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Another free worksheet from

PHRASAL VERBS | Using phrasal verbs in everyday situations 1
REMEMBER: Several responses might be acceptable - choose the best one:
1. She ___________ the red dress instead of the blue one.
a) put on b) placed on
c) put off
2. Hes not at work today = Hes ___________ today
a) up b) on c) off/out
3. The prisoners were ___________ by the police.
a) taken away
b) taken off c) taken on
4. I was ___________ ( = surprised) by his reaction.
a) taken away b) put on c) taken aback
5. Youre ___________! = Youre trying to trick me (* not in a bad way*)
a) putting me off b) putting me on c) putting me out
6. Jim was tired of digging, so his friend ___________.
a) helped him in b) helped him over c) helped him out
7. He ___________ his father = Hes similar to his father
a) takes after
b) takes about
c) takes after
8. He ___________ at 7:00 this morning.
a) woke about b) woke up c) woke in
9. To string someone ___________ means to keep someone in a state of deception
or false hope.
a) along b) around c) away
10. I dont really know this city. Could you ___________ a bit? ( = show me where
everything is)
a) show me inside b) show me around c) show me down
2008 | Free to use for teachers and students

PHRASAL VERBS | Using phrasal verbs in everyday situations 1

1) a 2) c 3) a

4) c

5) b

6) c

7) c

8) b

9) a

10) b

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