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Blackbeard captured!

By:Elijah Peed

Blackbeards life
Little is known about
Blackbeards early life.Blackbeards real birthplace is unknown but it
is most likely Bristol,England.His real name is Edward Teach or
Edward Thatch. Blackbeards first step in piracy was becoming a
privateer for England during Queen Annes
war(1702-1713).Teach had great successes during his attacks on
French and Spanish.After Queen Annes war Blackbeard started
working for Benjamin Hornigold around 1716.After Hornigold
retired Teach captured a vessel and renamed it Queen Annes
Revenge.Blackbeard armed his ship with 40 guns! Blackbeards
most famous act is the blockade he set up.

Blackbeards capture

Blackbeard made his final stand in 1718 when Woodes Rogers and a
group of men of war attacked his vessel and killed him when he
was anchored in Ocracoke.The naval crew killed Blackbeard and after
the fight it is thought that Blackbeards body was thrown over the edge
of the ship and it swam around the ship several times while his head
was hung on the front of the ship.

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