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llE *pawson -+ Gk *paon -* [Pan

(an Aditya god. for travelers. merchants)

Traverse ways
Unhitching horses at end of days journey
Fend off wolf
Fend off bandit
Trample slanderer
Worker of wonders (epithet of the Asvins also)
Brings good fortune
Escapes pursuers
Gives easy paths
Rich pastures
No fever on journey
Give lavishly, fill the belly
Give rides for worshippers

6.55 Pusan, Child of the Unharnessing

Burning child [like other [E heroes]
Charioteer of [3 (Order)
Best chariots, lord of wealth, braided hair (also Rudra)
Had goats for horses [as with Norse Thor]
Friend of singers
Lover of his sister or mother, Usas (Dawn) [Asvins also love their sister, Surya)
Brother of Indra
Glory of the people

2.38 Savit; at Sunset

The Driver
Has broad hands
Stands up and all things stop for rest
Returning home
Proper places for creatures lnests, lairsl
Vuruna goes to watery womb (Sky and Ocean)
Even Indra. Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman (host), Rudra have proper places
Bhaga - good luck, Thought and Abundance
N ara-samsii = men.on-praise = fame
Riches of earth, water, and sky come from Savitr

1.35 Savitr at Night

Gives rest to a at night
Has bay or dark horses with white feet
Has a golden chariot encrusted with pearls, with a golden shaft

There are 3 skis. 2 are the lap of Savitr. the 3rd is Yamas (Deaths) "'1;
Asum. eagle gazes over middle earth
F Geography: 8 peaks of earth.
7 rivers 2
3 plains a league wide X
Golden-handed 9'
Drives away diseases 1
Brings the Sun
Drives away earthly demons. Raksases - flesh-eaters
Comes on dustless paths of middle realm of space lairl

10.127 Night. Nakt

(IE *nekt-)
Daughter of the Sky (Varuna)
Sister of Usas (Dawn)
Bright w stars
Pushes aside Usas [now not Dawn, but rather Twilight}
All go home to rest
Wards off she-wolf and thief
Banishes darkness ltotal blackness with her stars}

Varuna -
I Gk Ouranos, Oranos, Lat. Uranus, Norse Aurvandll, Eng. Erindale 'Morning Star' <-
IE *Oew r-w(o)n)

5.85 pp. 211-2

An Asura
Spread out the cosmos (earth)
Gives rain and water
Measured space
Linked to Aryaman and Mitra
Lifts sins and bonds
[name can be read as Binderl

2.28 pp. 217-8

5011 of Aditi
Comfortable to sacrifice to
Commands, protects
Our leader
Ordered the rivers and set them flowing
Emperor of Order
Keep fear away, release from anguish the sacnficer
Wounds sinners with his weapons
Abolish debts

Insure wealth
Keep friends
Disperse Enemies
Rudra and visnu pp.221-7
(IE *lwd-ro-loud-(make)r screamerEng loud, Dorian Gk lake screaming (Eng.

An Asura
Father of the Marius . also called Rudriyas
Like Indra
Has a thunderbolt. is mighty. a bull
Has bow and arrows
Shoots plague arrows

Kills men and cows
Has braided hair

[IE *w(e)yk- holy. German Weih (nacht)]
Created cosmos with 3 strides when disguised as a dwarf.
Supports cosmos
Holds all creatures
Dwells in mountains, they are his refuge
A marauding wild beast, a bull

10.10 pp. 247-250
Yama and Yami (Mr. and Mrs. Death)
Yami. wife and sister of Yama, urges him to have intercourse with her.
She advises him that it is wise to have children, grandchildren.
The one who looks ahead wishes to have children.
He says: Shall we do now what we have not done before?
He speaks of violating proper order by committing incest.
She says that the Maker, Tvastr, intended them for one another before they were
He refuses, tells her to find another.
She rebukes him and tells him another woman will probably have him.

Marriage of surya
Prototypical bride
Carriage animals were luminaries
Married to soma
Courted by the Asvins(elsewhere her husbands)
Asvins have 3-wheel chariot
Wheel symbols , 'luminous' 'hidden'
Droit de seigneur- right of Soma or Gandharva visvavasu to all brides
(Formed a possiblity of kinship link between the ruler and his subjects )
1st husband Soma
2nd husband the gandharva
3rd husband Agni
4th husband son of man
Later part of hymn consists of marriage spells and innvocations

Nomadiac cattle culture
Confliict between aryans and non aryans
Leaving of clan (Agni is lured away)
Supplications of worshipper
Gods for various aspects of the world
Layers of gods, Varuna above etc.
Creation myths with strange images
Acausal and mystical thinking:circle of birth , Aditit >Daksha>Aditi
The scarifice
The horse
Fire Agni and its alien enigmatic quality
Magic brew, soma
Indra, the storm god hero
With his slaying of vrta and retrieval of the castle
With his bitch hiund , sarama
Kills his own father , tvastr
helped by an eagle who rbings mead
image of might and fertility

Gods of the strom, fertility and rain

Solar gods (Asuras) wild or dangerous
Women , propagation , marriage

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