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First Word ReBuryingthe Past
By David Darling By Roben K J Killheffer
6 36
Communications Wtiose Ideas are
8 They Anyway?
Waves Linda Marsa
By Paul Kvinta 42
10 Battelle's Best
Boo>(s Guesses
By Janel Slites By Bennett Daviss
12 48
Mind Fiction: Olders
By Steve Nadis By Ursula K. LeGutn
14 75
Learning Fiction: CHROMO
By A. J. S. Rayl By Ernie Colon and
16 A J Gamble
Stars 78
By Steve Nadjs Fiction: Feigenbaum
18 Number
Wheels By Nancy Kress
by Jeffrey Zygmont 86
ao Interview:
Electronic Universe WhiHield Diffie
By Gregg Keizer By Thomas Bass
23 94
Continuum Fiction: Radio Waves
57 By Michael Swanwick
Omni's 105
Project Open Book Interview:
Reports of James Turrell
mass abduclions by Vicki Lindner
aliens, one 118
abductee's terrifying As the next millennium nears, Dmn; seeks answers to Games
tale, and tomorrow's questions: What new technologies By Scot Morris
Part 3 of Omni's will excite us? Who will own tlie riglnts to our intellectual 120
Field properties? Wfio will own the rights to our pasts? Ust Word
Investigator's Guide Cover art by Braldt Braids. Additional art credits page 85. By Christopher Kelley


Printed in U.S.A. Canadian GST Registration #R126607589

Reconciling science and the afterlife

By David Darling

death the end or a new be- Eastern and Western, stress the sciousness exists. No theory can
Isginning? Can we even make overarching importance of acting explain why the brain shouldn't
progress toward findirig an "selflessly" during life. They like work exactly as does, yet with-

answer? My belief is that we can, contemporary brain science, rec- out giving rise to the feeling we
but only if we are prepared to ognize that the self is ephemeral allhave of "what is like to be."

challenge two basic "facts" and insubstantial, that thiere is no And there is, believe, a very

about the world which have long personal soul, no hope of the in- simple reason for this. The brain
been held m the West to be in- dividual,as such, continuing in does notproduce consciousness
controvertible some cozy afterlife. at all, any more than a television
The first of these is that the self Yet a s not ost, mentioned
I set creates the programs that
is real. As Descartes that there were two appear on its screen, On the
Tb understand the put it; "I think, there- farts that we need to contrary, the brain filters and re-
soul, death, fore am," But what
a lenge if we are stricts consciousness, just as our

and tlie possibility if Descartes were progress in our senses limit the totality of experi-
of an after- wrong? Increasingly, rderstanding of the ence to which we might other-
llle. David Oarling neurologists are /stery ot death and wise have access.
believes we coming to the con- e afterlife. The sec- Again, this is no revolutionary
must look at the clusion that there is d "fact" that is new insight late though may be it

trulhswe no "Cartesian ob- taken for granted in in coming to the attention of sci-

IMe lor granted. server" in the brain, our culture is the as- ence. The idea that mind is a fun-
no central overseer sumption that con- damental, all-pervasive property
that can be identi- sciousness is pro- of the universe lies at the heart of
fied with "you" or "I." duced by the brain. mystical traditions stretching
Instead, what we According to back over 2,000 years. Nor is the
imagine and feel to mainstream opinion, direct experience of what, for
be the self stems from activity matter, over billions of years, or- want of a better term, we might
spread all over the cortex. Fur- ganized itself into more and more call "cosmic consciousness" re-
ther evidence for this is that ornate forms until, eventually, it stricted to meditating monks and
damage to part of the brain, achieved sufficient complexity to purveyors of New Age therapies.
through accident or disease, give rise to consciousness. It comes in flashes to many ordi-
often results in a permanent Working under this assumption, a nary folk. And it comes, most
change to the person we once growing number of scientists are telling, topeople during near-
believed ourselves to be. now busily rummaging around in death experiences at the very
It is a difficult pill to swallow. the brain trying to explain how time when brain activity has vir-
But swallow it we must if we are the trick of consciousness is tually ceased. If the brain really
to grow in our understanding of done. Researchers of the stature were responsible for conscious-
the significance of death. Self is of Francis Crick, Daniel Dennett, ness, why should consciousness
no more than an illusion conjured Gerald Edelman, and Roger Pen- be found to expand so dramati-
up, initially as a survival ploy rose have recently come forward cally at the point when the brain
during our species' evolution with a range of ingenious theo- has all but slopped working?
and, more recently, brought into ries. All purport to explain, in one Soon, perhaps, human inquiry
sharper relief by the way we are way or another, consciousness will broaden to allow a concerted

raised in our materialistic culture as an epiphenomenon of physi- exploration of the undiscovered

and society cal and chemical processes tak- land that lies beyond death. Then
To begin to change our atti- ing place in the brain and all we may arrive at a true Theory of
tude toward death, and to better fail utterly They fail not because Everything, one that satisfies the
appreciate our relationship to the their models are insufficiently ac- spirit as well as the intettect.DQ
universe, we need to stop han- curate or detailed, but because
kering for what can never be re- they are trying to do what is, from David Darling's most recent
our personal immortality the outset, impossible. book, Soul Search (Vitlard
When the brain dies, so too does The truth is that no account of Books, March 1995), explores
the self, along with our personal- what goes on at the mechanistic the Intellectual, scientific, arid
ity and memories, It is no coinci- level ofthe brain can shed any philosophical implications of
dence that all major religions. light whatsoever on why con- defining the soul.



SMIlltimtBHIII imiiitM,ini!iiitiiimiis.

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SS^ (eolnvohility ' HollywoDHdioq,

Editioq. 5
Focusing on fiction, searching for tfie truth about UFOs,
OMNI PUBDCATlONS NIEFffJAT ONAL LTCW and tuning in to amateur radio

First Things First a camera and binocu-

late at night with
I would like to say how happy I am to see lars, hoping for anything that might
Omni back in publication. Your thor- bring you one step closer to the truth.
ough and scholarly approach to certain The truth is out there you just have to
issues always keeps me eagerly await- know where to look,
ing the next issue, was pteased to see
Jonathan Craig
that your First Word column concerned Bowling Green. KY
UFO research. While agree with Mr. I AOL: Jon Vision
Benford that serious scientific study is
HalHalpnef VPD ti
needed m this field, I lake issue with his Hamming it Up
slalemeni that "no solid, physical, gen- I think the ham radio articie [Sounds,
erally agreed upon evidence" exists. April 1995] was well written. As a re-
Countless individuals, including high cently licensed ham, it is interesting to
ranking government and military officials, find out justwhat all you can do with
have gone on record claiming that hard radio, would encourage more people

evidence has been found and studied. to explore ham radio, and feel that they
But since officially everything is denied like myself, will become fascinated. It is

or debunked, it continues to remain the a truly enriching hobby that can be a

greatest modern mystery We may be tremendous help to fellow humans,
frustrated by the infighting among UFO Neil Wallers
researchers, but we can hardly blame Lavaca, AR
them for seeking substance in the AOL: BlueWonder
Roswells that are out there.
Brian Inthof As an amateur radio operator, found I

Kitchener, ON this column very enlightening, it did

(Sf F( K> &p liucccos Jane ftar 3!h Canada justice to the hobby and I'm glad you
shared with your readers an informa-
Fiction Flattery tiveview of amateur radio. If had any I

S. N. Dyer's "Resolve and Resistance," criticism would be about the informa-


[April 1995] was a marvelous blend of tion on repeaters. The articie did not
history and science fiction. Pure joy specifically point out that repeaters are
from start to finish. not unique to amateur radio, but are
Lynda Maroney found in police and business radio sys-
Port Huron, Ml tems. This is an insignificant point that
I, an avid repeater user, wanted to
Seek and Ye Shall Find bring up. It's great that the column cov-
"The Truth about Roswell" brought some ered this aspect of operation, because
strong thoughts to mind. It has become most people who've heard of amateur
routine for the government and the mil- radio know nothing about repeaters
itary to cover up events. This causes and the mobility of amateur communi-
conspiracies to sphng up. It they were cations. Good job!
more open and truthful, we might trust Adrian Pritchett
our government officials more, and not Gray, GAOO
expect a lie around every corner.
Joshua Boisvert Some writers break through the page,
Dauphin. PA making the reader feel their enthusi-
asm, share their experience and
The truth is out there, we just need to insight, learn the lessons they have
know where to look. Places like libraries to teach. Sharon McAuliffe was that
and newsrooms offer a certain degree sort of writer. We were proud of
of help, but those places are all censored. every word she published in Omni
What UFOIogists need is a forum where and elsewhere. We wish there had
anything can be said without fear. been more. Sharon died in late sum-
Omni Online is as close as we come to mer, 1995. We miss her. and will
that. What it all boils down to is you miss her, as will everyone who knew
can't get all your information from other her or read her work.
places. You have to search the skies
A new verdict for an ancient mystery

By Paul Kvinta

Two hundred and

millionyears ago, the
teeming plankton of the
fifty geochemical approach to produce
some compelling evidence that
the die-off happened suddenly
caused the crisis?
the die-off could be linl<ed to the
heavy volcanic activity that was
Wang says

earth's oceans mysteriously Wang's team located a sec- occurring at roughly the same
began to vanish, the die-off lion of ancient rocK that once lay time in Siberia, where constant
quickly spread up the food chain: at the bottom of Williston Lake in eruptions produced basalt out-
Corals and clams disappeared, northeastern British Columbia. pourings about the size of
then snails and starfish, followed Inside the rock they found a rare Aiasio, But a more likely sce-
by varieties of squid and octo- sample of well-preserved organic nario, according to Wang, is that
pus, and soon whole schools of carbon called kerogen, which a meteor smashed into Earth
fish simply expired. Ultimately, as forms when plankton drifts to the and created a huge crater. All of
the earth concluded the Permian basin floor and becomes incor- the displaced dust would have
period and began the Triassic. porated into sedimentary rock. blocked sunlight for several
96 percent of alt marine species When Wang analyzed the kero- weeks and severely limited pho-
became extinct. gen with a mass spectrometer, tosynthesis. "It could have been
"It was Ihe mother of all ex- he discovered an abrupt de- a meteor like the one that ]ust hit
tinctions." says geochemist Kun crease in the number of cartx)n-13 Jupiter," Wang says. "If we had
These tiny Wang, noting that the dte-off atoms right at the border betv/een that kind of impact, it would have
spheres may hold dwarfs all others in the planet's the Permian and Triassic periods. killed offa lot of life."
the key to history, including the more cele- To make sense of the drop, But Douglas Erwin, a paleon-
Ihe events brated extinction of the dinosaurs the researchers considered pho- tologist at the Smithsonian Insti-
wiped out 65 million years ago, Paleontolo- tosynthesis. Carbon is composed tution and an expert on the Per-

96 percent o( all
marine IHe al
Ihe bealnnlng ot
the Triassic era.
gists have long hypothesized
that the extinction of marine life
unfolded gradually and quietly
over several million years. But
Wang, a researcher
versity of Ottawa,
conventional wisdom.
bucking that
the Uni-

two Isotopes: carbon-12 and
carbon-13. During photosynthe-
phyloplankton compete for
their preferred isotope, the car-
bon-12. But since competition for
this isotope IS typically intense,
the plants usually settle for some
mian-Thassic extinction, maintains
that the die-off occurred over a
significant period of time, possi-
bly as long as three million years,
"We just don't have any direct
data on a time frame for the ex-
Erwin says.
tinction at this point,"
"It was a sudden change, not carbon-13 as well. If the compe- Wang, however, may be on
a gradual change," he contends, tition for the carbon-12 suddenly the verge of collecting just the
"At most it took a few thousand thinned, the surviving phyto- evidence he needs to prove this
years, but it could have been plankton would absorb only car- theory He is currently investigat-
instantaneous." bon-12 and pass on carbon-13 ing clay samples which may con-
Scientists first discovered the altogether Wang concludes that spheres of microtektites,
tain tiny
Permian-Triassic extinction in the the abrupt drop in the carbon-13 orpieces of rock that would have
1950s, but since then, incomplete content of phyloplankton at the suddenly melted and splashed
fossil records have kept paleon- Permian-Triassic boundary means into the clay Significantly for
tologists from determining the that a massive extinction took Wang, it is a condition that could
abruptness or duration of the ex- place, and it happened quickly only have been caused by me-
Wang, in contrast, used a
tinction. The question now is, what teor impact.DQ

'-^. '


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A new look at some familiar faces
By Janet Stites

Theoretical physicist project after a former ing to Biewen, the CDs

Richard Feynman died Caltech doctoral stu- offer on-screen tutorials
ofcancer at the age of dent told them that the and projection capabil-
70 in 1988, but his voice lives on. university still had 150 ities that can be used
For thai matter, so do his jokes. tapes from the lecture to instruct an entire
Addison-Wesley Publishing series in its archives class Biewen explains
Company has recently released "We had always as- that while the CD-
a condensed version of The sumed thai the tapes ROIVls are expensive to
Feynman Lectures on Physics ti- had been destroyed," develop, the process
tled Six Easy Pieces: Essentials says Jack Repcheck, and final product are
of Physics Explained by Its Most a former Addison-Wes- fascinating.
Brilliant Teacher. But the tradition- ley editor, who is now The attributes of
ally conservative publishing an editor at Princeton mixing multimedia and
house didn't stop with the print University Press science are certainly
version. Accompanying the text "When we found that not lost on CD-ROM
is an audio version that allows was not the case, we publisher Voyager. The
the listener to get a sense of wanted to give people f>Jew York-based com-
what must have been like to be
it a taste of them." pany has published a
one of Feynman's young stu- The entertainer series of science discs
dents in the early Sixties. Feynman seems a good called "First Person," in

Taking tlieir From 1961 to 1963, Richard study for a project which users have the
cue Iron) ArisloUe Feynman taught the freshman combining science and the CD- opportunity to hear scientists
and Sir Philip physics course at California Insti- ROM industry. Roberi Biewen, "think out loud," Indeed, Marvin
Sidney, science tute of Technology Because of president of W, H. Freeman Pub- Minsky invites the user into his
publishers Feynman's reputation as a lishing advocates the use of CD- own living room and. using video
are finding new prankster and congenial show- ROM in science. "CD-ROM and and graphics, leads the student
ways to man, and because the "Genius," science make sense when you through the text of "The Society
both instruct and as he's become known, rarely are able to show something that of Mind." On his CD titled "On
delight. taught classes, the course has IS important to a concept or Evolution," Stephen Jay Gould
become a pari of idea," he says, helps the user hunt for a
physics folklore and Biewen, who is encouraging tosuch riddles as "Who v
IS a great source of his editors to look for books naturalist on board the E
pride for Caltech. To which would translate well to CD- and 'Why didn't Danwin use the
grve it even more
weight, the series cul- We are targeting books which we think
iinated in a three- can communicate better through
olume book The
Feynman Lectures on
the power of CD-ROM and moving objects.
Physics, which has ROM, says the company doesn't word 'evolution'?" Donald Nor-
become standard plan to simply repeat a book on man acts as a video host for his
reading for budding CD-ROM, but complement it, CD "Defending Human Attributes
physicists. "We're targeting books which we in the Age of the Machine."
The staff of think can communicate better Its clear from these CDs that
Addison- through the power of CD-ROM fans of science have much to
^ Wesley had and moving objects," he says, gain as publishers explore the
the inspi- "to do things that are impossible potential of the technology, as
on the static, printed page." science writers begin to write
Freeman's Stephen J. Hawk- with the medium in mind, and as
ings's A Bnel History of Time scientists move beyond the
CD-ROM is the company's first blackboards and the liooks and
consumer-oriented science disc. come out of the laboratories. DO
W- H. Freeman has already
published a number of CD-ROMs Please visit our Worfd Wide Web ^te
for its textbook division. Accord- at
NEW empires/ f



5^ ^
Can psychopaths feel emotions?
By Steve Nadis

Human conduct, though

often mystifying, is
later tested their memory of the
scenes. The eighth slide appeared
to the emotionalwords were larger
and more prolonged, "When you
never so perplexing as in two versions: one showed a see the letters c-a-n-c-e-r," says
in tiie case of the pure psy- woman riding a bicycle in front of Hare, "you say 'Yes, that's a word,'

chopath a "cold-blooded" per- two cars; the other, the same but you also conjure up images,
son who instinctively resorts to woman lying beside the bicycle make associations," Psychopaths
lying, cheating, stealing, and with blood oo2ing from her head, don't do that. Whether the word
perhaps murder without a trace the same two cars in the back- is "paper" or 'murder," their re-
of remorse. How can one in sponse times and EEG pat-
Most people are 100 people, by some esti- terns do not differ
affecied mates, turn out this way, inca- At the Bronx VA Medical
when they view pable of experiencing normal Center, assistant chief of psy-
unpleasant emotions, incapable of feeling chiatry Joanne Intrator and
scenes. But psy- love or compassion for oth- her colleagues used a SPECT
chopaUis erstraits considered the imaging machine to measure
appear to react essence of humanity? The an- blood flow in the brains of
tn the same swer may lie in faulty mental both psychopath substance
way to a plate or wiring Numerous experi- abusers, nonpsychopath sub-
toed as la a ments show psychopaths stance abusers, and control
muitiateil body. have different physiological subjects who were asked to
responses to stimuli from nor- perform a word-identification
mals and also employ differ- task.Psychopaths used a dif-
ent mental processes while ferent strategy to Identify
performing simple tasks, emotional words compared to
For more than 25 years, the other groups, "This and
University of British other studies suggest that
psychophysiologist Robert sychopaths process and
Hare, author of Without Con- use language and emotion in
science, has been probing a very 'superficial' manner,"
the minds of psychopaths. In says Hare, a collaborator.
experiments in the Sixties, he ground. Normal subjects remem- Control subjects showed coordi-
and his colleagues measured bered the emotional slide more nated activity In the frontal cor-
the responses of psychopaths vividly and paid more attention tex, temporal lobes, and
and normal subjects prior to ad- to more central rather than pe- amygdala, areas thought to play
ministering mild electric shocks. ripheral details. Psychopaths did a role in the integration of thoughts
Unlike the normals, the psy- not show the same focus and so and "We seem to be
chopaths showed no anticipatory didn't remember one slide better targeting the same areas other
anxiety (measured in terms of ihan the other. "Since the psy- researchers think may be impor-
sweaty palms) before the chopath feels nothing for the tant for the development of a
shocks. "They weren't apprehen- woman immersed in blood, he moral sense and conscience,"
sive at all," Hare says. "One doesn't find the image notewor- Hare adds
might infer that threats of punish- thy," Christianson says. Hare and his colleagues are

ment have little effect some- Another study by Hare and his conducting MRI studies to deter-
thing that seems to be true in the group points to similar emotional mine whether the anomalies in
realworld as well," deficits. In a "lexical decision" task, mental processing are due to un-
Like many other research subjects were presented a string derlying structural or functional
psychologists. Sven Christianson of letters and asked were a
if it problems. "New techniques from
at the University of Stockholm word or not. Response times and cognitive neuroscience are
believes conventional emotional brain waves were measured. opening a window into what's
constructs don't appiy to psy- Nonpsychopaths identified emo- going on here," Hare says. "It
chopaths. In a study with Hare, tionallycharged words like "can- looks like there might be a neuro-
Adelle Forth of Carleton University cer" or "rape" more quickly than physiological basis for this cold-
and others, Christianson showed neutral words like "tree" or blooded, predatory behavior that
participants 15 color slides and "plate. " And iheir EEG responses has baffled us for so long,"00
Musical links for scientists and mathematicians of tomorrow

By A, J. S, Rayl

I J% hen all is said and

III I I sung, kiddie pop
%m %^ from Barney's "I Love
You" lo old standards like "Twin-
kle, Twinkle, LiHIe Star" may be
brain food for the scientists and
mathematicians of tomorrow. If.
thaiis, the preschool children lis-

tening sing along and take up

keyboard lessons.
According to a recently pub-
lished study from the University
Raus^ier of California-Irvine, preschoolers
advises parents who participate in keyboard in-
losing struction and group singing dra-
wttti their kids, matically enhance the intelli-
and invesi gence network required for high-
In piano lessons level math and science. Basically
or a musi- these musical activities appear
cal heytioanl. lo strengthen links between brain
neurons, building neural bridges L.A. County preschools. Nine- pieces into familiar objects) from
used for spatial reasoning, says teen were provided with eight the Wechsler Preschool and Pri-
co-investigator, psychologist months of weekly keyboard in- mary Scale of Intelligence Re-
Frances H. Rauscher, formerly of struction and daily group singing vised Performance Subtest, and
the university's Center for Neuro- sessions; 14 did not receive any "Absurdities" (verbal descrip-
biology of Learning and Memory musical training. tions of what is "wrong" or "silly"
This and other studies now In the 30-minute, daily singing about a given picture) from the
underway emanated from earlier sessions, the preschoolers chor- Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale.
work of co-investigator, physicist tled a variety of songs, from new The results: 17 of the 19 kids
Gordon L. Shaw, UC-lrvine, Shaw hits to classic favorites. For the who received music lessons in-
and former graduate student. keyboard instruction, Eric L Wright creased their spatial-temporal
Xiaodan Leng, created a neuronal of the Irvine Conservatory traded IQs by a 46 percent mean.
Those children who received no
Music is a very powerful tool whicfi can music lessons only improved by
be used to ensure every child reaches a 6 percent mean, which is less
than expected by chance The
his or her potential in math and science.
study further suggests, says
model of the cortex. This model in the traditional A-B-C method of Rauscher, that other tasks which
proposed thai musical activity and piano teaching and developed a depend upon spatial-temporal
higher cognitive functions share series of mathematically oriented processes chess, geometry,
inherent neural firing patterns keyboard exercises Numbers sculpture, and the computer
which are organized in a highly were assigned to fingers the game Telris will probably also
structured, spatial-temporal code tfiumb being 1, index 2, and so be enhanced by music training.
covering large cortical regions. on as well as to the keys C-1, And even if your child shows
While neuroscienlists have yet D-2, and so on, "When you look no signs of becoming the next
to really look at the brain on a at music, it truiy is a mathemati- fulozart or Elvis Presley, the ge-
micro they can observe pat-
level, cal production; we wanted to see nius of an Albert Einstein or
terns. the only way now to
Still, the impact this mathematical ap- Madame Curie may be hiding
determine how certain activities proach would have," says Wright. behind those missed notes or
influence others within the brain Rauscher then tested the chil- sour chords just waiting to burst
is to study the resulting behavior. dren's spatial reasoning with a into equations, DO
The preschooler study set out series of five tasks, including ob-
to do just that. The study involved jectassembly and animal pegs Please visit our World Wide Web site

33 youngsters enrolled at two (assembling cardboard puzzle at hnp://


Scientists digitize the sky to reveal its hidden secrets

By Steve Nadis

J^% ny theory atlempting to tory, as well as the contents of tronomer formerly at Caltech and
#i"^L explain the universe the Second Palomar Obsen/atory Palomar, have developed a new
m m must rely on a special Sky Survey, a new atlas that in- software program called SKICAT
kind of inventory a comprehen- cludes nearly 3.000 photographs that automatically finds and clas-
sive survey of the celestial ob- of the northern sky. (The first sifies sky objects while noting
jects adorning the heavens, Just Palomar survey was completed their position and brightness. In

as a storekeeper regularly re- in 1957.) Interestingly, these pic- the old days, astronomers spent
views and refines his inventory, tures are stored on glass plates untold hours staring at plates
astronomers have begun to up- rather than film, because film can through a microscope or magni-
date theirs, making new maps of bend and thus distort the posi- fying glass, counting little dots
the sky in wavelengths ranging tions of celestial objects, The ST and charting their position with a
from radio to x-ray. In Scl group expects ruler. SKICAT not only automates

contrast to traditional to finish scanning the process, it also does the job
astronomical surveys, both sets of plates more quickly and more accu-
which photograph the by 1998 or 1999, rately than humans. "Historical
entire sky in numer- The ST Scl -Palo- classification tasks that took
ous, overlapping seg- mar collaboration years can now be done in a mat-
ments, most of the makes tremendous ter of hours," Weir says,

new surveys either in sense to George ST Scl intends to put the cata-
progress or planned Djorgovski, an as- log entries online, making them
will be digitized: Rather tronomer at the accessible to anyone with a
California Institute modem. And after the second
Storing astronom- of Technology and Palomar photos are completely
ical data the Palomar Obser- digitized, Djorgovski and fiis col-
on pholograptiic vatory. Computer leagues at Caltech plan to digi-

plales litie technology, he says, tize the first Palomar survey By

these may soon provides "a way of comparing recent pictures of the
be obsolete, milking the data for sky to those taken years ago,
as astronomers all it's worth and, in astronomers can study transient
go iligital. fact, more than it phenomena such as supernova
was worth originally." bursts, quasars, and variable
than just taking snapshots with Once digitized, the Palomar stars "Who knows what was in
cameras, astronomers now em- survey will contain an unprece- the sky back then?" Fayyad
ploy advanced detectors that dented amount of astronomical muses. The extended time cov-
measure the amount of light
data three terabytes, enough erage also permits scientists to
reaching us from all parts of the information to fill six million chart the motions of stars, which
sky and then combine that infor- books. The project will ultimately offer clues about the structure of
mation arithmetically to produce identify two billion stars and 50 the galaxy.
detailed images of the stars and million galaxies. Eventually, astronomers hope
galaxies distributed above. The big challenge comes in to unearlh secrets lurking in other
While some astronomers move
forward with these new surveys, Computer technology provides
others work "backward" in a "a way of milking the data for
sense, digitizing old-fashioned
photographs by translating the
more than was worth originally."

information they contain into a trying to process all Ihat informa- plate collections scattered around
string of numbers that can be an- tion. "In the past, people haven't the world. "These plates won't
alyzed and manipulated by com- been able to analyze data as fast last forever, especially exposed

puters. A team at Maryland's as they can collect it." says to air pollution," Lasker warns.
space Telescope Science Insti- Usama Fayyad, a computer sci- "We should digitize them now,
tute{ST Sol) is currently digitiz- entist at the Jet Propulsion Labo- we still have the chance."OQ
ing recent pictures of the ratory in California, To avoid a
Southern Hemisphere sky taken similar bottleneck. Fayyad, Djor- Please visit our World Wide Web site

by an Anglo-Australian observa- govski, and Nick Weir, an as- at

A tour of a high-tech research lab hints at driving's future

By Jeffrey Zycmont

The top brass at Ford

had good reason to
posite molding technique for plas-
tic body parts much before the
the catalyst research lab pipe
preen during the pubiic next century Still, he directs its re- in

dedication of the company's new search with urgent determination gases through reactive com-
Scientific Research Laboratory, to contribute to a motor-scene pounds lo find the formulas that
held rn Deafborn, Michigan, at anxious for light, fuel-thrifty cars. scrub ihe air cleanest. Four or-
the end of 1994, The expanded His task is to discover fast, ange-red, lableiop infernos burn
lab culminates a $1.2 billion in- low-cost ways to mold plastic in minifurnaces encased in glass

vestment in R&D facilities thai around pre-shaped mats of and fed by a tangle of cables,
began more than live years ago. glass or carbon reinforcement tubes, and cords.
John McTague, Ford's vice that make the finished pieces at Of course. Ford isn't alone in
president of technical affairs, put least as strong as steel, but up lo this type of work. Across town,
the expenditure in a business 60 percent lighter. Johnson over- General Ivlotors operates its own
perspective. "The rapid develop- sees four technicians in a mater- future-focused R&D lab within the
ment and application of ad- ial-science lab as large as a GM technical center which is
vanced technologies are fast tennis court, stretching upward housed in a square-mile campus
becoming one of the key com- nearly three stories, where it's configured by the visionary archi-
petitive advantages a company capped by a tangle of catwalk, tect Eero Saarinen. Honda con-
can have," he said, spinning off gantry crane, and ductwork: ducts R&D in Torrance, Califor-
that oldadage, "You have to largeenough lo make a good nia, Ivlarysville, and at its
spend money to make money." venue tor a chase scene in a home bases m Wako and Tochigi,
But the payoff from this brand James Bond flick. The lab is Japan. Virtually every automaker
of research comes far down the packed with retrigeraior-size in- pours millions sometimes bil-

foad. only aftera particular prod- dustrial computers, toolchesls, lions ot dollars into scientific in-
uct or process is perfected to the wires, hoses, conduits, cables, quiry Separately, Iheir efforts
Researchers point that dozens or even hun- and three big molding machines. push and pull the companies
and technicians dreds of thousands of them can The largest one, big enough lo into greater or lesser positions
laboring at be knocked off flawlessly and in- fill a suburban garage, presses within the ever-changing com-
Ford's new sci- expensively and millions ol car out liquid composiie molded petitive hierarchy But collec-
ence factory owners will find the ideas useful fenders in trial runs, letting out a tively theresearch advances the
In Dearborn are enough to purchase. persistent hiss and whir that's stale of automobility everywhere.
developing Carl Johnson doesn't think car punctuated by the occasional Accordingly in Ford's catalyst
Ihe futureloday. plants will employ the liquid com- pneumatic-robolic whoosh of se- research lab. Dr. Haren Gandhi
rious swirled 10.5 grams of black liq-
Across the building, in the uid in a beaker to represent the
chemical engineering depart- pollutants emitted each mile from
ment, the labs are smaller, but Ihe average automobile of the
the discovery continues with the 1960s. His pride apparent. Dr.
same earnest anticipation. In the Gandhi next held up a small
atmospheric chemistry lab, Tim cylinder with just a splash of
Wallington has built a 140-liter black in the bottom. That, he
smog chamber to test Ihe envi- said, is the output from a con-
ronmental impact of new fuels. temporary car. To illustrate Ihe
Looking like a seven-foot-long eventual output from an ullra-
glass thermos bottle, the cham- low-emission vehicle, he let a tiny
ber takes ultrapurified air and drop fall from a glass pipette.
then mixes in nitrogen monoxide, "Being pan of that improve-
an engine by-product. A cylindri- ment," said Dr Gandhi, who
cal band of IJV lights wrapping in 1967 and
joined Ford research
the thermos bottle mimics the who now manages the chemical
sun, turning the mixture to nitro- engineering labs, "even in a
gen dioxide smog. Wallington
small way you can't help but
then runs the brew through an feelgood about your work and
infrared spectrometer, revealing how it helps society "DO
Doom, and Descent, and Star Trek . . oh my!

By Gregg Keizer

Firsl-person science-fic- any gravity constraints. If you get the Next Step. Mars? CD-ROM
tion action games are nauseous on the ferris wheel, from IVI Publishing. Perfect for
bad for your health. They stay away from Descent. You're kids (but filled with enough info
l<eep you up all nighl in front of driving a robotic spaceship to keep most adults interested).
the computer or TV, run up your
phone bill when you make the Plenty of Imperial Stormtroopers
leap to multiplayer mode, and
crank up your virtual violence
managed to die in Star Wars, but
level to that of a digital Ted not like this. Dark Forces packs more
Bundy But hey, they're fun, right? violent behavior in a half-hour sitting than
Doom, which started the whole
you saw three movies.
in all
mess, begat a legion of in-your-
face games. Not surprising, for through corridors, blowing away Next Step: Mars? is a gentle, but
they're as visceral as gaming gets, enemy ships, and trying to get to thorough, Martian exploratorium.
in or out of the house. With claus-

trophobic sets, threatening situa-

the next of 30 levels. The per-
spective's slick and the freedom
The premise is goofy you're en-
listed by an Intergalactic Council
tions and enemies, limited re- of movement extraordinary. Still, to research Earth and its plans to
sources, and above all, a view that since the threats are machinery, head to fvlars, then report back
puts you in the shooter's seat. not embodied evil, It's tougher to with your findings
but the inter-
Doom and Its ilk break sweat get scared by this one. face is slick, There's the 3-D Vil-
faster than any other kind of game. Adding the ability to look up lage of Knowledge, where rooms
Doom and the are filled with objects
next-of-kin II: and data. Narrated
Hell on Earth (\6 Soft- reports, video, text,
ware/GT Interactive) still images, and
are the best places away-from-the-com-
lo start. You're a puter activities take
space marine wan- you from the history
dering through a of our thoughts on
Ivlars moon station Mars to future possi-
{Doom) or a cav- bilities of travel.
ernous Earih-based On the Internet. If
locale (Doom II). the only thing about
armed to the teeth Star Trek: Voyager
and lookin' for trou- that's scarier than
ble. A cast of bad Kate Mulgrew's steel
things your sights,
fills wool-edged voice is
from zombieNke hu- the possibility of
mans to grotesque demons, but and down and jump to the first- missing an episode, you need to
a few rounds from a shotgun or person viewpoint, Dark Forces hitthe Web page ai tittpj/Zvoy-
plasma rifle and they're toast. manages to evoke the world of Using an
The plot is simple: Survive long LucasArts while slathering on the you can pull up brief
enough to get to the next level. firepower. The corridor mazes summaries of already-aired
Play on a network or across phone are complex, the sound effects episodes, read short bios of the
lines via modem, and these almost overwhelming {this Is on crew (and longer bios of the ac-
games feel like you're a character CD, so audio is excelient), and tors),and download audio and
in Aliens. If you have a Sega 32X though it's only single-player, the video clips from the series. It's
system, you can also play Sega's heart-pounding meter is near mostly fluff, but it's worth adding

version ofDoom in front of the TV. the red zone. to your Netscape or Mosaic
Compared to Doom, Inter- Mars Needs Women (and when you forget to punch
play's Descent drops you into Kids). Going to Mars would be a Record on your VCR.DQ
freefall. That's because you've frighleningly difficult job, but
got a full range ol motion both learning about the Red Planet Is Please visit our World Wide Web site
honzontally and vertically, without a lot less scary, especially with at tittp://www.omnl
Pulling for the NIE. Plus, watching fruitflies copulate, and using
zebra mussels as water filters

Establishing a new science instituie? doesn't sound like

II Phnceton University and chairman of the Committee for
something the potentates of the new gouernmenta! order the NIE, He notes that the NIE would ensure that policies
would approve of Nevertheless, a proposed National are enacted appropriately without regard for who hap-
Institute for the Environment {NIE} is shaping up into pens to be in office.

something both sides of the debate can love: a nonregu- Hubbell envisions the NIE serving as a unifying force,
laiory, national, granting institution that will streamline driving a continuing, comprehensive analysis of interdis-
America's environmental research efforts and ultimately ciplinary environmental problems. For example, some
result in better, cheaper science policy, scientists maintain that chlorine mingled with pesticides
A Washington, DC-based committee has been lobby- can mimic Ihe effects of estrogen, causing feminization of
ing for Ihe N!E since environmental scientists Henry F. wildlife. One theory holds that the declines in the Great

Howe and Stephen R Hubbell first proposed the idea back Lakes' fish populations can be attributed to related losses
in 1989- Today, NIE supporters include Dow Ciiemical, the of funclion. The NIE would have a broad enough man-
World Wildlife Fund, the National Council of Negro Women, date to link, say neuroendocrinology with environmental
and Newt Gingrich. This science to help exam-
almost inconceivably ine the varied science
diverse alliance speaks issues in such a case.

to the universally rec- Rather than operat-

ognized need for a sin- ing completely inde-
gle entity; one tf>at will pendently of existing
distribute data among programs such as the
existing environmental EPA and Ihe U.S. Fish
agencies, fill in crucial and Wildlife Service,
gaps in research, and the NIE would instead
provide Ihe balanced, be tightly linked with
credible information them. The NIE planners
needed by policymak- want research directors
ers to solve environ- of federal agencies to
mental problems before serve on an advisory
they escalate into cost- panel so that they can
ly crises. In addition, prevent duplication of
plans for the NIE call for effort and ensure that

it to lake responsibility the NIE's work comple-

for environmental edu- ments existing federal
cation and data dissemination, providing a mechanism lo research programs. The NIE scenario also calls for the
linkworking scientists with each other and with the public. help coordinate research with education, a key
institute to

Legislation to establish the NIE has historically service that no existing agency provides.
enjoyed broad bipartisan support in Congress. Minority
But wait there's more. The plans for the NIE include
leader Tom Daschle, a Democrat, is considering Ihe rein- the establishment of the National Library for the
troduction of the NIE bill in the Senate, white Republican Environment, which would house relevant information on
Jim Saxton leads the effort in the House. The current issues ranging from wetlands protection to toxic-waste
administration, however, "does not think creating and cleanup. The library would be open to everyone with a
funding such a new entity is desirable at this time," pre- stake in an issue, from business leaders to local govern-
ferring to rely on the already-established Committee on ments to homeowners.
Environment and Natural Fiesources (CENR), according Indeed, this new institute may end up making every-
to statements made by John H. Gibbons, assistant to the body happy. For now, its future is in the hands of legisla-
president for science and technology, tors, "Against the backdrop of the budget debate,"
"There's a general consensus that CENR has not been Saxton says, "the NIE presents an opportunity for the
very effective at coordination in these times of budget United States to reinvent environmental science."
auslerity," says Hubbell, an evolutionary biologist at PATJANOWSKI


correct fragrance, receive ioned into a nifty wind

about half the courtship shelter He met with repre-
attention.Pheromones can sentatives of the Chicago
also change males "from Precast Products Company of
becoming really attracted to Naperville, and an inspired
a female to being com- collaboration soon began.
The result of this
cooperative venture, the
THE LARGEST CREATURE FermiShelter now sits
next to Lab 8, ready in the-
ory, to comfortably hold
BONE IS THE ATLANTIC 60 people while withstanding
GIANT SQUID, SOO-miie-per-hour winds
WEIGHING 2.5 TONS. and fending off flying objects
such as trees or cars. The
structure, arguably the first
piGiely averse to i^er," ex- above-ground tornado
plains Coyne. shelter has a curvy, "wind-
Of drosophila's four chro- shedding" shape with no
mosomes, "only a single sharp edges or indentations
small region of a single chro- for ttie wind to grab hold
mosome was responsible of. It's a sleek, 25-fool-long
for this difference," states tunnel made out of 11-
Coyne, who believes this inch-thick reinforced concrete
tiny genetic difference "is a slabs, welded into the
very important contributor shape of an arch.
to the origin of these species." "Structures like this make

J. Blake Lambert sense places where

basements may not be fea-

sible," explains Liz Ruben-
THIS FLY WALKS with chemicals (pheromones) WIND BREAKER stein, a marketing engineer
INTO A CROWDED in the waxy substance cover- for the company, "The
ing their bodies, which stim- As a particle physicist and whole thing is portable and
ulate chemoreceptors in the senior safety officer at modular, making easy it

Watching flies copulate is an male's forelegs and mouth, Fermilab, Hans Jostlein has to add or subtract concrete
important pari of recent Coyne's group studied four to worry about lofty sections," Steve Nadis
work refuting ttie idea that species. In two, males and matters like confirming the
species arise only via females both wear tricosene, existence of the top quark
many changes of small ef- and males will court these as well as mundane issues
some instances,
fect. In females, but not females of like protecting his col-
very small genetic changes the other two species, leagues from harm. The latter
have profound effects, which wear heptacosadiene. concern weighed heavily
says Jerry Coyne, professor of Males of these latter two on him, especially when he
ecology and evolution at species wear tricosene and thought of Lab 8, a poorly
the University of Chicago. will court any of the females. constructed industrial build-
Numerous barriers However the discriminat- ing thai would offer little

discourage species mixing, ing males can be fooled. protection in the event of a
one of the most important A female of the "wrong" spe- windstorm or tornado.
of which is sexual isolation, cies crowded among "right" Jostlein spotted the solu-
where species differ in ones can obtain enougfi pher- tion to hisconcerns in the
mating behaviors, says Coyne. omone to be sexually inter- form of concrete chunks lying
For example, female fruit esting
even dead. And hy-
if alongside the roadway
flies (drosophila) attract males brid females, with half the chunks which might be fash-
WIPP SMART background of any place we
know of on earth," says
In Department
1988. the of UCLA physicist David Cline.

Energy (DOE) planned to amember of the astron-

begin depositing plutonium- omy team that wants to install
contaminated wastes from hundreds of neutron
U.S nuclear weapons plants detectors in the subter-
2,CX)0 feet below the earth's ranean facility The basic
surface in salt deposits near idea is that neutrinos from a
Carlsbad, New Mexico. supernova explosion might
The DOE postponed those pass through the salt beds,
plans as a response to unleashing neutrons that
environmental criticism; and could be picked up by an SArE FLYING ZONE we thought they were
seven years later the facility array of instruments. few years ago," says
just a
called the Waste Isolation Pi- By measuring the exact During the late 1960s Richard Stotarski, a
timing of the neutron sight- and early 1970s, the U.S. research scientist at the
ings, scientists hope to learn government financed NASA Goddard Space
how fast neutrinos travel the design of prototype su- Flight Center
and, by inference, whether personic aircraft, and Cruising altitude may be
these particles have any planned to build a fleet o> ihe key factor 'There
mass, It's a point of major cos- 500 planes. This vast appears to be an altitude ;

mological significance, fleet never materialized, due where large fleets of

'n-\ since that single measure-

ment could mean the dif-
ference between a universe
to concerns about sonic
booms, air pollution, and
ozone depletion. [Theo-
SSTs would not harm the
ozone layer," says Harold
Johnston, an atmospheric
that expands forever or retical models predicted chemist at the University
one in which matter eventu- that 10 percent of the o! California, Berkeley This
lotPlant (WIPP) remains ally begins to collapse. earth'sozone layer would so-called "safe flying
unused. Astronomers hope Cline and his colleagues be destroyed by nitro- zone" is thought to lie be-
to lake advantage of this still need to secure per- gen oxides released in the tween 1 7 and 20 kilome-
unique, abandoned site to mission from the Department stratosphere.) although an
ters in altitude,
study supernovas and the of Energy as well as raise NASA and the aircraft exact cut-off point has
elusive emissaries from those additional funds. "The bigges: industry have attempted yet to be established Sci-
violent stellar explosions, problem is not money, to revive the concept, cit- entists are also trying
neutrinos but finding a place where we ing developments that to determine the e/rteni to
A neutrino observatory can set up our equipment may make the idea more which aircraft exhaust
salable. On the drawing gases will drift upward in the
board are new engmos thai atmosphere to altitudes
VENUS, WHICH SHINES BRIGHTLY ENOUGH would emit several iimes where damage to ozone
less exhaust than the Con- will be more substantial
TO BE VISIBLE DURING THE DAY, ACCOUNTS FOR commer- Ozone, of course, is not
corde, the only
ABOUT 25 PERCENT OF UFO SIGHTINGS. cialsupersonic transport the only environmental
(SST) now flying. Also. issue, "We need to look at
NASA conducted dozens how other things in the
must be underground to and leave it alone, possibly of research flights in the exhaust water, soot, and
provide shielding from cos- fordecades," he says. stratosphere in 1993 and sullur migfit affect the
mic rays. Low levels ol The hope is that a nuclear 1994 to measure con- climate," Stolarski says. "For
background radioactivity are waste disposal iacility centrations of various gases, once, we're trying to figure
also essential. According storing materials that will and the results are en- this out in advance, rather
to preliminary measurements, stay radioactive for tens couraging, "The effects of than just going ahead
WIPP scores well on both ofthousands of years just nitrogen oxides ori ozone and seeing what happens,"
counts. "In fact, this site has might be around for a are not nearly as large as -Steve Nadis
ttie lowest radioactive while.Steve Nadis


Using heavily magnified
pictures taken from a Irans-
'nsslon electron micro-
icope, or TEM, scientists at
ine [Vlassachusetts Insti-
tute of Technology can now
"fingerphnt" individual
soot particles. This tech-
nique may eventually
enable them to trace soot to
its source, whether that is

a particular type of combus-

tion engine or a specific
factory's smokestack.
Soot from different sources
has distinctively different
characteristics, according to
chemical engineers Ad el
Saroftm and John Vander
Sande. They enlarged
the TEM pictures roughly 2,5
million times and then pro-
duced digitally enhanced im-
ages of single layers, which
form the particles.
STRANGE LIAISONS The MIT scientists then

ON AN EMPTY compared the enhanced

A group of scientists, 10.000 duct. Thai's exactly what he images with the originals and
leet down along the East
was doing to a much discovered that the spac-
Pacific Risein the deep-sea
ABSORBED INTO THE larger six-foot, grayish-brown ing between the layers varied
research submersibie BLOODSTREAM IN LESS octopus when the Alvin with the type of fuel that
Alvin, were recently startled THAN A MINUTE. arrived to record the deep- produced the soot. In other
by the sight of Iwo male sea mating ritual between words, soot produced by
octopuses of diffGrent spe- the two males. diesel fuel has a uniquely dif-
cies, their arms entwined expect to see this," Since cephalopods aren't ferent layer structure from
in amorous embrace. The lurid film was shot in hermaphrodilic, Voight that produced by anthracene.
all sorts of ques-
It raises the Hole to Hell, west of theorizes the odd coupling
tions about what's going Guatemala along the mid- occurred because every
on down there," says octopus ocean ridge that extends time octopuses meet at such
specialist Janet Voight of up into the Gulf of California, lonely depths, each must
the Field Museum of Natural according to marine ecol- explore the possibility, how-
History in Chicago, who ogist Richard Lutz of the Insti- ever remote, that the other
was summoned to analyze tute of Marine and Coastal might be a female, lest they
1 6 minutes of videotaped Studies at Rutgers University. miss a rare mating oppor-
footage of the X-rated en- The smaller partner, a 15- tunity George Nobbe
counter the first of its kind inch white octopus, was of a
spotted in the wiid. "If you're species that had not previ- "If A equals success, then
going to see one, and ously been seen. One of his the formula A=X+Y+Z.
work. Y is play. Z is l<eep
only one act of mating be-
haviorbetween deep sea
grooved arms had a cup-
shaped grasper at the end.
X is

your moulfi shut. E?^%^^~:

octopuses, you would not Males use this to insert a Albert Eins^e.n

That's Irue because the NANOPUMPS

two pass through different
thermal and chemical Researchers at the U.S. De-
environments. partment ol Energy's
"They look exactly like a Pacific Northwest Labora-
fingerprint," says Sarofim, tory (PNL) are designing
describing the different par- miniature heat pumps that
aiiel lines of spacing be- could drastically improve
tween carbon atoms of sool. heating and coding in build-
"At the moment we aim to ings of the future. Dis-
distinguish between soot from tributing many smaller heai
the major types of (uei pumps throughout a build-
such as diesel, wood, fuei oil, ing could save energy, says
and natural gas. But in Kevin Drost of PNL, proj-
time we hope to say whether ect co-manager (with Bob made as small at j. .ik-e At first the energy-saving
a particle came from a Wegeng), because it with performance 10 to 100 devices will be used
particular type of engine or would eliminate losses of times better than required. "where weight and volume
even a certain factory" about 1 5 percent due to The team hopes to make
are important defense
If it works as well in the cycling a large system on and sheets of evaporators, applications, space applica-
field as 11 has on lab sam- off, and 30 to 40 percent compressors, and condens- tions, transportation."

ples of air, ihe fingerprints in the ducting. In homes, he ers, then sandwich them Eventually the team hopes
could not only lead pollu- adds, only about half the into one thicker sheet "that todesign a sheet of ther-
tion sleuths to Irouble spots, energy actually gets to where acts like a heat pump but mally active material, that
but also lead to filtration needed
it's in reality consists of a large could "sense its environ-
systems more adept at trap- The PNL team has devel- number of individual heat ment and then respond ther-
ping airborne particles, oped evaporators and pumps operating in paral- mally" as desired.
s Nobbe condensers which can be lel," Drost says J. Blake Lambert

sMAtamKmumm problems by a father-and-

SmartSkin ttiat
the air by the EffimmilJ^BBH
gines' power systems.
The Federal Aviation Admin- son team of inventors electricity lo keep vital com- "SmartSkin can warm
istration (FAA), plagued from Mahwah, New Jersey ponents warm. The pat- wing cages and vertical
by a recent series of plane The FAA and Ihe Na- ented approach is the inven- stabilizers that are essential

crashes apparently caused tional Aeronauiics and Space tion of Ot)s H, Hastings to flight withoul distort-

by accumulated snovj and Admimslratlon (NASA) and his son. Otis M ,

of ing the aerodynamics." says
iceon wings and engines, are both test-flying planes Thermion Technologies. Hastings The invention
may have been handed a equipped with a thin layer "it's a very simple applica- could render obsolete the
tion of a heating clement currem use of glycol
within a mckei-coated graph- sprays or other old-fashioned
ite fiber scrim,," explains de-icing remedies, such
Ihe elder Hastings, whose as bleeding hot air off the 1

coaiing can be impreg- planes' engines.

nated or rolled inio the The inventors say the
paltPd ^LrfTeOi J">y graphite scnm is so thin
} 1^ e Once apple 1 tn'^r It's vidualiy invisible once i!

m'll censors deteL ren? IS impregnated into the

aircraft's paint. They have li-

censed their low-energy

system to Aerospace Safety
Technologies, a Menden,
Nevada aviation manufactur-
A New Jersey father-and- ^
lor airplanes cal ground oullet or n ing supplier. George Nobbe


* * 3'.

back as the Depression-haunted

w^St^ '^

^^9SSt 1930s, the Dickson

IlUnois, had been a

ular local tourist attraction.

-f over 200 exposed

m^^BBS^^^ '
-^-- -! -^
-dian graves.

the skeletal remains of the

occupants revealed

fcS*, as they had been found yea

mer, Don Dickson, had begun

excavating the

burials in 1927 at least partly

out of professional interest as a cfii-
cans have demanded the return (or
ropraclor (he wanted to examine tine I "repatriation") of remains and arti-
;s) and, in tfiose days, \he I
facts held b'^ the nation'smuseums.
Dicl^Eon Mounds attraction was little
f I
and more sensitive exhibits on Na-
5than a wood-frame stnelier - wmerican culture. During the

over a iiole in the ground. -i-nth and early twentieth cen-

Trouble began in the early - archaeologists and agents
1970s, when (he slate buill a new such prominent institutions as
museum on the site. Native Ameri- |
the Smithsonian and the American
cans, upset by the exploitative ex- Museum of .Natural History were
it, threatened to protest at the digging up relics from Native Ameri-
seum's dedication cererr,my 1 burial grounds and trading for

5 protest never occurred, bui artifacts on reservations. Vast col-


complaints continued intermr.torr , lections of material

from prehis-
until 1989 when, sensing the shiHr i
loric pottery and bone carvings to
tide of public opinion, Judith Ptfyi feather headdresses, mumm
and si^elelons
ended up in the dis-
mended to the governor of Illinois ;
play cases and storage boxes of
that the exhibit be closed. I
museums. As Native American
But that wasn't the end of the tivism grew during the 1960s and
trouble. When the local Lewislown I 197DS, pressure on museums to n
public heard of the plan to close the I turn
such objects particularly the
site, they protested in return. The llli-
human remains grew as well.
nois Department of Natural Re- The repalnation issue reached
sources held hearings; Dicl<son I
watershed in the 1980s, when ar-
Mounds became a battleground of I chaeologists and museum curators.
ihe 1990 Illinois gubernatorial cam- who had largely remained passlv
t; and the decision was re- before (hoping, perhaps, that the

ed the exhibit would stay I issue would blow over in time).
Native American groups
I. I started to give Native American
demonstrated outside the museum; I
claims serious consideration and,
some leaped into Ihe pits and cov- n some cases, to agree to return all

ered the sl<elelons with blani^ets; or part of their collections to the


and Ihe verdict was changed again. tribes. California's Department of

1 April 1992, the site was officially I Paries and Recreation, which held
closed to the public, a concrete |
hundreds of skeletons, was one of
slab was laid over the pit of open the first, yielding to pressure ii

graves, and with that the last exhibit 1983, but challenge from archaeolo-

of Native American remains in gists held the repatriation back for


country was sealed. The governor I ny years. As the decade pro-

nitted $4 million to renovate |
I gressed, the weight of opinion
and expand the museum, as a salve began to shift toward the Native
to ihe angry residents of Lewislown, American view, and other institu-
but hardly anyone was pleased by I tions such as Stanford University
compromise Native Americans I and Ihe University of Nebraska
wanted the bones reburied rather agreed lo return collections. Most
than simply covered over, scientists I significantly, Ihe Smithsonian Institu-

wanted more lime to study the re- iion, which had held out under in-

mains, and the local townspeople I creasingly ardent protests for years,
still felt their interests had been f
signed an agreement with two na-
manhandled by outsiders. nal Indian organizations
The bitter conflict at Dickson I ! September 1989, providing for the
Mounds is just one of many such I
return of some of its 18,500 Native
clashes that have plagued mu; j
American "specimens" and their as-
and archaeologists over Ihe I
sociated funeral objects.
past several years, as Nalive Ameri- As Ihe number of professional ar-

l!;c and conllicl (or inusctiin curators and arcnacoloaisls.

chaeologists and museum curators promoters of the new methodology or didn't like professional archaeology."
who favor repatriation has grown, so perspective go to in order to verify and That becomes a particularly impor-
has a very personal brand of passion affirm the usefulness of their ap- tant distinction when issues of respect
on both sides. Normally polite acade- proach." Over time, such benchmark for Native American beliefs tread on
mic papers in journals such as Ameri- collections, which have been analyzed some of our own most ireasured princi-
can Antiquity drift at times toward insult and reanalyzed by dozens of different ples. One of the points in the Cotiga
with terms like "immoral" and "hypocrisy" techniques, become ever more valuable burial mound dispute was a request by
and phrases like "the anthropological to researchers. "In that light," says the Native American group that female
trap of cultural relativism." The Council Brown with a note of regret, "the con- researchers working at the site not han-
for West Virginia Archaeology and the signment of the collection to oblivion is dle the burial materials the human re-

Society for West Virginia Archaeology rather unfortunate," mains and related funeral objects
jointlysued the state of West Virginia The trend toward repatriation and while they were menstruating. "My
over a plan to excavate a burial mound the accommodation of Native Ameri- immediate reaction," says Farrar, "was,
at Cotigathey felt the state plan gave can concerns reflects a general shift in well, you can ask, but I'm not going to

too much power to a coalition of Native public opinion toward respecting the enforce it, and don't know it anyone

Americans who had voiced concern. viewpoints of historically oppressed mi- will agree to that,"

Not content with a court battle, the norities. The same cultural forces that The issue was resolved, however,
plaintiffs fought it out in the press as have brought team names like the without conflict, The spokesperson for

well, "I saw things that were vitriolic Washington Redskins under fire have the Native American group (a woman)
against me personally in artifact-trader bequeathed a powerful moral force to talked It over with the head of the ar-
magazines and collector magazines," the proponents of repatriation. "For so chaeological team (also a woman), and
recalls William G, Farrar, deputy com- long archaeologists have taken a really she agreed to honor their request. "She
missioner of the West Virginia Division of coloniallstic attitude toward Indians said she'd been in that situation on
Culture and History with some amuse- and their remains," says Anthony several reservation digs," Farrar re-
ment and a touch of old irritation. Klesert. "To a certain extent, we've got calls. "That it wouldn't interfere with
In keeping with the trend, the state it coming," Bui there's more to it than their work, and it would foster good n
won the case, and a subsequent ap- ashionable group guilt. Anthropologi-
fashionable lations, so no sweat."
peal. "We established that repatriation
is a program that's here to stay" says
Farrar Bit by bit, a consensus is form-
The trend toward repatriation reflects a
ing, says Anthony Klesert, director of
the Navajo Nation Archaeoiogical De- general shift in public opinion
partment in Window Rock, Arizona,
"that, indeed, these things are the
property of Indian tribes." That consen-
toward respecting the viewpoints of his-
sus is what scares some archaeolo-
gists and museum professionals. If torically oppressed minorities,
objects are relumed to Native Ameh-
cans, there's no way to ensure their cal ethics dictate a stance of neutral Likewise, the sensitive issue
is of con-
fate, "They'll have the right of determin- cultural relativism and noninterference, fidentiality
what critics would call cen-
ing what happens to them," says Klesert explains, "which means taking
sorship raises the hackles of
James Brown, chairman of the anthro- into account the world-view and the Amen cans weaned on the first amend-
pology department at Northwestern point-of-view of the people gener- who ment. "Confidentiality is an important
University, "including the right to sell ated these objects." Looked at that aspect of a lot of sacred places and
them." The Yup'lk natives of St, way, repatriation seems less like a be- sacred ceremonies," says Anthony
Lawrence Island, Alaska, recently took trayal of scientific principles than fi- Klesert. "It has to be respected." Na-
to raiding their own archaeological delity to scientific ethics, even if it tive Americans are often loathe to
sites and selling the valuable artifacts means precious relics and valuable ev- share Information about sacred topics
to dealers. idence must be destroyed. "From an at all, and when they do, they want to
But resale isn't the most disturbing anthropological point of view, maybe have a say about its publication and
{or likely) possibility by far Much of the that's what should happen," Klesert dissemination. Photographs and other
material returned to Native Americans suggests, "if the makers, the design- documentation of buhai sites may of-
will be destroyed in one way or another. ers, the users of the items want them fend some Native Americans, who
The human remains and funeral objects destroyed, that's the way should be." it would rather no such records were
will be rebuhed. Other objects, such as "If thai were my grandmother's head kept, even for scientific purposes.
the striking wooden war-god sculptures up on the says William Farrar,
shelf," Robert ivtaslowski, president of the
crafted by the Zuni, will simply be ex- "I'd be incensed, and so would most of Council for West Virginia Archaeology,
posed to the elements to decompose the people in the state of West Virginia," claims that the original plan for the
naturally, as they were originally in- But, Klesert points out, it's not enough Cotiga mound excavation would have
tended to do by Zuni custom, to support the Native American view- returned all the materials
even the
Certainly, some of the resistance to point only when one's own gut-level re- scientific
records to the Native Ameri-
repatriation derives from sentimentality sponse agrees with it. "That's missing cans for disposal, though in the end no
but the loss of scientific data and
it's the point it's not a question of how such action occurred, and Farrar de-
access to precious archaeological re- would you feel, it's how do they feel." nies that he would ever have endorsed
sources that will hurt the most. "When a Farrar elaborates' "I don't have to believe such a plan. "1 will not stand for censor-
new advance comes along," Brown ex- in if, but have to respect their beliefs,
ship on anything that comes through
plains, "it's precisely those well-known, the same as would respect the beliefs
I this office, pehod," he Insists.

well-documented collections that the of professional archaeologists even if I The 1990 Native American Graves
protection and Repatriation Act {NAG- between what was left in the past and way for archaeologists and museums
PRA) brought some mucti-needed who lives today," Over the centuries, to keep their precious materials. "Give
structure to ttie morass of ethical de- many different tcibes may have occu- me a break," says Anthony Klesert. "What
bate. Wtiile it essentially favors Native pied a particular area, and records for IS clear is that these things aren't related

Americans, requiring repatriation of some regions (and some collections) to us, European-stock archaeologists,"
several categories of material and es- are hopelessly spotty Stoffle and his NAGPRA itself may be limited to
tablishing procedures for handling colleagues have conducted several specific categories of materials and to
buhals discovered on federal or tribal cultural affiliation studies, some in con- the holdings of federally funded institu-
lands, MAGPRA also set some limits on nection with NAGPRA, to help institu- it's also served as a catalyst
tions, but
Native American demands. It covers tions determine which living people fordiscussing and resolving wider is-
only a narrow range of relics and re- might be related to their collections. "A sues of respect for Native American
quires Native American claimants to study tells you who to
cultural affiliation concerns. The American Indian Reli-
demonstrate some "cultural affilia- talk with," Stoffle says. "We take the gious Freedom Act of 1978 (AIRFA)
a "reasonable" link {not neces- broadest possible net, and we look at a mandated protection for a much
sarily based on direct genealogical place and say who could possibly broader range of materials and issues
descent) between their ancestry and have lived here in whatever time pe- related to Native American culture;
the remains or artifacts in question, riod, and we argue for the involvement Rather than just burial sites and funeral
NAGPRA become a reference point
has of those tribes
all objects, AIRFA encompasses such
for both scientists and Native Ameri- But then all that remains are repre- things as important wild plants and ani-
a "middle ground," says Richard sentatives from the various affiliated mals, and what Richard Stoffle calls
Stoffle of the University of Arizona's Bu- tribes, not a solution, Critics question how "traditional cultural properties," sacred
reau of Applied Research and Anthro- well anyone's concerns will be addressed sites which may show little or no evi-
pology, where the opposing parties by such a process, and whether Native dence of human habitation, and so are
can meet to resolve the specific terms American groups are going to make wise not often protected from development
of the act itself as well as the larger is- decisions about the long lists of arti- or intrusion. AIRFA didn't have the
sues of their relationship, facts museums are sending them. But "teeth" of NAGPRA, with its very spe-
NAGPRA specified that any facility archaeologists who have worked closely cific requirements, deadlines, and
penalties, but many institutions are tak-
ing the opportunity to comply with
Native Americans are exceptionally AIRFA's terms as they come into com-
pliance with NAGPRA, "Thai's good,"
careful. The last thing they says Stoffle. "From a Native American
standpoint, think it's a lot better to

have AIRFA compliance,"

want to do is bring somebody else's body Such broad consultations will likely
be NAGPRA's most important and last-
back to their reservation. ing effect, "Its purpose
museums," says C. Timothy
to loot
is certainly not

receiving federal funds had to make an with Native Americans think they'll be McKeown, the National Park Service's
inventory of its Native American hold- exceptionally careful in going over mu- program leader for national implemen-
ings, determine (in consultation with seum inventories and claiming items. tation of NAGPRA, "The legacy of
Native Americans and scientists) which "In most cases they're really conserva- NAGPRA be that it mandates dia-

tribes might be culturally affiliated with tive," says Richard Stoffle. "The last logue between museums and Indian
their objects, inform the tribes of their thing they want to do is bring somebody tribes." Once archaeologists, museum
findings (by November 16, 1995), and else's body back to their resen/ation." curators, federal land managers, and
return to them any affiliated items in Still, NAGPRA's necessarily vague others start talking to concerned Native
several categories. Generally, NAGPRA definitions allow museum directors to Americans and exchanging views,
demands the return of human remains view cultural affiliation as narrowly as problems can be resolved before they
and associated grave goods, unasso- possible indeed, professional ethics NAGPRA works, there will be a
start. "If

cialed grave goods (objects ot a fune- may require them to do so. Museums better partnership between museum
real nature but not accompanied by have a "public trust," explains Judith professionals and the tribes," says
any remains in the collection), sacred Franks, and whatever the personal Richard Stoffle,
objects^meaning materials vital for feelings of curators, they can't just give That partnership will do a lot more
American reli-
the practice of Native objects in their care to whoever makes than help in avoiding future problems.

gion and objects of "cultural patri- a claim. Others feel that NAGPRA ought The adversarial relationship between
mony," a vague term alluding to to be interpreted as broadly as possi- archaeology and Native Americans has
culturally important items which belong ble. For instance, says Richard Stoffle, left archaeologists working without the

to the tribe as a whole, and therefore "we believe that unrecognized tribes benefit of one of the best potential
should never have been traded or sold have a right to participate," He and his sources of information the Native
by individual tribe members. colleagues recommend that unrecog- Americans themselves. When it comes
In many ways, NAGPRA has only re- nized tribes, not technically covered by io interpreting finds, says Anthony
fined the debate, not resolved it. Its NAGPRA, be included in museum con- Klesert, "they have the inside track."
gray areas leave room for widely vary- sultations. "Simply because the federal NAGPRA-mandated consultations
ing interpretations. The requirement of government currently doesn't recog- could yield a wealth of information
cultural affiliation is a knottier problem nize them should not disqualify them about museum holdings. "You put In-
than itmight seem. "From an archaeo- from the process," he says. For some, dian people on archaeological materi-
logical standpoint." says Richard Stof- splitting hairs over the degree of cul- als," says Richard Sloffle, "and do so in
fle, "it's very hard to make a connection tural affiliation is nothing bul a cynical a manner in which their information is
desired for its protection, and they'll als have gotten together," says Stoffle. and the public is the source of our fund-
share knowledge that archaeologists NAGPRA also specifies that if a burial ing. We depend on the good impres-
are hungry for" As MAGPRA deadlines is discovered anywhere on federal or sions of the public, and by golly they're
have come and gone, Timothy McKe- work at the site must stop for
tribal land, going to side with the Indians they
own has fielded panicky calls from small, 30 days to allow Native Americans and will, there's no question about that."

understaffedmuseums with less-than- archaeologists to study the remains The power of the Native American
thoroughly documented collections. and determine their disposal. That clause appeal comes down to two factors: the
"The Indians are coming,' they say," might actually lead to the completion of volume of the complaint, and the moral
McKeown recounts. "'What should we more archaeological research. Under force behind it. No outcry arose over
do?' 1 tell them I'd listen attentively, and NAGPRA, contractors will have an in- the handling ot the well-preserved
I'd jotthings down, because you're terest in commissioning comprehen- body of the now-famous Ice fvlan found
about to learn a lot about your collec- sive archaeological surveys of potential in the Alps a few years ago, though at

tion.The experts are coming to you." construction sites, says Timothy McKe- only 5,000 years old and with such
Native Americans can also learn own, because "the last thing they want good preservation. might have been It

somelhing from talking with museum to do is put a construction project through possible to determine likely relatives
staff and archaeologists. For decades a place where there are burials, and with far more accuracy than in most
the federal government pursued a pol- have to wait 30 days every time they hit Native American cases. "They have all
icy of assimilation and suppression of one." Anthony Klesert recalls one re- sorts of Neanderthal human remains on
Native American cultures, and muse- cent case in which the Peabody Coal display in Europe," Klesert points out,
ums and anthropologists were often the Company arranged for an exhaustive "because nobody complains." Had
only parties (save the Indians them- survey of an Anasazi burial ground be- some of the Swiss "descendants" of
selves) interested in preserving a record fore Ihey started digging, "If NAGPRA the Ice Man raised a protesi, perhaps
of those endangered societies. Particu- hadn't been passed," says Klesert, his remains would have been promptly
larly in the East and Midwest, where "those remains would have been reburied as well.
Native Americans were forcibly re- plowed under by the drag line." Native Americans occupy a unique
moved from their lands, and their cultures Museum curators and archaeologists position in the moral history ot our
were sharply disrupted by European in- would be wise to focus on such en- country, a position which invests their
vasion, archaeology can provide a couraging reports. Klesert, for one, be- feelings with a profound force few other
unique and vital link to the past. lieves that substantial repatriation is interest groups can match, "It's a ques-
William Farrar recalls that during the inevitable, and that opposing it will only tion of respect," says William Farrar,
excavation at Cotiga, "there were a lot hurt more in more people
the end, "The "and until you can figure out a better
of Native Americans who came down drag more we start look-
their feet, the way to handle that, reburial is what's
to the site to see what was going on, ing like the bad guys in the public eye. going to happen. "DO
and who understand that what the ar-
chaeologists are bringing out is also
teaching Ihem about their past civiliza- you use tobacco the way Vou smoiie out of
Here is an alternative you should try. '^^ if

tions," First-hand exposure might even

Native Americans intended ... choice rather than habit ...

inspire more Native Americans to take

up archaeology or anthropology as a
profession, which could only be a great
boon to research as well as to the on-
going dialogue between the two
camps. "There are all too few American
Indian archaeologists and anthropolo-
gists at least in this part of the country,"
says Judith Franke.
Anthony Klesert helped establish
two programs for training Native Ameri-
cans as professionals, one at Northern
Arizona University and the other at Fort
Lewis College in Durango, Colorado,
but they're small and poorly funded, Made from 100% Chemical-Additive-Free, Whole Leaf, Natural Vfrgbda Tobacco and nothing else,

supported as they are by the Navajo Hrst me ciBtomers receive free iipping w piE-paki Hdrefof a y raiior ffl irare, Or SCTd S 1.00 for eadi sa^
tribe itself. "We're laying some ground- tlie Manial Arreiican Spirit'- pioduci checked below. Only one ample d each prcxkl pa liHis*3ld;
work here," Klesert says, "but anthro- jpjckdWMQearEaB QiMtkol Regular RliaOgaretia (HctorMendiolOBaetB QiHdolNatfitaOpfiies
pology departments need to be apw:h(*l*el(tecDt.kPiWdgK
focusing on recruiting Native Ameri-
cans themselves." I^^E ChsgetelepltaifadffilacaKins

NAGPRA has already had some 51-|ifj

WMC/V: l-(B0O)-33I-5S9S
mutually beneficial side effects. The Un'/STATE
Arizona Stale fvluseum now has a com-
Natural American SpTJt, PQBox25i40, Santa Fe, KM 87504
mittee of Native Americans who consult
not only on NAGPRA issues, but on the
collection as a whole and on the pre-

sentation of Native American culture in Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide.

the museum's exhibits. "The museum's
going to be a beller place because In-
dian people and museum profession-
Article By Linda Marsa
Illustration by Sfanislaw Femandes

"Today, the only wealth there is in the H - ealth that comes trem tiumon mind; How high-teoh firms ore cashing in on tomorrow's gold mind,

in the
There's an underground wdr being waged But no hostages hove been seized, no shots fired,
and no oosuaities sustained. This covert bottie is over intelleotual propert/ rights, the obscure
branch of the iow that determines who owns and who profits from ideas. Yet the outcome of
this bioodless struggie could condemn society fo o Blade Runner future
where a monoiithic

corporate state owns everything, from the technology becomes more complex and
deepest reaches of cyberspace to each the law increasingly esoteric, the victors in

base pair on the human genome, these undeclared wars may be those who
"Billions of dollars are at stake in what is can afford the heaviest artillery, "Large,
essenlially the ephemeral, but enormously powerful companies can bury their smaller
domain of human creativity," says
powerful, opponents in a tidal wave of expensive liti-
Fred Warshofsky, author of The Paten! gation," says Fred Warshofsky, These legal

Wsrs. "That creativity, in the form of ideas, battles may create what Warshofsky calls
innovations, and inventions, has replaced "intellectual property cartels," where behe-
gold, colonies, and raw materials as the moths like Microsoft and Intel erect interlock-
new wealth of nations." Advances in bio- ing hardware-software monopolies reminis-
technology as well as in software devel- cent of AT&T's hammerlock on telecom-
opment, in computer technology, and in ttie munications prior to the breakup of Ma Bell,

creation of the information superhighway As we construct the scaffolding of the

are testing the limits of our intellectual prop- information superhighway which will have
erty laws, which govern patents, copy- the capacity to transmit mountains of data
rights, trademarks, and trade secrets. Ttiese at gigabit speeds government policymakers,
rules determine when an idea is so novel consumer watchdogs, telecommunications
that it is patentable, and provide legal industry officials, creative people^artists,
mechanisms for collecting the profits gen- writers, musicians and even librarians are

erated by this creative capital. "Intellectual attempting to formulate guidelines to deter-

property is a hot topic right now because mine who owns all those digitized bits of in-

it's part and parcel of the second industrial formation. Their debates echo controversies
revolution we're going through," says Bruce that have split scientists into warring camps
A, Lehman, U.S. Commissioner of Patents over patenting biotechnology products and
and Trademarks. "Property has always DNA, the very essence ofv
been the essence of capitalism. The only life. And the outcome of?

difference is property is changing from tan- these seemingly arcane

gible to intangible. Today, the only wealth disputes may well decide^
there is in the world is the wealth that what the world will be like ir

comes from the human mind." In recogni- the next millennium.

tion of this, provisions for safeguards for in- This paradigm shift has itsl
Can our tellectual property rights became a linchpin roots in a 1980 Supreme C
of U.S. endorsement of the General Agree- decision that changed patent I
current legal ment on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). law in the same way that Roe v.
system Bui there's growing concern that the in- Wade forever altered the abor-

keep pace credibly swill pace of technological devel- tion debate. In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme
opment is fast outdistancing our delicately Court agreed that scientific discoveries
with all balanced legal system's ability to protect were indeed inventions, and that new life

and inventors, to give in- forms can be patented. Specifically, the

the rapid ad- the rights of artists
dustry an incentive for innovation through Court ruled General Electnc was entitled to

vances in patent protection, and, at the same time, to own a new strain of bacleha devised in its

safeguard the public interest. The rapid New York labs to gobble up oil spills. It is

technology? proliferation of technology has become an ironic that only one vote changed the
unstoppable runaway train, and critics fear course of history, but this landmark ruling

we're hurtling at warp speed into a legal paved the way for patent protection for ge-
abyss. And it seems that the minute one netic engineering and allowed the bur-
problem gets resolved, a dozen more crop geoning biotech industry to exploit the
up. No wonder lyricist Hal David ("Promises, staggering commercial potential in the cre-
Promises"} lamented that artists have be- ation of new life forms,
come "road kill on the information highway" Jeremy Rifkin, head of the Foundation
because they have no protection against on Economic Trends and a critic of the
cyberthieves who appropriate their work. abuse and misuse of genetic engineehng,
What's equally disturbing is that as the was incensed. "Now, in the eyes of the law.
a living creature is no different than a scientific revolution that had its genesis patent was based on papers published
toaster oven or a computer," he re- in 1972. That's when Herbert Boyer of in the early 1970s by IMobel laureate

called, in a recent interview. He re- the University of California at San Fran- Har Gobind Khorana, who was then at
members predicting tfiat "this decision cisco and Stanford's Stanley Cohen, W\\l, which discussed possible meth-

w\\\ open up tlie floodgates for the while wolfing down corned beef sand- ods of synthesizing multiple copies of
commercialization of the gene pool, wiches on the patio of a Waikiki deli- small strands of DNA, "Cetus' con-
vifhich inevitably leads to the patenting catessen, figured out a way of plucking tention was Mullis look elements that
of life itself." a gene from one organism and patch- already existed in biology like the poly-
At the time, Rifkin sounded like a rag- ing it into the DNA of another. The hy- merase enzyme that can copy DNA,
ing fanatic. But he proved prophetic. A brid organism they created would then and saw that they could be turned into
subsequent 1987 Supreme Court ruling churn out the substance ordered up by a powerful new tool lo exponentially
extended patent protection to geneti- the implanted gene. amplify DNA," explains Paul Rabinow,
cally altered animals. Then, in August Gene splicing, as this technique a University of California at Berkeley
1993, the Rural Advancement Founda- came to be known, was the first funda- anthropologist and author of an up-
tion International (RAFl) discovered the mentally new drug-making approach in coming book on PCR's history
U.S. government had filed a patent on decades, and equipped scientists with
it U.S. patent law rejects patent
the cell line, which contains our entire the tools to mine the world's best phar- claims a description of the invention

genetic code, of an Indian woman from macopoeia for combating disease; the was published more than one year be-
Panama who is stricken with leukemia. human immune system. Now drugs fore the patent application was filed. If

This Guayami woman, like others in could be devised from bodily chemi- the court held that Khorana 's work did,
her tribe, carries a unique virus and an- cals precisely targeted therapeutics in fact, outline a method for using an
tibodies that may be useful in combat- that were the Holy Grail of medicine. enzyme to amplify DNA, that would
ing AIDS and leukemia. There's also a Stanford University officials con- mean the idea for PCR was in the pub-
community in Africa's Sudan that has a vinced Stanley Cohen to apply for a lic domain. But when Ivlullis took the

genetic resistance to malaria; inhabi- patent for this technique. Cohen and stand in the 1991 court battle, jurors
tants of Limone, Italy, harbor a gene Boyer waived their own rights to royal- were enthralled by the folksy Southern-
that protects against heart disease; ties from the invention, which has since bred scientist, as he spun out the tale
and some prostitutes in Nairobi may be

to HIV,
Each of these unique
has obvious commercial
Science is an incremental
value. But the idea of patenting these
cell lines, which contain human DMA, process. When is a discovery such a
the key to life itself, kicks up a hornet's

nest of legal and ethical issues not quantum leap forward that
the least of which is the specter of
Americans plundenng the DNA of Third
World people. "The human genome is it qualifies as a patentable invention?
the common heritage of our species."
says Jonathan King, a biology profes- generated more than $20 million in roy- of how the concept behind PCR came
sor at MIT, "The notion of granting alties to Stanford and UC-San Fran- to him in a blinding flash during a mid-
patents on human cell lines is compa- cisco, but their fellow scientists were night drive up the northern California
rable to a corporation owning the oxy- indignant. Hundreds of researchers coast in the spring of 1983, He con-
gen in the air. We have numerous working at dozens of institutions over vinced the six-member panel that PCR
examples in history of what happens three decades had contributed to the was indeed the product of his and
when you allow humans to be com- body of knowledge that led to this dis- only hisfevered imagination.
moditiesit's called slavery." covery For two institutions to claim all Kary Mullis's creation of the PCR
The patent application for the the credit, not to mention millions in technique was obviously a conceptual
Guayami woman was dropped after royalties, was
unconscionable. breakthrough. But in other instances,
strenuous protests by Panamanian offi- This has been the crux of many how key a an individual scientist
cials But that didn't stop other U.S. biotech patent disputes ever since. has played in unearthing something
government agencies from filing similar Science is an incremental process, new is not quite so clear-cut. That
patents on ceil lines from people in with each advance built upon the question was at the heart of the contro-

Papua New Guinea and the Solomon bricks of the last. So when is a discov- versy that erupted in 1991 when the
Islands, They think the controversy is ery such a quantum leap forward that it National Institutes of Health applied for
utternonsense. "This sensational talk qualifies as a patentable invention? patents on nearly 3,000 gene frag-
about [using this technology] to clone That was the central issue in the more ments discovered in the labs of one of
human beings who will live their lives in recent skirmish between DuPont and its biochemists, J. Craig Venter, who
servitude is garbage," counters Patent Cetus over the rights to Polymerase had devised an ultrafast, automated
Commissioner Bruce Lehman. "We're Chain Reaction (PCR), Devised by method of gene sequencing. "There
talking about a technology that creates Kary Ivlullis while he worked at Cetus, was a mother lode of information, some
a biological invention and patents are PCR is a simple process to amplify part of which will have phenomenal
simply a commercial mechanism for peo- even the tiniest bits of DNA. This tech- commercial potential," explains Reid
ple to get paid for their innovations." nique revolutionized genetic research, Adier. aWashington attorney who was
The 1980 Supreme Court ruling- spawned a billion-dollar industry, then head of the NIH's Office of Tech-
dubbed the Ghakrabarty decision after earned Mullis a Nobel prize, and was a nology Transfer. "We wanted to keep
the General Electric scientist who con- source of much debate and contention options open because no one had
cocted the oil-eating microbe was in the recent 0. J. Simpson Inal. thought about how to best transfer this
probably inevitable, however, given the DuPont's challenge to Cetus's PCR technology. Once data is published, it

mission of copyrighted work should be riding." In the future, developing na- lieve is a prerequisite to modernizing
considered infringement. But critics tions may become electronichavens in their economy. At stake was nearly S3
contend this sweeping mandate is cyberspace for intellectual property billionworth of sales American compa-
based on obsolete concepts of intel- plunderers, a Cayman Islands for data nies lost each year because of the theft
iectuai property
where originai works thieves akin to what author Bruce Ster- of intellectual property in China, where
likebooKs, films, records, and paint- ling envisioned in his futuristic caution- a thriving black market did a brisk busi-
ings could be contained in a neat ary tale. Islands in the Net. ness in pirated U.S. goods ranging
package that don't reflect twenty-first "That's why it's so important to get a from CDs, laser disks, video games,
century realities. They also believe this global consensus," says Pamela movies, and software to counterfeit
radically tilts the balance of power in Samuelson, a professor of law at the copies of jackets bearing the names of

favor of the publishers, and that Dra- University of Pittsburgh Law School, "It professional sports teams.
conian controls on electronic dissemi- SJoesn't make any sense to try to solve But while the Clinton administration
nation of information could turn millions problems domestically everyone can
if boasted about its great victory with the
of E-mail users into criminals, "The re- log on to off-shore sites " In fact, provi- recalcitrant Chinese, many phvately
port assumes increasing enforce-
ttiat sions in GATT are designed to circum- wonder how vigorously the Beijing gov-
ment will protect copyright on the Net," vent situations like this. The 1 16 nations ernment will pursue violators.
says fi/like Godwin, staff counsel for the in the trade pact have agreed to uni- Indeed, the world may be getting
Electronic Frontiers Foundation, a civil form rules regarding protection of wired, but the law lags far behind the
liberties group launctied by Lotus patents, copyrights, trade secrets, and technology It may be several years be-
founder Mitcli Kapor, "But the last thing trademarks in all fields of technology fore we understand how to devise sen-
we want is a law that felonizes what ranging from electronics and informa- sible mechanisms for protecting the
people are doing in their living rooms." tiontechnologies to biotechnology and fruits ofour imagination. "It's still the
Adds Prudence S. Adier, assistant ex- pharmaceuticals. Poachers will be hit Wild, Wild West on the electronic fron-
ecutive director of ttie Association of with stringent sanctions. tier,"observes Burk. with bandits
Researcti Libraries, "We're trying to de- An eleventh-hour intellectual prop- lurking on highway shoulders and cy-
velop some alternative cost recovery erty agreement reached between the bershehffs dispensing vigilante justice.

schemes" aside from the pay per use United States and China in February But one thing is certain: With brain
of copyright "that don't interfere with 1995 narrowly averted an all-out trade power becoming such a coveted cur-
public access." war. American officials were ready to rency, the twenty-first century will wit-

It may be tough to enforce stricter impose exorbitant tariffs on Chinese ness the real revenge of the "nerds"
rules in the electronic realm, though. imports and block China's admittance and Nohei laureates may finally
Some music industry trade groups like to the newly formed World Trade Orga- command bigger bucks than NFL run-
ASCAP and BMI routinely deploy spies nization, which Beijing bureaucrats be- ning backs. DO
to discos, radio stations, and even aer-
obics studios, to ensure song royalties
are paid. And Microsoft and other soft-
ware makers, says Fred Warshofsky,
"have formed alliances such as the
Software Publistier's Association (SPA)
and the Business Software Alliance
(BSA) that have over the past several
years made a number of highly publi-
cized raids on companies looking for il-
legal copies of computer programs,"
But dispatching cytiercops to patrol
the electronic frontier for copyright vio-
lators seems wildly impractical How
do you police the millions of computer
users who can make instantaneous
copies with a keystroke? A better solu-
tion might be along the lines of the
compromise reached by VCR-makers
and movie producers, who recognized
the impossibility of halting illicit taping.
VCR firms pay into a royalty pool
these payments are added in to the
VCRs' costwhich is distributed to the
motion picture producers association.
What's more, emerging nations in
the Pacific Rim like Korea, Malaysia,
Singapore, and Taiwan and in Latin
American countries such as Brazil and
Argentina, don't recognize discoveries
or inventions as private property. In-
stead, they've beefed up their
economies by copying, adapting, or
simply stealing technology in govern-
ment-sanctioned ripoffs called "free
[o one future inevitable," bus, Ohio. His clients, ranking than Battelle^ Since 1929, the


Isays Stephen Millett, among the world's largest cor- world's largest n(.inpr(:>lit re-

whose job it is to forecast ihe porations, prcter latures that are search
lalT with 8,000 techni-

future. "Many different futures prosperous,- therefore, they're cal workers in ntiices around

are possible at any given mo- hungiy for tomorrow's strate the world has been a trading

ment. But if you recognize gies today- To accommodate post of ideas on the frontier

dominant trends, you can create them, I I of Battel Ic's senior re-

strategics that lead you toward -.(-Lirchers and managers gath-

the future you prefer." Millett is rici.i recently to name the 10

head of technolog\' intelligence nvM mlkicntial technologies of

and management at Battelle the next decade.

Memorial Institute in Colum- Who should know better

a breadth of expertise and a sensitivity

towhat works and doesr\'l work in the

real worldno university has. Our scien-
and engineers have oeen in their

a long time," he explains. 'They

fields for
have 3 sense ol technical dynamics
and evolution within their specialties,
v^6 they can integrate lots of trends."
In three hours of freewheeling con-
,'>:-! sation, the group's members named
.'ver 40 technologies they expect will

.voigh heavily in our collective future.

inen Miltetl a vote. Each ex-
called (or
pen picked lie or she
the eight areas
believed to be the most influential and
assigned each choice a point value
from 8 to 1. The breakthrough earning
:"e most points was declared the one
;-.s:telle's technology mavens believe
future more distinctly

The list sports a

where present meets mix ot technolo-
tulijre. Baitelle scien- gies. Some are
tists taught the Man- sexy: some se-
hattan Pfoiecl how to date There are
refine urarrium duting tew surprises. The
World War II. They pio- ;ist's value is not in

neered alloys used in its power to enter-

the first practical jel tain or amaze, but

ertgines. When inven- in the power of
torChester Carlson found no other those who formu-
backers for ^j8 electrostatic copying lated it to separate
machine, BaittSse spent 16 years and the significant from
iiundreds of thousands of dollars the frivolous. "Some
working with the Haloid Corporation people look ai the

to realize the machine's commercial and say these


DOtenlial. Not long after. Haloid technologies are

changed its name to Xerox. More re- around now," Millett acknowledges.
cently, Battetle researchers devised "That's true Technologies making
new ways to neuiralize loxic waste, a difference in our lives 10 years
launched a major initiative to de- from now have lo be around now.
velop intetligeni roads, and designed Some people wilt tell you for all the

a primitive nanocomputer from poly- |i^ cutting-edge products emerging

mer molecules. They even invented \- today, the technologies showed
the plastic harness that holds six- up at least 30 years
packs together. ago Some would say
ARer earning a doctorate in history at Ohic 50. Our purpose was
Slate University, Milieu began honing his iudg^ not lo uncover what
ment and experience as an instroclor at the' will be novel. It was

U.S- Air Force Institute of Technology. Throwrr- to determine what

tn with scientists
technologists do
and engineers.
"I watchecf^
and decided it was! "^;^^yr. wilt be important."

Ouickly. though,
far too interesting
alone," He came
and lufi to

to Batlelle in
be left to iherh;
1979 where n; a i's*;
the sllver-thalched
forecaster waves
specializes in what he calls "applied history, away any hir
which means learning to project the lessons from cwfe^^ftocl-i'^' ^i!)ogm5i:'''"FS6f^9''ndth"lng Inevitable about this list. There's
les. htsiorical analogies, and trend analysis into the future." nothing inevitatile about anyone's list.We're saying this is a
To pick technology's top 10, Millett selected fellow experts future that has yet lo be built but is entirely possible."
holding among them more than two centunas of experience In fact. Ihe very structure of technological research is

in fields ranging from electrical engineering and commer- shifting. As Millett explains, "During the 45 years of the Cold
cial energy systems, to physiology and genetics. "We have War, the federal government was the largest single player
in a range of technological research. for some folks. The bad news is the ones The second most influential technol-

But in the last six years the government who'll need it most are those for whom ogy on the list is super materials,

has been going out of the research the price will be astronomical. As Has- specifically matrix materials and mole-
business in a big way. This shifting ol sler explained, "The financial impact on cular composites. Chemist Dr Vince
research to private industry results in society could be tremendous. Isolated McGinniss explains the concept, "In
less emphasis on basic research and a instances already exist of people hav- matrix materials, manufactured fibers
greater focus on practical problem- ing insurance problems because of ge- carbon, glass, silicon carbide, or some
solving As industry becomes more in- netic indicators. These people could high-strength metal
are embedded in
is becoming
volved, a greater proportion become part of a genetic underclass. If a flowable ceramic or metal. Iviatrix ma-
overtlymore commercially on en ted," commercial companies refuse to insure terials have tremendous strength, can
So what is the proper role for gov- people showing a strong likelihood of stand up to intense heat, and are light-
ernment in technology research? "De- developing a particular condition, we weight. The Air Force, the motivator be-
veloping technology for public might have to adopt some form of gov- hind matrix maiehals. is testing them in
infrastructure in the broadest sense, ernment health care funding. If pnvate parts of jet engines, and other applica-
such as intelligent highways interac- industry can't figure out an equitable tions. One Japanese car company has
tive roads that exchange data with way to blend higher and lower risks, used matrix materials to reinforce cylinder

smart cars," Millett replies, "There's re- the government becomes the insurer of wall linings. Matrix materials are finding
search in embedding sensors in con- last resort, and the only fair way to do it theirway into a few products now, and
crete to read stresses continually in might be for everyone to pool the cost. we'llsee much more of them in the next
bridges Any lime government builds a "There are also indications that few years. Today the process of manu-
transportation or communication link mental abilities, artistic talents, or phys- facturing matrix materials in quantity is

it's a big deal. The interstate highway ical skills might be genetically influ- still complex. Fibers thrown into a resin
system and the Internet were govern- enced. One always wonders if the next aren't happy So you have to treat them
ment projects, and both changed the Einstein is living inan obscure place with special linking agents to hold them
nature of society. But government in- where he or she won't get the opportu- in the flowable matrix matenal. That in-

volvement in research is hkely to be nity to become the new Einstein terface is where the problems show
smaller than in the past," Should we devise a way to genetically up stress or water comes in and breaks
In spite of this, Battelle named a
government project the mapping of
the human genome as the most im-
We can laugh and joke about
portant strategic technology of the
coming decade. When asked about the flip-up communicator on Star Trek,
this choice, Millett responded: 'The
mapping itself will have no intrinsic
commercial value. The government is
but technology seems to be
underwriting this research as a part of
the national health infrastructure, and moving very strongly in that direction.
the results will be readily available to
everyone. But applying this information identify talent and direct people into the fiber Because strength in matrix
to createways to identify genetic mark- particular pursuits to which they're ge- materials comes almost entirely from
ers within an individual has potentially netically suited instead of adhering to fiber and very little from surrounding
enormous commercial applications. the ethic that in the United States you material, you lose all the strength,"
Knowledge of the genome is the key to can become whatever you want? If Molecular composites, however, are
curing and eventually eradicating hun- we're lucky we won't map the genome more durable, In fact, according to
dreds of diseases, perhaps even slow- untilwe've figured out how to settle McGinniss, "they're the next generation
ing the aging process itself," these issues, but technology always ol engineered materials. With matrix
According to Dr. Craig Hassler, a seems to move faster than politics," materials, we make two separate things
physiologist, the mapping project is at After counseling, the next applica- and put them together In molecular
the point now that the microprocessor tion of genome technology will be diag- composites, we design everything
industry was in 1982 when people nostic techniques. "We're constantly the rigid, fiber-like segments, the flexible

were just beginning to understand discovering new substances body" in the material into one molecule. Polyethyl-
what "microprocessor" meant. "There says Hassler. "By knowing your level o ene is like that. Low molecular-weight
are already sterling examples of dis- a particular enzyme or other biochemt polyethylene is an oil, a little higher
eases we can identify by their genetic cal. doctors will be able to diagnose a weight gives you paraffin waxes; higher
signatures," states Hassler. "That list particular condition. Eventually, from a still and you have Baggies. Going
will grow steadily and in 10 years peo- blood or skin sample a doctor could higher, you get crystalline materials
ple will see practical results. Genetic tell you which diseases you're most with fiber stronger than steel. That's
counseling initially will be probabilis- likely to get. There's no reason why we what racing sails are made of.
tic telling someone they have this couldn't see at-home diagnostic kits, "Because a molecular composite is
great a chance of getting a particular although probably not by 2006. joined to itself, molecule by molecule,
disease by a particular age. As we get "A third area is genetic therapy and making something becomes a matter
better at understanding what gene pharmaceuticals, which will evolve of arranging the microstructure. Using
markers mean, we'll be able to give in- more slowly" continues Hassler "The the computer to model the structure of
creasingly accurate predictions," process of infusing people with new specific molecules, we see how they
But ethicisls and policymakers have genetic matenal is barely in its infancy, can be joined to other molecules. As
long worried about the social impacts so much of the work that needs to be recently as three years ago, when a
of the power The good news
to predict. done will just be getting under way be- client asked us to engineer a new ma-
is medical insurance will be very cheap tween now and 2006." terial, we'd head for the lab. Now we
as television is allotted now. But Ihe send the image to your digital HDTV for products in two or three years, but
FCC has ruled HDTV has to fit in the abetter look." those early products will be expensive.

same airspace now occupied by con- "Most of us would love an affordable You can't receive HDTV signals on the
ventional TV signals. To meet that re- motion-picture screen in our house," TV set you have now. Rather than sud-
quirement, researchers have developed adds Millett. "That alone would be a denly switch from one technology to
a compression technique that cuts multibillion-dollar HDTV industry. But the other, for some time both regular
those billion bits by a factor of 60, this technology also can have an enor- signals and HDTV will be broadcast.
Then, by modifying hardware, they've mous impact on the quality of big- The shift from one kind of TV set to the
compressed the signal enough more to screen movies or any display of other will be gradual. But by 2006,
meet the FCC's mandate, enormous size, or great detail. Imagine HDTV will be as common as CD play-
"This is an incredibly oversimplified all your family photos preserved forever ers and home computers are now,"
explanation," Ridgway states, "but if I in perfect clarity on one CD," Fifth on the Top Ten list is the minia-
transmit a picture of something that When will consumers benefit from turization of electronics. How small is

doesn't move say, a flower only I this new format? Ridgway
calculates small? As small as "a wireless, hand-
have to send it once. If send a picture
I that "once the FCC defines the stan- held, interactive computer accessing
in which some parts are moving, only I dard set of technical specifications and transmitting data at a distance,"
have to send the picture parts that are HDTV will be based on, companies in responds Millett. "We're getting close
changing. Things in a television picture the Grand Alliance aren't going to sit day when we can combine voice
to the
usually move slowly enough that not around. We'll see the first consumer 1
ON PAGE ^ 16

every point in every picture has to

change every microsecond. In tests,
companies are now proving even
things like sporting events and car
races can be transmitted by HDTV,"
Ridgway has called HDTV "a break-
through for American manufacturers. It
gives the United States ihe chance to
Dont Decide Now,
become the world's leading manufac-
turer of electronics again,"he believes.
"More than 90 percent of U,S, homes
have TV; only 30 percent have comput-
ers. The United States continues to be
the world leader in computers and soft-
ware, and when you're talking about
digital HDTV, you're talking computer
and software technology"
But many believe the Japanese
have already left the United States be-
hind in high-definition video. "The
Japanese were among the first to pro-
duce a high-definition TV system, but
they made the decision early on to go
witti analog technology
the same as
today's TVs are based on," responds NqUhc
Ridgway "A group of U,S, companies,
known as the Grand Alliance [including
hanj to imagine, idjusts automaticaSy. Used
AT&T, Zenith, General Instruments, It's
Jsis pruvE that sleepers in hospitals, doclors find that the
Philips of North America, and others], actually

banded together in May 1993 to pur- and turn 75% less on llie innovaliw Tempui-Pedic Swedish Mattress

Tm^wr-PedlcSwedistiMallress', pressure relief lo ease

sue a digital approach. Digital technol-
bed sores.
ogy won out in FCC trials, and the Now, jou can prove it to yourself ty tijUig 'lything from haii pain \o

out our breaMliroiigh Tempur-Pedic Mattress for Ihe way everyone wiL choose to sle^ in the
Japanese withdrew their application to It's

market analog HDTV in this country 2 full monte atisiriiite^ risk-lree. If you dcdde 2 1 si century.

your new, poduLlive life isn't wrth every penny, So, phone us for your FREE video.
"Digital technologies continue to

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highway fiber optics, and so on," ex- Ihis

- original^ designed for NASA - thai with your eyes dosed,

plains Ridgway, "and their merger is tectmolofS' \

still In its infancy Eventually, you'll have

senses your body vfiight and

a box in your home connected to the

Call Today for your FREE Video.
world, probably through an optical
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your home computer can provide, you
The moon


slips and shines

wrinl^led mirror before the prow,

and from the northern

Companions shoot glancing

of light

along the water.

in the


the stern of the boat the polesman

stands in the watchful solemnity of

his task. His movements as he

poles and steers the boat are slow,

certain, august.

Fiction by Ursula
The long, low

K. Le Guin ^

Painting by Wendell Minor

channelboat slides on the black

water as silently as the reflection it

pursues, A few dark figures huddle

in it. One dark figure lies full length

on the halfdeck, arms at his sides,

closed eyes unseeing that other

moon slipping and shining through

wisps of fog in the luminous blue

night sky. The Husbandman of

Sandry is coming home from war.

They had been waiting for him on Sandry Island ever since last spring, wiien
he went with seven men, following the messengers who came to raise the
Queen's army In midsummer four of the men of Sandry brought back the
news that he was wounded and was lying in the care of the Queen's own
physician. They told of his great valor in battle, and told of their own prowess

too, and how they had won the war. Since then there had been no news.
With him now in the channelboat were Itie three com- When the stretcherbearers came out again, half the
panions who had stayed with him, and a physician sent people of Sandry were in the courtyard waiting to hear their

by the Queen, an assistant to her own doctor. This man, news. Most of all they looked to old Pask when he came
an active, slender person in his forties, cramped by the out, and he looked at them all. He was a big, slow man,
long night's travel, was quick to leap ashore when the girthed like an oak, with a stiff face set in deep lines. "Will

boat slid silently up along the stone quay of Sandry Farm. he live?" a woman ventured. Pask continued looking them
While the boatmen and the others busied themselves all over until he chose to speak. "We'll plant him," he said,

making the boat fast and lifting the stretcher and its bur- "Ah, ah!" the woman cried, and a groan and sigh went
den up from the boat to the quay, the doctor went on up among them all.

io the house. Approaching the island, as the sky imper- "And our grandchildren's children will know his name,"
ceptibly lightened from night-blue to colorless pallor, he said Dyadi, Pask's wife, bosoming through the crowd to

had seen the spires of windmills, the crowns of trees, and her husband. "Hello, old man."
the roofs of the house, all in black silhouette, standing very "Hello, old woman," Pask said They eyed each other
high after the miles of endlessly level reedbeds and wa- from an equal height.
terchannels. "Hello, the people!" he called out as he en- "Still walking, are you?" she said,

tered the courtyard, "Wake up! Sandry has come home!" "How else get back where I belong?" Pask said. His
The kitchen was astir already. Lights sprang up else- mouth was too set in a straight line to smile, but his eyes
where in the big house. The doctor heard voices, doors, glinted a little.

A stableboy came vaulting out of the loft where he had "Took your time doing it. Come on, old man. You must
slept, a dog barked and barked its tardy warning, people be perishing." They strode off side by side toward the
began to come out of the housedoor. As the stretcher lane that led to the saddlery and paddocks. The court-

was borne into the courtyard, the Farmwife came hurrying yard buzzed on, all in low-voiced groups around the
out, wrapped in a green cloak that hid her nightdress, her other two returned men, getting and giving the news of

hair loose, her feet bare on the stones. She ran to the the wars, the city, the marsh isles, the farm.
stretcher as ihey set it down. "Farre, Farre," she said, Indoors, in the beautiful high shadowy room where
kneeling, bending over the still figure. No one spoke or Farre now lay in the bed still warm from his wife's sleep,

moved in that moment. "He is dead," she said in a whis- the physician stood by the bedside, as grave, intent,

per, drawing back. careful as the polesman had stood in the stern of the
"He is alive," the doctor said. And the oldest of the lit- channelboat. He watched the wounded man, his fingers

terbearers, Pask the saddler, said in his rumbling bass, on the pulse. The room was perfectly still.

"He lives, Makali-dem. But the wound was deep." The woman stood at the foot of the bed, and
The doctor looked with pity and respect presently he turned to her and gave a
al the Farmwife, at her bare feet and quiet nod that said. Very well, as well
her clear, bewildered eyes, "Dema," can be expected.
he said, "let us bring "He seems scarcely to

him in to the warmth." breathe," she whispered.

"Yes, yes," she said, Her eyes looked large in her face
rising and running ahead to prepare. knotted and clenched with anxiety.

"He's breathing," the escort assured weatherbeaten, brown skin wrinkled breakfast. Along with your daughter,
her. "Slow and deep. Dema, my name and silvery hands gnarled, hair thick, who must be hungry, too."
js Hamid, assistant to the Queen's coarse, and dry. Only their eyes were She introduced the child, Idi, a girl
physician, Dr. Saker. Her majesty and quick, observant. And some of them of five or six, who clapped her hand on

the Doctor, who had your husband in had eyes of an unusual color, like her heart and whispered "Give-you-
his care, desired mehim to come with amber; Pask, his wife Dyadi, and sev- good-day-dema" all in one glottal-
and slay here as long as am needed, I
eral others, as well as Farre himself. stopped word before she shrank back
to give what care can, Her majesty
The first time Hamid had seen Farre, behind her mother
before the coma deepened, he had It is pleasant to be a physician and be
charged me to tell you that she is

grateful for his sacrifice, that she hon- been struck by the strong features and obeyed, Hamid reflected, as the Farm-
ors his courage in her service. She will those lighl, clear eyes. They all spoke a wife and her child, large and little im-
do what may be done to prove that strong dialect, but Hamid had grown ages of each other in Iheir shirts and
up not far inland from the marshes, and full trousers and silken braided hair, sat
gratitude and to show that honor. And
still she bade me tell you that whatever anyhow had an ear for dialects. By the at the table where he had put the tray

may be done will fall short of his due," end of his large and satisfying break- down and meekly ate the breakfast he
"Thank you," said the Farmwife, per- fast he was glottal-stopping with the had broughl. He was charmed to see
haps only partly understanding, gaiing best of them. that between them they left not a crumb.

only at the set, still face on the pillow. He returned to the great bedroom When Makali rose her face had lost
She was trembling a little, with a well-loaded tray As he had ex- the knotted look, and her dark eyes,
"You're cold, dema," Hamid said pected, the Farmwife, dressed and though still large and still concerned,
gently and respectfully "You should get shod, was sitting close beside the bed, were tranquil. She has a peaceful
dressed." her hand lying lightly on her husband's heart, he thought. At the same moment

he warm enough? Was he chilled, hand. She looked up at Hamid politely his physician's eye caught the signs;
the boat? can have the fire laid
but as an intruder, please be quiet, she was pregnant, probably about
"No. He's warm enough. It's you I make him be well
don't interrupt us, three months along. She whispered to
speak of, dema." and go away Hamid had no par-
. . .
the child, who trotted away She came
She glanced at him a little wildly as eye for beauty in women, per-
ticular back to the chair at the bedside, which
if seeing him that moment. "Yes," she
said. "Thank you,"
"I'll come back in a little while," he
She was fully alive. She was as tender
said, laid his hand on his heart, and
quietly went out, closing the massive and powerful as a red-deer doe,
door behind him.
He went across to the kitchen wing
and demanded food and drink for a
as unconsciously splendid. And he won-
starving man, a thirsty man leg-
cramped from crouching in a damned dered if there were fawns.
boatall night. He was notshy, and was
used to the authority of his calling. It haps having seen beauty too often at he had already relinquished.
shod a distance, where dissolves; "I am going to examine and dress
had been a long journey overland from too it

the city, and then poling through the but he responded to a woman's health, his wound," Hamid said. "Will you
marshes, with Broad Isle the only hos- to the firm sweet flesh, the quiver and watch, dema, or come back?"
pitable piace to stop among the end- vigor of full life. And she was fully alive. "Watch," she said.
less channels, and the sun beating She was as tender and powerful as a "Good," he said. Taking off hts coat,
down all day, and then the long dream- red-deer doe, as unconsciously splen- he asked her to have hot water sent in
like discomfod of the night. He made did. He wondered if there were fawns, from the kitchen.
much of his hunger and travail to and then saw the child standing be- "We have it piped," she said, and
amuse his hosts and to divert them, hind her chair. The room, its shutters went to a door in the farthest shadowy
too, from asking questions about how closed, was all shadow with a spatter corner. He had not expected such an
the Husbandman did and would do. and dappling of broken light across the amenity. Yet he knew that some of
He did not want to tell them more than islands of heavy furniture, the foot- these island farms were very ancient
the man's wife knew. board of the bed, the folds of the cov- places of civilization, drawing tor their
But they, discreet or knowing or re- the child's face and dark eyes.
erlet, comfort and provision on inexhaustible
spectful,asked no direct questions of "Hamid-dem," the Farmwife said sun, wind, and tide, settled in a way of

him. Though their concern for Farre despite her absorption in her husband life as immemorial as that of their plow-

was plain, they asked only, by various she had caught his name, then, with the lands and pastures, as full and secure.
indirections, he was sure lo live, and
if desperate keen hearing of the sickroom, Not the show-wealth of the city, but the
seemed satisfied by that assurance. In where every word carries hope or deep richness of the land, was in the
some faces Hamid thought he saw a doom"! still cannot see him breathe." steaming pitcher she brought him, and
glimpse of something beyond satisfac- "Lay your ear against his chest," he in the woman who brought if.
said, in a tone deliberately louder than "You don't need it boiling?" she
tion: a brooding acceptance in one; an
almost conniving intelligence in an- her whisper. "You'll hear the heart beat, asked, and he said, "This is what want," I

other. One young fellow blurted out, and feel the lungs expand. Though She was quick and steady, relieved
"Then will he be" and shut his mouth, slowly, as said. Dema,
I brought this
to have a duty, to be of use. When he
under the joined stares of five or six for you. Now you'll sit here, see, at this bared the great sword-wound across
older people. They were a trapmouthed table. A little more light, a shutter open, her husband's abdomen he glanced
lot, the Sandry Islanders. AH that were so. won't disturb him, not at
It all. Light up at her to see how she took Com- it.

not actively young looked old: seamed. is good. You are to sit here and eat pressed lips, a steady gaze.
"This," he said, his fingers above locked room. Closing her ears in case lo her, he would not go behind her
the long, dark, unhealed gash, "looks theword is spoken. back, asking the others if there was
the worst; but this, here, is the worst. He found he had taken a deep any truth in this tale.
Thaiis superficial, a mere slash as the breath and was holding it. He wished Of course there isn't, he told his
sword withdrew But here, it went in, the Farmwife were older, tougher, that conscience, A myth, a rumor, a folktale
and deep." He probed the wound. she loved her farmer less. He wished of the 'Old Islanders' and the word
. . .

There was no shrinking or quiver in the he knew what the truth was, and that of an ignorant man, a saddler. Su- . . .

man's body; he lay insensible, "The he need not be the one to speak it. perstition! What do see when look at

sword withdrew," Hamid went on, "as But on an utterly unexpected im- my patient? A deep coma, A deep,
the swordsman died. Your husband pulse, he spoke: "It is not death," he restorative coma. Unusual, yes, but not
killed him even as he struck. And took said, very low, almost pleading. abnormal, not uncanny Perhaps such
the sword from him. When his men She merely nodded, watching. a coma, a very long vegetative period
came around him he was holding it in When he reached for a clean cloth, she of recovery, common lo these is-
his left hand and his own sword in his had it ready to his hand. landers, an inbred people, would be
right, though he could not rise from his As a physician, he asked her of her the origin of the myth, much exagger-
knees. . Both those swords came
. . pregnancy She was well, all was well. ated, made fanciful, . . .

here with us, There, you see?

, .
. He ordered her to walk daily, to be two They were a healthy lot, and though
That was a deep thrust. And a wide hours out of the sickroom in the open he offered his services he had little to
blade. That was nearly a deathblow. air He wished he might go with her, for do once he had reset a boy's badly
But not quite, not quite. Though to be he liked her and it would have been a splinted arm and scraped out an old
sure, (t look its loll." He looked up al pleasure to walk beside her, watching fellow's leg abscesses. Sometimes little
her openly hoping she would meet his her go along tall and lithe and robust. Idi tagged after him. Clearly she
eyes, hoping lo receive from her the But she was to leave Farre's side for
if adored her father and missed his com-
glance of acceptance, intelligence, two hours, he was to replace her there; pany. She never asked, "Will he get
recognition that he had seen in this that was simply understood. He well," but Hamid had seen her
face and that among Sandry's people. obeyed her implicit orders as she crouched al the bedside, quite still, her
But her eyes were on the purple obeyed his explicit ones. cheek against Farre's unresponding
hand. Touched by the child's dignity,

His eyes never opened. Once or twice, Hamid asked her what games she and
her father had played. She though! a
long time before she said, "He would
she said, in the night, he had tell me
what he was doing and some-
limes could help." Evidently she had

moved a little. Hamid had not seen him simply followed Farre In his daily round
of farmwork and management. Hamid
provided only an unsaiisfactory, fhvo-
make any movement for days. lous substitute. She would listen to his
tales of the court and city for a while,
and livid wound, and her face was His own freedom was considerable, not very interested, and scon would
simply intent. for she spent most of the day in the run off to her own small, serious duties.
"Was it wise to move him, carry him sickroom, and there was no use his Hamid grew restive under the burden
so far?" she asked, not questioning his being there, too, little use his being of being useless.
judgment, but in wonder, there at all, in fact. Farre needed noth- He found walking soothed him, and
"The Doctor said would do him no it ing from him or her or anyone, aside went almost daily on a favorite circuit;
harm," Hamid said. "And it has done from the little nourishment he took. down to the quay and along the dunes
none. The fever is gone, as it has been Twice a day with infinite patience, she to the southeast end of the island, from
for nine days now," She nodded, for contrived to feed him ten or a dozen which he first saw the open sea, free at
she had tell how cool Farre's skin was. sips of Dr. Saker's rich brew of meat last of the whispering green levels of
"The inflammation of the wound is, if and herbs and medicines, which the reedbeds. Then up the steepest
anything, less than it was two days Hamid concocted and strained dally in slope on Sandry, a low hill of worn
ago. The pulse and breath are strong the kitchen with the cooks' interested granite and sparse earth, for the view
and steady This was the place for him aid. Aside from those two halfhours, of sea and tidal dams, island fields and
to be, dema," and once a day the bed-jar for a few green marshes from its summit, where
"Yes," she said, "Thank you. Thank drops of urine, there was nothing to be a cluster of windmills caught the sea
you, Hamid-dem. Her clear eyes done. No chafing or sores developed wind with slender vanes. Then down
looked into his for a moment before re- on Farre's skin. He lay unmoving, the slope past the trees, the Old Grove,
turning to the wound, the motionless, showing no discomfort. His eyes never to the farmhouse. There were a couple
muscular body, the silent face, the opened. Once or twice, she said, in the of dozen houses in sight from Sandry
closed eyelids. night, he had moved a Utile, shud- Hill, but 'the farmhouse' was the only

Surely Hamid thought, surely if it dered. Hamid had not seen him make one so called, as its owner was called
were true she'd know it! She couldn't any movement for days. the Husbandman, or Farmer Sandry or
have married the man not knowing! But Surely if there was any truth in the simply Sandry if he was away from the
she says nothing. So it's not true, it's old book Dr. Saker had shown him and island. And nothing would keep an Is-
only a story. But this thought,
. . . in Pask's unwilling and enigmatic hints lander away from his island but his
which gave him a tremendous relief for of confirmation, fvlakali would know? duty lo Ihe crown. Rooted folk, Hamid
a moment, gave way to another; She But she said never a word, and was il thought wryly standing in the lane near
knows and is hiding from the knowl- too late now tor him lo ask. He had lost the Old Grove to look at the trees
edge. Shutting the shadow into the his chance. And he could not speak
if Elsewhere on the island, indeed on
all the islands, there were no trees to dow of the room where Makali was sit- me a hand." She went out and returned
speak of. Scrub willows down along ting beside her husband, waiting for with the yardman. Tebra, and with him
the streams, a few orchards of wind- him wake.
to Hamid briskly set about the business.
dwarfed, straggling apples. But here in "Makali, Makali," he said under his They got the bed fixed at such a slant
the Grove were great trees, some with breath, grieving for her, angry with her, that he had to put a webbing strap
mighty trunks, surely hundreds of years angry with himself, sorry for himself, lis- round Farre's chest to keep him from
old, and none of them less than eight sound of her name.
tening to the sliding quite down. He asked Makali for
or ten times a man's height, They did The room was dark to his still sun- a waterproof sheet or cape. Then,
not crowd together but grew widely bedazzled eyes, but he went to his pa- fetching a deep copper basin from the
spaced, each spreading its limbs and tient with a certain decisiveness, kitchen, he filled with cold water. He

crown broadly, in the spacious aisles almost abruptness, and turned back spread the sheet of oilskin she had
under them grew a few shrubs and the sheet. He palpated, auscultated, brought under Farre's legs and feet,
ferns and a thin, soft, pleasant grass. look the pulse. "His breathing has and propped the basin in an over-
Their shade was beautiful on these hot been harsh." Makali murmured. turned footstool so that it held steady
summer days when the sun glared off "He's dehydrated. Needs water" as he laid Farre's feet in the water.
the sea and the channels and the sea She rose to fetch the little silver bowl "It must be kept full enough that his

wind scarcely stirred the fiery air. But and spoon she used to feed him his soles touch the water, he said to Makali,

Hamid did not go under the trees. He soup and water, but Hamid shook his "It will keep him cool," she said, ask-

stood in the lane, looking al that shade head. The picture in Dr. Baker's ancient Hamid did not answer.
ing, uncertain.

under the heavy foliage. book was vivid in his mind, a woodcut, Her troubled, frightened look en-
Not far from the lane he could see in showing exactly what must be done raged him. He left the room without
the grove a sunny gap where an old what must be done, that is. one be-
if saying more.
tree had come down, perishing in a lieved this myth, which he did not, nor When he returned in the evening
winter gale maybe a century ago. for did Makali, or she would surely have she said, "His breathing is much easier,"

nothing was left of the fallen trunk but a said something by now! And yet, there No doubt, Hamid thought, auscultat-
grassy hummock a lew yards long. No was nothing else to be done. Farre's ing, now thai he breathes once a
sapling had sprung up or been planted face was sunken, his hair came loose minute.
to replace the old tree, only a wild rose, at a touch. He was dying, very slowly, "Hamid-dem." she said, "fhere
rejoicing in the light, flowered thornily of thirst, is . . . something I noticed. . .

over the rum of ils stump. "The bed must be tipped, so that his "Yes."
Hamid walked on. gazing ahead al head is high, his feel low," Hamid said She heard his ironic, hostile tone, as
the house he now knew so well, the authonlatively "The easiest way will be he did, Bolh winced. But she was
massive slate roofs, the shuttered win- to take off the footboard Tebra will give started, had begun to speak, could


l/espite conjecture, most ornithalojisti Just cs the others rejiied thd Dr. Bofd
acrce that the probcUe ccuse of the extinction uiS imposter, the fraudulent plipicicn

of the rock-ncstias red-credeJ eahhiit discovered thai you do hc^ve to he

hrdn surceon to perform hnin surcery.
icht he </<? in pcA to the hire's precai-tous


only go on. see the blind eye exposed, without we care for that? He didn't care and I

"His . ,
," She started again. "It pupil, iris, or white, a polished, feature- didn't care. I didn't believe' I wouldnt
seemed . .
She drew the sheet down less, brown bead. believe! But I came here Those
farttier, exposing Farre's genjtais. When her indrawn breath was re- trees, the Grove, the older Ireps-
Tine penis lay aimost indistinguish- peated and again repeated in a drag- you've been there, you've seen them
abie from the testicles and the brawn, ging sob, Hamid burst out at last, "But Do you know they have names?" She
grained skin of ttie inner groin, as if it you knew, surely! You knew when you stopped, and the dragging, gasping
had sunk into them, as if ali were re- married him." indrawn sob began again. She look
turning to an indistinguishable unity, a "Knew," said her dreadful indrawn hold ot a chairback and stood racking
featureless soiidJty. voice. It back and forth. "He took mp there
"Yes," Hamid said, expressionless, The hair stood up on Hamid's arms 'That is my grandfather.'" she said in a
stiocked in spite of himself. "The ... the and scalp. He could not look at her. He hoarse, jeering gasp. '"That's Aita, my
process is following . . , what is said to lowered the eyelid, thin and stiff as a mother's grandmother. Doran-dem has
be its course." dry leaf. stood four hundred years,"
She looked at him across her hus- She turned away and walked slowly Her voice failed.
band's body. "But Can't you T across the long room into the shadows. "We don't laugh about it
He stood silent a while. "It seems "They laugh about it," said the "It IS a tale
said. something thai might
that My information is that in these deep, dry voice he had never heard, be Irue^a mystery. Who they are,

cases a very grave shock to the sys- out of the shadows. "On the land, in the the the ciders, what makes them
. . ,

tem, to the body,"

to find words

he paused, trying
"such as an injury or a
people laugh about it, don't they
talk about the wooden men, the
how happens . . Dr Sake;

me here not only to be of use but


great loss, a grief but in this case, an blockheads, the Old Islanders They don't to learn, To verify ... the process

injury, an almost fatal wound A laugh about it here. When he married "The process," Makali said
wound that almost certainly would have
me " She turned to face Hamid. step- She came back to the bedside, fan
been fatal, had not it inaugurated ping into the shaft of warm twilight from ing him across it, across the stift hodv
the . . , the process in question, the in- the one unshuttered window so that her the log in the bed,
herited capacity . , , propensity ..." clothing glimmered white. "When Farre "What am carrying here''' she I

She stood still, still gazing straight at of Sandry Farre Older courted me and asked, soft and hoarse, her hands on
him, so that all the big words shrank to married me, on the Broad Isle where I
her belly
nothing in his mouth, He stooped and lived, the people there said don't do it "A child," Hamid said, without fipsi
with his deft, professional gentleness to me, and the people here said don't taling and clearly
opened Farre's closed eyelid. "Look'" do /f to him, Marry your own kind, "What kind of child''"
he said. She too stooped to look, to marry In your own kind. But what did "Does it matter?"
She said nothing.
"His child, your child, as your
daughter is. Do you know what kind of
child Idi is?"

After a while Makali said softly, "I ik^


me. She does not have the amber eye";

"Would you care less for her she if

"No," she said.
She stood silent. She looked down
at her husband, then toward the wm
dows, then straight at Hamid
"You came to learn," she said
"Yes, And to give what help (:n I

She nodded. "Thank you. she said "

He laid his hand a moment on his

She down in
her usual place be
side the bed with
a deep, very quief
breath, too quiet to be a sigh
Hamid opened his mouth. "He's
blind, deaf, without feeling. He doesn't
know if you're there or not there. He's a
log, a block, you need not keep Ihis
vigil!" All these words said themselves

aloud in his mind, but he did not speak

one of them. He closed his mouth and
stood silent.
"How long''" she asked m her usual
soft voice.
"I don't know. That change . came
quickly. Maybe not long now
She nodded. She laid her hand on
her husband's hand, her light warm


louch on ths hard bones under hard A few dry leaves, a twig What their blos- Makali came back ruddy and
skin, the long, strong, molionless fin- som was, their fruit, he did not know. It sweaty from her walk in the summer
gers "Once," she said, "he showed me was summer, between the flower and morning. Her vitality, her vulnerability
the stump of one of the olders, one that the seed. And he dared not take a were infinitely moving and pathetic to

tell down a long time ago." branch, a twig, a leaf from the living tree. Hamid after his long contemplation of a
Hamid nodded, thinking of the sunny When he joined the people of the slow, inexorable toughening, harden-
clearing in the grove, the wild rose. farm for supper, old Pask was there. ing, withdrawal. He said, "Makali-dem,
fiad broken right across in a "Doctor-dem," the saddler said in there is for you to be here all
no need

great storm, the trunk had been rotten. his rumbling bass, "is he turning?" day. There is nothing to do for him but

It was old, ancient, they weren't sure "Yes," Hamid said. keep Ihe water-basin full."
even who ... the name hundreds . . .
"So youYe giving him water?" "So it means nothing to him that sit I

of years old. The roots were still in the "Yes." by him," she said, half questioning half
ground but the trunk was rotten. So it "You must give him water, dema," stating,

broke right across in the gale. But the the old man said, relentless. "She "Ithink It does nol. Nol any more."
stump was still there in the ground. And doesn't know. She's not his kind. She She nodded.
you could see. He showed me." After a doesn't know his needs." Her gallantry touched him. He longed
pause she said, "You could see the "But she bears his seed," said "Dema, did he, did anyone
to help her.
bones. The leg bones. In the trunk of Hamid, grinning suddenly, fiercely, at ever speak to you about this should if

the tree. Like pieces of ivory. Inside it. the old man. happen
There may be ways we can
Broken off with it." After another silence, Pask did not smile or make any ease the change, things that are tradi-
she said, "So they do die. Finally sign, his stiff face impassive. He said, tionally done
don't know them. Are

Hamid nodded. "Yes. The girl's not, but the other may there people here whom might ask I

Silence again. Though he listened and be older." And he turned away. Pask and Dyadi

watched almost automatically, Hamid Next morning after he had sent Makali "Oh, they'll know what to do when
did not see Farre's chest rise or fall. out for her walk, Hamid studied Farre's the time comes," she said, with an
"You may go whenever you like, feet. They were extended fully into the edge in her voice. "They'll see to it that
Hamid-dem," she said gently. "I'm all water, as il he had stretched downward it's done right. The right way, the old

right now. Thank you." to it, and [he skin looked softer. The way, You don't have to worry about
He went to his room. On the table, long brown toes stretched apart a little. Ihat. The doctor doesn't have to bury

under Ihe lamp when he lighted it, lay And his hands, still motionless, his patient, after all. The gravediggers
some leaves. He had picked them up seemed longer, the fingers knotted as do that."

from the border of the lane that went by with arthritis yet powerful, lying spread "He is nol dead."

the grove, the grove of the older trees. on the coverlet at his sides. "No, Only blind and deaf and dumb
and doesn't know if I'm in the room or a Hamid went oui of the house and filled his world suddenly and entirely,
hundred miles away." She looked up at walked his circuit, went to his own and when she laid her hands on his
Hamid, a gaze wtiich for some reason room to read. Late in the afternoon he shoulders he reached up to her, sink-
embarrassed him, "If stuck a knife in I went lo the sickroom. No one was there ing upward into her, pulling her down
f)is hand would he feel it?" she asked, with Farre. He pulled out the chair she onto him to drink her body with his
He chose lo take Ihe question as had sal in so many days and nights mouth, to impale her heavy softness on
one of curiosity, desire to know. "The and sat down. The shadowy silence of the aching point of his desire, so lost in
response to any stimulus has grown Ihe room soothed his mind, A healing her that she had pulled away from him
steadily less," he said, "and in the last was occurring here: a strange healing, before he knew She was turning from

few days has disappeared. That is,

it a mystery, frightening, but real. Farre him, turning to the bed, where with a
response to any stimulus I've offered." had traveled from mortal injury and long, creaking groan the stiff body
He took up Farre's whst and pinched it pain to this quietness; had turned from trembled and shook, trying to bend, to
as hard as he could, though Ihe skin death to this different, this other life, rise, and the round blank balls of the
was so lough now and the flesh so dry this older life. Was there any wrong in eyes stared out under lifted eyelids.
thai he had difficulty doing so. that? Only that he wronged her in leav- "Therel" IVlakali cried, breaking free
She watched. "He was ticklish," she ing her behind, and he must have done of Hamid's hold, standing triumphant.
said. Hamid shook his head. He that, and more if he had died.
cruelly, "Farre!"
touched the sole of ihe long brown fool Or was the cruelty
in his not dying? The stiff half-lifted arms, the out-
that rested in the basin of water; there Hamid was still there pondering, spread fingers trembled like branches
was no withdrawal, no response at all, half asleep in Ihe Iwilit serenity of Ihe inthe wind. No more than that. Again
"So he feels nothing. Nothing hurts room, when Makali came in quietly and the deep, cracking, creaking groan from
him," she said. lighted a dim lamp. She wore a loose, within the rigid body. She huddled up
"I think not." light shirt thatshowed the movement of against it on the tilted bed, stroking the
"Lucky him." her full breasts, and her gauze trousers face and kissing the unblinking eyes,
Embarrassed again, Hamid bent were gathered at the ankle above her the lips, the breast, the scarred belly,
down to study the wound. He had left bare feet: was a hoi night, sultry, the
it the lump between the joined, grown-to-
off Ihe bandages, tor Ihe slash had air stagnant on the salt marshes and gelher legs. "Go back now," she mur-
mured, "go back to sleep. Go back, my
The slash had dosed, leaving a clean dear, my own, my
now know, now know.
go back now,

Hamid broke from his paralysis and

seam, and the deep gash had developed left the room, the house, striding blindly

out into the luminous midsummer night.

He was very angry with her, for using
a tough lip all around it, a barky him; presently with himself, for being
usable. His outrage began to die away
ring well on the way to sealing it shut. as he walked. Stopping, seeing where
he was, he gave a short, rueful, startled
a clean seam, and Ihe
closed, leaving the sandy fields of the island. She laugh. He had gone astray off the lane,
deep gash had developed a tough lip came around the bedstead. Hamid following a path thai led right into the
allround a barky ring that was well
it, started to get up. Old Grove, a path he had never taken
on the way lo sealing It shut. "No, no, stay. I'm sorry, Hamid-dem. before. All around him, near and far,
"I could carve my name on him," Forgive me. Don't get up. only wanted I the huge trunks of the trees were al-
iviakali said, leaning close to Hamid, to apologize for behaving like a child." most invisible under the massive dark-
and then she bent down over the inert "Grief must find its way out," he said. ness of their crowns. Here and there
body, kissing and stroking and holding "1 hate to cry. Tears
empty me. And the moonlight struck through the fo-
it, her tears running down. pregnancy makes one cry over nothing." liage, making the edges of the leaves
When she had wept a while, Hamid "This is a griefworth crying for, dema." silver, pooling like quicksilver in the
went to call the women of the house- "Oh, yes," she said. "If we had grass. It was cool under the older
hold, and they came gathering round loved each other. Then might have
I trees, windless, perfectly silent.
her full of solace and took her off to an- cried that basin full." She spoke with a Hamid shivered. "He'll be with you
other room. Left alone, Hamid drew the hard lightness. "But that was over soon," he said to the thick-bodied,
sheel back up over Farre's chest; he years ago. He went off to the war to get huge-armed, deep-rooted, dark pres-
felt a satisfaction in her having wept at away from me. This child carry, isn'tI it ences. "Pask and the others know what
last, having broken down. Tears were his. He was always cold, always slow. to do. He'llbe here soon. And she'll
the natural reaction, and the necessary Always what he is now." She looked come here with the baby, summer af-
one. A woman clears her mind by down at the figure in the bed with a ternoons, and sit in his shade, iviaybe
weeping, a woman had told him once. quick, strange, challenging glance. she'll be buried here. At his roots. But I

He flicked his thumbnail hard against "They were hght," she said, "half- am not staying here." He was walking
Farre's shoulder. It was like flicking the alive shouldn't marry the living. If your as he spoke, back toward the farm-
headboard, ihe night table his nail wifewas a stick, was a stump, a lump house and the quay and the channels
stung for a momenl. He felt a surge of of wood, wouldn't you seek some through the reeds and the roads that
anger against his patient, no patient, friend of fleshand blood? Wouldn't you led inland, north, away. "If you don't
no man al all, not any more. seek the love of your own kind?" mind, I'm on my way, right away. ."
. .

Was his own mind clear? Why was As she spoke she came nearer to The olders stood unmoved as he
he angry with Farre? Could the man Hamid, very near, stooping over him. Her hurried out from under them and strode
help being what he was, or what he closeness, the movement of her cloth- down ihe lane, a dwindling figure, too
was becoming? ing, the warmth and smell of her body. slight, too quick to be noticed. DO



TAG E 58
n 1
Stem 1

Ai)n uiv
I'ACil. (>5
I'ACil (>9
lYI: IN Tin SKY:
wonns AN

Caiherine just can't explain murky night just weeks be- to half the tables had hu-
She has no idea why she
il. age of 22
fore at the mans on them. She esti-

so compelled to keep

on driving thai night after SECRET Catherine did not enjoy

finding outwhat had hap-
pened to her in the woods
mates there were between
100 and 200 people in that
room. But in the mass of
leaving the Boston night-
club where she worked as
INmSION: on the night of March 6, bodies and blank faces she
a receptionist. It was after DOES 1991. "I don't want to be remembers one ofthem
midnight and she had driv-
IT ADD UP? there," a very frightened specifically the one on
en past Somerville, where Catherine told Mack while the table to her left. He was

she lives. Nor does she under hypnosis. "I want to a black man with a beard
know why she got off the drive out" Catherine was forced to

highway about 10 miles to But she could not Her situp on her table and the
why she drove
the north, or carhad apparently come to beings then began running
around Saugus and mo- a stop and her body had their fingers down her
mentarily got lost in a gone numb. Then suddenly spine. The terrifying exami-

wooded area. But after her door had opened, "There nation had begun.

finding her way out, she is a hand reaching out to The rest of Catherine's
ARTICLE traumatic UFO experience
noted that was 2:45 in the
it get me," Catherine recalled,

morning at least 45 min- BY PATRICK HUYGHE "It's long and Ihin and it's appears in John Mack's con-
utes later than it should only got three fingers." A troversial book. Abduction:
have been.
DO REPORTS OF being with huge, black, al- Human Encounters with
Feeling anxious, she MULTIPLE mond-shaped eyes then Mens, and is rather typical
raced back home, The next took her from the car, and of such stones, Bui one de-
the two ofthem were swept in her story stands out
day, on local news, she tail

learned that dozens of peo-

THE REALITY up in a beam toward a like a Gulliver in Lilliput

ple throughout the North- OF A HAUNTING huge metallic ship. that bit about the hundreds
east had reported a UFO, The alien abductor, the of other humans she saw
including a policeman and story goes, then took aboard the alien craft that

his wife who had seen an

OR MASS ILLUSION Catherine inside, into a hall- And Catherine is by

object stop overhead and FLAMING way, where four other be- no means alone among al-
shine a light on them. As- ings were waiting. When leged abductees in report-
OUT OF CONTROL? presence ot large
tronomers said the object they began pulling at her ing the
was a shooting star, clothes, she got annoyed. numbers of humans aboard
A few weeks later, "Slop it," she recalled think- the alien crafts.
Catherine decided to con- ing. "I'm perfectly capable What accounts like these
tact Harvard psychiatrist of doing this myself, thank suggest is that the phe-
John Mack, author of the you."Once naked, Cather- nomenon actually involves
1977 Pulitzer Prize-winning ine was led into an enor- mass abductions. appears, It

biographyof T E. Lawrence mous room "the size of an as in Catherine.'s tale, that

and known most recently airplane hangar." large numbers of people

for his outspoken interest in She saw rows and rows are being taken, one by one,
the UFO abduction phe- Of tables everywhere. "There to central locations that

nomenon. In a series of hyp- are hundreds of humans in serve as holding facilities

notic regression sessions,. here," she told Mack under for dozens, perhaps hun-

Mack helped Catherine un- hypnosis, "And they're all dreds, of others during the
locka lifetime of apparent having things done to same period of time. If Ihe

abduction memories, be- them." The rows were about other abductees' stories
ginning at the age of three five feet apart, she noted, are true, moreover, some-
and culminating in that and anywhere from a third times entire groups of peo-
pie are taken all at once, THE MASS The extraordinary num- edly been abducted in a
Reports of this phenom- ber of people supposedly single episode. The situation

enon, in fact, confirm some

ABDUCTION CASES going through that revolv- led Bullard to lament wryly
people's worst fears about OFFER ing door should, it seems, that, apparently, "there's
the alien endeavor. Could THE
BELIEVERS help cement the case for just no safety in numbers,"
we all be pawns in some the reality of the phenome- One of the earliest mass
weird extraterrestrial breed-
CHANCE TO non. If multiple participants abduction cases on record
ing scheme to repopulale a CROSS-CHECK THE are involved in an abduc- actually involved nine peo-
dying alien world? Or is the DETAILS OF tion, the logic goes, then ple and took place one sum-
entire human race being the experience cannot be mer some 40 years ago
unwillingly dratted into some
THE ABDUCTION the product of one individ- near Crater Lake, Oregon;
hideous alien genetic ex- EXPERIENCE ual's fantasy or hallucina- it was not, however, re-
periment to produce alien- FROM INDEPENDENT tion. In fact, themass ab- ported to a UFO organiza-
human hybrids? Whatever duction cases seem to offer tion until 1982. The par-
the case, one thing seems
PERSPECTIVES believers a golden oppor- ticipants were a 32-year-old
clear:Quite a large number AND DEVELOP THE tunity to cross-checl< the woman known only as Mrs.
of us are potential targets. abduction ex-
details of the her 15-year-old brother,

"The phenomenon is not. perience from independent 10-year-old sister, two

as the general public tends
CRITICS HAVE ALWAYS perspectives and develop daughters and a stepdaugh-
to believe, an occasional DEMANDED. the proof the critics have ter aged 10 to 13, two
'there's one. let's get him' always demanded. younger nephews, and Mrs.
sort of thing on the part of These mass abductions R.'s 53-year-old mother.
the aliens," explains David certainly appear to take The witnesses remem-
Jacobs, a Temple Univer- place often enough. Jacobs bered that while looking for
sity historian specializing in estimates that abductees a gas station they had come
twentieth-century U.S. his- see other humans aboard upon what appeared to be
tory and the author of the the craft in half, if not most, a restaurant. Their car en-
book. Secret Life. Instead, of the cases. And one out gine sputtered and coasted
he asserts, we have a mass of every four alleged ab- into a parking area where
abduction program taking duction episodes involves three or four other cars
place covertly. The notion multiple participants, ac- were parked. The "build-
of a secret invasion inevitably cording to Thomas Bullard, ing" was round and lighted
springs to mind. a folklorist whose 1987 Uni- and the interior was circu-
"What we have here," versity of Indiana doctoral lar, Mrs, R. remembered
says Jacobs, "is a continual dissertation exhaustively commenting to her mother
-abduction scenario. It's very analyzed about 300 pub- that the place was "really
much lil<e an assembly line. lished abduction accounts. unbelievable," The family
The aliens gel Ihem in. They Bullard found that while then sat down
at one of the
go into a waiting area where approximately half of these tables and apparently or-
they see other people sil- multiple-participant abduc- dered a meal from short,
ting around. They get cases involved just two
tion slender people with blond
shown to a table. There are
people usually family hair who all looked alike
all sorts of people lying on members or friends the and wore identical silver
the tables as various stages other half involved either uniforms and boots that
procedures are
of different three, four, or more people sported the same emblem,
being run on them. Then who claimed to have been "When think about it now,"

they get them up, get them taken at once. There are said Mrs, R.'s mother almost
out, and new people arrive. even cases in which seven two decades later, "I have
It's a revolving door." or more people have report- a funny feeling like maybe
we were a surprise to Ihem," Weiner, Charlie Foltz, and was now all coals. Jim subsequently published a
Mrs. R. thinks they ate Chuck Rak decided to re- thought Ihe large logs they book. The Allagash Abduc-
and paid their bill before plenish their now-scarce had set on the fire should tions, as well. "All of the Al-

ieavmg. Though the car food supply by doing a little have burned for two to lagash witnesses are of
would not start immedi- night fishing. Before sliding three hours, sound mind and reputa-
ately, it sort ot "coasted" their canoe into the water, The four men had no tion," concludes Fowler,
onto the highway first and they prepared a large bon- memory of what happened "They not only tell essen-
only then got underway. fire in order to find their way during the time it took the tially the same story, bul

When the (amily reached back to camp in the pitch bonfire to burn down, And under hypnosis Ihey relive

the next town, Mrs. R. dis- dark wilderness. several years would pass it with all the Irauma and
covered that ihey had not They were halfway across before Jim and Jack began emotions that would be ex-
spent any money and that a cove when they saw a to experience a series of pected of a real physical
no one in town had ever silent, large, bright sphere strange dreams ot alien ab- event, th)nk Ihe evidence

heard of such a restaurant. of colored light at treetop ductors that would eventu- here is undeniable and would
Though ihe family returned level about 200 yards away. ally lead them to seek help stand up in court if we were
to search for it, they never When Charlie began flash- from UFO investigator Ray- only dealing with an auto-
found it, ing his flashlight at it, the mond Fowler in May 1988. mobile accident or some-
"I know was I in a UFO," object began moving to- Over Ihe nexi two years thing like thai. But when
said Mrs. R. almost three ward Ihem. Then, as the Fowler hypnotized each ot you are talking about some-
decades after the experi-
sphere now only about 50 the four men independently thing as bizarre as UFO ab-
ence, though that realiza- leet above the water ap- and elicited a strangely ductions, people find that
tion did not begin to regis- proached, the canoeists de- congruent testimony about very, very hard to believe,"

ter with her until about 1969, cided to head for solid being plucked from the Even harder to believe
when she started recalling ground and began paddling water by a beam of light, is a case that appears to
the incident and discussing quickly toward shore. Their taken aboard the craft, and involve a mass abduction
it with her family, paddling became increas- forced to undergo medical of hundreds of people in
Peihaps the best docu- ingly frantic when the object examinations by aliens. New York City late in the
mented of all mass abduc- emitted a beam of light that Each of the four men re- summer or early fall of 1992.

tion cases involves four advanced on (heir canoe. called seeing the other The case is currently being
young men who were ca- The next thing Charlie three on board the alien investigated by Budd Hop-
noeing along the Allagash Foltz and Jim Werner re- craft, "They were all made kins, who IS probably better
Waterway in the wilderness . mem be red was standing at to sit on a bench in Ihe known as a UFO researcher
of northern Ivlaine on Au- the campsite watching the nude," says Fowler, "and than as a modern artist
gust 26, 1976, Under hyp- object move away Chuck they watched one after the these days.
nosis, all four experienced Rak remembers staying in other being taken off the The story first emerged
missing time and relived a the canoe and watching it bench. Some of Ihe exami- during one of Hopkins'
detailed and amazingly disappear. Jack Weiner re- nation was done within eye- support group meetings (or
similarUFO abduction epi- members first madly trying sight of the others and some abductees. One person,
sode. This case, which was to outrun the beam of light, of it was done after Ihey Maty, was telling the group
thoroughly investigated by then calmfy getting out of were taken around the cor- about a very vivid dream
Raymond Fowler, is unique the canoe. ner from the bench But she had had, though she
in Ihe annals of UFO re- He finds it odd that they when you put all together it wasn't sure it was a dream.
search in that it provides would be in such a hurry one like a picture puzzle, you She recalled being in some
four separate, mutually col- moment and so calm the find that everybody is de- sort of huge space filled

laborating accounts of the next. After the object disap- scribing the same event with what appeared to be
same event. peared, the four walked up from different standpoints." "people -movers" and many,
It went something like the beach to find that the Fowler went on to pro- many humans, all com-
this: On Ihe fifth day of their huge bonfire they had left duce a 10-volume, 702- The scene
pletely naked.
canoe trip, Jim and Jack just 15 or so minutes before page study ot this case and somewhat resembled the

physical at a selective ser- big long scar; it comes from for them. Or it happened." paralysis and the various
vice exam.And there was a a bladder operation she had While it's certainly diffi- kinds of hallucinations that
kind of escalator, taking as a child. Joan did not see cult to believe that vast accompany It.

people up to another floor. Bill closely, but Hopkins numbers of humans are But David Jacobs, one
At that point, two other asked her he had much
if being abducted in this way of the authors of the poll,
abductees in the group, Bill chest hair. Joan said no, and, on a regular basis, there is, begs to differ with his crit-

and Joan, became ex- in fact, he doesn't. surprisingly enough, some ics. He and Hopkins, Ja-

tremely agitated and said. Bill's description of the data to corroborate these cobs explains, had thor-
"Oti gee, I've had a dream experience under hypnosis harrowing anecdotal re- oughly pre-tested nine of
just like that was much the same as ports. Several surveys con- the eleven abduction-re-
Hopkins immediately cut Joan's. He
saw a chart
also ducted over the past decade lated questions on that poll.
oft the conversation so that on the and though his
wall, indicate that millions of And those nine were ques-
he could explore their ex- it is some-
recollection of Americans have experi- tions most frequently an-
periences individually. Later, what Hopkins is
different, enced something that UFO swered positively by ab-
when Hopkins probed into convinced they are de- researchers think suggests ductees, not nonabductees,
Joan's dream under hypno- scribing the same object. the possibility of abduction (The other two questions
sis, she recalled the same Under hypnosis, Mary was by alien beings. tested the reliability of the
large space, a strange chart less clear about the epi- In a T991 Roper survey, poll. One of them, for in-
on the wall, and. most in- sode than the other two, the most impressive of the stance, was a fake question,
credibly, seeing both Mary but, as Hopkins points out. polls, 119 people of the al- which gave the pollsters an
and Bill there as well, tolaiiy she generally doesn't have most 6,000 questioned re- idea of how many people
naked. Typically, both the recall that other people vealed they had experi- had the impulse to answer
looked "out of it" to her. tend to have. enced what UFO investiga-' positively no matter what
"Carl Sagan always has Hopkins has not explored tors call an alien abduction. was asked. The responses
the idea that you are going how the three were "ab- If the numbers are extrapo- from the 1 percent who re-
to dash around and steal ducted" or how they were lated to the entire popula- sponded positively to this
an alien cocktail napkin or returned, and he will not tion of the United States, question were not included
something for evidence as describe the strange chart this translates to a stagger- in the final results,)

you dash out of the place," seen by Bill and Joan, nor ing five million abductees. "When we first got the
notes Hopkins, "as if ab- the "space" the event itself The Roper poll, of course, numbers, the raw statis-
ductees had all their senses took place in; he prefers to is problematic. It has been tics," says Jacobs, "the
intact. But in this, as in other keep such details to him- severely criticized on the numbers were ridiculously
situations, the abductees self as a check on the au- grounds that the five so- high 7 percent, 8 percent.
were in an altered state," thenticity of future cases! called key indicators of an It was politically unaccept-

Joan remembers having "It's a very good case," abduction experience re- able. So we decided to
a perfunctory conversation explains Hopkins, "because porting unusual lights in a look only at the answers to

withMary in which they ex- there is literally no way that room, missing time, flying the best five questions
pressed surprise at seeing they knew about this stuff. through the air without those we considered to be
each other there. Hopkins None a friend
of the three is knowing why, paralysis in the highest indicators for
then asked Joan what Mary of the other two in any inti- the presence of strange an abduction and didn't
looked like naked. Joan mate way. They only know bedroom dgures, or puz- consider people potential
said that Mary was very of each other from the sup- zling scars on the body abductees unless they an-
round-shouldered and that port group. So here we are may not in fact mean that swered four or all five of
she had a big long scar at again stuck with one of two an abduction has occurred. those questions positively
the bikini tine, possibilflies. Either they have Psychologists point out that By doing that, we got the
Mary, as it happens, is cooked this up as a hoax, most of these experiences numbers down to a politi-
extremely round-shouldered inwhich case you have can also be caused by the cally acceptable 2 percent.
and always wears shoulder three virtual sociopaths be- little-known but quite com- The best we can say is that
pads. And she does have a cause there IS nothing in it mon phenomenon of sleep about one out of every 50


Americans has had experi- a shoe factory or medical IF FIVE MILLION tion, Durant figured that

ences consistent with what ought to apply equally

facility each team could then per-
ABDUCTEES form 12 abductions a day
pbductees have had. That case of an alien
well to the
indicates that an awful lot abduction program carried HAVE EXPERIENCED So to perform 2,740 abduc-
of people out there have out on a host planet." 10 ABDUCTIONS tions a day, he calculated

had abduction experiences. To avoid comparisons that the aliens would need
OVER THE LAST 50 268 teams, or a total of
And this of course is con- with other fanciful exercises,
sistent with what the ab- counting the number of
like YEARS, THEN 1,370 aliens.
ductees themselves teli us. dancing angels on the AN ASTONISHING Even if you double these
They come into a room and head of a pin, Durant figures to account for the
searched the
ONE m'iLLION fact that most abductions
they see 50, 75, or 100 other literature for

people lying on tables, actual data points to plug ABDUCTIONS TAKE take place at night rather
and they report a constant into his equation. How often PLACE PER than 24 hours a day, the
stream of people. And we does the typical abductee bottom line, Durant discov-
figure it's twenty-four hours claim to be abducted?
YEAR, OR 2,740 PER ered, was that "about 500
a day, seven days a week." Though this varies widely, DAY IN THE crews, totaling about 3,000
But to critics, millions of he found that 10 times was UNITED STATES aliens could do the job."

abduction reports actually not an unreasonable num- While these figures may
prove the opposite that ber, At what age do abduc- appear large, if you com-
there are just loo many of tions begin and cease? pare them with the num-
them for the phenomenon Typically, they begin around bers needed to man naval

to be real. That's what age 5 and end by age 55, vessels, says Durant
Robert Durant, a commer- he discovered. How long 5,500 for an aircraft carrier
cial pilot witii a long interest did abductions take to ac- and about 350 for a de-
inUFOs, thought at first, complish? The periods of stroyer the whole thing
But when he decided to missing time reported by begins to look, well, plausi-

put his doubts to the test abductees range from min- ble. "The way the math
by figuring out how large a utes to days, but most are worked out kind of knocked
work force the aliens would on the order of two hours. me back a bit," he admits.
need to carry out the mil- How many aliens does it "This is extremely troubling
lions ofabductions the take to perform an abduc- to me because while I'm a

Roper survey suggested tion? It's rare, he learned, total believer in UFOs, I

were taking place, he tormore than six aliens to don't buy the physical ab-
began to thinly the mass be involved in any one ab- duction scenario. And there^

abduction scenario was at duction event. no way I'm saying my analy-

least plausible. Based on that data, Du- sis proves abductions are

"I began very skepti- rant came up with some real, because after ai! these

cally," notes Durant, "I hair-raising numbers about years, we still don't have a
thought no way could these the required "alien work shred of tangible proof."

numbers be correct But I force." If five million ab- But Durant's number-
decided to work through ductees have experienced
the math to see what I would 10 abductions over the last just the beginning. Before

come up with. began by I 50 years, then an astonish- long. Dennis Stacy, editor
assuming that abductions ing one million abductions of a monthly UFO publica-

are real physical events take place per year, or tion. The MUFON Journal
carried out systematically 2,740 per day in the United had picked up the ball
by a large work force. If this States alone. If a team of Doing some math of his
is the case, then the shop- six aliens is required to per- own, he came to conclude
floor parameters relevant to form each two-hour abduc- the numbers didn't work,

By hJs reckoning, in fact, THINKOF awaiting landing and ab- ues, "is that these four
line alien work force re- like so many
duction rights, guys who have been bud-
THE LOGISTICS: UFOs these years go
quired was way beyond 747s, The scale of such dies for all

tlie limiis of possibility. UP OVER an invasion would be im- through abduction regres-
"if the pfienornenon is THE WORLD'S MAJOR possible for any govern- sion therapy, get all these
global in nature, as it ap- ment to plausibly ignore or memories, and manage
METROPOUTAN cover up," not to talk about to their
to be," says Stacy, it

"then the 1 million abduc- AREAS, AWAITING If the numbers don't buddies for a year, until
tions a year in the United LANDING make sense, then how do they've all been hypno-

States grows to 22 million we explain the mass ab- tized. If you were my
abductions worldwide.
AND ABDUCTION duction memories of peo- buddy and that had hap-
You would then need at RIGHTS, LIKE ple like Mary, Bill, Joan, pened to me, think I'd tellI

least 11,000 alien crews, SO MANY 747s. THE Jack, Jim, Chuck, and you. So when they say we
for a total of66,000 aliens, Charlie? William Cone, a didn't talk lo each other, I

SCALE OF clinical psychologist with don't buy But think
lo carry out the task, that. I

of course, 11,000 UFOs THE INVASION a private practice in New- they really did see some-
overhead at any given WOULD BE port Beach, California, has thing. They really did have
hour." And if you take into done a lot of research on an experience. But whether
account the need for sup-
IMPOSSIBLE FORANY abductees and thinks that it's an abduction experi-
port crews, reasonable GOVERNMENT while some cases of mass ence, I don't know."
shifts, and such, notes TO COVER UP OR abduction are quite impres- Cone ventures a similar
Stacy, the numbers, like the slve, many can be ex- explanation for the mass
Eveready Rabbit, "keep IGNORE. plained as "contamination." abduction case of 1992 in

on growing and growing Look for instance, he New York City, which first

and growing," says, at the Allagash appeared in a support

For Stacy, the ridicu- case the one involving group meeting of ab-

lously large numbers point the four men in the canoe. ductees at Budd Hopkins'
to an obvious conclusion. "It's interesting that all of home, "There a great is

"There must be a terres- these guys were heavily deal of contamination in

that is, psychological
trial, interested in UFOs and this field," notes Cone,
in nature, rather than ex- abductions before ever "especially in support
traterrestrial origin to the going to see Fowler. They groups. We've known since
abduction experience," he all knew about abduc- the days of the nineteenth-

says. "The argument that tions, and they walked in century French physician
some 200 million people to Fowler, who Ihey knew Jean Martin Charcot that
have' been abducted had written other books on support groups contami-
aboard physical flying the subject. They walked nate memory. It's no secret,
craft in, say, the last decade inwith a pre-set mind of but somehow UFO re-
or so, is simply unsupport- We saw something, we - searchers, not being men-
able in terms of common have missing time, so we tal health professionals,
sense and logic. What must have been abducted. have never bothered to
imaginable need of non- And this happens again look at this. They think these

terrestrial science would and again. I find it inter- people are getting sup-
this serve? And think of esting that 12 years went port, butwhat they are
the logistics such a fan- by when they didn't worry doing is reaffirming their
tastic undertaking would about It, until they read own fantasies. I hear this

involve. UFOs would be some UFO books, all the lime in hospitals I

stacked up over the world's "The other thing I find work at. You put somebody
major metropolitan areas. incredible," Cone contin- in the support group, and


was the fictional Sher- lech wish an access any specific


lock Holmes who noted guide to


a potpourri of re-
THE dollar for
Bargains abound out

that "the
He didn't
game is

have UFOs
mind, obviously, but a more
elusive quarry could hardly
search tools from
mailing lists

and even instructions for

procuring government
and databases;

there, from the classified
section of your local news-
paper to specialist mail-
order catalogs, discount
be imagined. documents and powering FIELD warehouses, and army
If modern-day UFO de- surplus Stores. The sky's
onto the Internet. INVESTIGATORS
tectives are to be suc- While some tools are the limit when it comes to
cessful, they'll want to absolutely required, oth-
GUIDE: UFO-detection equipment,
bring the best available Some are
ers are optional. PART THREE but so is personal creativ-
hardware and software to easy come by the basic
to ity. Some of you may even
bear on their prey. In this compass, for instance want to build or jerry-rig
installment, we'll review while others can be ac- tools of your own. In the
the basic hardware you'll quired only after careful end, your basic UFO tool

want to carry into the field. research or trips to a spe- kit can be as simple or so-
From flashlight and cam- cialty store. In the chapter phisticated as you like,

era to the always handy that follows we'll make depending on your bud-
compass, we'll describe general recommendations. get and your needs. But
the basic equipment any Remember, however, es- ARTICLE no UFO sleuth can skip
self-respecting UFO hunter peciallywhere electronic BY DENNIS STACY the essentials, and that is
needs. As we focus on and optical equipment is where we begin.
tools in the months that fol- concerned, that prices and The absolute necessi-
low, we'll supplement this quality can vary widely. ties of any UFO investiga-
basic tool kit with user- Also, there's no require- tor's tool kit start with what
friendly software; a high- ment that you pay retail 1 call the three P's pen or

pencil and paper. A written airplane flight patterns, and facing the car, for example, neering supply house, of-

record of your investiga- so on, but they can also lit- take your first measurement fers compasses calibrated
tion,which includes per- erally point you in the direc- just behind the front left to the northern hemisphere
sonal notes and witness tion of additional witnesses. headlight and proceed par- with luminous dials and
interviews, is absolutely es- Like pocket change, a good allel to the left side of the built-in clinometer for meas-
sential, No matter how reli- compass can serve two utili- car until you reach the hood uring heights and slopes of
able the brand name, elec- tarian purposes. Besides hinge in front of the wind- up to 90 degrees. In addi-
tronic equipment is always giving directions, can also it shield. Continue to take tion, the company also sells
subject to potential disas- aot as a crude magnetome- and record readings from a 214-page instruction
ter. Tapes break, batteries ter, a device for measuring the left side of the car to manual for beginners unfa-
fail, cameras and recorders changes in local magnetic the driver's side, then pro- miliar with how to read maps
get dropped, especially un- fields, although obviously it ceed forward until you end and compasses ($1 1,95),
der field conditions. And can't determine the strength just behind the right head- Next month we'll cover
while cameras and cam- or degree of that change. light, having executed an the subject of maps in de-
corders can offer documen- But assume that you're upside-down U. Carefully tail, but for now, sketch out
tary exactitude, the sun investigating a UFO case in record magnetic north or your own map, indicating any
sets and it can also rain which associated electro- the deviation from mag- prominent landmarks. If you

all outside your control. magnetic effects have been netic north at each point. happen to have a detailed
The paper, of course, reported, such as the stalling Crude as they may be, map of the region, make
should be in notebook, as of a car's engine or the fail- these 15 or so "soundings" notations on that as well.
opposed to loose-leaf, form, ure of its electrical system. represent a sort of -mag- The witness should also
Iprefer a little 5-by-8-inch It's stiil possible to make a netic "signature," so to indicate the angle at which
pad, instead of letter or legal preliminary assessment of speak. To confirm that any any UFO was seen. This can
sizes, because it's easier to magnetic-field fluctuations significant magnetic field only be an approximation
drop in a vest or jacket pock- or variations using nothing was actually encountered (or at best, obviously, but it still

et when you're done with it. more elaborate than a good, altered), a comparison test remains useful in post-in-
And please remember reliable compass, previously should be run on a control vestigative terms. For exam-
when you're out in the Held; calibrated, or confirmed, as car of the same year and ple, if Venus or the bright-
Your notebook can double indicating true north. The model, using the same com- est star in the heavens', Sir-
as a sketchpad. Alongside technique is fairly simple; in pass and taking readings ius, can be shown to have
your own written notes, be fact, it was even laid out as same evenly spaced
at the been in the same general
sure to sketch the horizon early as 1968 in the Univer- points, or intervals, Remem- direction and altitude at the
of the sighting scene, not- sity of Colorado's -Scientific ber to orient the control car same time as the reported
ing any visible landmarks, Study of Unidentified Flying (or other metallic object) in UFO, then Venus or Sirius
such as power lines, trees, Objects, otherwise known the same direction as the becomes at least a pcime
or water towers. Then ask as the Condon, Report. originally affected car. An- candidate or suspect. Again,
the witness or witnesses to Here's how it might work. other word of caution: Don't thiscan be determined by
draw in the shape of the Take the car (or any other place the compass directly handing the notebook to
object when first sighted nearby piece of metal) re- on the car hood or other the witness and letting him
and its trajectory, and ask portedly affected, and. metal object being tested; or her determine the angle
them to date and sign it. using your compass at a instead, insert your paper as best as possible. Later,
A reliable compass will distance, note its present notebook (or some other a common plastic protrac-
come in handy at this point. magnetic orientation. Now non-conductive material) tor, available from graphic
Determine magnetic north take at least ten or fifteen between the two, and art supply houses, can
and indicate same on your similar readings at evenly Expect to pay no more be used to arrive at the ap-
sketch. Directional findings spaced intervals, say every than $15 for a good-quality proximate angie.
are most useful for eliminat- ten to fifteen inches, around compass, For another $20 For the next tool of the
ingknown objects and the pehmeter of the hood or so. Forestry Suppliers trade, just look in your
phenomena like planets. or trunk of the car. If you're (800-360-7788), an engi- pocket, bet anything you


can stick your hand in and on your own and most of SOME HUNTERi. LIK though accessories like

pull out a few coins. Take us can'ttry inquiring at the spare batteries and bulbs
TO PACK A and a car cigarette-lighter at-
tiiat dime and simply ask relevant department (biol-
the eyewitness to hold it at ogy chemistry or physics) POWERFUL, HAND- tachment can add another
arm's length and compare of your local college or uni- HELD SEARCH- $30 to $45 to the final cosL
to ttie apparent size of the versity. You may also wish The basic UFO hunter's
LIGHTASAMEANSOF should also include
object seen and reported. to contact one of the estab- field kit

Was the UFO smaller or lished UFO organizations SIGNAllNG an audio tape recorder and
larger? (You may be sur- to see if they have some- ANY APPROACHING a camera of some sort.

prised to find that two full one on the staff willing to These should be regarded
UFO OR CRAFT. as necessary accessories
moons can easily hide be- assist in any material analy-

hind a single dime.) If dis- sis. Request a copy of the READILY AVATLABLE to, not substitutes for, the
tance can be estab-later final report in exchange for COMMERCIAL already-mentioned tools, I

lished with any degree ol your samples. prefer a mmi-casselte re-

certainty, this could permi I would also recommend
MODELS RANGE IN corder because, like the
a reliable approximation of two flashlights one pen- LUMINOSITY smaller notebook pad, it
the object's actual size or light and one regular-size
FROM ABOUT 100,000 can easily be slipped into a
diameter. You may substi- with back-up batteries for shirt or coat pocket. Get

tute pennies, nickels, and both (as well as for any other
CANDLEPOWER one with the most advanced
quarters, or even the lid of battery-operated equip- TO A SKY-LIGHTING features you can afford, be-
a styrofoam cup as the situ- ment). In a pinch, the pen- ginning with voice-activa-
ation warrants. light can be clamped be- tion and counter. The counter
Another basic is also tween your teeth for note-
CANDLEPOWER. will prove extremely helpful
readily available: a supply taking or compass-reading when it comes to transcnb-

of plastic bags, preferably at night. If your compass has ing your interviews later.

ones with a zip closure, es- luminous markings, they can Observe the Boy Scout
pecially if the UFO is re- be charged with a brief expo- motto to always be prepared
ported to have impacted sure of light, The larger light and never venture into the
the environment, leaving can be used for everything field with new equipment,
behind crushed vegetation from illuminating a distant electronic or otherwise,
or ground indentations. tree line to changing a flat which you haven't previ-
Mark each sample bag with tire in the middle of a field. ously tested and familiar-
a permanent laundry marker Some hunters like to ized yourself with,
or masking tape and pen. pack a powerful, hand-held Like tape recorders,
Be sure to collect several searchlight as a means of cameras come in a bewil-
control samples as well, be- "signaling" any approach- dering cornucopia of choice,
ginning nearby and moving ing UFO, Readily available each with its own advan-
progressively further from commercial models range tages and drawbacks. In-
the reported contact or in luminosity from 100.000 stant photographic process
landing site, carefully label- candlepower up to one mil- cameras, for example, con-
ing each one and indicat- lion candlepower. The lat- vey immediacy at the ex-
ingits position on a map, ter, 25 times brighter than an pense of resolution and
hand-drawn or otherwise, autcHTiobile headlight on high other photographic factors.
of the immediate area. Ide- beam, is capable of spot- They serve best as a sort of

these samples should

ally, ting objects up to ten miles surrogate notepad, Photo-
be turned over to a labora- away. The Forestry Suppli- graph the site during day-
tory for analysis as soon as ers catalog carries spotlights time and have the witness
possible. If you can't afford ranging in price from ap- draw the UFO on the actual
to hire a private laboratory proximately $30 to $65, al- pnnt; then have him or her

indicate the angle above allegedly "idiot-proof" a larger telescopic lens, considered especially if

the horizon of the UFO cameras. would also rec-

I say, 200mm to 300mm, in your investigation involves
with an outstretched arm. ommend you keep your order to achieve maximum an alleged UFO "hot spot,"
Take two photographs ot camera loaded with a rel- magnification, be aware that is, circumstances un-
each scene, if you don't ativelyhigh-speed color that you'll probably need a der which a UFO is said to
want the original marked negative (as opposed to lightweight tripod for be roaming the immediate
over. If physical side ef- slide or transparency) film, steadiness. If you're caught area, and could conceiv-
fects have been reported, one with an ASA rating of in the field without a tri- ably reappear at virtually
by all means document 1000, 1600, or higher, es- pod, steady the camera any moment.
them with the camera if pecially if you thtnk you against some solid object, Finally you'll want a pair
that's you have. A pic-
all may have the opportunity the roof of a car, for exam- of binoculars with neck-
ture, worth a potential to actually photograph a ple, if available. In a pinch, strap and a star chart. Ed-
thousand words, is better UFO yourself. What you use someone's shoulder. mund Scienlific (609-573-
than no picture at all. lose in terms of resolution Videocameras have 6858) carries the latter for

Thirty-five millimeter you'll more than gain back advanced by leaps and only $2.75. As with cam-
cameras have proliferated in terms of light-gathering bounds in recent years as
to such a degree in recent capabilities. As with bat- well, as far as basic fea- bewildering variety and
years that would be im-
it teries, always take more film turesand capabilities are price range. Opt for a com-
possible to single out any than you think you'l! need. concerned. Most of the fortable combination of
specific model as the Photography is an art major electronic manufac- weight and optical quality
agreed upon "best" for this that can'tbe taught here, turersSony, Panasonic, and expect to pay any-
or that purpose, Some so- but you should be aware and so on now offer off- where from $75 to $300.
called "point-and-shoot" of at least two techniques. the-shelf COD (charge- Binoculars are described
auto-focus cameras with First, if at all possible, be coupled device) cam- by both their magnifica-
built-in zoom lenses and sure to include some ref- corders with 12x zoom tionpower and lens diam-
pop-up flash attachments erence point (a house or lenses capable of captur- eter; thus, 7x50 binoc-
virtually rival their manu- tree) in any UFO picture. ing reasonable images in ulars give you a 50mm
facturer's professional lines A small speck of light low-light conditions, usu- lens diameter with seven
in terms of the final prod- against a dark backdrop is ally one lux or better. Such power magnification, ade-
uct. Again, assume that almost useless for analy- cameras can typically be quate for UFO hunting.
much or most of your in- no matter hew big it's
sis, found within the $700 to Most independent in-
vestigation will be con- blown up or enlarged. If $900 price range, de- vestigators should be able
ducted under less than you don't see any immedi- pending on included fea- to put together the basic
ideal conditions. Where ate reference point through tures. If your budget per- kit above for about$1,000,

photography is involved the viewfinder, try turning mits, get one with "steady- assuming they start com-
this means low light levels. the picture angle from the cam" (to counteract vibra- pletely from scratch. But
Consequently, your cam- normal horizontal view to and auto-focusing ca-
tion) for those who already have
era should have a built-in a vertical one. If that doesn't pabilities already on board. a camera, binoculars, and
flash or a "hot shoe" for at- work, trying zooming back Whether you're using a mini-cassette recorder,
taching a separate flash from the UFO until a refer- still camera or videocam- start-up costs will be cor-
unit. Flash photography is ence point does appear in era, I recommend that you respondingly lower.
notoriously tricky, how- the frame and snap your take along a lightweight Next month, look for our

ever, and once again you picture then. tripod. This will not only UFO hunters' wish list of
should familiarize yourself The range of a typical provide increased stability the best high-tech good-
with taking pictures under zoom lens from 28mm
is (and therefore sharpness) ies. But meanwhile, don't
various lighting conditions to35mm (wide angle) to for any pictures taken, it waste any lime getting
before venturing into the 105mm to 135mm when will also free your hands started. As one famous de-
field. This applies even to zoomed or tele-
fully and eyes for other activi- tective was fond of saying,

the newest generation of scoped. If you plan to use ties. A iripod should be "the game is afool,"00

Meet one Kalharina Wil-
son, an altraclive, intelligent,
apparently well-adjusted,
34-year-old woman. Born
ina small college town in
\he Deep Soulti, Wilson
now lives in Portland, Ore-
gon, with her second hus-
band, Erik. She sees her-
selfas "an average Ameri-
can woman," a fitting self-
description marred by just
one fact; She also claims
to be a UFO abductee.
At first glance, Wilson's
storysounds rather typical
of otherabduction lore.
She claims to have been
abducted and reproduc-
tivelytraumatized since
the age of six by small
alien creatures with large
black eyes. Then, in her
late twenties, she decided
to come out of the UFO
closet and tell all.

What's different about

Wilson's account, however,
is in the way it comes to
us straighl up. She has

told her story a[l of it, away from his or her home this sort of filtering is partic- and nearly killed her,

every dirty detail on her or car by small gray crea- ularlydamaging. I don't think Wilson is

own. It does not come to us and forced to under-

tures Now ali this has changed, perpetrating a hoax, if she
secondhand, through a go some sort of medical thanks to 7776 Alien Jigsaw, were, she certainly would
Budd Hopkins or a David examination aboard a space- Katharina Wilson's coura- have left out the journal entry
Jacobs, toname just two of ship. The incident usually geous effort to buck the dated August 4. 1992, "I'm
the most prominent UFO turns out to be one of many wave of censorship and tell with Senator Gore," Wilson,
abduction researchers in in the person's past involv- all. In this brutally honest, wrote, "and we are in a large
this country, Instead, the ing a variety of reproductive firsthand account, Wilson room with many people. He
story comes to us pure and assaults semen sampling, describes a harrowing life- isorganizing something.
wholly unfiltered in a booi< artificial insemination, and time of encounters with Governor Clinton must be
Wilson has written and fetus removal resulting in what she sincerely believes here, too now I'm looking
published herself. the production of human/ are aliens.She holds noth- directly at President Bush,
Why is this so important? alien slarbabies that the ing back, and provides nu- He really looks tired-
Because hearing about ETs keep. merous surprises along the beaten," When Wilson tells

alien abductions directly Generally lacl<ing in the way To begin with she tells Gore that she has never
from experiencers reveals standard scenario, how- us of not one, or two, or a voted Republican, Bush
aspects of the phenome- ever,is the wide variety of dozen abduction episodes, looks at her "with a look of
non long ignored or per- other phenomena that the but an astounding 119 of disgust on his face," Later,
haps just swept under the person often claims to have them, occurring In a span she realizes that Gore and

carpet by most research- experienced as v^ell the of just 26 years. And her Clinton are preparing a
ers. And in the end, these psychic perceptions, the experiences involve not just feast, and she watches as it

regularly hidden details premonitions, the bedroom your typical aliens, but also grows larger and larger.
may be vital in determining encounters with dead rela- encounters with the dead, Following this journal en-
the cause of the UFO ab- ti^Jes, the ghosts, the time time-travel episodes, psy- try Wilson writes; "Although
duction phenomenon. travel, and more. Despite chic experiences, and I remember seeing
did not
Indeed, as a journalist what is often a nearly mind- even a vision of an eight- any alien beings associ-
who's investigated more numbing display of high foot-tail floating penguin ated with this encounter, it

than my fair share of UFO strangeness, you would be everything you can imagine felt the same way all of my
abductions, I've learned hard pressed to find such and a whole lot more. other visitations felt. It was
that many aspects of the descriptions in the pub- In the middle of one ab- extremely vivid,"
so-called abduction phe- lished accounts. duction episode, for exam- asked Wilson if she had

nomenon just don't make it In the standard abduc- ple, Wilson somehowf en- actually seen Bush, Gore,
into print, instead, most in- tion scenario, as brought to counters her present hus- and Clinton.
vestigators inevitably proc- us by the "experts," these band as a young man, years hope not," she replied

ess the stories, molding the messy details are summarily before she met him. Later with just a touch of humor.
accounts io fit the theories expunged. What we are left in the episode she is terri- But that's a contradic-
they favor or the patterns withis a cleaned-up story a fiedwhen told by the aliens tion, pointed out. You say

they expect to find. Things tale that stays unerringly "on that is 1957-three years
it your alien encounters are
that don't fit their pre- mark," thus fitting the de- before she was born, Wil- real and that this encounter
conceived notion of v^'hat's sired "alien" mold. son also credits the aliens with political figures was
really happening "out Of course, to some ex- wfOi saving her life; she twice just as real as those you-
there" are often deliberately tent information selection had alien premonitions of have with the aliens.
left out of subsequent re- happens, often uncon- nearly being killed by light- "Did I say that?" she said,
tellings of the tale. sciously, in every field of hu- ning, and on August 7, 1989 "Weil, I don't think it was
In the standard abduction man inquiry But in a proto- Wilson put on a pair of rub- Gore because he was very
scenario, a person may or discipline lil<e UFOIogy ber-soled shoes just mo- short, thought that was

may not have'seen a UFO where the basic data is it- ments before lightning shat- some form of camouflage,"
but IS somehow whisked self a subiect of contention. tered the courtyard wall Wilson regards this episode

as an alien-inspired vision abduction gurus: "The aliens OUTRE

IN WILSON'S ences," she satd, "is going
of the Clinton and Gore win are probably collecting ova," to bed."
in November 1992. she opines, landing strictly Isn't that sequence
Wilson also believes one within the standard-issue UFO ABDUCTION going to bed, falling asleep,
of the beings actually abduction scenario and INVOLVES getting "abducted," and
helped her with the book, sounding a lot like Budd
waking up suggestive of
pointing out before the book Hopkins, who was the first to the nightly journey we all

went to press that she had investigate her case back RELATIVES, take to the imagistic out-
transcribed five journal in 1988, PREMONITIONS, back of the dream?
dates incorrectly. In fact, like Hopkins, who "That's a fair question,"
Though some may think has penned the introduc- she replies, "But happen I

Wilson's account ridiculous, tion for The Alien Jigsaw. SUPERSTARS LIKf BILL to have dreams all the time
it is, in fact, typical of the Wilson lends to blame aliens CLINTON. AND and, even if I don't leave my
sort of outre material that for just about ail the weird- bed, abductions and dreams
abduclees consider part ness. "1 know that penguins
AN EIGHT'FOOT-TALL just do not feel the same

and parcel of their alien ex- arent eight feet and they
tall, FLOATING Whether Wilson is re-
periences. It's no wonder don't float in midair," she
PENGUIN EVERY- porting from the land of
that investigators intent on explains. "That was an in- Nod, the domain of aliens,
proving the alien root of stance of camouflage and
THING YOU or some other realm yet un-
UFO abductfons often leave screen memory. And don't I
CAN IMAGINE AND A known, we may never know.
such material out of their really think dead people are But whatever the truth of
published stories. It clearly visiting me, think that's a
I the matter, it's time to ap-
weakens their case. form of alien manipulation. I plaud her tell-all book and
What does Wilson think do believe that tfie time travel attitude. Her story is, in fact,

atJOUt her verboten account, is real, but I Ihmk there have far more typical of abduc-
so potentially damaging to been a few occasions where tion cases than we have
the alien hypothesis and they manipulated me into been led to believe. And the
contrary to UFOIogy's un- thinking that happened." only way to learn the truth
written code? If you think about it, of behind the UFO abduction
"Some people suggested course, the surrealistic phenomenon is to let it all

that I cut out some of this scenes described by Wilson hang out,

material," she told me, "but have the fantastical feel of Wilson's candid tale may
Ithought there is a lot more dreams. Is she, in fact, re- have already opened the
going on, and even though calling nocturnal images floodgates. Some research-
we don't understand it, it from the land of dreamy ers new to the field have
doesn't mean that it should- dreams concocted by a begun to balk at the pre-
n't be reported. As far as I trick of consciousness, packaged version of the
know, this has not been cooked in the fires of REM. abduction phenomenon we
done before. The book was and transformed in the have been spoon-fed by
really put out there for other morning to a cocktail dish the experts, and other ab-
experiencers, because I of aliens, starbabies, and ductees are beginning to
know they are experiencing UFOs? When I ask Wilson step forward with stories of
things that they cannot ac- for the temporal context of theirown. A 24-year-old
count for by reading Budd her encounters, her re- businessman from Harrison
Hopkins' Intruders and sponse IS typically straight- County, West Virginia, for
David Jacobs' Secret Life."
forward and telling, "I example, has come forth
Despite her candid atti- would have to say thattne claiming that he has been
tude, Wilson's ultimate con- last thing remember pnor
I abducted by aliens at least
clusion echoes that of the to most of these experi- 1,500 times.DQ
CONIINUED mow PAGE 64 what has happened to EVERY ONCE no reason for being there
the next day they have their them. They might know unless they really hap-
neighbor's story. I think a thatan odd thing has hap- pened
that tell him this is
lot of thai is going on," pened here or there, but HAVE A real, "Just last night," he

In fact, an examination linking ita UFO abduc-

to CASE WHERE SOME- says, citing one example,
of the literature reveals tion is notsomething most "I did a session with a guy

that those reporting shared of them would probably

BODY WHO who saw maybe 15 other
abduction experiences do. So of all the abduciees IS AN ABDUCTtE people aboard. He was
always know one
virtually out there we only hear from WILL COME abducted with his wife
another beforehand, or about .001 percent of them. and two kids. He remem-
contact one another be-
But every once in a while bers being in line with a
fore giving their stories to we'll have a case where PERSON AND group of people, and once
independent investiga- somebody who is an ab- SAY, "I KNOW YOU, they went Into the waiting
tors. Because of this, re- ductee will come up to an- area, they took their clothes
searchers can never really other person and say, 'I
LyE SEEN YOU off.He noted in front of
prove there had been no know you, I've seen you BEFORE," AND THEY him an older guy, heavy
collaboration, either con- before,' And they will trace and bald with just a
sciously or unconsciously, it back to an abduction fringe of hair on his head.
between the alleged ab- event they have shared."
ITBACK TO AN He told me in passing that
ductees. The ideal case Jacobs does not look to ABDUCTION there was a mole on his
would involve two or more such experiences for veri- shoulder,"

people who did not know fication of the existence of A mole on his left
each other but who gave the abduction phenome- SHARED. shoulder. To Jacobs, that
collaborating details of the non, however having long kind of detail iuat smacks
same abduction incident ago moved beyond verifi- of a real, rather than an
to independent investiga- cation in search of an- imagined event. But such
tors. There is no such case. swers to such questions details will never be enough
Of course, if the reports of as, Who are they?, Where to convince the rest of the
mass abductions were lit- do they come from?, and world that Cathenne, Jack,
erally true, there should, in What do they want with Jim, Chuck, Mary, Bill,
fact, be dozens, hun- us? "Yes, some people still Joan, and millions of other
dreds, even thousands of want to be persuaded," humans have been ab-
such cases in the files of admits Jacobs. "But It's ducted by aliens. Some-
UFO investigators. not something that spend I thing more is needed,
David Jacobs tries to a lot of time on, because something more than what
explain Vifhy there are none, for me that's a little bit of any abduction case, or
"The secret aspect of the wheel spinning, t realize that mass abduction case, for
phenomenon," he says, for others this is extremely that matter, has yet been
"isremarkably efficient Important, but I can't be able to provide: a shred of
and extraordinarily effec- too much bothered with physical evidence. If there
tive, The way in which the that because it takes a lot have been millions of ab-
alien program is instituted of time and effort and it ductions, it seems as if by
militates against having a keeps me away frorri re- now, we'd have come up
lot of cases from the same searching what think are I with something certifiably
day And so does the way more important aspects of alien a lab tool, a tunic,
in which we find out about the phenomenon," a skin sample, a heretofore
cases. Most people who For Jacobs, it's the little unknown universal law, or
have had abduction expe- details in the abduction yes, even a measly cock-
riences don't really know stories the kind that have tail napkin. DQ

If, being as one

With your Work
JS the CKitcnon
oP genius
CHROMO Fiction

pounded and echoed

By Ernie Colon and A.
plas-soled boots
off the
the long gray topcoat
J. Gamble

patrol's nearing wail

was his. Slater's.

was the signal for

narrow street driving casual Slater to spring into action. That vehicle could
loungers and pedestrians into only be Brad Johnson responding. Slater
the nearest cover. Doorways, jumped out, his weapon already fixed on
back alleys, any space away Terry Johnson. The group of four, alerted by
from that sound became suddenly crowded the siren, were crouching, ready to bolt. Two
with terrified, scattering people. of them did and were cut down by Slater's
The leader signaled and the pounding be- men. One of them was the carrier. Their bod-
came a whisper of carefully placed feet in a ies, already lifeless when they smashed into

softer, still determined pace. and slid along the street, smoked with the
The Sanitation Squad halted abruptly on crackling energy of the Sanitation Squad's
the leader's hand signal. Frank Slater leaned weapons. Terry Johnson and the remaining
against the black wall, his iSO suit scraping rebel put their hands up. Slater laughed out
away rebel graffiti. Idiots, he thought; they know loud, the metallic sound eerie in counterpoint
it comes off easily but they persist in painting to the nearing siren. He smoked the quaking
and spraying their seditious nonsense. rebel next to the Johnson brat. The body
He peered around the wall, cursing the jumped and slid near the other two. Apart
ISO suit for jutting out before he could see. If from briefly closing his eyes and compress-
the pissy little informant was right, there ing his lips, Terry Johnson said nothing and
should be two men under that halo. On a revealed nothing of his feelings or reaction.
foggy damp night like this the street light was Slater smiled approvingly. The boy had balls,
aptly named, its cold bluish light surrounded no question. He was a traitor and a fool, from
by a misty saint's corona. And there he was. a family of fools, but he had balls.
Brad Johnson's baby brother. Johnson him- Slater walked closer as the siren behind
self would be on the scene in minutes, there him stopped, the patrol car's wheels sliding
having been a general police call. on the wet ground. Doors were opening.
There were actually four of them, but all Voices raised. Brad Johnson's booming
the better. Rebels were rebels and he and above the others, "Wait, Slater don't fire!"
his unit were empowered to eradicate where he pleaded. Now, thought Slater. Now. The
deemed necessary. Slater smiled. It usually boy blinked once, then attempted what Slater
was necessary. thought might be a sneer.
Even at this distance, he could see the red The charge blew away Terry Johnson's
eyes of the carrier. His brow furrowed. How head, disintegrating each fragment with a lin-
could the scum rebels stand close to a man gering succession of crackling puffs of blue
so clearly infected with CHROMO? No matter. lights. They died away in tiny sparks bouncing
It was time to get to work. The carrier must along the street. Brad Johnson's initial bellow

be the first There must be no chance

target. of fear and rage echoed once along the now
of his getting away. Slater let his weapon quiet street. A smiling Slater turned to face him.
hang from and made a pattern of
its sling
signals that his men, through long hours of It was a recurring nightmare.
training, understood immediately. The man in Brad Johnson's dream world has become

Painting hy Klaus Dietriek

a monochrome, monotone hell. In that all of us for how long now? was power.
inferno, a twe ve-y ear-old boy, trapped
I And to Brad and hismen had fallen Project Habitat.
in an ISO protective suit far too large the awful task of protecting the general Maelstrom's computer reminded
for him, screamed soundlessly, his populace. Protecting their lives, that is, by him of the time in soft, mellifluous
breath misting the faceplate. As Brad taking the lives of others, Of the afflicted, tones. When Maelstrom grunted, the
clawed at the suiting's controls, trying Sonia Masters had sworn to him that machine, mistaking it for absentmind-
to open to help the boy, a green mist
it she was close, very close, to finding edness, said, "The shareholders' meet-
began to rise in the suit like stagnant the key. Not according to her husband, ing, sir." Maelstrom waved at it

water, slowly gathering around the the celebrated discoverer of the lock to impatiently. "Yes, yes,know. Bishop 1

boy's chin, then lips, then . , , that key, the CHROMO molecular chain, captures pawn. Queen check,"
Every time he awoke from the Masters' brilliant research had culmi- He smiled as the machine whirred,
dream. Brad's hands were still clawing, nated in the exposure ot the elegant trying to make sense of the move, It
hooked like talons, still trying to open pattern now so familiar through con- was simple, really Take the pawn. The
the damned suit. He knew that boy. His stant vidnews bulletins. Culminated. machine for so Maelstrom thought of
face, so clear in the dream, blurred into And then stopped. never giving
it, a name would be
something like a police fugitive sketch Somehow, Raymond Masters, su- forced to take the bishop with its king,
on waking, its features not really those perscientisl, winner ot every truly pres- thereby losing its castling privilege. It
of anyone. But he knew that boy. tigious international prize, holder of was a fair trade. Maelstrom felt.
Another drink, he was certain, would some of the most complex and envied He had explained the project to
not help him at all to figure out exactly genetic patents, had come up against Masters in words of many syllables, that
what it was he was up against. But it a solid wall. CHROMO yielded its out- being Masters' mode of understanding
would ease things a bit. Make him feel line, its mathematically elegant pat- and expression. Maelstrom could al-
he was up to it. terns, like a postuhng flirt, then halted most hear the whirring in the man's
To what? all further advances. Stopped at the brain as he tried to log in the sense and
To going up against Dr. Maelstrom. moment of intimacy, the moment of rev- store the strategy for future use.
There. That wasn't so hard, was it? No, elation. The moment of pleasure. Genetix, the entity Maelstrom had
that special blended liquor didn't solve How then could Sonia Masters say fashioned as surely as it were clay in
anything, but it sure made you breathe she was fashioning the key? Was she his hands, was embarking on the
deeply (He eschewed the opti-cube. deluded? She would not lie to Brad, greatest, the most expansive industrial
As was, he'd been using
It more than it Mot now. But if neither lie nor delu- enterprise in the history of the planet
he thought safe. Psychosis was a real sionwhat? Not a real cure, surely Nothing less. Its scope was no longer a
danger with the little old cube.) He Across the city he once loved, lay measurable form. It was beyond
checked the time, A few minutes yet the Sprawl. In its labyrinthine alleys and wealth, beyond power, was ultimate.It

before he had to leave for the share- hovels, the broken streets and filthy And Raymond Masters would be re-
holders' meeting. Brad poured himself poverty, rebels without hope plotted. sponsible.
three more fingers in a wide glass. He pitied them. The military man in him Of course, Masters didn't know that.
After all, Richard Maelstrom had to haled them for their ineptitude, their It was his speech at the shareholders'
piss like anybody else, didn't he? In fact, lack of discipline, of power. conference that would trigger the ex-
Brad remembered a time when he and He checked the time again, Now he plosion. It would mushroom immediately
the all-powerful head of Genetix were was sure of what he would say at the and become The Project. And the Japan-
side by side at the company urinals. meeting when called. It would be short ese, those double-dealing, genetically
The Captain of all Captains of Industry and sweet and they wouldn't like one it self-centered, would-be world leaders,
had cupped his penis so that would it bit, Brad Johnson rubbed at the stub- would atone. Maelstrom liked that.
be safe from Brad's possible gaze. ble on his chin and decided that, two if They would atone.
He took another sip of the amber drinks were this beneficial, why then. To have to explain it to Masters at
bliss. Oh yes. Much better two more . . . any length was a measure of the man's
Brad concentrated on Raymond essential smallness. But he was reach-
Masters, Maelstrom's dogsbody, for
Dr, Dr. Richard Maelstrom's passion was able. The carrot, looming impossibly
all Then, of course, there
his brilliance. chess. Computers having long since large before his astonished eyes,
was Masters' wife, Sonia, What should become grandmaster players, Mael- shielded him from the stick behind. He
he make of her? strom tired easily of draw play, however would, did. submit. ConAmore.
Brad stepped over the ISO window elegant the moves. Three-dimensional His wife Sonia was another matter.
and stared out at the city he'd once chess was his game. He loved sucking Masters, Maelstrom mused, seemed
loved. He looked past his reflection; an in the computer programs, making to have only a tenuous control over her.
athlete going to seed. His hair, though seemingly random and illogical moves Her constant probing into what she called
still full, was lank and lifeless. His and then listening to the low whir as the the key to CHROMO's lock was un-
slacks, not quite freshly pressed. The idiot machine tried desperately to log settling. She was not approachable
once-trim waistline protruded above in the strategy for future use. That ma- through the same avenues of convic-
the loosened belt. chine reminded him of Masters. He tion as her husband. Nor was the used-
The city's pinpoint windows winked chuckled as he thought of Raymond, up hulk of an ex-commander. Brad
like stars on the impossibly high edi- Masters had balked at first. Oh, he Johnson. He was no longer a factor,
fices. How he had once loved that city- ranted a bit about his principles, his excepting insofar as he could still be
He tried to remember how he'd felt, ethics, the moralfiy of it all God help used, public hero that he still was. And
that very long time ago. It was no use. us[ In the end it all came down to the Maelstrom knew just how to use him.
Too much had happened since, Too matter, The matter. The stuff that cannot That was part of his genius.
many killings in the name of protection. be held in the hand, or smelled, or felt. "Shareholders' meeting in 22 min-
Protection from CHBOMO; ttie disease But for Richard Maelstrom it was as utes, 17 seconds," the computer re-
that has inspired abject, deathly fear in >\e as air and just as important: it minded him, It would not do so again,
having been programmed against what bad guys. The Sprawl and the City the operative term. Yet Slater had what
his owner would consider nagging. biack wall to be broached with contra- Maelstrom most needed: an amoral fe-
Maelstrom called for the door and it band, guards to be bhbed, and above rocity that could be turned, like a white-

whispered open. He turned and con- all what he alone could supply: info. hot torch, against whatever target it
ceded the game. As he made his circuitous way back was directed. Slater seemed to hate
The machine, insofar as any macfiine to Lightstone or where Lightstone everything outside of himself with a
could be, was puzzled, "You con- . . . might be he glanced at a terminal paranoid simplicity, The man was in-
cede, sir?" It whirred, then clicked, way station with the usual longing. It valuable, A great tool. Like all tools,
then accepted. As a smiling Maelstrom was one of the new models, one he useful. Until the day they were no
left to go to the Genetix shareholders' hadn't tried to tap into yet. No. Enough longer useful. Then . . .

meeting, the singular turning point of for the day He sorted through the rest
his remarkable iife, he chuckled at the of the take and put neatly into the lit-
it Lightstone stared at the pass with dis-
machine's inherent stupidity, and its tle boxes. Thai was how he thought of belief.

surprising malleability. the processes of his brain: little boxes, The boy had outdone himself.
like egg crates, all stuffed with info, Lightstone doubted the cause could
Spiral remembered his sixth birthday and all instantly accessible continue in its present escalation of
quite clearly His father overheard him Spiral knew he was important to the harrying the Maelstrom structure with-
baby syntax
blurting out as fast as his cause. Lightstone himself, his arm around out the gifted boy The Genetix share-
would allow, the square root of a Spiral's shoulder, would praise him to holders' meeting tonight was no mere
seven-figure number to his astonished the others. Spiral regarded Mr, Light- bean counting profil-and-loss affair.
uncle. He beat the boy until restrained stone with great love and something Though some members might have ex-
by a horrified family. close to pity. For all his years, his courage pected it to be just a self-congratula-
Father and son thereafter regarded and generalship, Mr, Lightstone was tory gathering, the atmosphere, the feel
each other only peripherally, suspi- somewhat naive, He seemed to be of the thing, told him otherwise. Some-
ciously, and as seldom as possible, sure of the cause winning, an end to thing was up. Something big Everyone
After CHROMO felled most of his fam- the fighting. There was no end to the who was anyone would be there
ily Spiral made his plans to leave. Only cause, the fight. Any more than there tonight. Including, Lightstone mused,
his mother kept him from fleeing their was an end to CHROMO, It was the some previously uninvited guests,
now uncrowded home. When the disease that kept the struggle going. courtesy of our gifted young Spiral.
Squads killed her like an animal, her Spiral knew. While there was CHROMO,
eyes blazing red with the disease. Spi- there would be the fight, the cause, the Frank Slater's dream would come true,

ral left. He felt a horrible guilt that her good guys and the bad guys. Brad Johnson would fall into his

death was his freedom. But il was Spiral was proud to be known by hands, along with the Masters bitch.
worth a lot to look over his shoulder on name to every Squad in and out of the There is injustice after all. Slater chuck-
leaving and see his father staring after Sprawl. His capture or death, he knew, led, winking at one of his men. The man

him, stunned and alone. would have meant instant recognition, nodded uneasily The others did their best
He made his way easily into the first promotion for every man on the team to ignore the weird, metallic chuckles
ranks ol the rebel cadres, They were that brought him down. emanating from Frank Slater's ISO suit.
cells, really. Five men to a cell. If cap- He was twelve years old. Brad Johnson's brother, sent out to
tured, they could not tell what they did kill Lightstone
a prime assignment
not know, however ingenious the per- Maelstrom considered the enigmatic given to baby brother and better han-
suasion, Their connections were cellu- Lightstone, leader of the rebel resis-
dled by himself had been turned in-
lar; easily and often changed, tance. His legend had grown beyond stead into a traitor by that freakish
impossible to trace. reasonable belief. His narrow escapes, entity. What infernal incantations the
His ability to way through
snake his retold and told again throughout the evil Lightstone had breathed into that
cyberspace was invaluable. Any de- Sprawl and into the cily, gave cre- little man's ear no one could tell, and

gree of classified information was open dence to the biggest part of his Slater could not guess at. What a plea-
to him. He checked the day's haul. A mythos: that Lightstone was part holo,
sure what a delight it had been to
pass to a conference on hoio-soiids part machine, wholly untouchable. waste the little bastard, Then to see big
and their artificial gestation whatever There would be time enough to deal brother boo-hooing over the corpse
that was about. Must be good for with him and the rebels. They served a ah, that had been even better, It had
something. Some profit for him or the purpose, after all. Were it in Mael- taken three men to hold the raging
cause. He would bhng it to Mr Light- strom's power to magically vaporize Brad back from Slater. Or at least,
stone as he did with almost everything them all instantly, he would not, thought Slater, that was how it ap-
he brought back from the 'space. Maelstrom watched the glittering peared. Had their positions been re-
Lightstone was the man. He made it lights of the city blurring past the limo versed. Slater knew it would take more
all happen. Without him there was no window. The chauffeur occasionally than three men to stop him from what-
rebel cause; he was it. A first-class VIP glanced at the tratf-ease screen as it ever damage he wished to inflict. When
pass for the Genetix shareholders' computed the time it would take to Johnson had calmed down sufficiently
meeting tonight. With it, anyone would reach the Genetix auditorium. Cruising and the men had released him, staying
gain instant entry Unchallenged. That the VIP lane made the trip easier, though close by at the ready, Johnson had
looked real good. Mr. Lightstone would there was some traffic this evening. threatened legal action. Slater almost
know what to do with that. He was the Still, Lightstone was a bit beyond spit into his faceplate in utter disgust.
man who was going to make things control Too many recent casualties The whole damned family was like

right. Though, in some vague way Spi- among the Sanitation Squads. Morale to like; self-nghteous poseurs, ineffec-
ral did not want things to be made was slipping. As good as Frank Slater tual as eunuchs. Johnson's appoint-
right. He liked things the way they was, he was not the leader Brad John- ment, for example, to the theater of war

were; with infiltrators, spies, good guys. son used to be. 'Used to be' being the where he had 'distinguished' himself

" "

In the mirror I saw her eyes to be treated like

asphalt parking lot, and it "This is the latest batch of
narrow, her mouth tighien, I edge of the
clutched the blended its three floors har- phase space diagrams,"
The other woman turned from dresser, which was both a moniously with a low hillside Fran said. "The computer
the window, laughing, one scratched pressed-board whose wooded lines were just finished them haven't I

slim graceful arm pushing "reproduction" and a pol- repeated in horizontal even phnted them yet."
back a tendril of chestnut hair, ished cherrywood lowboy. stretches of brick and wood. crouched beside her to

Diane skinned her brown Two perfume bottles floated The poster-cluttered lobby peer at the terminal.
hair back from her face. "Is it in front of me: yellow plastic was full of hurried students "Don't look any more dis-
too much to ask, Jack, sprayboitle and clean-lined trying to see harried advis- organized to me than the
honey, that just once after blown glass. squeezed my
I ers, and it was a marble last bunch,"
we mal^e love you don't go eyes shut. The ghostly Diane atrium where scholars talked "Nor to me, either, unfor-

rushing off like there's a disappeared in the act of eagerly about the mind of tunately. Same old, same
three-alarm fire? Just once?' sauntering, slim and as- man. walked down the cor-
old." She laughed: in chaos
c'dn't answer. sured, toward the bathroom. 'Idor toward my cubicle, one is no same old,
theory, there
same old. The phase space
diagrams were infinitely
complex, never repeating,
ivcin was the only
iIIbh g

without control.
But not completely. The
1 person I'd seen control there, not readily
a key we just didn't

tj^gU who came close to

recognize with the mathe-
matics we had. Yet,
An ideal no one had seen,
"I keep thinking that your

matching what
she shonld have been.
young mind will pick up
something I've missed,"
Fran said, "I'll make you a
copy of these. Plus, Pyotr
Solenski has published
some new work in Berlin that

"I mean, how do you "

don't even really look of a row allotted to teaching I think you should take a
makes me feel?
think that at me, not when we make assistants and post-docs. look at. Idownloaded it from
Slam-bam-thank-you, love or" But Dr, Frances the net and e-mailed you."
ma'am. We have an actual Eyes shut, groped for
I Schraeder's door was open, I
nodded, but didn't an-
relationship here, we've the bedroom door, and I couldn't resist- swer. For the first time today,
been going out for three "Jack!" She sat at her terminal, calm flowed thrc ugh r

months, it doesn't seem a lot slammed the doors,

working, and when I soothing me.
knocked on the doorjamb
ask that after
you don't just
we make both of them, and left the
apartment before Diane (scarred metal, ghostly
I didn't interrupt, I
couldn't. could follow. With her sloppy graceful moldtng), she Numbers.
The dizziness was strong anger, her overweight looked up and smiled, Fran had done5 good,
this time; soon the nausea nakedness, her completely "Jack! Oome look at thisl" undistinguished,
would follow. Sex did that. justified weeping. I came m, with so much pure mathematics all her life.
The intensity, Diane ranted, relief my eyes prickled. The For the last few years she
jerking herself to a kneeling Outside was better, I drove material Fran's long, age- and as her graduate stu-

position on the bed, framed my Escort to campus. The spotted fingers were held
dent had worked in the
by lumpy maroon window other car, the perfectly engi- poised over her keyboard, precise and austere world of
opened a crack to a
curtains neered driving machine with and the ideal Fran's long, iterated function theory,
neighbor's peeling frame the sleek and balanced age-spotted fingers echoed where the result of a given
house and weedy garden. lines, shimmered in and out them. The ideal Fran's while equation is recycled as the
Across the room the other around me, but the vertigo hair was fuller, but no whiter, starting value of the next
Diane stood framed by crim- didn't return, I'd never got- and both were cut in simple repetition of the same equa-

son silk drapehes opened a ten very intense about cars, short caps. The material tion. If you do that, the re-

crack to a meliowed-wood and over the years I'd Fran wore glasses, but both sults are predictable: the
cottage riotous with climbing learned to handle the double Frans' bright blue eyes, a lit- sequences will converge on
roses. She blew me a light- state of anything that wasn't tle sunken, shone with the a given set of numbers. No
hearted kiss. Her eyes too intense. The rest I same alert tranquility. matter what initial value you
glowed with understanding. avoided. IVlostiy. She was the only person plug into the equation, with
The nausea came, The Aaron Fielding Fac- I'd ever seen who came enough iterations you end
can'; seem to under- ulty Office Building jutted close to matching what she up at the same figures,
stand how it makes me feel boxlike three stories from the should have been. called atlractors. Every

equation can generate a set of attrac- of the terminal as could, and printed
I stucco) for students to wait for faculty,
tors,which iterations converge on lil<e out the last batch of phase space dia- or each other, or enlightenment. One
homing pigeons flying back to their grams and spent time with those, and chair blocked fully a third of my door-
nests went over our work yet again, and read way apparently shifted there by the girl
you raise the value plugged
Until Pyotr Solenski's work, and then could I who sat, head down, drawing in a note-
into the equation past a point called no longer put off returning to the mater- book, My headache was the awful kind
the Feigenbaum number. Then the se- ial world. that clouds vision, banged my knee I

quences produced lose all regularity. into a corner of the chair (graffiti on var-

You can no longer find any pattern, At- As soon as walked I

Into Introduc^on to nish on cheap pine; clean hand-
tractors disappear. The behavior of Set Theory my nausea returned. stained hardwood). My vision cleared
even fairly simple equations becomes Mid October. Two more months of but my knee throbbed painfully
chaotic. The pigeons fly randomly, teaching this class, twice a week, 90 "Do you mind not blocking the door-
blind and lost. minutes a session, to keep my fellow- way Miss?"
Or do they? ship, didn't know if
I could do it. But I
"Sorry," She didnt look up, or stop

Fran like dozens of other pure without the fellowship, couldnt work I drawing.
mathematicians around the world witti Fran, 'please move the damned chair."
looked at all that chaos, and sorted Thirty-two faces bobbed in front of She hitched it sideways, never rais-
through it, and thought she glimpsed me, with 32 shimmering ghostly behind ing her eyes from the paper. The chair
an order to the pigeons' flight. A them. Different, So different. Jim Mulc- banged along the hall floor, clanging
chaotic order, a controlled random- ahy: a sullen slouching 18-year-old with onto my throbbing brain. Beside her,
ness. We'd been looking at nonlinear acned face and resentful eyes, flunking the ottiergirl shrugged humorously, in

differential equations, and at their al- out

and behind him, ttie quiet as- charming self-deprecation.
tractors, which cause iterated values sured Jim, unhamstrung by wfiatever forced myself, "Are you waiting for

not to converge but to diverge. States had caused that terrible resentfulness, me? To see about Ihe class?"
which start out only infinitesimally sep- whatever kept him from listening to me "No," Still she didn't look up, rude
arated go on to diverge more and more or studying the text, Jessica Harris: even for a student. pushed past her, I

and more and more, moving to-

. , .
straight As, thin face pinched by anxi- and my eyes fell on her drawing paper
ward some hidden values called, aptly
enough, strange attractors. Pigeons
from the same nest are drawn, through
Attractors disappear. The behavior of even
seeming chaos, to points we can iden-
tify but not prove the existence of. fairly simple equations becomes
Fran and had a tentative set of I

equations for
Only tentative. Something wasn't
those idealized points.
chaotic. The pigeons fly randomly, blind
right.We'd overlooked something,
something neither of us could see. It and lost. Or do they?
was there I knew but we couldn't

numbers; a table
see it. When we
we'd have proof did, ety, thrown into panic whenever she It was full of for bi-

that any ptiysical system showing an didn't instantly comprehend some nomial distribution of coin-tossing
ultradependence on initial conditions point and behind her, the confident probabilities, with x as the probability
must have a strange attractor buried Jessica who could wait a minute, study of throwing n heads, divided by the
somewhere its structure. The impli-in the logic, take pleasure in her eventual probability of throwing an equal num-
cations wouldbe profound for chaos mastery of it. Sixty-four faces, and 64 ber of heads and The columns tails.

mathematics, for fluid mechanics, for pieces ol furniture in two rooms, and were neatly labeled. She was filling in
weather control. sometimes when I
turned away to the the numbers as rapidly as her pen
For me, two blackboards (my writing firm on the could write, to seven decimal places.

loved looking for that equation.

pristine surface, and quavery over From memory, or mental calculation?
Sometimes thought could glimpseI I
it, dust-filled scratches), even turning I blurted, "Most people don't do
behind the work we were doing, almost away wasn't enough to clear my head, that."

visible to me. But not often. And the "The students complain you don't "Is that an observation, an insult, or
truth I hadn't told Fran, couldn't tell her, look at them when you talk," my de- a compliment?"
was that didn't need to
I find it, not in partment chair had said, "And you All could see of both
I girls were the

theway she did She was driven by the don't make yourself available after bent tops of their heads: lank dirty
finest kind of intellectual hunger, a class to deal with their problems." blonde, feathery golden waves.
true scientist, He'd shimmered behind himself, She said, "Because if it's an obser-
I just wanted the peace and calm of a wise leader and an overworked vation, then consider that I said, 'I al-

looking. The same calm I'd found over bureaucrat. ready know that,'"

the years In simple addition, in algebra, Nobody had any questions. Nobody The vertigo started to take me.
in calculus, in Boolean logic. In num- stayed after class. Nobody in the first "If it's an insult, then I said, Tm not
bers, which were not double state but 32 students had any comments on infi- most people.'"
just themselves, no other set of inte- nite sets, and the second 32 I couldn't put out one hand to steady myself

gers or constants or fractals lying be- hear, couldn't reach, against the wall,
hind these ones, better and fuller and left the classroom with a raging
"And if it's a compliment, said, I

more fulfilled. Mathematics had its own headache, and almost tripped over a 'Thanks.' guess." I

arbitrary assumptions' but no shad- student in the hall. The hallway pulsed. Students
ows on the cave wall. Chairs lined the corridor walls surged toward me, 64 of them, except
So spent as long with Fran in front
(water-stained plaster; lively-textured that was only supposed to teach 32
" "

and they weren't the ones who really So what? Just don't give in to it." printouts. The ideal Fran, too, looked
wanted to learn, they were warped and a more complicated different from the day before. Her skin
deformed versions of what they should than
think"I it's little

glowed from within, almost too strongly,

have been and couldn't teach them I "It's not. In fact, it's real simple. Just as if a flashlight burned behind its pale

because hated them too much. For

I do what you want, anyway And don't fine-grained surface.
not being what they could have been. whine." was rhetorical. Jack. know
"That 1

For throwing off my inner balance, the "I'm not" what the system was before it di-
delicate metaphysical ear that coordi- "You are. Just don't let the double
verged the equations are there on the
nates reality with ideal with accep- vision stop you from trying anything desk. But this one looks different.
tance. For careening past the you want to. / don't." She glared bel- See here ."
. . . . . .

Feigenbaum number, into versions of ligerently. Behind her, the other Mia ra- She pointed and explained. Nonlin-
themselves where attraction was re- diated determination tempered by ear systems with points that start out
placed by turbulent chaos. ... fell I acceptance. very close together tend to diverge
heavily against the wall, gulping air. "Mia, I do try to do the things I want. from each other, into chaos. But there
"Hey!" The girl looked up. She had Math, My dissertation. Teaching." Not was something odd about these partic-
a scrawny bony face with a too-wide that wanted to be doing that,
ular diagrams: they were chaotic, as al-
mouth, and a delicate, fine-boned face "Good," she snapped, and looked ways around a strange attractor, but in
with rosy generous lips. But mostly I over my shoulder, "Double vision nonpatterns hadn't seen before. I I

saw her eyes. They looked at me with doesn't have to defeat us if we don't let couldn't quite grasp the difference. Al-
conventional concern, and then at the it." most, but not quite.
wall behind me, and then back at me, said, "Have you ever found any
I said, "Where are those original

and shock ran over me like gasoline others like us?" What did my ideal self equations?"
fire, The girl reached out an arm to look like? What strengths could she "There, On that paper no, that
steady me, but her gaze had already see on his face? one."
gone again past me, as mine did "No, you're the only one. I thought I "You're using Arnfelser's Constant?
everywhere but in the mirror, inexorably was alone." Why?"
drawn to what had never seen: the
[ "Me, too. But if there's two of us. "Look at the equations again
did, and this time
recognized I

She sat across from me, and the other them, even though subatomic particle
physics is not my field. James Arn-
felserhad won the Nobel two years
Mia sat behind her, green eyes ago for his work on the behavior of
electron/positron pairs during the first

30 seconds of the universe's Fran

hopeful in her lovely face. Hopeful that was mucking around with the

chaos of

she was no longer alone. looked at the phase space dia-


grams again.
there could be more. Maybe we She said, "You can almost see it,
should" can't you? Almost . , . see , .

"Damn Jack, it. at least look at me "Fran!"

"It affects you differently than me," IVlia when you're talking to me!" She had her hand to her midriff.
said over coffee in the student cafete- Slowly my gaze moved back to her "It's nothing, Jack. Just indigestion on
ria. I'd agreed to go there only because face, Her physical face. Her mouth top of muscle tension on top of sleep-
Itwas nearly empty "I don't get nause- gaped in anger; her eyes had nar- lessness. was up all night on those I

ated or light-headed just get mad, It's I rowed to ugly slits. My gaze moved equations."
such a fucking waste." back, down."
She sat across from me, and the "Stop it, you assholel Stop it!" "No, I'm fine. Really I am." She
other Mia sat behind her, green eyes "Don't call me names, Mia." smiled at me, and the skin around her
hopeful in her lovely face. Hopeful that "Don't tellme what to do! You have eyes, a mass of fine wrinkles, stretched
we could share this, that she was no no me what to do! You're no tauter And behind her, the other Fran
longer alone, that might be able to I
right to
different from
didn't smile. At all. She looked at me,

end her loneliness. The physical Mia I

said, "Why would i look at you if 1 and had the insane idea that some-

didn't look hopeful. She looked just as could look at her?" how, for the first time, she saw me.
furious as she said she was, She stood up so abruptly that her It was the first time I'd ever seen

"Nine times out of ten, Jack, people chair fell over. Then she was gone. them diverge.
could become their ideal selves, or at put my hands over my eyes, blot-
I "Fran, want you to see a doctor"I

least a whole lot fucking closer, if ting out all sight. Of everything. "You're good to be so concerned.
they just tried. They're just too lazy But I'm fine. Look, Jack, here on the
or screwed up to put some backbone "What was this system before it started diagram ,"
, ,

into it," to diverge?" Fran said. Both Frans lit up with the precise
I looked away from her "For me," I She held her hands a phase in pleasure of numbers. And out of I
said hesitantly, "I guess it's mostly the space diagram hadn't seen before. I cowardice, out of relief let them.
unfairness of that's such a burden
it Her eyes sparkled. Even so. there was
Seeing the ideal has interfered with something heavy around her mouth, ". . . a thing in this
can't understand
every single thing I've ever wanted to something that wasn't in the Fran be- fucking course."
do with my life." Except mathematics. hind her, and for a minute was so star- I The voice was low, male, the words
She squinted at me. "Unfairness? tled couldn't concentrate on the
I distinct but the speaker not identifiable.


I turned from writing equations on the medical van, and they were carrying
board, Ttiirty-two/sixty-four faces swam Fran out on a stretcher, her long-fin-
in front ol me. ''Did one of you say gered hand dangling limply over the it was, and grieved it with courage and

sometfiing?" side, and nobody would listen to me grace? Who would have figured out the
Silence. A few girls iooked down at explain thai the terrible thing was not best way to cope with his problems
tfieir notebooks. Tine rest of tfie stu- that she wasn't moving but that lying on from a healthy sense of balance unde-
dents stared back at me, stony, I the stretcher so quietly were not two stroyed by knowing exactly what he
turned back to tfie board and wrote an- Frans, as there should have been, but could never, ever, ever measure up to?
other half equation. only one. Only one. I'd be damned if I'd drink to him,
", . , fucking moron wfio couldn't "To Fran," I said, and downed it

teacfi a dog to piss." A different voice. I didn't go to the funeral, straight, and went on downing it

My hand, holding the chalk, shook. I I took Fran's last set of diagrams, straight until I couldn't see the other,
went on writing, and copied her files off her hard drive, better room lurking behind this one,
", , , shouldn't be allowed in front of and packed a bag. Before checked I

a classroom," This time, a girl, into the Morningside Motel on Route Even drunk, you dream.
turned around again. My stomach
I 64, left messages on Diane's answer-
I I didn't know that, I'd expected the
churned The students stared back at mg machine, and the department hangovers, and the throwing up, and
me. They were all in on this, or at least chair's, and my landlady's, the terrible, blessed blackouts, I'd ex-
tacitly complicit. don't want la see you again. It's pected the crying jag. And the emo-
heard my voice shake, "If you have
I not your fault, butlmeanit I'm sorry" tional pain, like a dull drill. But I'd never
any complaints about how this course "I resign my teaching fellowship, been drunk for four days before. I'd
is being taught, you are advised to lake and my status as a post-doc at this thought that when slept the pain I

them up with the department chair, or university." would go away, into oblivion, didn't I

to express them on the course evalua- "My rent is paid through the end ol know I'd dream.
tion form distributed at the end of the the month. I will not be returning. dreamed about numbers.

semester, Ivleanwhlie, we have addi- Please pack my tfiings and send them They swam in front of me, pounded
tional work to cover," turned back to I to my sister, COD, at this address. the inside of my eyelids, chased me
the board, Thank you." through dark and indistinct land-
fucking prick
, , who can't make I
bolted the motel door, unwrapped scapes. They hunted me with knives
anything clear," two bottles of Jack Daniels, and raised and guns and fire. They hurt. didn't I

My chalk stopped, in ttie middle of my glass to the mirror wake screaming, or disoriented, but I

writing an integer. couldn't make it 1 But no toast came. To him? Who did wake sweating, and in the middle
move again, No matter how hard con- I would not have been doing this stupid of the night I
hung over the toilet, puk-
centrated, the chalk wouldn't complete
the number,
trying to make us flunk so he
, ,

looks bigger,"
Slowly turned to face the class. I

They sal in front of me, slumping or

smirking or grinning inanely. Empty
faces. Stupid faces. A few embar-
rassed faces. Fourth-rate minds, inter-
ested only in getting by, ugly gaping
maws into which we were supposed lo
stuff the brilliance of Maxwell and
Boitzmann and von Neumann and Rus-
sell and Arnfelser. So they could masti-

cate it and spit it on the floor.

And behind them , , , behind
them . . ,

"Get out," I said.

One hundred twenty-eight eyes
opened wide,
"You heard mel" I heard myself
screaming. "Get out of my classrooml
Get out of this universityl You don't
belong here, it's criminal that you're
here,none of you are worth the flame
to setyou on fire! Get out! You've di-
verged too far from what you what . . .

you . ,

A few boys in the front row saun-

tered out, A girl in the back started to
cry Then some of them were yelling at
me, shrieking, only the shrieking wasn't
in my classroom, it was in the hall,

down the hall, it was sirens and bells

and outside the window, an emergency
ing, while numbers swam around me meant, "How the fuck did you get in away. Drawing every fiber of my body
on the wavering, double floor. The here''" into it, hauled myself off the bed and

numbers wouldn't go away. And neither "Well, didn't you see how got in I toward the bathroom. My stomach
would tine thing was trying to drink I here? Weren't you even conscious?" churned and the rooms wavered It
myself out of. No matter how drunk I She walked closer and went on staring took two hands to grope along the wall
got. the double vision stayed. Except at me, in soiled underwear, the empty to the shower.
for the equations, and they hurt just as bottle on the floor. Something moved The water hit me, hard and cold and
much as the polished floor couldn't I behind their eyes. slinging. I
stood under it until was I

touch, the cool sheets couldn't feel, I "How did you find me?" it hurt to shivering, and took that long to real-

the competent Jack couldn't be. I speak. ize I still had my briefs on. Bending
Maybe the equations hurt more. They "Hacked your Visa account. You put over to strip them off was torture. My
were Fran's. this dump on it." toothbrush scraped raw the inside of
Take Arnfelser's Constant. Plug it "Go away, IVlia." my mouth, and the nerves in my brain.
into a set of equations describing a "When I'm good and ready Jesus, I didn't even care that when stag- I

noniinear system . . . look at you." gered naked into the bedroom, Mia
Phase space diagrams. Diverging, "So don't." was still there.
diverging, gone. A smalt difference in I
tried to roll over, but couldn't, so I She said, "Your body is closer to his
initial slates and you gel widely differ- closed my eyes. than your face."
ing slates, you gel cfiaos , . .
Mia said, you had "1in didn't think it "Get out, Mia."
Tate Arnfelser's Constant Use it as you. No, really didn't." Her tone was
1 "I told you, when I'm ready. Jack,

r Let X. equal , . .
so stupid such a mix of ignorance there aren't any more of us. At least not
A small difference in inilial stales. A and some sort of stupid feminine that know of. Or that you do. We can't

Fran wtio diverged only a small idealization of macho asshole behav- fight like this."
amount, a Jack who . . .
ior that opened my eyes again. She
I I in my overnight bag, un-
Take Arnfelser's equation . . . was smiling. touched for four days, for fresh under-
almost saw it. But not quite.
I "Get. Out. Now." wear. Mia seemed different than she
wasn't good enough to see it. Only
I "Not fill you tell me what this is all had the cafeteria: gentler, less abra-

sive, although she looked the same. I

The knock on the door woke me, didn't care which or who she was.
"We need each other," Mia said,
and now there was a touch of despera-
sounding like a battering ram. Someone tion in her voice. didn't turn around I

"Jack listen to me, at least. See
was picking the lock. I lay on the "1 see you," said. "And don't want
t I

to. Not you, not anybody. Get out. Mia."

bed and watched, my anger mounting. "No,"

"Haveit your way."

he was. about. Is it Dr. Schraeder? They told pulled on my clothes, gritted my


poured another whiskey.

I me you two were pals." teeth to get on my shoes, left them un-
Fran. The pain started again. And tied. braced myself lo push past her.

The knock on the door woke me. It the numbers. She stood in the exact center of the
sounded like a battering ram. "That's it, isn't it, Jack? She was your room, her hands dangling helplessly at
"Get out. paid at the desk this
friend, not just your adviser. I'm sorry" her sides. Behind her the other Mia
morning don't want maid service!"
I [ said, "She was the only person I stood gracefully her drooping body full
The shouting transferred the batter- ever met who was what she was sup- of sorrow. But the physical Mia, face
ing ram to my head, but the knocking posed to be." twisted In an ugly grimace, was the
"Yeah? Well, then, I'm really sorry only one looking at me.
Someone started picking the lock, I'm not what I'm supposed to be, I stopped dead.

lay on the bed and watched, my

know. And you sure the hell aren't. Al- They always both looked at me. At
anger mounting. The chain was on the though, you know you look closer . . . the same time, Everybody's both; Mia,
door But when the lock was picked the to him this morning than you ever did Diane, Fran, the department chair, my
door opened the length of the chain, on campus. More . . . real." students, Where one looked, the other
and a hand inserted a pair of wirecut- couldn't shove her out the door,
looked. Always.
ters. Two pairs of wireculters, physical and couldn't stop her talking, and
I I Mia said, more subdued than had I

and ideal. Four hands. didn't even I couldn't roll over without vomiting. So I ever heard her "Please don't leave me
move. If the motel owner wanted me, brought my arm up and placed it alone with this Jack. need you." I . . .

he could have me. Or the cops. had I across my eyes. The other Mia looked across the
reached some sort of final decimal "Don't cry, Jack. Please don't cry" room, not over my shoulder. Not at him.
place I simply didn't care. "I'm not" At .what? . .

The chain, cheap lightweight links, "On second thought, do cry. Why From a small difference in initial
gave way, and the door opened, ivlia the fuck nof?Your friend is dead. Go slates you get widely differing states
walked in. ahead and cry you want to!" And she if with repeated iterations. Diverging, di-
"Christ, Jack. Look at you." knelt beside me, despite what must I
verging, chaos . . . and somewhere in

lay sprawled across the bed, and

I smell like and look like, and put her there, the strange attractor The means
both Mias wrinkled their noses at the arms around me while, hating every to make sense of it.

smell. second of cried. it, I

And just like that, saw the pattern I

I said, even though it wasn't what 1 When was done, pushed her
1 I in the phase space diagrams. saw I

the equations. ical system showing an uitradepen- States are that close.
"Jack? Jack!" dence on initial conditions must have a She smiles at everyone. People are
"Just let me . . . write them strange attractor buried somewhere tn drawn to her as to a magnet; she treats
down , ,
its structure, The implications for un- them as if their real selves are their
But there wasn't any chance I'd tor- derstanding chaos are profound. But ideal ones.
get them. They were there, so clear it's not easy to publish this kind of inno- For now.
and obvious and perfect, exacliy what vation when you no longer have even a The crucial characteristic about
Fran and had been searching for,
post-doc position at a decent univer- chaotic systems is that they change
Mia cried, "You can't just leave! sity. Even though Fran's name will go unpredictably. Not as unpredictably as
We're the only two peopie like this!" first on the article before the Schraeder Equations, but
tinished scribbiing the equations
1 may just put it out on the Internet,
I still unpredictably Once you fall into

and straightened. My head ached, my Without prior peer review, without copy- the area past the Feigenbaum number,
stomach wanted to puke, my intestines right protection, without comment. Out slates converge or diverge chaotically.
prickled and squirmed. My eyes were onto the unstructured, shifting realities Tomorrow Mia could see something
so puffy couid bareiy see out of them.
I of the net. After all, don't really need
else. Or could,

But saw her, looking at me with her

formal attention, don't really want it.
have no idea what the ideal Mia

scared bravado, and saw the other I I have what I wanted: relief. The was looking at when she gazed across
one, not looking at me at all. Diverging. other faces other rooms, other build- the motel room, away from both me
She was right we were the only two ings, other gardens are receding and him, When you are not the shadow
people like this, linked in our own from me now, I catch only glimpses of on the cave wall but the genuine ideal,
chaotic system. And the states could I them out of the corner of my eye, di- what is the next state?
see were diverging, minished in size by the distance be- don't want to know. But
1 doesn't it

"No," got out, just before

I had to I tween us, and getting smaller all the matter whether or not I want it If that state
go back into the bathroom, "There time. Diverging toward their own of life comes into being, then it does,
aren't two. Soon only one of you." , . . strange attractors. and all we can do is chase it through

She stared at me like was crazy, all I It's not the same for Mia, When she the chaos of dens and labyrinths and
the time was puking, And the other
I said at the Morningside Motel that I underground caves, trying to pin it mo-
Jack was doing God knows what. looked more like the ideal Jack than mentarily with numbers, as our states
I didn't really care. ever before, it wasn't a compliment to diverge from what we know toward
my unshaven frowziness. For her, the something cannot even imagine, and

I haven't published the equations yet, phase space diagrams are converg- don't want lo
I will, of course. They're too impor- ing. She can barely discern the ideal Although, of course, that too may
tant not to publish: proof that any phys- separate from the physical now: the change, DO

Page 2, clockwise from top: Joseph
Daniel Fielder, Adrian Day, Chris
Sprmgman, Amy Gulp: Page 4:
Rosemary Webber; Page 8: Kun Wang;
Page 10, top and bottom; Bob Lorenze:
Page 10, middle: courtesy of Publisher,
Page 12: Tim Hussey; Page 14: Andy
Washnik; Page 16: Courtesy of
California Institute at Technology: Page
23: Roland Cat; Page 24, top: David
Scharf/Peter Arnold Inc.: Page 24, bot-
tom: John Lund/Tony Stone Images;
Page 25, left: Super Stock; Page 25,
right: Aviation Week/Gamma Liaison;
Page 26, top: A. Giddings, E. Krislof,
Lange, R. Grieve, R. Lutz/Rutgers
University; Page 26, bottom: Bruce
Forster/Tony Stone Images: Page 27,
top: Ron Stroud/Masterfile; Page 27,
bottom: Etienne De Mai glaive/Gamma
Liaison: Pages 36-38: Slanislaw
Fernandes; Pages 42-43: Sandra Ivliller;
Page 57: Adrian Day; Pages 58-64:
Dimaccio; Page 65, top: Chris
rvioore/Arl Bank London; Page 65, bot-
tom: Ansen Seale: Page 67: Chris
Ivloore/Artbank London; Page 68;
Dimaccio: Pages 70 and 72; H.R.
Giger; Pages 106-107: Courtesy
Barbara Gladstone Gallery. New York:
Page 116 and 119; Bob "Do you have one so simple even a parent could beat it?"
120: tVlcKenzie Photography.


Depressed for weeks, worried his plagued him for a decade, Diffie cared
career was going nowhere, he about hidden codes, ciphers, crypto-
mulled over a set oi apparently un- grams because he had a passionate in-

solvabte problems. Otherwise unemployed, terest in [keeping people's private lives

Whitfield Diffie was a househusband about private, A Sixties radical with blond hair
to cook dinner for his wife, when he sat down flowing down his back, he saw cryptogra-
in the living room of their borrowed quarters phy was Ihe only way for citizens to protect
to ponder once more the ideas that had themselves from government snooping. He


also knew, even in the early Seventies, that cryptograpiiy mathematics and always a poor student, Diffie graduated
was vital to home shopping, digital money, automated of- from MIT with a math degree in 1965. To avoid the Vietnam
fices, and other business-related activity planned for the in- War, he took draft-deferred jobs as a computer programmer
formation highway. Society could never slop doing business at MIT and then Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
face to face and move into computerized negotiations with- Diffie's early interest in cryptography was rekindled when his
out the invention of digital signatures electronic "handwrit- boss, Al pioneer John McCarthy, was asked in 1972 to look
ing" as unique as that produced by pen and inl^. And on that into security on the ARPAnet. the military communications
spring day in 1975, Diffie suddenly saw how to do it. The so- network that latergrew into the Internet.
lution flitted across his mind, left momentarily, then came Diffie eventually quit his jOb to become the world's first

back in "a real adrenaline rush of excitement," In a brilliant public cryptographer. This began with car trips back and
stroke he solved two of the biggest problems in modern forth across the continent, wilh stops to buttonhole any sci-
cryptography, and, as a bonus, realized for the first time entist willing to talk about cryptography One conversation
they were related. led back to Stanford and Martin Hellman. a young professor
In classical cryptography, one secret key
used both to is of electrical engineering. From 1975 to 1978, Diffie and Hell-
encrypt and decrypt messages. Diffie saw that this key man co-auihored a series of now-classic papers on public
could be split; Half would be public knowledge; half would key cryptography. In 1992, the Swiss Federal Institute of
be kept secret. This idea of separate but mathematically re- Technology awarded Diffie an honorary doctorate in recog-
lated keys allowed "two magical things" to happen. People nition of his creation: public key cryptography.

can send you messages, encrypted with your public key Secret writing dates back io Egyptian hieroglyphics. Codes
that can be read only with your private key. Or conversely, and ciphers have always been jealously guarded secrets of
you can send out cryptograms that can be read by any- state until Diffie and fellow cryptocommandos, who call them-
body, but recognizable as only coming from you. The first selves cypherpunks, began developing expertise on their
realization solves the problem of making cryptography avail- own. A field traditionally reserved for spies, soldiers, and dip-
able to everyone. The second allows for digital signatures. lomats is now a hot topic on the Internet, with public access
Split-key or public key cryptography has been adopted by to cryptography being the latest battle cry in the information
companies ranging from AT&T to Apple, and Diffie's crypto- revolution, "For the past few years I've made my living out of
graphic protocols underlie the security measures incorpo- politics," says Diffie, who writes position papers and testifies

rated into all modern computer networks, before congressional committees. His latest cause is the
Diffie met his wife at the door that evening with a sober Clipper chip, an attempt by the U.S. government to embed
look on his face. "I've just discovered a very important idea," cryptographic hardware into the nation's telecommunica-
he said. "I don'l think our lives will ever be the same again." tions channels. These chips will contain back doors allowing
Diffie, who describes his life as "a model of how not to the government to eavesdrop on telephone calls and com-
get things done at the right lime," was born to Campbellite puter messages. Diffie argues that Americans must oppose
in 1944. But he grew up in a mainly
Southern Baptist parents this effort to put the cryptographic genie back in the bottle.

Jewish section Queens, New York, where his father taught

of Our talks began in Diffie's office at Sun Microsystems's
Spanish and Latin American history at City College and his campus in San Mateo and ended at his second office in
mother worked as an independent scholar on the French downtown Palo Alio. At dinner Diffie's wife, Egyptologist
woman of letters Madame de Sevigne. Largely self-taught in Mary Fischer, recounted with tears in her eyes the scene of
coming home to hear of her husband's quite recall what it was. Then it came along with communications intelli-
great discovery "He was right. Our back, and I was acutely aware, for the gence, is one of two major functions of
lives were not the same after that." time in
first my work on cryptography the National Security Agency COM-
Thomas Bass that I'd discovered something really SEC moves tons of keys around the
valuable. After dinner walked down to
I world every day to cryptographic de-
Omni: How do yoj secure all the Hellman's house. We'd yet to de-
fvlarty vices, mostly military using a range of
phones In North America'' velop the term "digital signature," so systems: key lists, paper tape, cards,
Diffie: I'd mulled this problem over in we talked instead about things like disks. When a ship comes into
, . .

my mind for five years, and when got I "one-way authentication." It took me an port, the cryptocustodians go ashore
to Stanford in 1969, I began thinking hour but finally Marty understood and with their locked briefcases and pick
about a seemingly unrelated problem: got as excited as was. I up tens of pounds of material for key-
How do you conduct business using Omni: How does public key cryptogra- ing their machines. Prior to Aldrich
home computer terminals? didn't see I phy work? Ames, the two most famous spy scan-
how to create a paperless office without Diffie: In classical cryptography, the dals in a generation involved the sale
having what we now call "digital signa- cryptographic variable or key controls of cryptographic keys to the Rus-
tures" on your electronic documents. how plaintext is transformed into ci-
sians who read our traffic.
Omni: How did you solve the problem phertexl. Every key does it differently. With conventional symmetric cryp-
of digital signatures? The critical thing in classical systems is tography, you can talk securely only to
Diffie; I was aware of two sorts of au- their symmetry. Knowing how to en- people to whom keys have been dis-
mechanisms. The first, now
thentication crypt messages tells you how to de- tributed. This just won't do for securing
used to protect the password table in crypt them. My big realization was a telephone system. There's no physi-
the UNIX time-sharing system, employs understanding how to build a crypto- cal way to do it. Distributing crypto-
"one-way functions," These are easy to graphic system in which each commu- graphic keys to the entire population
compute in one direction, but hard in nication was controlled by not one, but would be the equivalent of sending
the other. The second is called chal- two keys. The two keys are related, so everyone a registered letter when you
lenge and response. Military fire-con- anything you encrypted with one can installed your phone, jusl in case you
trol radars send out a randomly be decrypted with the other But they ever wanted to talk to them. The best
selected challenge and only friendly
know how to encrypt the chal-
I was acutely aware, for the first time in
lenge correctly and return it to the
radar for verification.
One of these protects you against my work on cryptography,
somebody studying the lock and figur-
ing out how to make a key; the other
against eavesdroppers on the channel
that I'd discovered something valuable. I
watching the process and knowing
how to repeat it, was trying to com- I
walked downstairs to get a Coke.
bine botfi systems in one package

when I saw thai was possit^le to de-

it also have the property that it you're told you can do is have "key distribution
sign a mechanism that could verify a only one key, you can't figure the other centers" that share keys among sub-
response to a challenge, even though one out. We subsequently called these scribers and make introductions.
it could not have figured out the re- the public key and the private key. Omni: What's wrong with that?
sponse. This is what we now call a dig- Omni: What do you gain by splitting the Diffie; The key distribution center must

ital signature, I wrote the idea down in two keys? set up every call, and worse, it can
my journal and forgot about it. It got Diffie: Imagine you want to send me a read all the traffic. But public key cryp-
added to a list called "Problems for an secure message. You look up my pub- tography reduces key storage require-
Ambitious Theory of Cryptography," lic key in your phone book, plug it into ments to the point where there is only
About two weeks later had another I your machine, and encrypt a message one secret for every person in the net-
breakthrough. In between cleaning and for me in such a way that it can be read work, and that secret never has to
cooking, suddenly realized the prob-
I only with my private key. generate the I move, The key gets manufactured in
lem could be turned around to solve key pair and disseminate my public your own cryptographic device, and
the question bothehng me since 1965: key as widely as possible, but keep the stays there. The public key is the mov-
How do you secure communica-
initiate private key to myself. Whenever a mes- able part. In practice, I get my name
tion with somebody you've never met? sage encrypted with my public key and public key signed by a sort of no-
I'd already seen that by means of an comes in, can read
I Since my pri- it. tary public, so you can recognize as it

asymmethc pair of transformations that vate key is required to read nobody it, belonging to me. Then my secure
are the inverses of each other, a crypto else can This was the invention's first, phone calls yours and hands you my
system could either sign or verify a sig- more mysterious application It got us credentials. "Whitfield Diffie is calling
nature. Then I
realized if I did the verifi- over the fundamental problem in all and his public key is such and such."
cation (the nonsecret part) first, could I previous systems the only way for Some central authority is still involved
encrypt messages by means of one- you and me to talk cryptographic ally is in introducing us, but it can no longer
way functions in such a way that only ifwe first have an "out of band commu- read the traffic.

one person could get them back. nication," as they say in the jargon, in Omni: How did you design keys that
Omni: Did you shout. Eureka! which we exchange keys. are both public and private?
Diffie; walked downstairs to get a
I Key distribution is a major part of Diffie: It's not obvious to you because it

Coke, and almost forgot about the idea. classical cryptography In the U.S. gov- isn't obvious. It wasn't obvious to me,
I remembered I'd been thinking about ernment, it's handled by the COMSEC, and I did not discover a solution to the
something interesting, but couldn't or materials control system which, problem as I originally posed it. Marty
Hellman and discovered another ap-
in mathematics since the Greeks. working together for years.

proach Djffie-Hellman that solves RSA, which to date is the most suc- Omni: What did you do as a kid?
many problems better But three math- cessful public key cryptographic sys- Diffie: The same thing do as an adult,

ematicians al MIT, Ronald Rivest, Adi tem, combines these two phenomena. I mostly remember staring off into
Shamir, and Leonard Adieman [RSA], Raising numbers to powers is a one- space. From time to lime did well in I

actually solved the original problem. way function in relation to extracting mathematics. read [Robert] Heinlein's

Omni: How does this approach, the roots. Multiplying prime numbers is a The Rolling Stones, about a family who
RSA system, work? one-way function relative to factoring. If fixes up an old spaceship and travels
Dittle: Start with the notion of a one-way the product Is big enough, and you from the moon The
to the other planets.
function. If you took algebra in high alone know its factors, this constitutes family believes mathematics
Is the key

school, you probably remember how a trapdoor that lets you and only you ic understanding the world.One sum-
much easier it is to raise numbers to decrypt messages. mer, went off to Europe carrying the

powers than it is to take roots. If ask I Omni: How does work? it Chemical Rubber Company Handbook
you for the fifth power of the number 2, Diffie: Your cryptographic equipment of Mathematical Tables, It had no text,
it takes a few seconds of multiplying to manufactures two large primes, each just tables of formulas and integrals.
discover that 2^5 =^2x2x2x2x2
= of which is 300 digits long, and muldplies The next summer studied G. H.

32. But i! ask you what's the fifth root

I them together to gel a product 600 dig- Hardy's Course of Pure Mathematics.
of 32, it takes longer to figure out. If I
Its long. These numbers are big: they This was a better choice, but probably
give you a number as big as ten billion, dwarf any that describe phe-
utterly not as good as taking Courant's calcu-
it'd take you a very long lime to calcu- nomena in the physical world. The lus. Still, by the time entered MIT. I

late ils liflh root. So raising numbers to number of particles in the universe, for probably knew half as much mathe-
powers is a one-way function with re- example, is estimated to be less than matics as know now.

spect to the inverse operation of ex- 100 digits long. As a kid was passionately inter-

tracting roots. The 6Q0-digit number, the product, ested in military things, but being an in-
Another example is multiplying versus is made public. It's immeasurably diffi- tellectual snob, thought cryptography

factoring. If give you two numbers

I cult for anybody but you to factor this was vulgar. Everybody liked spying
31 and 97, which are both prime you number. The largest number of this and cryptography, but few people were
can easily multiply them: 3007. But if I type that's been factored last year is interested in camouflage, chemical
give you the product, 3007, then find- "RSA Challenge Number 129." A 129- warfare, or the influence of the Cru-
ing out that 31 and 97 are its factors is digit number Is a long way from a 600- sades on military architecture in thir-
much harder. The fact that multiplying digit number. First proposed in the teenth century Europe. In junior high I

prime numbers is easier than factoring Seventies, the Challenge was only lived the "hit parade" life, going to dance
them has been a fundamental problem solved by hundreds of computers parties where acted like a cross be-
tween Efvis and Archie. But changed I

Gi't TV reception you never l)ad before, with the ...

completely in high school, and the dis-
cussion groups of the Ethical Culture
Society became the social and intellec-
Antenna Multiplier
lualfoundation of my Hie.
peacenik, marched
became a

nuclear disar- still only S2955*

mament, sang folk songs in Washing- But TLiXii Ihf. mUoi ,

ton Square Park. Wild parties became

places where you sat around discussing
w gel T\ rLLLptiiiii
the meaning of life. At IvlIT regarded 1

I k its plasliLhoui
myself as a pure malhematician, par- [ni, the \ t.

ticularly interested in analysis. Curi- nmtoj :s that li

ously, the things did best are not I multiplier; the reception power of vour TV Tt\Q Aiilama
particularly useful in cryptography WiilUjlici'' '
stabilizes TV picture eliminates ghosts
-ind statiL ind brings in ftahons that were unhl now on
Omni: Were you into sex. drugs, and
Msibki fliLkersaiid iniio\inf,sh3dinvs In irwsi jrLisioii will be
rock and roll? tL in\ iuldoi>r intiiini Lt mpletLH (limited b\
Diffie: would not wish to speak
of ill
any of those things. irT\ ^
Omni: presume you partook of the
I It on a nt irb\ or tian^ it on tnt u ill An 1
t-ible 11 I id \

inttti.iti\L rabbiiear'- kip rid i->r dish interL-n

' 'tipht 1
Sixties revolution.
|iisiti-ihii-iLe\ourT\ rttiptioii itil';o\islK imj cption ^nd brings

Diffie: Oh yeah,

I'm a Sixties all the

m new stiti ins an midtiband ind shortwdVL ri. j iiiimenl allemahvEh

way down, V\i irLthLt\i_kisne imports rsuttiiL hilti ii I 1 Lnited'^titesmdean

Omn/.-What did you do after college? thtretore brmg ".ou this initstTiidui^ T\ aitessorv t r 'ill s hjM anL\Lnbetter
To dodge the draft in 1965, took
Diffie: I
deal BiiyhLoforS'>9 90 anduetl send you a third oi

r LOiiiittiineiiti absohlte
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2JHou D Da aW ek
computer programmer on Mathlab, an
interactive tool for symbolic mathemat-
ics that eventually became the Mac-
syma system. Software is the greatest
development in manufacturing technol-
ogy in our lifetime, maybe in the millen- 85 Berry St., San Francisco, CA 94107
nium. became senously interested
I in

proving software correctness.

Omni: When does cryptography come pu s SO e e a e CH ma y poss b wa ed me back on proof of correct-
back into the picture? lies for test. ness. But was old enough then not to

Diffie: Security was a large part of the But in 1972 got sidetracked when
I worry about the draft so took an indef- I

Mullics time-sharing computer system Larry Roberts, head of information pro- inite leave of absence.

going on at lyllT, and began thinking I cessing at ARPA the Advanced Re- On one of many cross-country trips,
more and more about personal privacy. search Projects Agency of the I stppped at the IBM lab in Yorktown
[Vlultics had elaborate file protection
Pentagon approached the NSA for Heights [New York] to visit Alan Tritter,
systems, but all required trusting the help with ARPAnet's security. But as the one of the first generation of telephone
programmers. Whatever password I boss of a mere $100-million-a-year mili- hackers. Tritter called himself "the
had on them, system programmers tary research project, poor Larry wasn't biggest man In computer science"
could always get al my files, and entitled to NSA's help. They told him to he weighed 400 pounds. He intro-
somebody could always get at the sys- go stuff it. So Roberts asked McCarthy duced me to Alan Konheim, who di-
tem programmers, who wouldn't be in- to thinkabout network security, Mc- rected IBM's cryptographic research
terested in going to jail to protect my Carthy did cook up a cryptographic group probably the only significant
files. We're verging from a free society program. All time-sharing systems American research group then in cryp-
intotyranny when the government can since the Sixties had commands that tography outside the NSA, Konheim
go behind my back and subpoena files said "encrypt file," but nobody used was very secretive. He only told me
from system programmers, which is them because they were so cumber- one thing, and probably wishes he'd
what they do now in bank investiga- some and slow. thought a serious I
never said that. "When you get back to

tions. I saw that the only way to control cryptographic program should be able Stanford, look up my friend Marty Hell-
my would be to encrypt them.
files to encrypt a file as fast as you cculd man," he said.
Omni: Did you go to Stanford to study copy it, and McCarthy's program came When returned to California in

cryptography? nowhere close to that. 1974, called Hellman. We immedi-


Diffie: No, went to work with John Mc-

I Omni: So really the NSA got you work- ately found each other the best-in-
Carthy at the Al lab on the proof of cor- ing on cryptography? formed people we'd ever encountered.
rectness of programs. the only He was Diffie: Yes, was officially working for
Marty and worked together for four

other person time who un-

I knew at the ARPA, but only because they were years and became a great pain in Kon-
derstood how important the problem using NSA's money and doing them a heim's tush. Our first political fight
was. Proof of correctness aspires to favor. Proof of correctness of programs startedin 1975, when the government

mathematically prove that the pro- has since grown into a big security-re- adopted as the data encryption stan-
grams you write willalways do what lated industry. By spring 1973, I was dard [DES] a system developed by
you want them to do. Many programs working on nothing else but cryptogra- IBM. We thought its key was loo small.
work on an effectively infinite number of phy This did not please McCarthy, who I made my living for several years ar-

guing against DES, and now I'm mak- a pair of government agencies. Many of us regard that period as a
ing a living arguing against a new gov- Omni: How will the fight end"^ golden age in American political culture,

ernment slandard, the Escrowed Diffie: hard to believe the govern-

It's Omni: How secure is the government's
Encryption Standard. ment will get what it wants, but that proposed escrow system?
The government is trying to push on doesn't mean freedom won't suffer in Diffie: Building trapdoors into security
everybody a new cryptographic stan- the process. They are swimming up- equipment inherently reduces Its secu-

dard. It's secret and wili be availabie stream against the flow of technology rity For intelligence reasons, the gov-
only in tarn per- resistant hardware the People dedicated to protecting their ernment is demanding the system only

Clipper chip. The government wiii con- communications will get better systems use 80-bit keys. This tells you the
trol the products you buy. Worse yet, as time goes on, but that doesn't mean upper bound on the amount of work
these products will contain a trapdoor honest citizens will have that freedom. needed to cryptanalyze messages:
allowing the government to read the The administration has insisted will it 2'^aO objects. This is a million million
traffic when it feeis it needs to. not make private use of cryptographic million million computations. It would
Omni: Why is the Clipper chip so de- systems illegal, but FBI director Louis have to be an incredibly interesting
voutiy to be opposed? Freeh recently admitted at a meeting in phone call for anybody to do 2^80
Diffie:If the oniy teiecommunicattons Washington that if unescrowed encryp- computations to read it. On the other
products available aliow the govern- tion got in the way of wiretaps, he'd hand, given the way the system is or-
ment to spy on your conversations, push for a law against it. Freeh keeps ganized, takes only a few times that

then there'ii be no privacy left for any- telling Congress electronic surveillance much work to read ail the traffic ever
body except fat cats who can fly is necessary for law enforcement, even passed through an individual tele-
around to visit one another in person. though there were fewer than 1,000 phone, in 2005 or 2010, when there's
This tremendous centralization of the court-ordered wiretaps last year, out of much more computing power or new
government's power will create a basic nearly 250,000 federal cases. NSA's cryptanalytic techniques, somebody
vulnerability in Amehcan communica- former chief lawyer likes to cite the who's been recording this traffic might
tions.Power so centralized in an entity case of a pedophile in Sacramento read it with relative ease And make no
can be captured, whether by foreign who encrypted his computer files. I mistake about it, people are recording
invader or coup d'etat. By creating a think the pedophile has already been lots of traffic right now.
Omni: Now that can get cryptographic

programs on the Internet, hasn't the

Tremendous centralization public outsmarted the spies?
Diffie: In no way has the battle for the

of the government's power creates a vul- availability of cryptography been won.

Since the end of World War II. people
have been saying the end of the spy-
nerability in communications. masters was nigh. But if you drive
through Cheltenham or Fort Meade,
Power so centralized can be captured. you notice a lot of money being spent
on fancy new buildings. Communica-
system that can be turned against the convicted, but they want to get hold of tions intelligence is still eating high on
American people, we are making the his files and put him away for another the hog, because the rate traffic mi-
country vulnerable in a way that could ten years. The notion of pedophiles grates Into potentially vulnerable
become very important in the future. "seducing" people over the Internet telecommunication channels exceeds
Omn/.- Why's the government pushing it? hardly seems a major threat to society the rate traffic can be protected. The
Diffie: imagine there's a hidden intelli-
I Banning cryptography is not like gun Internet itself doubles in size every 14
gence agenda here. The government control. We don't have drive-by shoot- months.
is obviously terrified about the prolifera- ings on the Internet. This approach to Will more of this traffic be encrypted

tion of products over which it has no crime control is a lotof nonsense. They in the future? Undoubtedly Will cryp-

control. Widespread deployment of say they want to prevent a security- tosystems become and stay popular
cryptographic systems too difficult for minded criminal from going down to for years, even though they have flaws

NSA to routinely break might degrade Radio Shack and buying off-the-shelf or trapdoors somebody knows how to
their performance and result in their communications equipment that will exploit? Very possibly
budget being cut. defeat law enforcement, This means Omni: So, then, the only way to break
Omni: Didn't Vice President Gore an- government-approved equipment has secretcodes is for a lot of people to at-
nounce that the government was back- tobe the only product available. tackthem?
ingdown on the Clipper chip? It will go Omni: Will be able to go to Radio
I Diffie: Not necessarily a lot of people,
into our telephones, but not into our Shack and buy a crypto machine no- just the right people,
computers. body can crack? Omni: This seems to argue for making
Diffie: don't think he backed down on
Diffie: I'm inclined to think so. In the cryptographic algorithms public.
anything. His statement was merely 1790s, when the Bill of Rights was rati- Diffie: it certainly does. If you publish

misleading. The Clipper chip has always fied, any two people could have a pri- your algorithm you're more likely to
been intended for telephones, and we
vate conversation with a certainty no hear if somebody breaks it. Thinking
have no idea what he's cooking up for one in the world enjoys today by walk- you can keep cryptographic algorithms
computers. He merely reiterated the ing a few meters down the road and secret from your major opponents is
demand for a key escrow system. This Jooking to see no one was hiding in the follyIt takes strong opponents to break

is a mechanism tiuilt into cryptographic bushes. There were no recording de- a good algorithm, but the strongest
systems allowing the government to vices, parabolic microphones, or laser
best funded also have the capacity to
read the traffic. The keys for bypassing interferometers bouncing off their eye- acquire the algorithm against any rea-
the encryption will be held in escrow at glasses. You will note civilization survived. sonable commercial attempt to keep it
secret.The reason to keep crypto sys- you working on now? Diffie: I see no sign the government re-

tems secret is most people working in Diffie: Certification of cryptographic gards my activities as objectionable or
this business are spies, tine NSA is tfie systems is the core problem. The diffi- that my activities hinder in any way. it

supplier of algorithms for the U.S. com- culty of finding hidden functions in Having people testify before Congress
munications security but something be- computer programs is unboundedly and carry on public debate creates the
tween three-quarters and 90% of their high. How can you certify there aren't illusion of democracy Why should they
budget goes to spying, so they have a trapdoors in systems, particularly if object to that? I give apparent legiti-

vested interest in l^eeping crypto- manufacturers are working with trade- macy to these behind-the-scenes
graphic equipment out of their oppo- secret designs? don't know how ordi-
processes, don't seem to have any

nents' hands, nary people can be supplied with real effect on what happens.

Omni: Are you a spy? something they trust, because the re- Omni: In his story "The Gold Bug,"
Diffie: don't work for anybody but Sun
ward for undermining widely-used sys- Edgar Allan Poe says there is no such
Microsyslems, and don't snoop for I
tems is very high thing as a cipher that can't be broken.
anyone but myseif, Intelligence agencies are not in Do you agree?
Omni: Do you get offers? business to play fair. They don't want to Diffie: That's a tricky question. New-
DiHie: Oniy from NSA, if tfiat counts, break traffic that they can arrange to comers to the problem are inclined to

and never good enough. get some easier way. So they're build- say easy
it's to make
an unbreakable
Omni: The field of cryptograpliy histori- trapdoors
ing visible into things through system. If you start designing a secure
cally has lent itself to amateurs. the key escrow program. There's no communications product today by the
Diffie: We amateurs like to think so, reason to believe they aren't also build- time goes into service in 2000, your

Tfiomas Jefferson invented a crypto- ing trapdoors into things that are hid- system is good for 20 or 30 years. But
graphic system rediscovered among den. For instance, I've been told the on the last day it's in use, somebody
his papers in 1922 and was later adopted diagnostic computers in cars now encrypts a sensitive message so im-
by the Navy If he'd used his own sys- record information about your driving portant it's still interesting to an oppo-
tem when he was Secretary of State in- style that potentially affects your war- nent 50 years later. This means you're
stead of one infinitely easier to solve, ranty. If your mechanic can determine designing today against an opponent
U.S.traffic might have been secure into the highest speed you achieved in the who sits down to attack you a century
the twentieth century Instead, it was last several thousand miles, then your from now. He holds in his pocket calcu-
porous well into the Forties. car is spying on you. lator more computing power than we

Omni: In 1980 you predicted all com- Omni: Sun Microsystems's largest cus- now have in the entire world, and he
puters and telephones would be en- tomer is the U.S. government. Has any- knows a bunch of mathematics as yet
crypted by now. one in the company suggested you undreamed of. Do you see why it's a
Diffie: was vastly wrong about the de-
tone down your criticism? hard problem?Da
gree to which people would be con-
cerned with the problem. But the vast
majority of the world's communications
is still uncrypted. Interception costs are

dropping, meaning the need to protect

telecommunication channels is rising,

and at some point this situation will

spark a vast range of products. But so
far people still don't see the damage
being done to them by insecure com-
munications, so they keep postponing
the decision to do something about it.
Omni: How can you tell when eaves-
dropping is happening?
Diffie: It's hard for anyone other than an
intelligence organization to know it's
being spied on. You may see "manifes-
tations." Five times in one year you lose
contracts by narrow margins to the
same competitor who seems to know in
advance what your bids are going to
be, But it's expensive and difficult to
figure out if due to a communioa-
this is
tions security failure. Duhng the Cold
War, spies changed sides relatively in-
frequently, but in industry, people
change sides every day. Many people
in Silicon Valley constantly move. So
security problems in industry may be
more difficult than in the military The
military knows people are spending
lots of money attacking its communica-
tions, whereas industry is usually in the
dark about it,

Omni: What types of problems are


I was walking the telephone wires upside-down, the sky underfoot cold

and flat with a few hard bright stars sparsely scattered about it, when I
thought how it would take only an instant's weakness to step off to the side

and fall up forever into the night. A kind of wildness entered me then and

I began to run.
I made the wires sing. They leapt and hulked above me as I raced past

Ricky's Luncheonette and up the hill. Past the old chocolate factory and the

IDI Advertising Display plant. Past the body shops, past A. J. LaCourse
Electric Motors-Controls-Parts, Then, In scrambled up and ran
a panic, I
I grabbed at a rusty flange on the
where the slope steepened, along the toward the Ridge and safely. had a I side of the Roxy.
curving snake of rowhouses that went squat in the old Roxy, and once was I Too late! Pain exploded within me, a
the full quarter mile up to the Ridge. through the wall, the Corpsegrinder sheet of white nausea. All in an instant i

Twice overtook pedestrians, hunched

I would not follow. Why this should be lost the name of my second daughter,

and bundled, heads doggedly down, so, did not know, But you learn the rules
1 an April morning when the world was
out on incomprehensible errands. They if you want to survive. new and I was a smoky string of

didn't notice me, of course. They never ran. In the back of my head could
I I ali-nighters in Rensselaer Polytech, the
do. The antenna farm was visible from hear the Seven Sisters clucking and jowly grin of Old Whatsisiace the Ger-
here. could see the Seven Sisters
gossiping to each other, radiating tele- man who lived on LaFountain Street,
spangled with red lights, dependent on vision and radio over a few dozen fre- the fresh pain of a sprained ankle out
the earth like stalactites. "Where are quencies. Indifferent to my plight. back of a Banana Republic warehouse,
you running to, little one?" one tower The Corpsegrinder churned up the fishing off a yellow rubber raft with my
whispered in a crackling, siaticky wires on a hundred needle-sharp legs. old man on Lake Champlain, All gone,
voice. I think it was Hegemone. I could feel the ion surge it kicked up these and a thousand things more,
"Fuck off," I said without slackening pushing against me as reached the I sucked away, crushed to nothing, be-
my pace, and they all chuckled. intersection of Ridge and Leverlngton, yond retrieval.
Cars mumbled by. This was ravine Cars were pulling up to the pumps at Furious as any wounded animal, I

country, however built up, and the far the Atlantic station. Teenagers stood in fought back. Foul bits of substance
side of the road, too steep and rocky for front of the A-Plus Mini Ivlarket, flicking splattered under my fist, The Corpse-
development, was given over to trees half-smoked cigarettes into the street, grinder reared up to smash me down,
and garbage. Hamburger wrappings stamping their feet like colts, and wait- and scrabbled desperately away.

and white plastic trash bags rustled in ing for something to happen. couldn't I
Something tore and gave.
their wake.. I was running full-out now, help feeling a great longing disdain for Then was through the wall and

About a block or so from the Ridge, them. Every last one worried about safe and among the bats and gloom.
1stumbled and almost fell. slapped an I grades and drugs and zits, and all the "Cobbr the Corpsegrinder shouted.
arm across a telephone pole and just while snugly barricaded within hulking It lashed wildly back and forth, scour-
managed to catch myself m time. Aghast fortresses of flesh. ing the brick walls with limbs and teeth,

at my own carelessness, hung there, I was scant yards from home. The
I as restless as a March wind, as unpre-
dizzy and alarmed. The ground overhead Roxy was a big old movie palace, fallen dictable as ball lightning.
was black as black, an iron roof, yet into disrepair and semiconverted to a For the moment was safe. But it I

somehow was as anxious as a hound to skateboarding rink which had gone out had seized a me, tortured
part of and it,

leap upon me, crush me flat, smear me of business almost immediately. But it made it a part of itself. could no longer I

to nottiingness. stared up at horrified.I it, had been a wonderful place once, and delude myself into thinking it was sim-
Somebody screamed my name. the terra-colta trim was still there: rib- ply going to go away. "Cahawahawbb!"
I turned. A faint blue figure clung to a bons and river-gods, great puffing It broke my name down to a chord of
television antenna atop a small, stuccoed faces with panpipes, guitars, flowers. overlapping tones. It had an ugly,

brick duplex. Charlie's Widow. She wyverns. crossed the Ridge on a muddy voice. felt dirtied just listening
pointed an arm that flickered with silver

dead telephone wire, spider-web deli- to "Caw


A pause, "^awbbl" "

fire down Ripka Street. I slewed about cate but still usable. In a horrified daze stumbled up the I

to see what was coming afterme. Almost there. Roxy's curving patterned-tin roof until 1

!t was the Corpsegrinder. Then the creature was upon me, found a section free of bats. Exhausted
When it saw that I'd spotted it, it put with a howl of electromagnetic rage that and dispirited, slumped down. I

out several more legs, extended a silenced even the Sisters for an instant. "Caw aw aw awb buh buh!"
quilled head, and raised a howl that It slammed into my side, a storm of ra- How had the thing found me? I'd

bounced off the Heaviside layer. My zors and diamond-edged fury, hooks thought I'd left it behind in iVlanhattan,

nonexistent blood chilled. and claws extended. Had my flight across the high-tension
" "

lines left of some kind? Maybe.

a trail fore. I fell from the seventeenth to the briefest Instant then cartwheeling glee-
Tfien again, might have some special
it twenty-fifth floor, and learned a lot in
I fully into oblivion. In the instant of
connection with me. To follow me here the process. Shaken, startled, and al- restoration following the bolt, the walls
it must have passed by easier prey. ready beginning to assume the wari- were transparent and all the world

Which implied it had a grudge against ness that the afterlife requires, went to I made of glass, its secrets available to
me. Maybe I'd known the Corpse- a window to get a glimpse of the outer be snooped out. But before compre-
grinder bacl< when was human. We it world. When tried to touch the glass, I hension was possible, the walls
could once have been important to my hand went hght through. jerked I opaqued again and the lightning's
each other. We might have been back. Cautiously leaned forward so I
malevolent aftermath faded like a mad-
lovers. It was possible. The world is a that my head stuck out into the night. man's smile in the night.
stranger place than used to believe. 1
What a wonderful experience Times Through Seven
it all the Sisters were
The horror ol my existence overlook Square is when you're dead! There is laughing and singing, screaming with
me then, an acute awareness of the ten times the light a living being sees. joy whenever a lightning belt flashed,
squalor in which dwelt, the danger 1
All metal things vibrate with inner life. and making up nonsense poems from
which surrounded me, and the dark Electric wires are thin scratches in the howls, whistles, and static. During a
mystery informing my universe, wept i air. Neon sings. The world is filled with momentary lull, the fiat hum of a carrier
for all that had lost.
I strange sights and cries. Everything wave filled my head. Phaenna, by the
Eventually, the sun rose up like shifts from beauty to beauty. feel of her.But instead of her voice, I

God's own Peterbilt and with a tri- Something that looked tike a cross heard only the sound of fearful sobs.
umphant blare of chromed trumpets, between a dragon and a wisp of "Widow?" said. "Is that you?"

gently sent all of us creatures of the smoke was feeding in the Square. But "She can't hear ycu," Phaenna
nigfit to sleep. it was lost among so many wonders purred. "You're lucky I'm here to bnng
that I gave it no particular thought. you up to speed. A lightning bolt hit the
When you die, the first thing that hap- transformer outside her house. It was
pens is that the world turns upside- Night again. awoke with Led Zeppelin
I bound to happen sooner or later Your
down. You feel an overwhelmmg playing in the back of my head. Stair-
Nemesis the one you call the
disorientation and a strange sensation way to IHeaven. Again. It can be a long Corpsegrinder, such a cute nickname.
that's not quite pain as the last strands
connecting you to your body part, and
then you slip out of physical being and
When it saw that I'd spotted it, it put out
fall from the planet

As you fall, you attenuate. Your sub- several more legs, extended
stance expands and thins, glowing
more and more faintly as you pick up
speed. So far as can be told, it's a a quilled head, and raised a howl. My
process that doesn't ever stop Fainter,
thinner, colder until you've merged
. . .
nonexistent blood chilled.
into the substance of everyone else
who's ever died, spread perfectly uni- wait between Dead Milkmen cuts. by the way has her trapped."
formly through the universal vacuum "Wakey-risey. little man," crooned This was making no sense at all, "Why
forever moving toward but never arriv- one of the Sisters, It was funny how would the Corpseghnder be after her?"
ing at absolute zero. Look hard, and sometimes they took a close personal "Why why why why?" Phaenna sang,
the sky is full of the Dead. interest in our doings, and other times a snatch of some pop ballad or other.
Not everyone falls away Some few ignored us completely. "This is Eu-
are fast-thinking or lucky enough to phrosyne with the red-eye weather re- "You didn't get answers when you were
maintain a tenuous hold on earthly ex- port. The outlook is moody with a alive, what makes you think you'd get
istence, was one of the lucky ones.
I I chance of existential despair. You won't any no^" The sobbing went on and
was working late one night on a pro- be going outside tonight if you know on. "She can sit it out," said, "The I

posal when had my heart attack. The

1 what's good for you. There'll be light- Corpsegrinder can't hey, wait. Didn't
office was empty. The ceiling had a ning within the hour." they just wire her house for cable? I'm
wire mesh within the plaster and that's "It's too late in the year for lightning," trying to picture Phone lines on one

what saved me. I said. side, electric on the other, cable. She
The first response to death is denial. "Oh dear. Should inform the I can slip out on his blind side."
This can't be happening, thought, I I weather?" The sobs lessened and then rose in
gaped up at the floor where my body By now was beginning to realize
1 a most un-Widowlike wail of despair
had fallen and would lie undiscovered that what had taken on awakening to
"Typical," Phaenna said. "You
until morning. My own corpse, pale be the Corpsegrlnder's dark aura was haven't the slightest notion of what
and bloodless, wearing a corporate tie actually the high-pressure front of an you're talking about. The lightning
and sleeveless gray Angora sweater. approaching storm. The first drops of stroke has altered your little pet. Go out
Gold Rolex, Sharper Image desk ac- ram pattered on the roof. Wind skirled and see for yourself," My hackles rose.
and the grew stronger. Thunder "You know damned good and well that
cessohes, and of course also thought:
diQd for this? By which of course

the distance. "Why don't can't


meant my entire life.


you just

go fuck your

Phaenna's attention shifted and the

So was in a state of personal and
it A light laugh that trilled up into the carrier beam died. The Seven Sisters
ontological crisis thai wandered I
supersonic, and she was gone, are fickle that way. This lime, though, it
across the ceiling to the location of an was listening to the rain underfoot
I was just as well. No way was going out I

old pneumatic message tube, removed when a lightning bolt screamed into ex- there to face that monstrosity, I

and plastered over some 50 years be- istence, turning me inside-out for the couldn't. And was grateful not to have

to admit it, woman would have been a sigh. "You'd didn't know when. The two of us set
For a fong while sal thinking about
I think that I
well, never mind." She of- each other off, laughing louder and
the Corpsegrinder, Even here, pro- fered her hand, and when would not 1 louder, our merriment heterodyning
tected by the strong waiis of the Roxy, take it, said, "This way," until filled every television screen
it for
the mere thought of was paralyzing. it I followed her down iVlain Street,
I a mile around with snow.
tried to imagine what Chariie's Widow through the shallow canyon of the busi- My defenses were down. She
was going through, separated Irom this ness district to a diner at the edge of reached out and took my hand.
monster by oniy a thin curtain of brick town. II was across from Hubcap Memory flooded me, it was her first
and stucco, Feeiing the hard radiation Heaven and an automotive junkyard date with Charlie, He was an electri-
of its maiice and need ... II was be- bordered on two sides. The diner was
it cian. Her next-door neighbor was hav-
yond my powers of visualization. Even- closed. We settled down on the ceiling, ing the place rehabbed. She'd been
tually gave up and thought instead
I "That's where the car ended up after working in the back yard and he struck
about my first meeting with the Widow. I died," she said, gesturing toward the up a conversation. Then he asked her
She was coming down the hill from junkyard. "It was right after got the I out.They went to a disco in the Adam's
Roxborough with her arms out, the in- callabout Charlie. stayed up drinking I Mark over on City Line Avenue.
verted image of a child playing a tight- and after a while occurred to me that it She wasn't eager to get involved
rope wali^er. Placing one foot ahead of maybe they were wrong, they'd made with somebody iust then. She was still

the other with deliberate concentration, some sort of horrible mistake and he recovering from a hellish affair with a
scanning the wire before her so cau- wasn't really dead, you know? married man who'd thought that since
tiously that she was less than a block Like maybe he was In a coma or he wasn't available for anything perma-
away when she saw me. something, some horrible kind of misdi- nent, that made her his property. But
She screamed. agnosis, they'd gotten him confused when Charlie suggested they go out to
Then she was running straight at with somebody else, who knows? Terri- the car for some coke it was the Sev-
me. My bacl< was to the transformer ble things happen in hospitals. They enties
she'd said sure. He was going
there was no place to flee. I make mistakes, to put the moves on her sooner or later.
shrank away as she stumbled to a halt. "\ decided I had to go and straighten Might as well get it settled early so
"It's you!" she cried. "Oh God, Char- things out. There wasn't time to make they'd have more time for dancing.
But after they'd done up the lines,
Charlie had shocked her by taking her
I was fresh off the high-tension lines, still
hands in his and kissing them. She
worked for a Bucks County pottery in

vibrating with energy and fear. those days and her hands were rough
and red. She was very sensitive about

I could remember almost nothing of my them.

"Beautiful hands," he murmured.
"Such beautiful, beautiful hands,"
post-death existence. "You're making fun of me," she
protested, hurt.
lie, knew you'd come back for me,
I I coffee so went to the medicine cabi-
"No! These are hands that do
waited so long but never doubted net and gulped down a bunch of pills things, and they've been shaped by
you, never, we can

" She lunged for-

at random, figuring something among the things they've done. The way
ward as if to hug me. Our eyes met. them would keep me awake. Then I stones in a stream are shaped by the
Allthe joy in her died. jumped into the car and started off for water that passes over Ihem. The way
"Oh," she said. "It's not you." Colorado, tools are shaped by their work. A ham-
Iwas fresh off the high-tension lines, "ivly God." mer is beautiful, if it's a good hammer,
still vibrating with energy and fear Ivly "I have no idea how fast I was and your hands are, too."
mind was a blaze of contradictions, I going everything was a blur when I He could have been scamming her.
could remember almost nothing of my crashed. At least I
didn't take anybody But something in his voice, his manner,
post-death existence. Fragments, bits with me, thank the Lord. There was this said no, he really meant She squeezed

of advice from the old dead, a horrify- one horrible moment

confusion of and his hands and saw that they were
ing confrontation with something, . . ,
pain and rage and then found myself 1 beautiful, too. Suddenly she was glad
some creature or phenomenon that lying on the floor of the car with my she hadn't gone off the pill when she
tiad driven me to flee Ivlanhattan. corpse just inches beneath me on the broke up with Daniel. She started to
Whether it was this event or the tear- underside of the roof." She was silent cry. Her date looked alarmed and baf-

some voltage of that radiant highway for a moment. 'My first impulse was to fled. But she couldn't stop. All the tears
that had scoured me of expehence, I crawl out the window. Lucky for me I she hadn't cried in the past two years
did not know, "It's me," protested, I didn't." Another pause, "It took me came pouring out of her, unstoppable.
"No, it's not," Her gaze was unflat- most of a night to work my way out of Charlie-boy, she thought, you just
tenngly frank "You're not Charlie and the yard. had to go from wreck to
I got lucky
you never were. You're just the sad wreck. There were these gaps to jump. All this in an instant. I snatched my
remnant of what once was a man, and It was a nightmare," hands away, breaking contact, "Don't
not a very good one at that," She "I'm amazed you had the presence do that!" cried, "Don't you ei/er touch

turned away. She was leaving me! In of mind to stay tn the car." me again
my confusion, felt such a despair as
I "Dying sobers you up fast." With flat disdain, the Widow said, "It

had never known before, laughed.

I couldn't help it. And
1 wasn't pleasant for me either. But I

"Please ..." said. I

without the slightest hesitation, she had to see how much of your life you
She stopped. joined right in with me. It was a fine remember"
A long silence. Then what in a living warm moment, the first I'd had since I was naive of me,
It but I was shocked
passage of memories
to realize that the The Corpsegrinder was visible from and stuttering transformer. A power line

had gone both ways. But before I the Roxy, but between the burning took me into the attic crawlspace. From
could voice my outrage, she said, transformer and the creature's meta- there scaled the electrical system down

"There's not much left of you. You're morphosis, was within a block of the
through the second and first floors and
only a fragment of a man, shreds and monster before understood exactly
I so to the basement. had a brief I

tatters, hardly anything. No wonder what it was was seeing.

I glimpse of a man asleep on a couch
you're so friglitened. You've got what It was feeding off the dying trans- before the television. The set was off
Charlie calls a low signal-to-noise ratio. former, sucking in energy so greedily but still held a residual charge. It sat

What happened in New Yorl< City al- that it pulsed like a mosquito engorged quiescent, smug, bloated with stolen
most destroyed with blood. Enormous plasma wings energies. If the poor bastard on the
"That doesn't give you the right to
warped to either side, hot blue and couch could have seen what saw, I

"Oh be still. You need to know this. transparent. They curved entirely he'd've never turned on the TV again.
Living is simple, you just keep going. around the Widow's house in an unbro- In the basement hand-over-handed

But death is complex. It's so hard to ken and circular wall. At the resonance myself from the washing machine to
hang on and so easy to let go. The points they extruded less detailed ver- the main water inlet. Straddling the
temptation always there. Believe me,
is sions of the Corpsegrinder itself, like pipe, summoned all my courage and

I know. There used to be five of us in sentinels, all facing the Widow. plunged my head underground.
Roxborough, and where are the others Surrounding her with a phckly ring It was black as pitch. inched forward I

noW Two came through Manayunk last of electricity and malice. on the pipe in a kind of panic. could I

spring and camped out under the El for I

retreated a block, though the trans- see nothing, hear nothing, smell noth-
a season and they're gone, too. Hold- former fire apparently hid me from the ing, taste nothing. All could feel was I

ing it together is hard work. One day Corpsegrinder, tor it stayed where it was, the iron pipe beneath my hands. Just
the stars start singing to you, and the eyelessly staring inward. Three times I beyond the wall the pipe ended in a T-
next you begin to listen to them. A circled thehouse from a distance, look- joint where it hooked into a branch line

week later they start to make sense. ing for a way in. An unguarded cable, under the drive. I followed it to the street.
You're just reacting to events that's a wrought-iron fence, any unbroken It was awful: like suffocation infinitely
not good enough. If you mean to hold stretch of metal too high or too low for prolonged. Like being wrapped in
on, you've got to know why you're the Corpsegrinder to reach. black cloth. Like being drowned in ink.
doing it." Nothing. Like strangling noiselessly in the void
"So why are you?" Finally, because there was no alter- between the stars To distract myself, I

"I'm waiting for Charlie," she said native, I entered the house across the thought about my old man.
simply street from the Widow's, the one that When my father was young, he navi-
It occurred to me to wonder exactly was best shielded from the spouting gated between cities by radio. Driving
how many years she had been waiting.
Three? Fifteen? Just how long was it
possible to hold on? Even in my con-
fused and emotional state, though, I

knew better than to ask. Deep inside

she must've known as well as did that I

AoMEfllVlES It's I
Charlie wasn't coming. "My name's
Cobb," said. "What's yours?"

She hesitated and then, with an odd

I HARD TO BE A 7 /jt H

sidelong look, said, "I'm Charlie's

widow. That's all that matters." It was all
the name she ever gave, and Charlie's
Widow she was to me from then onward.

rolled onto my back on the tin ceiling
and spread out my arms and legs, a
phantom starfish among the bats. A
fragment, she had called me, shreds
and tatters. No wonder you're so fright-
ened! In all the months since I'd been
washed into this backwater of the
power grid, she'd never treated me
with anything but a condescension
bordenng on contempt.
So went out into the storm after all.

The ratn was nothing. It passed

right through me. But there were ion-
heavy gusts of wind that threatened to
knock me off the lines, and the trans-
former outside the Widow's house was
burning a fierce actinic blue was a It

gusher of energy a tiare star brought to

earth, dazzling. A bolt of lightning un-
zipped me, turned me inside out, and re-
stored me before I had a chance to react.
dark and usually empty highways, he'd puffy man stood with his sleeves rolled Get back on your Metroliner and go
twisi the dial back and forth, back and up, elbow-deep in the sink, angrily home to New York City and your wife
forth, until he'd hit a station. Then he'd washing dishes by candlelight. A and your money and your two good
withdraw his hand and wait for the sta- woman who was surely his wife expres- whores. Aloud, reasonably, she said,
tion iD. That would give htm his rough sively smoked a cigarette at his stiff "It's over, Danny, can't you see that?"

location that he was somewhere out- back, drawing in the smoke with bitter "Look, babe. Let's not argue here,
side of Albany, say. A sudden signal intensity and exhaling it in puffs of ha- okay? Not in the parking lot, with peo-
coming in strong and then abruptly dis- tred. On the second floor a preadoles- ple walking by and everybody listen-
solving in groans and eerie whistles cent clutched a tortoise-shell cat so
girl ing. Drive us to your place, we can sit

was a fluke of the ionosphere, impossi- tightly struggled to escape, and cried
it down and talk it over like civilized hu-
bly distant and easily disregarded. One into its fur. In the next room a younger man beings." She clutched the wheel,
thatfaded in and immediately out boy sat on his bed in earphones, Walk- staring straight ahead. "No. We're
meant he had grazed the edge of a man on his lap, staring sightlessly out going to settle this here and now."
station's range.But then a signal would the window at the burning transformer. "Christ." One-handed, Daniel wran-
grow and strengthen as he penetrated No Widow on either floor gled a pack of Kents from a jacket
crescendo, fade, and collapse
its field, How, I wondered, could she have pocket and knocked out a cigarette.
into static and silence. That left him endured this entropic oven of a blue- Took the end in his lips and drew out. it

north of Troy, let's say, and making collar rowhouse, forever the voyeur at Punched the lighter "So talk."
good time. He would begin the search the banquet, watching the living A wash of hopelessness swept over
for the next station. squander what she had already spent? her Marhed men were supposed to be
You could drive across the continent Her trace was everywhere, her pres- easy to get rid of. That was the whole
in thisway, passed from hand to hand ence elusive was beginning to think
I point. "Let me go, Danny," she pleaded.
by local radio, and tuned in to the ge- she'd despaired and given herself up Then, lying, "We can still be friends."
ography of the night. to the sky when found her in the attic,
I He made a disgusted noise.
went over that memory three times,
clutching the wire that led to the an- "I've tried, Danny, really have. You

polishing and refining it, before the tenna. She looked up, amazed by my don't know how hard I've tried. But it's
branch line abruptly ended. One hand unexpected appearance. just not working."
"All right, I've listened. Now let's go,"
Reaching over her, Daniel threw the
It was feeding off the dying transformer, gearshift into reverse. He stepped on
her foot, mashing it into the accelerator.

sucking in energy so greedily The car leaped backward. She

shrieked and in a flurry of panic
the wheel about and slammed on the
that it pulsed like an enormous mosquito brakes with her free foot.
With a jolt and a crunch, the car
engorged with blood. stopped. There was the tinkle of broken
plastic. They'd hit a lime-green Hyundai.

groped forward and closed upon nothing, "Come on," I said. "I know a way out." "Oh, that's just perfecti" Daniel said.
had reached the main conduit. For
The lighter popped out. He lit his ciga-

a panicked moment had feared that it 1

rette and then swung open the door.
would be concrete or brick or even one "I'll check the damage." Over her

of the cedar pipes the city laid down in the difficulty of navigating the twisting shoulder, she saw Daniel tug at his
the nineteenth century, remnants of maze of pipes under the street, though trousers knees as he crouched to ex-
which still linger here and there be- that was bad enough, asthe fact that amine the Hyundai. She had a sudden
neath the pavement. But by sheer blind the Widow wouldn't hazard the pas- impulse to slew the car around and es-
luck, the system had been installed sage unless led her by the hand.
cape. Step on the gas and never look
during that narrow window of time "You don't know how difficult this is back. Watch his face, dismayed and
when the pipes were cast iron. I forme," said, I
dwindling, in the rear-view mirror.
crawled along its underside first one "It's the only way I'd dare." A ner- Eyes flooded with tears, she began
way and then the other, searching for vous, humorless laugh. "I have such a quietly to laugh.
the branch line for the Widow's. There lousy sense of direction." Then Daniel was back. "It's all right,

was a crap under the street. Sev-

lot of So, steeling myself, seized her I let's go."
eral times was blocked by gas lines
I hand and plunged through the wall. "I heard something break."
or by the high-pressure pipes for the It took all my concentration to keep "II was just a tail-light, okay?" He

fire hydrants and had to awkwardly from sliding off the water pipes, was I gave her a funny look, "What the hell
clamber around them. At last, found I so distracted by the violence of her are you laughing about?"
the line and began the painful journey thoughts. We
crawled through a hun- She shook her head unable helplessly,

out from the street again. dred memories, all of her married lover to sort out the tears from the laughter
When I emerged in the Widow's all alike. Here's one: Then somehow they were on the Ex-
basement, Iwas a nervous wreck. It Daniel snapped on the car radio. pressway, the car humming down the
came to me then thai I could no longer
Sad music something classical indistinct and warping road. She was
remember my father's name. A thing of flooded the car. "That's bullshit, babe. driving but Daniel was still in control,

rags and shreds indeed! worked my I You know how much have invested in I

way up the electrical system, search- you?" He jabbed a blunt finger at her We were completely lost now and had
ing every room and unintentionally spy- dress. "I could buy two good whores been for some time. had taken what

ing on the family who had bought the for what that thing cost." was certain had to be a branch line
house after her death. In the kitchen a Then why don't you, she thought. and it had led nowhere. We'd been
100 OMNI
tracing its twisty passage for blocks. I last chance and it's not my job to talk
stopped and pulled my hand away.
couldn't concentrate. Not witli ttie
I you down from the ledge,"
That stung. "1 wasn't asking you to,"
No Need to
caustics and poisons of the Widow's mumbled.
past churning through me. "Listen," I

"So you're still there! Take my hand

Put Off Enjoying
said. "We've got to get something and lead us out."
straightbetween us," Ipulled myself together, "You'll have
Sensual Products
Her voice came out of nowhere, to follow my voice, babe. Your memo-
small and wary. "What?" ries are too intense for me."
How to say it? The horror of those We resumed our slow progress. I

memories lay not in their brutality but in was sick of crawling, sick of the dark,
their particularity. They nestled into sick of this lightless horrid existence,
empty spaces where memories of my disgusted to the pit of my soul with who
own shouid have been. They were as and what was. Was tfiere no end Id

famiiiar as old shoes. They fit. this labyrinth of pipes?

"If could remember any of this
I "Wait," I'd brushed by something.
crap." said, "I'd apologize. Hell,
I I Something metal buried in the earth,
can't blame you for how you feel Of "What is it?"
course you're angry Bui it's gone, can't "I think it's "

groped about, trying

you see that, it's over. You've got to let to get a sense of the thing's shape "I
go. You can't tiold me accountable for think it's a cast-iron gatepost Here.
things can't even remember, okay? All
I Wait, Let me climb up and take a look."
that shit happened decades ago. I was Relinquishing my grip on the pipe, 1

young, I've changed." The absurdity of seized hold of the object and stuck my
the thing swept over me. I'd have head out of the ground. emerged at I

laughed I'd been able. "I'm dead, for
if the gate of an iron fence framing the ins y<"" i healthy
pity's sake!" minuscule front yard of a house on ?r (he r

A long silence. Then, "So you've fig- Ripka Street. could see again! It felt

Xandrirf Gold Collecfion calalogue and

ured it out." so good to feel the clear breath of the diicovtr s, wide array of sesual products for
"You've known all along," said bit- I
world once more that closed my eyes I

yiiiny .ind reteiving even greater pleasure.

terly "Ever since came off the high- I briefly to savor the sensation,
tension lines in Manayunk." "How Euphrosyne said,
Trust aur experience. Men and women have
delighted in the Xandiia CoUection for over
She didn't deny it. "I suppose I "After being so heroic," Thalia said.
twenty years. We sdect only the finest prod-
should be flattered that when you were "Overcoming his fears." Aglaia said.
ucts from aromid the world.
in trouble you came to me," she said in "Rescuing the fair maid from terror
a way that indicated she was not. and durance vile," Cleta said, Rely on our 100%, three-way Guarantee,

"Why didn't you tell me then? Why "Realizing at last who he is," rf you've been reluctani to purcliase sejcual

drag it out?"
"Beginning that long and difficult
products through the mail, consider

1. We guarantee your privacy. Everything


"Don't call me that!" road to recovery by finally getting in ship is plainly and securely wrapped with
"It's your name. Daniel, Daniel Cobb," touch with his innermost feelings," no due to its contents. All transactions are
All the emotions I'd been holding Auxo said. Hegemone giggled, strictly confidential, and we nfrer sell, rert,
back by sheer force of denial closed "What?" opened my eyes.

about me. flung myself down and I That was when the Corpsegrinder
2. We guarantee your satisfaction. If a product
clutched the pipe tight, crushing my- struck, II leaped upon me with stunning
is unsatisfactory, simply return it for replace-
self against its unforgiving surface. force, driving spear-long talons through
ment or refund within 60 days,
Trapped in the friendless wastes of my head and body The talons were
night, I weighed my fear of letting go barbed so that Ihey couldn't be pulled 3. We guarantee tiiat tiie product you choose

against my fear of holding on, free and they burned like molten metal, will keep giving you pleasure. Should it mal-
"Cobb?" "Ahhhh, Cobb," the Corpsegrinder hmction, just return it to us for a ivpiacemenl.

The Widow's voice took
said nothing. crooned, "Now this is sweet" Order today and see. Send for your catalogui
on an edgy quality. "Cobb, we can't Iscreamed and it drank in those today We'll apply ils S4,00 price to you iirsl
stay here. You've got to lead me out, i screams so that only silence escaped order. You have nothing to lose and an
don't have the slightest idea which way into the outside world. struggled and I

entirely new worid of enjoyment to

to go, I'm lost withoutyour help," it made those struggles its own, leav-

still could not speak,

ing me to kick myself deeper and
"Cobb!" She was close to panic. "I deeper into the drowning pools of its
put my own feelings aside. Back in identity With all my will I resisted. It

ivianayunk. You needed help and did I was not enough, experienced the lan-

what could. Now it's your turn,"

I guorous pleasure of surrender as that
Silently invisibly, shook my head, I very will and resistance were sucked

"God damn you. Danny" she said down into my attacker's substance.
"I won't let you do this to me
furiously The distinction between me and it
again!So you're unhappy with what a weakened, strained, dissolved. was I

jerk you were that's not my problem. transformed,

You can't redeem your manliness on was the Corpsegrinder now.

me any more. am not your fucking sal- I Manhattan is a virtual school for the
vation, am not some kind of cosmic
I dead. Enough people die there every
day to keep any number ot monsters Fiesta outside of 301h Street Station, wanted the Widow, wanted her so bad
fed. From the store of memories the The engine was going and the heater there were no words for il. wanted to I

CorpsegrJnder had stolen from me, I and the windshield wiper, too, so I clutch her to me so tightly her nbs
recalled a quiet moment sitting cross- snapped on the radio to mask their would splinter and for just this once
legged on the tin ceiling of a sleaze joint noise, Beethoven filled the car, the she'd know it was real. wanted to own I

while table dancers entertained Japan- Moonlight Sonata. her.To possess her To put an end to all
ese tourists on the floor above and a "That's bullshit, babe," I said. "You her little games. To know her every
kobold instructed me on the finer points know how much have invested in I thought and secret, down to Ihe very
of survival."The worst thing you can be you? could buy two good whores for
I bottom of her being,
hunted by," he said, "is yourself." what that dress cost." She refused to Mo more lies, babe, thought, no I

"Very aphoristic." meet my eyes. In a whine that set my more evasions You're mine now.
"Fuck you, used to be human, too,"
I leelh on edge, she said, "Danny, can't So perfectly in sync was with the I

"Sorry," you see that It's over between us?" Corpsegrinder's desires that it shifted
"Apology accepted Look, told you I "Look babe, let's not argue in the its primary consciousness back into
about Salamanders. That's a shitty way parking lot, okay?" was trying hard to I
the liquid sphere of memory where it

to go, but at least it's final. When they're be reasonable. "Not with people walk- hung smug and lazy, watching, a
done with you, nothing remains. But a ing by and listening. We'llgo some- voyeur with a willing agent. I was in

Corpsegrinder is a parasite. It has no place private where we can talk this control of the autonomous functions
true identity of its own, so constructs
it over calmly, like two civilized human now. reshaped the tentacles, merging

one from bits and pieces

everything of beings." She shifted slightly in tfie seat and recombining them into two strong
that's unpleasant within you. Your basic and adjusted her skirt with a little tug. arms. The claws and talons thai
greeds and lusts. II gives you a partic- Drawing attention to her long legs and clutched the fence made legs again. I

ularly nasty sort of immortality. Remem- Making

fine ass. it hard for me to think The exterior of the Corpsegrinder I

ber that old cartoon? This hideous toad The bitch really knew how to
straight. morphed into human semblance, save
saying, 'Kiss me and live forever Even now, crying and
twist the knife. for that greatmass of memories sprout-
you'll be a toad, but you'll live forever begging, she was aware of how it ing from our back like a bloated spider-
He grimaced. "If you get the choice, go turned me on. And even though hated I sack. Last of all made the head i

gave my own face.

I il

The horror of my existence I

"Surphsed to see me again, babe?"
leered. Her expression was not so
much fearful as disappointed. "Mo,"
overtook me then, an acute awareness of she said wearily, "Deep down, guess
always knew you'd be back."

As drew the Widow closer distantly

the squalor in which


I knew that all that held me to Ihe Corpse-

grinder was our common
in that instant

the dark mystery informing my universe. store of memohes and my determina-

tion not to lose them again. That was
with the Salamander," being aroused by her little act, was. I enough, though. pushed my face into I

"So what's this business about hunt- The sex was always best after an argu- hers, forcing open her mouth Energies
ing myself?" ment; it made her sluttish. flowed between us like a feast of tongues.

"Sometimes a Corpsegrinder will I clenched my anger in one hand prepared to drink her in,

rip you in two and let half escape. For and fisted my pocket with Thinking it. There were no barriers between us.
awhile." how much I'd like to up and give her a This was an experience as intense as
"Why?" shot. She was begging for Secretly, it. when, making love, you lose all track of
"I dunno. Maybe likes to play with it maybe, was what she wanted; I'd
it which body is your own and thought
its food. Ever watch a cat torture a often suspected she'd enjoy being hit. dissolves into the animal moment. For
mouse'' Maybe it thinks it's fun It was too late to act on the impulse, a giddy instant was no less her than I

From a million miles away, thought: I though. The memory was playing out was myself, was the Widow staring I

So now know what's happened to me.

I like a tape, immutable, unstoppable. fascinated into ttie filthy depths of my
I'd made quite a run of it, but now it All the while, like a hallucination or psyche. She was myself witnessing her
was over. It didn't matter All that mat- the screen of a television set receiving astonishment as she realized exactly
tered was the hoard of memories, glori- conflicting signals, could see the I how little had ever known her. WeI

ous memories, into which I'd been Widow, frozen with fear half in and half both saw her freeze still to the core with
dumped. wallowed in them, picking
I out of the ground. She quivered like an horror. Horror not of what was doing. I

out here a winter sunset and there the acetylene flame. In the memory she But of what was. I

pain of a jellyfish sting when was nine. I was saying something, but with the can't take any credit for what hap-

So what was already beginning to

if I shift in my emotions came a corre- pened then. It was only an impulse, a
dissolve? was intoxicated, drunk,
sponding warping-away of perception. spasm of the emotions, a sudden and
stoned with the raw stuff of experience. The train station, car, the windshield unexpected clarity of vision Can a sin-
Iwas high on life. wipers and music, all faded to a mur- gle flash of decency redeem a lite like

Then the Widow climbed up the mur in my consciousness. mine? I don't believe it. I refuse to be-
gatepost looking for me. "Cobb?" Tentacles whipped around the lieve it. Had there been time for second
The Corpsegrinder had moved up Widow, She was caught. She struggled thoughts, things might well have gone
the fence to a more comfortable spot in helplessly, deliciously. The Corpseg- differently. But there was no time to
which to digest me. When saw the it rinder's emotions pulsed through me think. There was only time enough to
Widow, it reflexively parked me in a and to my remote horror found that I feel an upwelling of revulsion, a vis-
memory of a gray drizzly day In a Ford they were identical with my own, I ceral desire to be anybody or anything
102 OMNI
but my own loathsome self, a profound
No need to pay $150 or more for a world-class pen:

and total yearning to be quit of the bur-

An aching need
of such memories as were mine.
to just once do the
Vovaser Fountain :;,;??-?

moral thing. Pen sBll only $4955* s|

I let go. * But read this ad for an even better deal! i ft ^

Bobbing gently, the swollen corpus

of my past floated up and away, carry- The Voyager Fuunlain Pen
ly writing insturments.
is another in the line of Fujit/ama
It is equal or superior to the great

ing with it the parasitic Corpsegrinder.

fountain pens of Europe and America in function, in ,-

Everything had spent all my life accu-


ance quite indistinguishable in heft and feel. The2-tone
the Voyager Fountain Pen is heavily 14-kt. gold-plated and
mulating fled from me. It went up like a
gone. tipped by a silky-smooth iridium point. Just as those fine
balloon, spinning, dwindling . . .

European and American pens, Vo\/ager pens are tastefully

Leaving me only what few flat memo- decorated with ^old-plafed applications and pocket cp-
ries 1have narrated here. The truly astonishing thing about the Voyag,
I screamed. Fountain Pen is the price. We ate the exclusive
sentatives of these fine writing insturments i

And then I cried.

United States and can therefore bring you
I don't know how long I
clung to the superior fountain pen for just $49,95. Comp:
fence, mourning my loss. But when I
that lo the $150 to $250 that you would e\pe(
gathered myself together, the Widow fo pay for equivalent U,S, or European luxur
fountain pens. But we have an even better
was still there,
deal. Buy two for $99.90, and we'll send
"Danny," the Widow said. She didn't
you a third one, with our compliments
touch me, "Danny, I'm sorry," absolutely FREE! U you now write
I'd almost rather that she had aban- with baOpoinl pens you can't know what a pli
with a truly fine fountain pen. The pen flows efforflesslj^
doned me. How do you apologize for ''"
need to exert pressure. Start wri" ng witli what many believe to be one the finest writ-
sins you can no longer remember? For ing instruments. Get incredible avings and order your Voynger Founlnin Pi'ii(s) today!
having been someone who, however
abhorrent, is gone forever? How can m quanlily ord.
:4 Hours
you expect forgiveness from some-
Pluase give order #10010360 for Voyagci
body you have forgotten so completely
Fountain Pens We need daytime phone # fur
you don't even know her name? felt I

all orders. Add $4.95 standard shipping/ insur-

twisted with shame and misery. "Look," ance charge (plus sales ta^ for California
said, "I know I've behaved badly. delivery). You have 3t)-day return and one-year
More than badly. But there ought to be warrant^'. We do not refund shipping charges, 1 jerry SIteet, San Francisco, CA 941 07
some way to make it up lo you. For, you
know, everything, Somehow, mean" I

What do you say to somebody "Elizabeth," she said, "My name is scrap of paper, and at the very last she

who's seen to the bottom of your Elizabeth Connelly," was a rapidly tumbling speck. stood I

wretched and inadequate soul? fora long time watching her falling,
"I want to apologize," said. I
We huddledtogether on the ceiling of dwindling, until she was lost in the
With something very close to com- the Roxy through the dawn and the background flicker of the universe, just
passion, the Widow said, too late "It's blank horror that is day. When sunset one more spark in infinity.
for that, Danny It's over. Everything's brought us conscious again, we talked She was gone and couldn't help 1

over. You and only ever had the one 1 through half the night before making wondering if she had ever really been
trait in common. We neither of us could the one decision we knew all along that there at all. Had the Widow truly been
ever let go of anything. Small wonder we'd have to make. Elizabeth Connelly? Or was she just
we're back together again. But don't It took us almost an hour to reach another fragment of my shattered self,
you see, it doesn't matter what you the Seven Sisters and climb down lo a bundle of related memohes that had I

want or don't want you're not going to the highest point of Thalia. to come to terms with before could
bring myself to let go? A vast empti-

get it. Not now. You had your chance. We stood holding hands at the top
It's too late lo make Then things right," of the mast. Radio waves were gushing ness seemed to spread itself through
she stopped, aghast what she had at out from under us like a great wind. It all of existence. clutched the mast I

just said. But we both knew she had was all we could do to keep from being spasmodically then, and thought: I can't!
spoken the truth, blown away But the moment passed, I've got a
"Widow," said as gently as
I I could, Underfoot, Thalia was happily chat- lot of questions, and there aren't any

"I'm sure Charlie^" ting with her sisters. Typically, at our answers here. In just another instant, I'll

"Shut up." moment o! greatest resolve, they gave letgo and follow Elizabeth (if Elizabeth
Ishut up. not the slightest indication of interest. she was) into the night, will fall forever I

The Widow closed her eyes and But they were all listening to us. Don't and will be converted to background

swayed, as if in a wind, A ripple ran ask me how knew, I

radiation, smeared ever thinner and
through her and when was gone her
it "Cobb?" Elizabeth said. "I'm afraid." cooler across the universe, a Smooth,
features were simpler, more schematic, "Yeah, me too." A long silence. Then uniform, and universal message that
less recognizably human. She was al- she said, "Let me go first. you go If has only one decode. Let Thalia carry
ready beginning to surrender the first, won't have the nerve,"
my story to whoever cares to listen. I

anthropomorphic, "Okay" won't be here for iL

I tried again, "Widow , ,
." Reaching She took a deep breath funny if It's time to go now. Time and then

out my guilty hand to her. you think about it and then she let go, some to leave, I'm frightened, and I'm

She stiffened but did not draw away and fell Into the sky
Our fingers touched, twined, mated. First she was like a kite, and then a
Wedge slices the dark with

n a depthless aper-
-ling with foggy, am- with light- But how would he
form It? His early \

of liquefied light In Halifax,

tendants pushed willing

tered the spatial dynamic

of the room, but appeared

hovering objects.
In 1968 he joined Robert


as the Chrysler Building, the ,
. .
_ .
above; A'
500,000-year-old formation
will utilize "geologic knowl- .
. . . -

the sky, including rare plan- below; Kono (orgoit and helium light).
to his C
.._. Knocking _.

'" *'^^, old
'^ Mend
-f the Roden Crater,' bottom right.
^ ZT.
Hotel, erectmg "^tr""''
and controlling the amount
"of light
filled bathing pool, will fi

tant galaxies

Roden Crater is the logi-

ceptions ot light

weather fronts. As he
Guggenheim grant enabled pie was found procreating in

hJm !o fly an old Helio- a glowing Turrell. For some,

ligfit-and-space art proved
-- iting: both the mu-
._ .. _ __, ___.rch of Ihe
appropriate land formalion i sued by
for fiis largest work- The
Roden, tfie ideally shaped
crater, was not (or sale at
firsl. But by 1977,
help of tfie Dia Foundation
ed ii irgee
port as he returned from de-
rope. Lindner and Turr
es include glid-

falling, ct

two-tracks in her rented

Bronco that was not insured

nces of light-
and-space art. But when the
pulsed 01

While tie has reshaped

rim. enhanced his
Id raised S6,6 i
Omni: What's the difference
between a Tun-ell and a tra-
-.. .-- -_ ithan ditional work of art?

100 solo exhibilions, and in

lowship. Critics praise t

work in otherworldly su- perception, li

-""- "^"^ of Ih Haystack fea\

in front of the haystack so thai you Turrell: A sensing space catches, or Turrell: He didi He shouldn't have done
wouldn't miss what there was to see, senses, light
just like the eye or cam- thatl How do know I he got it set back
then I'd remove the object of percep- era, which we made to appro>;imate exactly hght?
tion, the haystack, There'd be no con- our vision. In these spaces the light dif- Omni: It seems, then, that you use ordi-
fusions about what you'd be looking at: fers from ordinary light. In dreams nary lighting in sophisticated ways.
You'd be looking at your seeing. This is we've seen light like this. We dream in Turrell: We have the instruments
direct expenence, as opposed to inter- color. In a lucid dream the colors are as of light I'd like. have in my collection

preted experience. rich as, if not richer than, when your an Edison light bulb over 100 years
Omni: So light is perceived as a thing eyes are open, and the resolution of old: you can put electricity to and it it

in your art discovered by the viewer? clarity as good as a beautiful, high-alti- will light. The light bulbs of today won't

Ttirrell: We generally see light as the tude, sunlit morning. People may be last 100 years, and they're still a fila-
bearer of the revelation, something we surprised to see this kind of light in a ment in an evacuated glass envelope.
use to illuminate spaces and surfaces, conscious, awake state. We've had great progress in changing
as opposed to according it any thing- Omni: How do you create this color? the architecture of fixtures and design
ness itself. Thinly about the lenticular Turrell: Normally we make a space and aspects of what holds the light, but I

cloud, a smooth, saucer-shaped cloud turn on the light above. This light emp- can't get a light can dial from infrared

formed downstream from an obstruc- ties the space of any atmosphere and up through ultraviolet. fv!y work is going
tion like a mountain range and stand- makes It quite blankthe light doesn't to be seen as primitive art not too long
ing still In a high wind, Here comes this pervade it like something physical. We from now. But create this instrument of

moisture particle, pushed up just light architectural spaces with daylight. seeing out of what's available.
enough that the rise precipitates the In daylight the iris is completely closed. Omni: Gazing into the aperture in Trace
water out of the solution and it be- A hch darkness in color only happens Elements, felt asI were in a blizzard
If I

comes visible. What we see, however, at a low-level light when the iris is open. white-out and could hear the wind.
is light passing through it at 186,000 So you can take your nice little color Turrell: In sensory synesthesia, one
miles per second. You're seeing some- wheel and sail It like a Frisbee, be- sense influences sensing in another,
thing that's not there, but we call it a cause it's meaningless in additive light. Sensing is really discontinuous. In a Di-
"cloud." We've given c/dl/o' thingness. I take seeing down to the light level vided Space piece you feel the air In
the aperture is thickened, and you're

I have pieces you enter only with vision, almost breathing this colored fog that
occupies and inhabits space. Color oc-
cupies space in a similar way to sound.
others that are all around Singing in the shower, you can find one
or two notes that make your voice res-
onate in that cavity and sound incredi-
you, and some works that you pull over ble. Light will do the same thing.
In the kind of space I'm making, I

your head like a T-shirt. use a combination of complex frequen-

cies, a bit like a painter does. Only one
IVIuch of my work investigates this idea where the iris opens. The eyes feel, like color will occupy that volume appropri-
of thingness. I've removed a lot of the touch, when you look into the eyes
like ately so you search until you find that
thingness of objects, but substituted of a lover and experience that intensity color. When you do, it literally fogs
the thing of perception and light. I've of touch with the eyes. The intimacy of
up it looks like light hangs in space. If
given it materiality, whereas we don't being invaded with that kind of look you try to see the wall you have to look
normally accord materiality to light, can be frightening, through this thing, light. It occupies the
Omni: Isn't light a powerful physiologi- Omni: How do you construct this sen- space; it is not an illusion,
cal substance? suous atmosphere'' Omni: You don't like the word "illusion?"
Turrell: Absolutely We drink light as vit- Turrell: use regular light bulbs, but
I I Turrell; I strenuously object to the idea
amin D, They've put in milk for chil-
it need to work with them tape them, work is an illusion. The phrase
that this
dren, Of course, they've forgotten to sometimes they get wrapped. need I trompe I'oeil is used for an image you
put in whiskey to help adults stay away
It little light out of them, so use shut- I believe to be there that is really not
from depression. Light strongly affects ters
like strips of black tape on a there, I'm conjuring up a situation to
the endocrine system, and now it's plastic tube that you dial to determine make you understand what really is,
used to treat certain forms of cancer. how much light you let out. control the I These works allude to what they really
Omni: Ultraviolet light causes cancer, too. amount of light that way or with dim- are a space occupied by a different
Turrell: Light is radiation, I've had mers or a combination of both The big kind of light.

melanoma, so know. And psychologi-

1 thingIs to reduce the light to wtiere the Omni: Viewers have sometimes be-
cally, stahng into the campfire, we have eyes open and the feeling is there. In come disoriented in your pieces. In

the same relationship to light as a deer the Denver Art fvluseum piece [Trace City of Anhirit. a work in Amsterdam
hesitating in the headlights of a car Elements], the wattage is less than one and New York, people fell and had to
This glazed-eye vision is a kind of ab- candlepower. If you stnke a match, the crawl out on their hands and knees.
stract thinking without the symbolism of piece is gone. But it seems light-filled. There were four rooms in a row.
words, a theta state. That power of light Omni: Michael Olijnyk, curator of the As you left the first, pale green room,
is what seek to use.
I don't use light
I Mattress Factory, turned up the fluores- you retained a pink afterimage. The
as a carrier of content, as a movie does, cent tubes on the aperture in Danae, next room was red, and you came to it
Omni: You call the aperture filled with and instantly the piece, which from a with this pink. People felt someone was
foggy light in your Divided Space distance seemed a flat glowing laven- turning the lights up and down. You
pieces a "sensing space," What do you der plane, turned into a hole In the wall walked through the rooms to a door.
mean by that? with lights recessed around it. The door had no color and looked flat.
108 OMf-il

So people felt the doors were closed; whose works are 20 to 30 feet long. That was true, yeah; even have a hard I

they looked solid, but we know they're When projected, they're both the same lime rationalizing it today was trying I

not. And then to try to lean against one size, although different in actual scale to be reasonable, but it wasn't a rea-
of them? was startled that people
, , . I
More important, the slide is projected sonable thing to do. At the time was I

would actually believe it so much they with light so this luminous quality having difficulty wanting what did to I

couldn't see it any other way comes off the screen. So seeing the be recognized as art as much as paint-
Omni: You sound a bit testy . ,
. original works was a disappointment. ing or sculpture, don't want to be lim- I

Turrell: Well, in 1982 and 1983, was I Omni: You've been a pilot for 30 years ited to something you can get into an
sued for $1.5 million by a person ever see light you couldn't explain? elevator, I've been able to fly planes
whose husband was a Supreme Court Turrell: iviany pilots have had interest- because restore them and sell them,

in Oregon. They had big law

justice ing experiences, but they know better so they pass through me, just as the art
stuff lined up against me, and it cost than to talk about them too much. Peo- does. As long as it keeps passing
me a lot of money to get out of Three it. ple in airline transport have to be "sta- through when you start to need to
. . ,

people fell at the Wfiitney [Museum in ble." Remember the Japan Airlines hold onto it, it becomes troublesome.
New York]; They
wasn't ac- al! sued. I pilot who had a sighting while flying a Whose art is this? Who owns it?

quitted until the case went to federal cargo plane out of Anchorage? Some- Omni: Who owns Roden Crater?
court. The justice's wife broke her wrist. how it was made
public and now he's Turrell: The Skystone Foundation. And
He sued me for lack of conjugal privi- a Tokyo, don't disbelieve
taxi driver in I it, in fact,owns me. Owning a piece of
leges, said, "Hey, she just broke her
in UFOs. When see a light don't
I the surface of the earth is an interest-

wrist. I! must have been a hell of a question whether it's of this world or ing delusion we've created in a capital-

hand job." got $500 in contempt of

othenworldly. My first thought at looking ist society. We all think this place is
court for that comment. al any light is. Okay, how do I work mine. Isn't it ludicrous? Basically ob-
Because photos could make the with that? I'm also interested in the jects are imbued with power of con-
work look transparent or so you styles of observed UFO craft; they've sciousness continually being injected
couldn't see through it, they wanted me changed to follow our own design sen- into them. When consciousness leaves,
to build the piece again. 1 said, "Give sibility. 1 used to collect UFO models; these things begin their journey to dust.
me the fee, and be happy to do I'll it There's the Adamsky disc with the That's what happens with the house, the
anywhere you want." This is benign
work. Sculpture like Mark Di
Suivero's swinging steel, big pieces
I'm interested in the styles of observed
of wood, a great deal of mass you
can get hit by that thing, hit your head, UFOs. In the 1920s, they had
or get squeezed underneath One it.

guy lost a leg and another was killed.

In my art someone looks at this and
rivets. With the idea of Modernism, they
there's nothing there so it's the effect
of the art. Yes, was a little testy. I
became sleek, like Ferraris.
Omni: Yesterday when we saw Roden
Crater surrounded by a haze of dust-in- cupola on top and the Buck Rogers relationship, when thought leaves it.

fused pink light; you said that vision style. In the Twenties, UFO craft were Omni: Well, recently you've done col-
could offer an idea for a piece. What often described as having rivets; with lectible prints and drawings that raise
thinking processes occur between the the idea of modernism, they became money for building the crater,

vision and the completed work? sleek, like Ferraris. Turrell: Now I make aquatints, wax
Turrell: Looking at the Jacob's Ladder, Omni: What did the Apollo moon mis- emulsion drawings, and double-image
the veils it formed, the Varga, or rain sions mean to you? photographs you view through stereop-
that evaporates before it hits the Turrell: They expanded the sense of tic glasses, made a hologram of the I

ground, I'd ask myself. How, where, do territory we inhabit with consciousness. crater from the air, Bruce Nauman
you see this? Is it sometiting you see To see this blue planet rising over the works with holograms, too, but they're
way out there, or in here? Something surface of the moon was pivotal. of hisface or testicles, and lack the im-
you can go through, or enter? Can it be Martha Graham or Merce Cunningham pression of science.
worked in the near space, or between should have choreographed the land- Omni: What led you to create Roden
you and me, so that I can't see I! even ings, Instead, we sent up astronauts to Crater as art?
though we're m the same physical drive a golf ball and put a flag up, Turrell:always wanted to do a monu-

space? play with the idea of the pic-

which was all stiff, like a penile implant. mental earthwork. It's about taking this
ture plane; I have pieces you enter only We rationalize we went to the moon for cultural artifact we call "art" into the
with vision, others you enter that are ail the technological spin-offs we got natural surrounding. Wehave a tradi-
around you, and some you pull over Tang and Teflon, Sorry, we didn't. We tion of bringing painting and photogra-
your head like a T-shirt so the inside took this amazing journey. It should phy of nature involved with light into the
seeing behind the eyes is affected. have been celebrated by humans, not museum like the Hudson River
Omni: Is true you became interested
it just a nation. School and Ansel Adams. If you take
in light as a primary material when you Omni: Early in your career you resisted art intonature it can easily be overpow-
discovered you preferred projected the notion art could be bought and ered. Forme to take art into natural sur-
slides of paintings in art history classes sold. Didn't you once take back a roundings was not so much to take
to the paintings themselves? piece you'd sold to a collector and, in nature on. Instead of competing with
Turrell: wanted to work with light be-
I Its place, leave the collector a restored the sunset, wanted to use it, as light,

fore that, but it's true, A painting like the vintage Cadillac? and create a situation where percep-
Mona Lisa is photographed to fill the Turrell; These are interesting sto- tionswere heightened more than they
frame, and so is a Barnett Newman, ries . . , they oould be true as well. would be without art there.
space alters the sensations of the earth
moving by removing the horizon. Each
and had the shaping on top needed. I space will have something for morning ject of perception would be the same,
Flying for seven months, back and and night. The only stable point to look but the experience different.
forth, just looking ailandscape and at is the stars, so you'll select them as Omni: Were you thinking of the crater's
thinking, was one of the most special your reference. After a time, that stable contextwhen you decided to become
times of my life. considered a volcano
I reference point will move, and you'll a cowboy?
at the bottom of Craters of the Moon physically feel as if you're leaning. It's Turrell:Please, I'm not a cowboy, I'm a
[National Monument] in Idaho, and one not an illusion. Some portions of sky rancher! There are different job descrip-
in a pretty little volcanic field near
have more old light light coming from tions here. To begin with, the beauty of
Baker, California, Roden was my favorite. farther away With the Milky Way you're the place attracted me, so noticed I

Omni: How did you reshape the crater? seeing light from our galaxy. The sun's some diminution of it because of some
Turrell: moved 400,000 cubic yards of
I light is newer, like pounng Beaujolais overgrazing. The land around the
cinder from high to low spots on the rim into space. To have light from stars crater, its setting and context, is impor-

to give it a uniform height. It's not all older than the Milky Way means select- tant. So not dealing with the landscape
done, but the crater now actually shapes ing those areas of sky to align with a is terribly arrogant. By practicing holis-

the sky. It's such a relief. We were space. Then you have relatively old tic range management, we plan to
about 200,000 yards into it and celes- light present to touch. bring back 155 square miles of grass-
tial vaulting hadn't happened. Now, Omni: How else will visitors encounter land. This area has been traditionally
you'll come to the top of the crater wall the "music of the spheres?" ranched since the 1860s if didn't I

through a tunnel into an oval, roofless Turrell:You will have to swim into sev- graze it someone else would. When we
chamber, and the sky that seemed so eral spaces. In one space in the Upper first applied for grazing rights they
flat, even opaque, suddenly will be- Fumarole, the crater's secondary vent, were denied because we weren't
come domelike. At night, the stars will you can sit in a nice, warm bath that ranchers, so we had to become ranch-
seem to form the huge vault of space. also acts like an apochromatic lens to ers. To take ranching into the twenty-
You'll get this sense of closure although focus the three ma|or colors in the same first century, you have to respond to
nothing physical is there. place. The pool will be a sensing place environmental issues. It's been an inter-
esting process, learning about the rela-

I got caught up in, dazzled, or fascinated tionship of grasses to grazing animals.

Omni: How will visitors get out here?
Turrell: We'lldo eight to ten lours a day.
by light. It was like Andy I'll have a take people out.
staff to
There will be a ramp for the handi-
capped; there aren't too many volcanic
Warhol stepping into a supermarket and craters where you can go all the way to
the top in a wheelchair There'll be as

being astounded by it. many events dunng

the day, so people can stay overnight.
the night as during

Omni: How will the chamber work"? and will hold the light. The entire cham- Beds will be canted toward openings,
Turrell:Take a small amount of light into ber will be surrounded by a Faraday so visitors will be awakened by an
an underground chamber that oc-
cage an opening that allows electro- image of the sun overhead.
cludes light you don't want, and light magnetic signals to come through a Omni: How will the celestial events
you do want will be very strong. Take a mesh of wire in the concrete making change over time?
sunnse: In a landscape can be strong, it the space act like a radioteiescope. On Turrell; can go to the planetarium,

but if you take the light from it into a the bottom sits a mirror like a satellite model the crater's spaces with card-
place that's occluding all other ambient dish, so when you lie down at an angle board, and actually see what's going to
light,you make even more intense.
it with your ears under water, you'll hear happen in the future. The continent is
make precise bunkerlike slits so
I'll the radio sources of the stars, sun, moving about an inch a year to the
that light from the horizon up streams Jupiter, the quasars, or whatever area north. Celestial events are made to be
into them. This gives ambient light from of sky you're looking at, seen over the next 26,000-year cycle of
an area a spatial quality; it will have Omni: Is "the sacred" a part of it? Polaris; the events will be seen in the
one aspect at night and another at day. Turrell: look at contexts and am forced
I center of the spaces about 2,000 years
It will change with the season. The am- to deal with them, might create a situ-
I from now in 4,000 years they'll be
bient light creates a background ation that is like a lourney to a place where they are now, but on the oppo-
"noise," or setting. When there's an where you'd encounter a night-bloom- siteside of the space. After that they'll
event in light, will come through and
it ing cereus. Maybe you'd take a horse begin to go out of the spaces. In the
destroy this sense of atmosphere with or four-wheel drive. After finding the year 25,800 what you see will be lo-
its image. These events last sometimes cactus on this one full-moon night cated where was in 1900, while in the

less than 14 minutes. when it blooms, you'd watch its flower

Omni: What celestial events will the open and orient to the moon. You'd rush, eroding. In some way this is the mak-
chamber intensify? because the insects have one night to ing of a pre-ruin.
Turrell: The spaces look at different pollinate the plant. As the moon sunk Omni: What will you do when you finish
portions of sky Small changes in light- below the canyon walls, the flower would Roden Crater?
source location will make huge close and in the morning it would drop. Turrell:have other outdoor projects in

changes in what you'll see. Four cardi- Now in New York, someone
a nice in mind. The next want to do is on Mars,

nal spaces take in general light; east penthouse with a greenhouse might You have to have goals! You don't
and west spaces are specifically for serve some great margaritas and blue know you're getting there you don't
if if

rich floral, sunset colorations. The north corn-chip tortillas with guacamole, and have goals !00
110 OMM

CHROMO strom himself der alte-el supremo
would place the circle of blue ribbon
around his neck. On national vid. The
Sonia leaned closer again, to the
screens. Her concentration, Raymond
marveled, was total. It really was time
nation's highest award. Nothing closed they were going.
was what actors called actor-proof. It to him, nothing held back. Oh, the swells The greater scheme, the enormous
had been like shooting fish in a barrel. would still regard him with what they enterprise, would be beyond her. The
Hardly any resistance. They could have thought was condescension. But was it project did not lend itself to easy de-
sent Bo-Bo the chimp and tie would weak, like the light wave from an ex- scription, and besides, she would never
have garnered every ribbon and medal hausted weapon, its power source understand or condone Raymond's
given to Johnson. That hogwash about used up. was he. Slater, who held the
It sacnflces in the cause of the greatest
rescuing his men from an encirclement. high ground, from which he regarded industrial ... was no use, he though,

A leader took care of his men, that was them all. Only Maelstrom loomed looking at his wife's intent face. He
that That appointment should have above, and that aerie Slater granted to would never tell her either, of the sacri-
been mine, Slater often whispered him readily gladly fices he had made in the name of the
through gritted teeth. Maelstrom after all, was Maelstrom. enterprise, would go on making as it
For Frank Slater, the killing had be- matured into reality What was Jeremy
come pleasurable early on. Dumb shit Sonia Masters leaned closer to one of Bentham said
"greatest good

for the
Brad Johnson with his professional the screens. Her lithe body twisted greatest number?" Bentham would
scruples He'd have let that diseased slightly as she strove to force a result have understood. Sonia never would.
kid get away that day, Ten-year-old kid, his with body English, Raymond Masters And CHROMO was the key Sonia
eyes already a deep red with CHROMO. watched her while he pretended to searched for the key to CHROMO, not
his movements erratic. The little twerp read his news printout of the day He knowing the disease was itself the
would've infected half the damned needn't bother to pretend, he knew. main element in the great enterprise.

Sprawl. One shot brought him down. She was so absorbed she would not Without it, there was no enterprise, no
Littleguy. He remembered Johnson's have noticed him dancing a hornpipe. Maelstrom, in fact. The entire structure
look.Made Slater happy for a week. It would be impossible, he knew, to would collapse without its basic under-
Taking Brad Johnson's place would make her understand the proiect. She pinning. That was the great secret.
be only logical. Should have come only saw her own efforts at finding the Masters marveled at the paradox:
sooner, but what the hell. Com-
. . . key Her world was m that multiscreen CHROMO needed us and. m its strug-
manding the Squads was what Slater workstation, staring at the damned gle for primacy killed us. And we, for

was born for. And hey it was for the '

CHROMO configuration. He watched our own purposes, needed the dead-

public weal, wasn't it? He was the bul- her edge the substructure closer to the liest plague we had ever known.
wark between CHROMO and the gut- CHROMO grape cluster. CHROMO shied CHROMO IDO
less populace hiding up in the great away as it always did; coy. quivering
citadel, in their mile-high condos, away with seeming Raymond's
from the Sprawl. Away from the poverty lips formed a sneer CHROMO was about
the stink, the CHROMO
the action. as vulnerable as laminated rocket skin.
He was a hunter by disposition, by His sneer turned into a genuine smile
nature. Though hunting CHROfvIO vec- as he saw CHROMO gather itself, cer-
tors was not entirely satisfying; they tain now of its foe's essential weakness.
had no means with which to fight back, It straightened. The quivering stopped,

not much defense. Oh, occasionally an Like a faking fighter, it came off the
armed ragtag inflicted a casualty or ropes, suddenly not tired or weak.
two among his men, or the rare armed Adapted. Quickly easily
rebel appearing out of nowhere, wild- Sonia shook her head, her lustrous
eyed, making a suicide attack. hair spilling about her shoulders, then
These skirmishes kept the politicos bent to the task again. Masters checked
generous and on their toes. Funding was the time. Soon he would be speaking
never a worry; the fat asses gave him at the shareholders' meeting. Mael-
more than he asked. Invitations to their strom had insisted that he. Masters,
fancy homes, too. The menfolk uneasy speak first. The first words on the road
with him. the women fascinated. He to Project Habitat. Raymond felt the
found the women disgustingly easy and beads of sweat on his upper lip. He
eventually of no interest to him at all. patted It gently with a fresh, stiff linen
Slater looked forward to no more than handkerchief.
the hunt, may it last forever. That, and It would be a dead end, this sub-
the final showdown with Brad Johnson. structure. Promising, then nothing.
Big fucking hero Johnson, has-been CHROMO was too good. Too adaptive.
drunk, his eyeballs rolling with opti- He remembered reading about the old
cube use. Christ, how he hated that ebola strain, late twentieth century The
son of a bitch! Killing his brother had victims took It to the grave. Outbreaks
been most satisfying. Now Frank Slater were sporadic and limited. CHROMO,
looked fonward to killing Brad Johnson. on the other hand, weakened and
Slowly would be good. maddened its victims, but they sur-
Killing Lightstone the Lightslone vived far longer. The vector, an incuba-
would then be the capstone of his ca- tor of swarming, multiplying billions of
reer.He was bound to be persona most bacteria, staggered on to infect others,

grata and in the highest circles. Mael- CHROMO was smart.
BATTELLE be downloaded and translated manu-
ally into controls for machines on the
factory floor. As more sensors and
DnnnjiPORiunn feedback loops are introduced on the
and data communjcation with data pro- assembly line, these 'smart systems'
cessing, be on the road and access
I'll could come to control manufacturing
iTiy computer back at the office, ac- from design input to product output,"
cess all databases of the Internet or Omni Interviewer Bennett Daviss
any online service, receive and trans- takes the process another step "It
mit data, and process on the spot."
it would be great if you could walk into
Snediker adds: "Instead of a central an auto showroom, step into something
processor, cars may have 20 comput- like a virtual-reality booth, and custom
ers on board little guys, all networked design your own car," You wouldn't yet
together That's done by micromachines," choose your own technical specifica-
"Miniaturization will play a key role in tions or alloys, but you might have a
developing intelligent transportation choice of chassis, two or three en-
systems," says Millett. "In 10 years, we gines, and almost unlimited choices of
won't have self-driving cars, but we'll accessories. Your car would be deliv-
Slore your issues of OMNI in our new Cualom pack much more communi-
functional ered in three weeks!"
Bound Libraiy Cases made of black simulaled
leaihet embosseO with a gold Omni logo or the cations into Ihem^on-board naviga- But what about the human body?
spine. It's built lo last, and it will keep 12 issues tion, mapping, traffic and weather Battelle chose anliaging technologies
in mini condition indefinitely. Each case tias a tow truck with
reports, calling police or as the seventh on the list. According to
gold transfer (or recording the dale Send your
ctieok or money order (S10.45 eacti, 3 for information about where the car is." Hassler, "With proper self-care a typical
$29,45, 6 for $54 95) postpaid USAorders only. Snediker squints his eyes and mea- human can live to about 120, based on
Foreign orders add additional $2. DO (or postage sures with his fingers, "At Battelle, the number of errors that gradually
and tiandling per case.
we've built a wee little heat pump the creep into our D(MA replications until
TO: OMNI Magailne
Jesse Jones Industries size of a dime. By itself, that's just an we have a critical failure somewhere in
499 PA 19134
E. Erie Ave., Philadelphia, exercise in miniaturization. But think of the system. The more frivolous at-
CREDIT CARD HOLDERS covering a wall with them. Suddenly, tempts to combat aging have gotten
(orders over $15]
CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-800-825-6690, you can have a wall that's hot on one the most attention because they affect
side and cool on the other. That takes outward appearance. But antiaging
you away from central heating and technologies are moving in much more
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED cooling. Miniaturizing creates enor- significant directions."
mous opportunities fo put things pre- Dr Joyce Durnford, microbiologist,
cisely where they're needed, joins the discussion' "Relin-A for wrin-

OMNI EMPORIUM "Within five years," he expounds. kles and alpha hydroxy acids to en-

NOW OFFERS COLOR "forerunners of nanotechnology will in-

volve medical devices things put un-
courage hair growth are among the few
appearance- related things that work to
DISPLAY ADS. obtrusively Into your body to do some- some degree. True antiaging technolo-
thing without hooking you up to a ma-
chine something going via a needle tip
gies address illnesses and deteriora-
tion that come with aging, like heart
516-757-9562 into a vein or a tiny implant sampling attacks and arthritis We expect to see
your blood or measuring pH and wire- dramatic advances made against
lessly transmitting the results. Baby chronic diseases, particularly as we
boomers are reaching an age where develop immunotherapies to tweak the
their parts are starling lo wear out," body into helping itself.

The integration of power, sensors, "We think a runaway inflammatory

and controls is the sixth influential tech- response promotes some heart attacks
nology on the list. Snediker explains and some arthritis," Durnford contin-
why, "Our ability to model atoms and ues, "Pharmaceutical houses are de-
molecules has been paced with our veloping drugs to control the early
ability to model systems. Better under- stages of these responses,"

. WORLDWIDE standing systems enables us to de-

velop increasingly sophisticated
"Cells at an infection or injury site
produce on their surfaces cell-adhesion
sensors that sharpen our control over molecules (CAMs) that signal blood
fjiradihip &iiiort- Smce t9S0 systems. The more precise control, the cells to stop what they're doing and at-
o,.- l-SOO-677-3170 less energy a system consumes. In the tack the problem. We're targeting vari-
near future, automobiles and other ma- ous structurally identical substances
SCANNA INTERNATIONAL chines will be very carefully and ele- that could do the same job and be pro-
gantly controlled, Honda recently duced synthetically, says Durnford, In
unveiled an engine that reputedly conditions provoked by a runaway im-

meets California's 1997 clean-air re- mune response, a CAM might stop an
ASIAN WOMEN quirements, A central feature of the en- early step in the condition's develop-
gine an extremely tight electronic
is ment. Some CAM therapies should be
function-management system," in common use in 10 years."
Millett offers another example "In In this context, "antiaging" means
many factories engineers do computer- things that extend productive life, "En-
based product design that then must tire classes of tissue replacements are
being developed," says Durnlord, over to compressed natural gas ment. People can make decisions, see
"Synthetic skin and collagen could be (CNG), electricity, or some other fuel by consequences immediately, then see
used for replacement in several ways. sensing pressure changes on the ac- how other decisions alter those conse-
Polymers affiliated with particular celerator pedal. quences. When people can do that,
human growtfi factors will be injected "Fuel is political as hell," posits they gain insight into what works and
at an implant site, stimulating Itie Snediker. "From a technical standpoint, what doesn't. Ten years from now, sim-
body's tissue to adtiere to ttie implant everything is in place to do something ulation games could replace TV shows
quicker and better" If the entire Mid-
significantly different. as a major form of entertainment."
"Medical science has provided lots dle East was suddenly cut off, we Once all 10 of these technologies
of spare parts for people," adds Millett, could burn natural gas, alcohol, coal, have been accomplished, what tech-
"but so far they tend to come from the or manure, "We have an expectation nologies will exist on this list in 2006?
'juni^yard,' More of these parts will re- everyone has an inalienable right to Millett muses. "Information storage and

quire tailored materials, sophisticated own a car. Everyone assumes those retrieval should make the top 10 in
miniaturized control circuits, a lot of cars will be fueled by stored energy 2006. Somewhere on that list will be
embedded computer capability. This carried on board as a liquid and dis- high-quality products custom-designed
molecular design and miniaturization tributed nationally To create economic and affordably manufactured to an in-
technology is lying around in our labs pressure powertul enough to change dividual's explicit orders clothes, ap-
and in many products, but instead of the social expectations would take either pliances, luggage, all manner of
being inmy coffee pot, 10 years from a national emergency or very gradual, things. Quite possibly hydrogen energy
now it might bein my neighbor." long-term shift. Right now, there's no will be releasing the huge amount of
From bioreplacements the discus- social or environmental pull on new fuel energy locked in water Management of
sion moves to number eight on the list: technologies. No market pull." water resources will make the top 10,
precisely targeted medical treatments. Millettpredicts that it will be at least driven by demand for resources in the
Durnlord *irst compares this to a more 50 years before the U.S. national vehi- oceans: growing crops, extracting min-
commonly unoerstood process of radi- cle fleet runs predominantly on fuels erals, and so forth,

ation treatment. "Techniques of attach- that are not derived from petroleum. In "Many believe we're on the verge of
ing radiation to antibodies to identify 20 years, however, Snediker believes new wohdwide epidemics," Millett con-
tumors is well eslablished in treating
several types of metastatic cancers
you isolate and synthesize an antibody
A few years ago, scientists at
specific to colon cancer tissue, and
bind a radioactive molecule to it, you Oliio State used deep-fry oil in place of
can give the antibody intravenously
and it will travel throughout the body
and attach itself to the tumor. Putting
diesel fuel and it worked. The
m an imaging camera, basi-
the patient
cally aGeiger counter, you see where bus exhaust smelled like McDonald's,
the malignant tissue is. Now, a new
hand-held device lets the surgeon that 'city freeways will probably permit tinues. "Identifying, preventing, and re-

scan for radioactivityduring surgery to no vehicles weighing more than 1,500 sponding to them might well be on the
Oe sure all malignancy is gone. Using pounds. These cars will have little ce- list in2006. Technological responses to
the antibody to carry a drug, instead of ramic engines with exquisite controls the demand for personal safety of other

radioactivity, is promising, but although that get extremely high gas mileage kinds will be there, too. Several states
antibodies deliver the drug to the tumor and won't be able to go faster than have legislation pending allowing peo-
surface, they usually fail to penetrate 60 miles an hour You'll own a little car ple to carry concealed weapons. De-
inside. People are working on that." and rent the behemoth to take you over mand for personal sensors to detect
"Youcan broaden the idea of tar- highways on long trips. Two of my harmful objects like guns in our vicinity
geted therapy," Durnford theorizes. neighbors do that now." will rise. A jogger might carry a little

Hormones, growth factors, a variety of Finally, the tenth technology Is edu- sensor alerting him or her when an-
proteins have specific docking sites on tainment, which may be construed as other person comes within 10 feet.
specific cells. Any one of them could be an application of technology rather Home and car security systems could
used to deliver a drug to a specific organ than a technology As Millett ex-
in itself. be improved by better sensors, more
that needs We can expand targeted
it. plains, "Learning from books is me- accurate information, and immediate
therapeutics to putting drugs not only dieval. It's just not the most efficient communication with police or emer-
where but also when they're needed." way people
for to learn. Vision is the gency units. Consumer demand for

The discussion turns to the ninth most powerful sense for most people, foods high m nutrition and fiber, low in
technology hybrid fuel systems for ve- so information certainly will become fat, and all natural, will be strong. Work
hicles. We
don't see a single-source more visual. Ultimately, it may become in plant genetics is progressing slower
solution to the vehicle fuel problem," three-dimensional. A major area of than some predicted, but shows
begins Millett. "A strategic technology development will be computerized sim- promise in engineering food."
at a systems level is a vehicle that can ulation. People can choose a situa- Bennett Daviss poses his final ques-
carry multiple fuels and switch back tionthe battle of Gettysburg, and the
tion to the scientist of the future
and torth among them under control of corporate management, their mar- leader of this esteemed group: "Which
a smart system. An internal combus- riageand test their ideas, see what technologies surprised you by not
tion engine, a bit bigger than a lawn- happens, and rerun scenarios to see making this year's list?"
mower engine that gets 80 miles per how different strategies affect the out- Milletfs response: "A cure for the
gallon, accelerates the vehicle. Then at come. Business is already involved in common cold didn't even come up in

a preset cruising speed, it switches simulation as a tool to develop judg- conversation. "DO
A pair of square, wooden puzzles goes plastic

By Scot Morris

The best mechanical puz- off eilher adjacent piece, but

zles appear simple but turn not both at the same time.
out to be disarmingiy diffi- In the upper right corner of the
cult, until yoLi know the secret, opposite page (under the
it's rare for a new secret olastic Stark Raving Cubes
lo comealong that Is so sim- ouzzie) is a sample cut
ple it could have been from wood. On this page, at
discovered centuries ago but left, is a plastic version
wasn't, but it has happened that demonstrates one of the
recently with two new ideas puzzle's mosl interesting
Invented by woodwork ng properties: Held by one piece,
hobbyists, they've earned the others disengage by
the ultimate commerc al about half their widths, but
accolade: They are now ava I the assembly stays whole.
able in plastic. The top piece is completely

Bill Cutler of Palatne ill free from ttie bottom.

nois, built puzzles with Once you know the geo-
blocks ol varying sizes that metric secret, you can
had to be inserted in a separate the pieces in a cou-
certain order to fill a box ex ple of seconds. You'd
actiy. His father-in-law nave no difficulty putting
found the box-filling puzzles two or three of them to-
too even to try,
difficult gether again, but the fourth
so Cutler wanted to make just won't fit

him a joke gift: a puzzle Jerry Slocom, puzzle his-

thai would appear absurdly torian and owner of the
simple but would turn out world's largest puzzle col-
to be extremely difficult. The lection, called Walker's
simplest configuration idea "elegant, ingenious, and
was fourcubes that appeared diabolical. When you look
identical but, once removed
Two wooden puzzles, Bill Cutler's Blackhead in oak. on the nails
al you think is too simple:
it, it

from the box, would turn out

above and Ken Walker's jigsaw puzzle, became so when you try you would it,

not to be perfect cubes at popular that they're available in plastic (plastic pgsaw shown above). swear it's impossible. Yet it
all and to be maddeningly does come apart. It's a
difficult lo gel back in, the Blockhead puzzle both assembled and disas- brand-new idea, a brilliant
1 tried designing varied "one of the best mechanical sembled on the opposite puzzle that will become
pieces with ail sorts of puzzles to come along page (upper right). Mar- a classic,"
concealed angles, but it You can easily fit
this century." keted by Wit's End of San Walker went so far as lo
would be a woodworker's three pieces back into the Jose, California, it's called apply for a patent, because
nightmare," Cutler told me. box, but the fourth just won't Stark Raving Cubes and he saw his new way of engag-
"Late one night, the final go. How many wrong sells for about $12. ing and disengaging parts
isign c e ton ways are there to put four In 1992 Ken Walker of making possible new kinds
all four pieces could be blocks in a box? You'd Livermore, California, of fasteners for clothes,
exactly alike!" be surprised. came up with an unusual way handbags, and other items.
Cutler calls the final fiend- Cutler's wood originals of cutting jigsaw pieces Deeming Walker's idea
ish construction Blockhead, sold at $40 apiece, a out of wood. Setting the plat- new and useful, the U,S
and it's shown
oak above
in price that made them attrac- form of his scroll saw a Patent Office gave him
(spiked on the nails) and tive only to serious collec- couple of degrees off hori- Patent Number 5,409,227
on the opposite page in one tors. Now, due in part to those zontal, he found that by last April,
of the many incorrect con- collectors' rave reviews, varying the tilt of the cut he Wood puzzles individually
figurations thai prevent the the Blockhead puzzle has could produce a four- cut are expensive, but the
four pieces from fitting in been pressed into a multi- piece puzzle in which each plastic version now available,
the box. Martin Gardner called colored plastic version, shown piece can slide completely marketed by Binary Arts,

11B omn;
sells in toy stores for about only one other English so that
E5.95, word by shifting their letters. there can
What are the "other be no dis-
PUZZLE POTPOURRI words" for each of the three? pute over
The Itnkage puzzle, left 7. saw an unusual pair
1 possible ^ ...
unanswered in the fall sunglasses that had the
of imbalances.
issue, has a simple solution: regular large lenses and What was
The pencil will irace the a second set of small lenses, lulack's
shape ot an infinity sign, the embedded m the frame, solution?
logo of Omn/ magazine. for close-up viewing. They 12. Paddling
Here are some more puzzles were in a specialty sport- his canoe in
to stretch your brain cells. ing-goods store, What i<.ind a river, Hans

1 Name two parts of the body of store was it? uncori^s cham-
that, to change from the 8, Me\ Stover tells me he pagne and _
singular to the plural, require knows of a specialized throws the cork
changing all the vowels, set of glasses for people into the river, He rows
2,Name two common English whose occupation re- upstream 10 minutes and around a cylinder. The
words that are spelled one quires them to see far. at arm's then has a crisis of shape a compass draws will
way when applied to females length, and close up. conscience. Realizing he be an oval,
and another way when ap- Who are these specialized shouldn't litter, he in- 1 1 The three agree before
plied to males. irilocals for? stantly paddles downstream counting the coins that
3, Usually adding the tetter 9, 1have heard of another set in search of the cork. He they will split them evenly
"s" to the end of a word of custom glasses bifo- picks it up exactly one mile down to the remainder.
changes the number of the cals with the separations ver- from the place where If there is no remainder, all is

word (that is, singular to tical rather than horizontal, he dropped it. How fast is well. If there is one coin

plural) but not the gender of so that the wearer might have the current? remaining, Manny gets it. If
the word. DavelOOOO- far vision to the left and there are tvrt) coins remain- asks. "What word is near vision to the right, tor ANSWERS ing, Moe and Mack each get
itthat, when the single example. Who might 1 Foot/feel and tooth/teeth. one. In this way, each
letter 's' is added to the end. want such specialty glasses? 2. "Blondes" and "bru- thief has exactly one- third
changes both its number 10. How can you draw a nettes" are always female: chance of getting an
and gender?" perfect oval with one turn of males with such hair col- extra coin from the "remain-
4. These words have one a compass? or are "blond" and "brunet." ders," In other words, in

very unusual property n. Three 3. Princes/princess, Note all cases m which there is a
in common: polish, nice, thieves the odd change in number, dispute, 50 percent of
job, herb, tangier. ravel. Manny. Moe. from plural to singular. the time Manny will get one
What is it? and iviack^ 4. All the words change their extra and the other 50
5,The words in question s;eala number pronunciations when percent of the time Moe and
were the only English ot identical capitalized, Mack will eachget one extra,
words l<new with
I gold coins and 5. The word is "rainier" {lor ex- 12, Three miles per hour. In
thisstrange start to divide them ample, it's rainier today the closed system of the
property until . It occurs to than yesterday). Capitalized, flowing stream, the distance
Idiscovered lyianny that it it becomes Rainierthe between cork and
another will be unfair mountain, ale, or phnceof boat doesn't depend on the
while drinlt- if the coins Monaco. stream's current. Hans
ing beer at a cannot be 6. Banalities, scythe, piecrust, has been separated from
bar in Seattle, What divided 7. A fishing store. Anglers the cork for 20 minutes,
is it? evenly by need to shift their gaze from and in that time, the cork
6. Insatiable chesty three. Ivlack far to near, for tying flies, has gone one mile. It

pictures:These comes up with a baiting hooks, and so on, will drift three miles in an
three words can solution to divide the 8. A concert musician. hour, so the speed of
each be trans- coins fairly, before 9. A portrait painter. the current is three miles
posed into one and counting them, and 10. First wrap the paper per hour.OO
119 OMNI
Seeing the laws of physics in relative terms

By Christopher Keliey

never too late to learn. Then than you, you'll have to learn to taking me to the hospital she told
again, it's never too early ei- eat your meals through a straw my father what had happened,
ther, Tai<e physics for exam- for ttie next two weeks. and the second law of thermody-
ple. I always thought Newton Newton's incomplete version namics kicked in.

was just some guy who made of his "laws of motion" can be ex- Law two states "a sponta-
great fig cookies. was aston- I plained by the "law of probabil- neous tendency of energy to-
ished to learn that he had also ity," a complex statistical ward the highest degree of
discovered a complex system of equation which suggests Newton randomness." Paulie, not willing
laws that govern the universe. "probably" had no older siblings. to donate any body parts to scl-
Knowing these laws as a kid, I

could have gotten much better Einstein, in all was the youngest
grades in science class. also I

As a child, he would have

in his family.
could have pointed out to my
learned the harsh reality of teasing gone bad.
older brother, Paulie, how totally
unscientifically he behaved, This would account for such a ence, did everything he could to
Newton's first law states, "An gross mathematical error in New- avoid my dad. He ricocheted off
object at rest or in a slate of uni- ton's theory
little siblings just walls, furniture, and appliances.
form motion," such as my nap- don't pack the same punch as By the time my dad finally caught
ping brother Paulie, "tends to bigger siblings after being rudely Paulie, everything was pretty ran-
remain in that state," unless his awakened, ("the law of diminish- dom. Debris was everywhere,
little brother is bored and stupid ing returns"). andthe house was a shambles.
enough to try out law number two, Another set of laws I wish I Once learned these laws of

Law two says. "When an object had known of earlier were the physics, they seemed almost too
is accelerated by force," such as first two laws of thermodynamics. obvious. But if it weren't for great
being woken up by a punch in The first law states that "energy thinkers like Newton and Ein-
the arm, "the amount of acceler- can be neither created nor de- stein, who originally identified
ation is equal to the force divided stroyed but only changed." If I phenomena and codified them
by the mass of the object." had known that, wouldn't have I into succinct, understandable,
However, it was always law been so worried when Paulie scientific rules, I would still be liv-

number three that gave me the smashed the energy forming my ing in ignorance.
most trouble. Law three says, nose. He changed into some- it It was rumored that after Ein-
Learning Uie "For every action there is an thing resembling a flattened stein became famous for his the-
Theory of equal and opposite reaction," By strawberry Since flattened straw- ories he decided to cash in on
Relativity and sneaking up and hitting Paulie in bernes are rather tough to breath his growing popularity and, like
Newton's the arm, would not produce an
I through, mistakenly thought my
I Newton, start his own cookie
laws at ayoung equal and opposite reaction but nose was destroyed. immedi- I business. It's said that he cre-
age may a reaction 30 times as violent as ately sought the medical atten- ated a fortune cookie modeled
prevent broken the punch I delivered. At first, I tion of my mother by rolling after Newton's fig variety. En-
noses and thought this was unfair. But later, around on the floor and moaning closed in the gooey middle of
bruised arms. as Ilearned more about sci- loudly My mother, who wasn't each cookie was a little piece
ence, found out that this
I familiar with the first law of paper, and written on it
phenomenon was ex-| of thermodynamics ei- was a science fact like E =
J plained by ther, didn't realize that mc^. Needless to say, Fig
'"Theory of Relativity," the energy that was once Einsteins failed. DO
which says you punch a if
my nose was still alive and
relative, especially i albeit, unrecog- Please visit our web site at
older and bigger izable. After hittp://www.oninlmasxni.

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