homes on February 13, 2010.
Porter, H. R. (2015). Recreational Therapy for Specific Diagnoses and
Conditions. Enumclaw: Idyll Arbor, Inc.
Equipment Needed: Scrabble Slam Card Game & Table
Activity Description:
1. Group of participants should consist of 4. Explain to residents that the cards will
be passed out to each of them. Cards are to be placed on the table in front of them.
These cards have letters on both sides, and there are cards which have been left
blank and should be used as a Wild Card.
2. Have residents pick a word to begin with, and start with one resident and inquire
as to whether they have the first letter of the word.
3. As the leader have residents place cards amidst the table. Head over to every
resident until the word is spelled out. Pick a letter from that word to begin another
4. At that point work your way up or down. Rehash the process having residents
thinking and spelling words alongside you. In the event that residents can put the
cards permit them the opportunity to do so.
5. Words are set up as you would in a crossword puzzle. Play until all the cards are
utilized or there are no other words that can be made up.
Leadership Consideration:
1. The objective when treating residents with Dementia using this activity is to help
develop their hand and eye coordination, socialization skills by participating in a
group setting. The activity specifically helps in letter and word recognition. My
goal is to promote the development of an active lifestyle and motivation to
participate by providing positive feedback to the resident for their involvement
and facilitating completion when needed during the activity to provide a sense of
accomplishment towards the end of the activity.
Participants with Traumatic Brain Injuries find interest and fulfillment with this
activity. The goal for me is to increase their level of concentration and attention
by concentrating on their cognitive functioning, decrease depression by promoting
socialization by partaking in a group to complete word puzzle, and working on
their hand-eye coordination by letting participants place cards in their
corresponding location within the puzzle.
2. The facilitator must always be aware of the residents involvement in the activity
and safety due to their irritability, nausea, depression, anxiety and emotional
mood swings that can occur due to the nature of the activity and its involvement
of cognitive stimulation. To add to the activity as a cognitive intervention and
deal with stress management, the facilitator might supply the resident with a
complex word to spell out and match it within the game, the goal is to help the
resident with proper spelling of words. The focus of the leisure activity for
participants with Dementia and TBI, specifically addresses their self-awareness,
self-esteem, personal control, and provide social support.

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