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Friday, November 11, 2011

Last updated: 11.11.2011, 11:10 AM PST

Manifesto: Passive Aggressive

Occupy Portland, Oregon.





by Bob Levin, Investigative Journalist/FBI Whistleblower,

To be or not to be remains the question within the ending of Hamlet's world being written
today. Even though the local news media is falsely portraying the opposite, none of the
financial harm caused to downtown Portland businesses is attributable to the actual 99%
majority members within the Occupy Wall Street or Occupy Portland movement.
Good morning Comrades! Today I rise in complete solidarity with the human beings enslaved
within the virtual death camp and coast to coast gulag of America. Our republic has crumbled
beneath the goose-stepping heels of jackbooted thugs marching in lockstep with the lobbyist
pimps buying and selling congressional capos and deregulating government oversight to
perpetuate legalized corruption. This is treason by any standard and buttressed by the conversion
of the free press into a regurgitating propaganda ministry. This formula is embraced by the
masked outlaws of fascism and the false prophets for profits who espouse child sexual slavery in
the U.S. Territory of Saipan as the shining example of ratpublicon democracy. This six headed
monster with twelve hearts has privatized the profits while socializing the debt upon the broken
backs of the people who are forced to subsidize and thereby perpetuate their own self-inflicted
harm - the primary earmark of CIA torture programs. These swill sucking drecks have tried to
cause too many of our citizens look down for their enemies. Your enemies are above you! We only
need to raise our heads and witness those protected by Wall Street's shill, U.S. Attorney General,
Eric Holder who remains culpable with others for the criminal practice of selective prosecution.
Acutely I understand government corporatist corruption in its micro and macro concentrations
having remained a politically sanctioned and validated FBI Whistleblower for over a decade. The
way we do anything is the way we do everything and corruption anywhere collectively erodes the
fabric of good faith within global society. Government corruption comes in many forms to
victimize citizen populations. Speaking of city government corruption, the FBI and IRS are
investigating the City of Portland's parking office for a multitude of crimes involving kickbacks and
money laundering. There is a strong suspicion based in fact that the City of Portland could be
embroiled in a conspiracy to operate a towing racket that impounds and fines lawfully parked
vehicles using handicap placards through a mistake of fact caused by city's own misinformation.
As a victim of the City of Portland's racketeering practices, I will no longer spend my money with
businesses in the downtown area. The City of Portland robbed me of nearly $300.00 through a
total abuse of absolute authority. By comparison this was the thief's pebble that rippled away
several thousand dollars that I would have spent with downtown businesses. As a demonstration
of character, the City of Portland was recently chastised for diverting funds from the Water
Department that it used on other projects and certainly Mayor Sam Adams doesn't appear to
have lost any weight.
According to persons working within the downtown Portland area, many citizens have been
victimized by the City of Portland's towing and parking ticket practices and have taken their
business elsewhere. Speaking with one new American citizen who recently immigrated to the
U.S., she stated that her car was also towed and ticketed in downtown where she works as a
cleaner - "No habr una buena Navidad para mis hijos este ao"...Not a good Christmas this year
for my children.
Even though the local news media is falsely portraying the opposite, none of the financial harm
caused to downtown Portland businesses is attributable to the actual 99% majority members
within the Occupy Wall Street or Occupy Portland movement.

As a disabled middle-aged American citizen with legitimate fears preventing me from visiting the
downtown Portland area to spend my money with local businesses, this has everything to do with
the predatory conduct of the City of Portland and absolutely nothing to do with any person
involved within the Occupy Portland movement. My legitimate concerns for not spending money
with downtown Portland businesses is from being preyed upon like a cash cow by a parasite city
government with many codependent tentacles. This is why myself and several other citizens of all
ages have stopped spending money with the major downtown businesses, but continue to give
financial support to our human brothers and sisters operating food chariots or carts with the
various food hamlets around the Portland area. Many of my "Gladiator of the Wok" food reviews
can be found on
Speaking of federal government corruption requires that I touch on some of my experiences as a
validated FBI Whistleblower patriot. Through the terrorism and torture of a clandestine
neutralization campaign targeted against me as a federal whistleblower, I was threatened by the
Bush White House to remain silent or face the government's "invention" of a criminal charge
against me. Meanwhile my clandestine security clearance was outed multiple times to serve as
the government's passive sanction for my assassination. Before the false flag operation of 911
facilitated between the Bush and Bin Laden oil trading partnership, the U.S. Justice Department
was still working to a degree and I was able to assist in the successful prosecution of one
clandestine federal agent for his theft of government funds. That federal felon was later released
from prison and orchestrated by his former federal administrators [also culpable for egregious
congressional perjury and index crimes] to conduct ongoing illegal Cointelpro operations against
me. Sometime later this ended in this criminal actor of the federal government physically
accosting me while I was near death from cancer treatments. Thirty-six security notices were filed
and none were answered. As a disabled American I have twice bled and died once in the defense
of our nation. In 2000 I filed for Social Security Disability through the SSA's Sensitive Operations
Division that handles clandestine operators within the U.S. Intelligence Community. On the
morning of 911 while the buildings were still dropping into their own footprints, two agents from
that office contacted me to affect anti-Semitic telephonic harassment and laughed sarcastically
while I watched WTCII collapse on television. Within my Social Security Disability Claim for
Benefits and elsewhere, the government violated national security laws, conducted warrantless
wiretapping, provided erroneous evidence for the court, and purged my history from the regular
SSA computer database to make me a non-person and exist within a form of internal exile. The
SSA awarded Social Security Disability Benefits and again I was threatened to remain silent.
Again I refused and before ever receiving one benefit payment and three weeks before beginning
treatments for cancer, my SSA Social Security Disability Benefits were punitively withdrawn as a
means of PsyOps for causing "no touch" invisible physical torture and terrorism. The
government's own judge objected and stated in writing that I will "never receive a fair hearing".
An appeal was noted and two years later my classified file was lost and the matter truncated.
Speaking of state government corruption, during an employment interview for an adjudicator
position with the State of Oregon, the human resources manager for the Employment Department
stated, "you are likely one of the most qualified if not the most qualified applicant for this
position, but given your clandestine clearance, national security laws and whistleblower status,
you will never find employment in America ever again". Twice my employment page was
deconstructed within the "iMatchSkills" employment website for the State of Oregon. When I
requested special consideration from the Oregon Employment Department's Director, Laurie
Warner, her response included that nothing was wrong with my employment webpage and she
then elicited a sergeant with the Oregon State Police to conduct a harassing telephone interview
where I was held harmless. That action and others began to take on the surrounding events
leading up to the Oregon murder of James Michael Francke [2 October 194617 January 1989], a
Vietnam era U.S. Navy SEAL. On the first occasion when my iMatchSkills' employment webpage
was deconstructed, I was later able to connect with one of the State of Oregon's IT Gurus who
restored my account and added that someone had likely made an unauthorized access to the
system for the webpage's removal. On the second occasion when my iMatchSkills' employment

website was deconstructed, I contacted Oregon Governor Kitzhaber's office and was confronted
by a combative sociopathic staffer. Not until I filed an EEOC complaint through the U.S. Inspector
General's office did that matter recently correct itself. There is infinitely more to tell when I
complete and publish my summary report in advance of continuing my book draft that I plan to
market for a movie and film documentary. Nevertheless and in lieu of a defection all of this has
prompted my search for asylum and citizenship outside the nation of my birth.
Speaking of political corruption often taking on the appearance of lies and cover-ups. As to the
U.S. unemployment rate being around 9%, only the willfully ignorant eating from the garbage
cans of the 1% are able to palate the political fodder of that fluctuating figure. Whether 999 or
9% it has all taken on something cousin to the ridiculousness of color coded terrorism alerts.
There is a truth about how to end unemployment in America and likewise the ending of global
terrorism in an instance, but the U.S. government won't do either, because it would have to first
arrest the lobbyists and the U.S. Congress and then militarily attack itself - che bruta figura.
The corporate media lacks the patriotic testicular chutzpah to tell you this, but there are 145
million workers within the consumer driven economy of the United States. The economic survival
of this capitalistic model requires that 70% of the population spend money. Within that total
number of 145 million workers, 50 million are unemployed and another 20 million live in fear of
losing their jobs and are not spending. That is 70 million people who are not spending money. 75
million citizens spending money in our capitalist society amounts to a prescription for financial
national cannibalism and places us in year two of a lost decade. So when you watch your children
and loved ones die from cancer before your eyes, because you cannot afford to pay 13k annually
when over 50% of Americans only net $25,000.00 a year before taxes, lest we forget, remember
the gloating faces of America's treasonous politicians like that of Mitch McConnell with his fat
quivering throat, John Boner or the many feckless federal democrats who exclusively represent
corporate fascism. They are the ones who target unions, attack the PERS benefits for teachers,
police, fire, paramedics, and state workers, absorb pensions, and it is they who insource and
outsource the jobs intended for American labor while blaming the failure on each other's political
party. This is a prime example why the 99% should form a 3rd Political Party.
While making coffee this morning I thought about the criminal misconduct being caused by
Cointelpro agent provocateurs and the given members of law enforcement functioning as same.
These outlaw actors are producing the resulting harm of police riots and the false public persona
that is attempting to color the totality of the 99% majority within the Occupy Wall Street
movement with the criminality of the Cointelpro penetrators.
No society is perfect, because no person is perfect and the 99% OWS majority demographic
should not be help to an impossible standard while painted as anything other than peace
protestors by the same anti-American fascists that I will argue are committing treason as the
domestic and foreign enemies of the United States. These criminal Cointelpro actors causing
violence remind me of what Mao said, "when you rule from the mussel of a gun, when you fire
your bullet, you have lost all your power". Within the war college they teach that the most
effective soldier is the one willing to die in the process of killing their enemy. We of the 99%
majority must remain peaceful, law abiding and vigilant to identify and report the Cointelpro
agent provocateurs who are being orchestrated to commit criminal acts and fractionalize the OWS
movement. The domestic and foreign enemies of America want the 99% majority and the OWS
movement to fail. These fascists and their henchmen fear the 99% majority as true American
patriots and as an emerging solidarity movement for the restorative democracy of the United
States under the lawful terms of the U.S. Declaration of Independence. What they fear more than
all of that combined is unionizing of the 99% OWS majority into a 3rd Political Party that is truly
of, for and by the people!
To those human brothers and sisters of the 99% majority being targeted throughout the
globalized OWS movement and within the encampments of Occupy Portland, Oregon. Yesterday I

have emailed no less than thirty different government principles within the City of Portland,
Oregon and the local corporate media, including what's below. As of this morning there has been
no responses what so ever. Therefore one is left to speculation.
For weeks ongoing illegal Cointelpro operations have codependently existed between actors within
the city government, the small business alliance, specific business owners, and alleged members
of the public being interviewed on camera. The functionaries of these anti-American activities are
participating in an unlawful program that first began in 1956 as the FBI's Counter Intelligence
Program or Cointelpro and it never ended. These actors know or should have known they are
coconspiratorial participants being employed beneath the umbrella of the local corporate media
with the mental intent to act and produce a resulting harm that is to neutralize the 99% American
majority within the Occupy Portland, Oregon camps.
These actions are clear examples of a campaign to cause a passive aggressive counterintelligence
operation employing reverse investigative techniques to fractionalize public support for the
Occupy Wall Street movement. The local corporate media should be ashamed and beg the public's
forgiveness on the air for falsely painting the 99% majority within the Occupy Portland movement
with the same condemning broad brush that decries the criminal misconduct of the agent
provocateurs who are being orchestrated to target the OWS movement.
The Occupy Portland movement is being targeted by a passive aggressive coconspiratorial agenda
to affect what amounts to a codependent government and privatized Cointelpro operation.
There really shouldn't be two sides in this, but if all principles agree, when I return from Canada,
on the table is my offer to mediate as a liaison between the City of Portland and the Occupy
Portland movement. We should strive NOT TO EVICT Occupy Portland camps to find a peaceful
resolution while agreeing to identify, report and prosecute criminal actors and agent provocateurs
posing as members of the Occupy Portland movement. This with the intent to neutralize the
sickening agenda that is to paint all peaceful protestors with that same broad brush of criminality.
Targeting non-violent citizens expressing their Constitutional 1st Amendment Freedoms goes
against everything I believe in; especially while our society is being herded into a virtual death
camp environment for systematic systemic genocide and negative eugenics.
Through the mainstream local media there is a passive aggressive coconspiratorial agenda
between several parties to affect what amounts to a codependent government and privatized
Cointelpro operation against the globalized Occupy Wall Street movement.
Whatever our individual political opinions, I stand with the people and opine that our nation has
been compressed to the brink of exploding into a second, albeit fractionalized civil war.
Im asking law enforcement members to place the faces of those they love over the faces of
peace protestors when interacting with same. Some of my opinions have been included within the
attached or included website link to my manifesto.
Bob Levin
Portland, Oregon

Monday, November 07, 2011

Last updated: 11.10.2011, 2:18 PM PST

Cointelpro Privatized
by Bob Levin, Investigative Journalist/FBI Whistleblower,
Comrades! Please allow me to drift between my philosophies and concerns within this manifesto.
Once upon a time the mainstream media called me a hero. Today I am a blacklisted disabled
American patriot, validated FBI whistleblower and outed former clandestine U.S. intelligence
agent existing within the internal exile of a virtual death camp environment.
Multiple actionable offenses of treason, espionage and national security laws have remained the
tools of outlaw government actors targeting me with a successful clandestine neutralization
campaign. U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder has duplicitously supported these high crimes and
misdemeanors. Holder as a complicit coconspirator has repeatedly shielded known and unknown
culpable clandestine agents and other actors from exposure through his criminal commission of
selective prosecution. Under the legal requirements of law, on three separate occasions Holder
has refused to produce a letter of authorization granting me the right to publish the names of
actionable clandestine federal agents.
In this context the hidden ugly face of U.S. justice has been unmasked to expose the
fractionalizing methods of ongoing illegal Cointelpro operations, the PsyOps of counterintelligence
reverses, and the tactics, techniques and technologies employed beneath the four principles of
the CIA Torture Paradigm shift from physical torture that leaves marks towards "no touch"
invisible physical torture that does not leave marks while causing systematic systemic genocide
for negative eugenics.
These erosive formulas are applied in both micro and macro concentrations by criminal actors
employed by the local, state and federal governments and from within the private corporate
sector as agent provocateurs, infiltrators, informants, and intelligence assets.
Recognized as the familiar waypoints of government used to sanction and perpetuate my
assassination, these same and similar covert and overt political and corporatist atrocities are now
increasingly being targeted against specific and randomly targeted individual activists within OWS
or the Occupy Wall Street movement. These multipurpose methods are also intended to trick
activists into some act of criminal misconduct by igniting human passions. Whatever our opinions
are of the U.S. government and mine are poignant, we must not allow ourselves to be goaded
into an exploited and detrimental position.
As an American citizen I am better than the government. No longer do I recognize the authority
of the U.S. government and its functionary tentacles and conduits that continue to act as a
terrorist network and global continuing criminal enterprise. The U.S. government exclusively
represents the 1% minority within our crumbled democracy that while treasonously disregarding
the constitutional majority rule of we the people. The U.S. government is nothing more than a
mechanism for facilitating the corporate profits of fascism. Those of us among the genuine 99%
constitutional majority are and must remain persons of good character while vested with the
guarantees of civil liberties and the inalienable rights of human beings. It is also true that too
many of the pathways for enjoying the blessings of liberty have been pirated away and privatized
to an undeserving few who exist without the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's
conduct or motives. Most of the 1% minority appear incapable of understanding the concept of
giving back. Therefore we must lawfully refuse to exist under the slavery of a plantation
Personally accepting that I will die before ever finding equal justice under the law within the
United States, I remain standing for we the people who must recognize and remove the addictive
opiates of fascism to bring about the necessary changes that will lead our society of human
beings towards a restorative democracy. Strongly I recommend that the OWS 99% movement

immediately begin gathering the necessary signatures to register as a 3rd Political Party. Our
nation has already been compressed to the brink of an explosive revolution by both the
Republican and Democratic Parties. As an educated person I recognize that any political model is
only as good as its elected representatives in the absence of corporate corruption promoted
through their lobbyists. The words Socialist and Communist are not frightening terms to me and if
they are to you then consider yourself psychologically programmed through fear tactics. Within a
3rd Political Party, we should eliminate labels and I will abandon my status as an Independent
Democratic Socialist.
The U.S. government is a tree with three branches that bears poisonous fruit through the process
of corporate lobbyists buying-off elected politicians and their staffers for the passing of laws that
result in the mechanism for legalized criminality and perpetuated corruption. Two prime example
of how this works are examined in the film documentary "CASINO JACK and the United States of
Money" and by CBS's 60 Minutes' November 6, 2011 interview with Jack Abramoff.
The U.S. government is further corrupted by its status as a U.N. signatory that possesses
immunity, but not impunity from prosecution for its transnational genocidal war crimes, its
coconspiracy to traffic human beings and promote child sexual slavery within the U.S. Territory of
Saipan and elsewhere, its breaking of treaties with indigenous tribes and individual persons, its
summary execution of U.S. citizens and other persons without legal due process of law, and its
theft of all generational wealth to deconstruct the rank and file of our American society.
Selective enforcement and selective prosecution by federal law enforcement and the USDOJ are
the earmarks of nations ruled by their domestic and foreign enemies, tyrants and verminous
corporate crony capitalism. Within the FBI there are hundreds of existing actionable case files that
are left uninstalled to become what was once referred to as the "dark figure of crime". These FBI
case files included hundreds of egregiously culpable U.S. Congressional members and other actors
in and around the U.S. government who have not been indicted for acts of treason, espionage,
conspiracies to perpetuate the Armenian genocide, crimes against humanity, money laundering,
bribery, the theft of government funds, congressional perjury to obtain black project budgets,
manipulating federal human resources officers to eliminate viable candidates from securing open
government positions, and the use of ex-federal agents who are convicted federal felons as
outlaw agents being orchestrated to perpetuate ongoing illegal Cointelpro operations against
innocent civilians. Cointelpro operations are designed to fractionalize the targeted individual or a
group through erosive counterintelligence reverse practices. These I will argue are deeply rooted
in the CIA MK-ULTRA Program with its many black subprojects and the continued use of
involuntary human test animals. The genocidal tentacles of CIA MK-ULTRA have sired the
continued development of the four buttressing principles supporting the CIA Torture Paradigm
that has been targeted against our human brothers and sisters around the world; including the
citizens of the United States and Canada. The U.S. Federal Witness Protection Program or WITSEC
is one of those genocidal black projects that goes unchallenged by its classified and opaque
nature preventing public examination and festering massive corruption.
Confidential sources close to the U.S. Federal Witness Protection Program report that government
witnesses are being used as a laboratory control sample. This matrix for quality control and
analysis has enslaved federal government witnesses as involuntary human test animals to
perpetuate the genocidal mind-control formulas first produced during the second leg of CIA MKULTRA, "Project Artichoke". Reportedly index crimes and psychological warfare methods have
been targeted against federal government witnesses to test the limits of human sanity and cause
criminal misconduct in others. Within the WITSEC demographic 6% are non-criminal federal
witnesses and 94% remain custodial and criminal federal witnesses with a 17% rate of recidivism.
Reportedly there exists a conspiracy to conceal evidence from the U.S. Congress and to
manipulate statistical data for budgetary reasons. Federal administrators, the general counsel and
federal agents have committed congressional perjury and repeatedly abused post 911 national

security laws and protocols to neutralize what amounts to treaties with federal government
witnesses. Reportedly Witsec Inspectors earn $80,000.00 a year with their promotion from being
regular deputy marshals. Other deputy marshals become "SOGGERS" and participating in security
operations as a Special Operations Group. This cover-up within the WITSEC Program has
repeatedly been caused by a blackout of transparent oversight. The blowback from this
subversive government behavior includes the discovery of a female non-criminal federal witness
who reports being kidnapped, raped, sexually mutilated, and thought left for dead while hanging
by the neck.
The staged crime scene appeared as a twisted sexual encounter with the appearance of death by
asphyxiation through the sadomasochistic act known as a "choking climax". The attempted
murder of this female non-criminal federal witness failed and she awoke the next morning in a
pool of her own blood and feces with her internal sexual organs exposed. Twenty-four hours of
reconstructive surgery and months of recuperation finds this government crime victim alive with a
story to tell. The attack occurred after the female non-criminal federal witness reported to the
U.S. Federal Witness Protection Program and the U.S. Department of Justice that a sitting
member of the U.S. Congress was involved in a RICO conspiracy with members of organized
crime closely linked to the home loan industry. The U.S. Senator in question also headed the
regulatory committee that provided the oversight for these same quasi government agencies.
Sources close to this classified federal program revealed a history of sexual misconduct,
terrorism, torture, extortion, threats, outings, and the wrongful death of federal witnesses with a
protective persons status while both participating in and after having exited the Witsec in good
standing. Having conducted extensive research into the history of U.S. government torture
programs, it appears the U.S. Marshals Service has used the boilerplate surrounding the classified
Witsec Program to conceal a legacy black subproject of the CIA MK-ULTRA Program. The WITSEC
as a black project appears to have continued the unlawful use of involuntary human test animals
who are processed within blacksite facilities located on U.S. soil. After relocation the lives of
federal witnesses are cocooned to become an encapsulated isolation of erosive self-inflicted harm.
The primary earmark of CIA Torture Programs is their causing of self-inflicted harm to the victim
through a variety of applications. There are few places where I am unable to discern the
characteristics of the CIA Torture Paradigm not being applied by actors within local, state and
federal governments and the private corporate sector. These are the continuing ripples that
emulate from the legacy of CIA MK-ULTRA with a historically reported 250+ black subprojects.
Federal Whistleblowers are more times than not sanctioned by these same inhuman practices.
Democracy is hypocrisy under the U.S. government while it has converted the dream and promise
of America into the guarantee of a virtual death camp within a coast to coast gulag.
Understand that while I was deep undercover for five years in the FBI and operating on a stage
where my only audience included the ever present critic and specter of death, I compare that
environment to having remained underwater in a submarine for the same amount of time. When
we surfaced and returned to the world there was an increasing awareness that our government
had morphed into the same animal that I had previously been investigating and successfully
prosecuted. Beginning with the unconstitutional judicial selection of George W. Bush as executive
facilitator, followed by the coup d'tat with the false flag operation on 911 it became very clear
that our nation had been overthrown by fear and complacency. The Bush oligarchy is an American
family of traitors, harem whore parasites and the oil trading partners with the family of Osama
bin Laden.
As a sanctioned and validated FBI whistleblower who endured two traumas in the line of duty
during national service, if we had a genuine democracy then I would have legal standing with
grounds for a Bivens action and universal jurisdiction. Even though these crimes go unrecognized
by the U.S. Department of Justice in present day America, this does not mean that my reaction is
to retaliate by condoning or eliciting unlawful conduct through any activism we might share. That
said, many of you know that I am working towards finding citizenship and a sustainable peace

outside the United States. This for the reasons that I am older than my years and life is a finite
commodity as the host for the infinite human soul.
The U.S. government does not love its citizens and despises federal whistleblowers even worse.
This fact has left me in a continuing search for a Canadian law firm to represent my interests for
asylum and to eventually obtain Canadian citizenship. Should I fail in this purpose and in lieu of
obtaining asylum elsewhere, I am left with the prospect of a defection to a sovereign foreign
nation for my remaining purposes and the intent to try and leave the world a little better place
than I found it.
All of that said and given the recent events taking place against the peaceful protestors within
OWS, the Occupy Wall Street movement, we should all recognize that our true enemies are living
in the quasi mortal fear of our unionized solidarity within a collective transnational activism that is
the 99%.
It should be understood by all human rights activists that counterintelligence operations
continually employ reverse investigative techniques that are calculated several moves ahead and
for the purpose of psychologically herding the specific and randomly targeted individual[s] onto a
desired square within the platforms of a multilevel PsyOps Chessboard. Those orchestrating our
opponents are controlled by sociopaths and psychopaths within the groupthinks of government
and the industries of corporate fascism that function like six headed monsters with twelve hearts.
Ironically, but no surprise to the thinking people, these vectors of treasonous inhumanity will
even consume their own mentally defective supports who are affecting their own self-inflicted
harm and inevitable destruction. Again remember the earmark of CIA Torture Programs is causing
self-inflicted harm. A number of these persons unfortunately only process information at the sixth
and seventh grade level, which makes it difficult to achieve the common middle ground necessary
for open and meaningful dialog unless we breakout the big crayons.
A few days ago following a telephonic conversation with another activist in Oregon, I posted a
thought that came to mind. That idea and contemplation was that when we consider who is real
over that of wearing a mask with the persona of real, on those scales if we are to measure War
Profiteers then equally and opposite we must do the same with Peace Profiteers. We should apply
this formula everywhere and against alleged whistleblowers, peace activists, targeted individuals,
and other actors making any claims of damages or peaceful intent. Within the 99% membership
of OWS or the Occupy Wall Street movement that again I hope will form as a registered 3 rd
Political Party, we must be especially careful to police our own ranks and weed out those persons
espousing a peaceful and lawful intent while exhibiting the complete opposite. They say the
events of history repeat, but I say they have never actually ended and have only self-perpetuated
to become another version of the same thing.
Ongoing illegal Cointelpro operations have continued and have expanded through the privatization
of hired actors to affect counterintelligence reverse tactics being targeted against the Occupy Wall
Street movement and its constitutionally authentic 99% majority members. It was brought to my
attention that Cointelpro agent provocateurs, infiltrators, informants, and intelligence assets have
penetrated the OWS movement and are circulating letters on "How to Kill a Police Officer".
Regardless of any person's feelings towards the members of law enforcement and the disdain
towards those who violate their sworn oaths while acting unlawfully to incite violence and Police
Riots against peaceful protestors, we must not tolerate or condone the dissemination of these
letters meant to fractionalize the OWS movement by painting same as "cop killers". When the
source[s] of these documents have been identified, they must be reported to the authorities.
Should you be uncomfortable with that task, then as a journalist I am available to receive that
evidence while protecting you as a confidential source. That information will then be
communicated to my remaining contacts in the FBI who are still a couple years away from
retirement. They will determine whether the evidence is credible or a counterintelligence reverse
meant to throw people off the trail of the guilty.

When I first published that heads up notice on Facebook, an activist countered with, "by mean the police firing rubber bullets on innocent people....or....police assaulting
peaceful protestors with batons!! yes those CRIMINALS should be prosecuted!!" I've always
welcomed the cognitive opinions of others since it keeps people talking as a means for creating
open dialog and debate while supporting our constitutional right to freedom of speech. This
especially after the PsyOps of isolation and having been herded into the "Free Speech Zones" and
death camps of democracy erected during protests while our nation was occupied by the Bush bin
Laden crime syndicate. Also I know this person has passion as an activist and is equally capable
of listening to reason. So I answered that person with the following paragraph.
All things are equal when applying genuine justice. We become our own worst enemy when we
fail to at least attempt to recognize the human being in all people. I've baked holiday cookies with
friends in the FBI and likewise have sent local, state and federal members of law enforcement to
prison, dethroned two judges and investigated criminal targets that on some level I regretted
prosecuting, but they were involved in criminal activities and should have chosen a different path.
It's not a perfect world. If the police break the law they should pay...maybe double. If those
Cointelpro penetrators of the Occupy Wall Street movement are agent provocateurs, infiltrators,
informants, intelligence assets, off duty police from any jurisdiction or paid actors from the
corporate and political entities that are supported by Wall Street and the Banking industry, then
they are outlaws, criminal targets and the domestic and foreign enemies of a free society in the
United States. Moreover they are counterintelligence agents meant to cause you to respond in the
same manner that you did to me and with the greater intent of fractionalizing the OWS
movement. Do not allow yourself to protect the enemies of humanity who are masking
themselves beneath a false persona.
Cointelpro has been privatized in the same manner that mercenaries have been employed in
Afghanistan and Iraq.

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