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Code of Nonviolence: “We ae fighting to dismantle te system of violence tats eng ‘nficed upon the ard and ts inbabitans by political and corporate powers that be; tlevilnc wich leds toe deacton of ert biodiversity and integnty, the torue and extinction ofits species, andthe oppression and genocide of its peoples, in the interests of capital profit. With Compassion and respect for all fe we will igh, by any means necessary, 10 end this violence’ of injustice" -Wild and Free -protect your escape routes by standing in front of them. “Bet those people wivo turned ino ‘spectators’ back into the rowd and moving around, Now they may just charge and start aresting. At least you are ina stronger position to deal and your escape routes are secured. Whatever happens next, don’t stand there waiting for it) Keep moving and acting defensively If they have blocked your only exit try. our avant ees novng you ist i, dhs ening moe space and opening up ore exis Use the frontline a solid wal inkling arms ata moving slowly forward. Use the banner asa plow his prevent them fom breaking the ln bt they ean stl it yo). -reforming: always look for ways to increase your numbers, by joining up vith oer groupe and absorbing staggers Everyone has to get oo and you'll sand a beter chane of geting out unarmed, with al our belongings 2nd equipmenc Ifyou eave ogeier the sar tine Snatch squads the police will often want to isolate and arrest individuals out ofa crowd. Groups of cops will surround person, and half of them will arrest while half wil standin ‘ont of them and hit anyone who will get in the way. Once they have the person, ese wl eae aay behind police 1. Keep the crowd moving together 2, Spot the squad forming and approaching 3 there isa target person, get himy/er the bell out ofthe area 4 Link arms in an impenetrable wall inthe squads’ path 5, Surround the squad once inthe erowd to intimidate them 6. Ifyou do get grabbed and pressure pointed, keep your head and arms moving. Don't fight them if you can kelp itor you ‘might be faced with assault charges too. 7) Barricades can be more hassle than they are worth. Impassable blockades may be an inconvenience to you when you need to rn. And remember whatever you put on the road, ‘you may be dragged over later, so leave out barbed wire. The best barricades are random material strewn allover 8) The best defense is chaos. If situations change constantly they cannot kevp up. Keep moving. Change your appearance. (Open new directions and possibilities. Be unpredictable. Basic police choreography ‘With any rowdy crowd, the police will be trying to break it up. ‘They will ty t0 disperse crowds using batoa line charges, horse charges, vehicles, gases and rubber/wooden bullets. The dance steps will include one or more of these: 1) Cops in ins wil surround you 2) ithe from the mile oro ie, the cop ines wl force ‘reryone onta the sidewalk ying to Crests spect’ and “actos ot of the coud 3) Bulonbocselgs attack to lower more 4) Loudspeaker, concusson grenades, bright ight $y changes il slowly pst crowd dowa he ine chases wl slowly posh the crowd down he see to where they want you (us of cop > fall back > stengthen lines repeat at Stop the lines from forming! ‘Surrounding you, preventing you from going where you want to 20, and pushing you down the street to where they want you 10.0. all require the police tobe in a tight line. Ttis important to prevent the frst lines from forming. Ifthe crowd seems volatile, they will hold back and form their Hines a distance away, But ifthe crovd is banging around looking confused land passive they will sneak in and form the lines amongst you. don’t stand and watch them. Keep moving, “don’t look like you'll let them anywhere near you. “spot gaps in the crowd and fill them, stick together. igure out where they want to go and get there first. “get long tarp banners to the front to stop them from advancing Or breaking the crow, “This guides otto show you how to incite or conduct ait. It des fot promate violence ory fo make mora judgments on theeffcary of eain ates oer oes. Nor dost sant 0 So th vari into of les’ aden ‘olenee” and para in thse arguments which lagu and Winder he atvst community. tis merely a comsplton of siggesiont on hn sel sie stato eee by pale violence and confrontation, one such asso has Secured. Trainings which consider towing and running as 20 of volene and advise you against hose aston have nt prepared us for police oveaction of recent (as we have seen Sising 118 Recline Sects and NBO ani WTO protests) ‘This guide esto lin, wher pial non-violence ranings tay leave out, patel advice on how to get ut of such ‘Tutons without going (jail rte hospital, and without ompromising your body or you voice, Yes, we live ina police state. Martial law is a reality. The cops are capable and overly willing to use excessive force to squeleh the messages of protesters and disperse any crowds gathered for the purpose of interfering with buSineS$ as usual. Going into a demo or a sueet paty, keep in mind tha they re much better equipped and trained for close combat than you. They sare confident thatthe law is behind them and against you. So beating the police is about outwitting them, not necessarily hitting them over the head, Know Thy Enemy----The objectives of the cops are: 1) To break the spirit ofthe crowd by intimidating and breaking up the crowd into ‘manageable’ portions. 2)To provoke violence to justify their own actions and to pick up ‘leaders’ 3) Stop the trouble spreading by surrounding the crowd. 4) Gather evidence for later ‘The sims of the protester — (isnot to “win’, but to be shuren ie) aa 1) You and you friends getaway safely, rater than fighting 2} Case enbersament an economic Gamage o yout orga! target, rater than fighting (your orginal target shouldnt be the cops) 5) Helping otters by administering fist ald and de-arestng, inter than iting Preparations before going into possible (dis)-order situation: Aly gp ae mal poop of peopl deny those who {Eno eachother well and ve worked tgeter inthe pas) ‘sho work ogether a unit as creumstances arise, MEstng beforehand to dso issues sad posible reactions wil theetecivens ofthe rou daring the rea hing. I afnity froups cannot be formed efor ging ot athe ast ave» Boddy ook ou forandact wi then when sation ace, resscode: Not that you want 1 be in full armor ata street party, but you want to be discrete and adaptable, in clothing that 4s easy o apply or discard, Things to consider 1) Surveillance: Masks make it dificuk to identify individuals and if everyone wears masks none wil stand out. Hoods will, ‘cover most of your face and baseball caps protect you from ‘most cameras mounted above. Sunglasses can give good ‘rotection against harmful rays including UV and CCTV. 2) Rubber ballets/Bean bag pellets: Placards and banners make ood shields, and light strips of plastic under clothing. (especially on the forearms) may help, The best protection, however may be a good pair of running shoes, 13) Gasses (pepper spray, tear gas, CS gas, etc): Lots of water toinse out your eyes and face. Baking soda in water or diluted vinegar help as a wash, i ho! shower, Getaway, let the wind blow i off your skin and Clothing. Of course gas masks or goggles would be most effective, but we have scen that Martial Law may make the [possession of such masks illegal and therefore another excuse for them to hassle yo, 4) Baton charges: Banners ean be usta as a barrier for police line charges. Use plastic tarps rather than sheets for banners, ‘Wrap the ends in around themselves so the police can easily rab ‘The Defensive: You should always be defending, Be securing 8 building or an escape route, strengthening your position on ‘he street, barricading or protecting and helping others. 1) Keep looking outwards from the crowd, If someone is being administered first ad, stand facing away from them 2) Form cordons around anything the police want. (buildings, Sound equipment, etc) 3) Practice dancing with your back tothe sound system, 4)Someone should watch the police from a good vantage point 4nd inform te crowd of plce movement 5) Sitting dovm is good for dissuading police charging but only ‘nlarge numbers. Sometimes siting isnot really worth it Horses are unpredictable. Particularly violent cops, especialy those employing gases or rubber bullets, may be dangerous to sitin front of, 6) Throwing isa defensive act. Itmay not be wise to throw stuff at the best of times, that will nly provoke them and make ‘hem want to hit you harder. Ifyou want to throw, do i Aefensively, strategically, and en masse-- a constant hail of debris will create a ‘sterile area’ where the police will ot want togo. Remember: don’t throw to attack or case injury. ‘Throw from the front and then disappear into the crowd. Only ‘wankers throw from the back. ~-ga8 canisters can be thrown or kicked back (or away from the crowd at least) before they explode. Be carefl! Don't pick up with bare hands as they can be very hot. They will explode.

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