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Same Sex Marriage

Same sex marraige, also known as gay marriage, is a marriage between

people of the same sex either as a secular civil ceremony or in a religous setting. In
the late 20th century, religous sites of marriage without legal recognition increases
commonly. The first law providing for marriage of people in the same sex in mogern
times were enabled in 2001 in the Netherlands.

Here are the countries that allow smae sex marraige Argentina, Belgium,
Ireland, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal etc. However as of 2016 South
Africa in the only african country that allow same sex marraige.

Here in the Philippines, same sex marraige is banned by the government and
the catholic chruch. For me, there is nothing wrong with being inlove, loving another
person is never a sin but when you love a person with the same sex that is the
problem. God created you in his own image and likeness why change yoursleft? You
should be contented to who you really are.

Based on my research, almost 6 out 10 citizen in the world are transgenders

and I feel bad about it for those people who werent contented to what they have. I
hope that they will not remove this law for by removing this law is like you are
creating a really big sin to God.

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