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I am going to talk about Russia, because I think is a nice place to visit or a place
to work they have a lot of traditions and history.
Gifts: one of the most important custom are the gifts, to the people of Russia is
very important that they always give flowers or chocolates or candy for the kids
and if you dont do this in a date or in a party or you dont accept the gift is
considering a bad think.
Smiles. The people in Russia doesnt smile to people that they doesnt know they
dont smile for curtesy and for us this is a little rude, but they smile.
The Russian politics are similar to our politics they have a president and a Prime
Minister but the president is more inportat than the Prime Minister now the
Russian people live in a capitalist system but for many years form 1917 to 1990
they had a communist system but dor the corrupcion and a big crisis they chage
again from system.

The Kremlin
Some visitors are surprised that theres any access at all to the Kremlin theres actually enough
to see to warrant more than one visit. Most famous of its attractions is the Armoury Museum, a
treasure-trove of Faberg eggs and imperial bling.
Is interesting becose the kremlin is the same as the pentagon form the US

Red Square
is a city square (plaza) in Moscow, Russia. It separates the Kremlin, the former royal citadel and
currently the official residence of the President of Russia,

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