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anor “This MEP Just Tolga Facago While He Was Speaking n The Euepean Parlament- BuzzFeed News News Videos Quizzes. Tasty. DIY More cst ournews Aop as This MEP Just Trolled Nigel Farage While He Was Speaking In The European Parliament How Taylor Swift Played The Victim For A Decade “He's lying to you." And Made Her Entire Connect With BuzzFeep Ukpolitics Nigel Farage appeared in the European parliament on Wednesday afternoon to defend Donald Trump's immigration policy. There was only one problem: He — More News didn’t realise a rival MEP was holding up this sign throughout his speech. This MEP Just Trolled Nigel Farage While He Was Speaking In The European Parliament Brexit Trade Deals Could Bring ‘American Chlorine Dipped Chicken To The UK Farage defended the US president's new immigration restrictions, accused European politicians of being inherently anti-American, and was repeatedly told off for disrespecting the institutions of the EU. itp hwwr buted comimwatersonim-sih-farage?utm forms xerMASjvat okoVXAASY we 2nrot7 This MEP Just rolled Nigel Farage While He Was Speaking In The “What has happened here is that someone has stood here on @ manifesto for lection, got into office, and within one week said that he will hold faith with his own electorate.” the former UKIP leader said. "kis called genuine democracy, unlike the system we have in the European Unien. “I'm sure that i's a great shock to you to see a genuinely elected democrat is doing what he was put into do” The MEP with the sign was Labour’s Seb Dance, who represents the London region in the European parliament. fa ri “Mainstream polities must be more willing to challenge the nationalists and the opulists” Dance told BuzzFeed News. “They pretend to stand up for people who are suffering but their diet of nate, division, and suspicion create only misery and poverty, It's time to stop the nuanced language: They/re lars” Farage was wearing a Donald Trump badge throughout the appearance and urged EU politicians to invite the US president to speak. itp hwwr buted comimwatersonim-sih-farage?utm forms xerMASjvat okoVXAASY ‘pean Parliamen- BuzzFeed News Now Buzzing 2nrotr “This MEP Just Trolled Nigel Facage While He Was Speaking inh “Let us invite President Trump to come to this European parliament,” said Farage, who has repeatedly met the US leader. “I'm sure as democrats you would all agree that we need to have an open dialogue with the newly elected most powerful man in the world. Ifyou throw that rejection back in my face then you prove yourselves to be the ant’-democratic zealots | aways thought you were” Eventually Dance was asked to take down the notice by a parliamentary official, with other UKIP MEPs registering formal complaints. Bill Etheridge eBiluke Disgusting behaviour by labour Mep Holding defamatory sign up behind Nigel Farage as he spoke today . Pathetic and cowardly 4021 AM- 1 Feb 2017 Poe) Dance said he was motivated to make his one-man protest due to the format of debates in the European parliament, which makes it hard to argue back against a speaker. “Farage gets (ree coverage by virtue of being leader of the [European parliament ‘9roup] EFDD,” he said. "| know UKIP use the footage in their videos back home. The process here doesn't allow us to challenge what he's saying, As | sat there I realised | needed to make @ point ~ that this man does not speak for ordinary people who need "real" answers not phoney ones. Despite the attention it has received, Dance said he didn't see it as a laughing matter: “I don't think the sign or the point is funny!" tact Jim Waterson at, Gota confidential tip? Submit there. itp hwwr buted comimwatersonim-sih-farage?utm forms xerMASjvat okoVXAASY European Parliamen- BuzzFeed News Yer Maw Was ‘an iningrant | Just 19 Incredibly Scottish Signs Telling Donald Trump He's A Bawbag | Vw © 23 Quirks That People From The North Don't Realise Are Super Weird Pars DES CGBVK DSN, How Does Your Mind Work Based On The Patterns You Choose? People Are Obsessed With And Also Freaked Out By This Video Of Winnie- The-Pooh Dancing mS 1 i Do You Eat These Things In One Or Two Bites? How Does Your WorkILife Balance ‘Compare To Everyone Else’s? 2nrotr “This MEP Just Tolle Nigel Facage While He Was Speaking n The Eurepean Parliament- Buzzed News NEXT ON NEWS» 22 Tumblr Posts You'll Nod In Agreement With If You're... ‘Advertise Jobs Mobile Newsletter Shop | © UK Eston v itp hwwr buted comimwatersonim-sih-farage?utm forms xerMASjvat okoVXAASY People Are Intensely Debating The Merits Of Pineapple Pizza After This Viral Tweet ak ab cd od Based On Your Font Preferences We Know A Deep Truth About You vu) Turns Out We've All Been Singing "| Write Sins Not Tragedies" Wrong This Whole Time

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