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QAA healthy lifestyle MERI activity 20 2c (co 2 tacks 9 & 10,4 minutes) First, Kris. Greg: Welcome to “How Can I Help?” you ask me, Greg Hunter, for advice with your problems, Our number is 555-1234. Roz, who is our first caller? Roz: Well, Greg, our first caller is Kris, and she’s on line one, Kris: Hi, Greg. Um...1 want to lose weight. My problem is that I always eat between meals. [.. uuh,..well, I can’t control myself, and I don't know where what to do, Oh-ho, I'm always hungry, and I love candy! Greg: Ah-ha, now what do you have for breakfast? Kris: Uh..well...uh.. just coffee Greg: Well, see, Kris, that’s your first mistake. You should eat a good breakfast every morning ~ it’s so important. And what is it you snack on between meals? Kris: Hmm...ub...candy, usually. Greg: Now, see, that’s awful! I..if you feel hungry between meals, eat fruit. Have an apple or an orange, but please don’t eat candy! Kris: Ah...oh..OK. You're right. I'l try to do that but, ob-ho, it’s going to be hard! Next, Tim. Roz: OK, Greg, our next caller is Tim. Greg: Hi, Tim, How can I help? im: Well, I work 12 hours a day. If I leave work carly, my boss thinks I'm lazy. Some days I don’t get home till midnight. Greg: Well, Tim, that’s a tough one. How many week do you work? Tim: Five ~ Monday to Friday, Not weekends, Greg: OK. Then I think you should make the most of your weekends. You know, sleep late, get plenty of fresh air, and just relax with your family and friends. And you should never work late on Friday nights. That should be the beginning of your weekend. Tim: Hmm, you know, that...that’s easy to say. Friday is our busy day. That’s the day I really have to work late. Greg: Talk to your boss. Tell him ~ Tim: Ah, her! Greg: OK, tell her that you can’t work such long hours. Tim: You don’t know my boss. That’s impossible Greg: . . im? Oh, Tim? Roz: I think we lost him, Greg. Finally, Jill. Greg: OK. Who's next, Roz? Roz: Well, we have time for just one more caller, Greg. It’s Jill ~ line two. Greg: Go ahead, Jill. How can I help? Jill: Oh, well, Uhave a lot of stress in my life, Greg. I get a lot of headaches. Greg: And can you tell me when you get these headaches? Jill: Oh, well, every little problem gives me a headache. It’s terrible. Greg: Well, Jill, do you play any sports or do any exercise? ‘Jill: Ah, not really. I don't have time. Greg: Well, you really should make time ~ to go for along walk at least, say, three times a week. ‘Jill: Well, I really don't have much free time. Greg: Well, you need to learn to relax. Like...uh..if you have a problem, take a deep breath and close your eyes. Think about happy things. Jill: OK, Pll ry: know you're right. Thanks, Greg: Greg: You're welcome, Jill. OK, Roz, listeners, time's up. Join us again next week for “How Can 1 Help?”

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