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Hi my name is Jeff bobson ferguson jr. the therdand this is my

story.It all starded when me and my sister went to the lake on a warm july
day.I now what your thinking how this is going to be a guy geting in toch
with his iner emotions well geues what your wrong.

When we were skipping the rocks the third one came back dun dun
duuunnn and that's when captain america came with the rock.He said he
was underwater looking for an evil robot army!Then we chatted a bit and
had some tee.After that my sister went home and me and cap skipped some
more rock. Then the evil robot army came out of the e vil water and
attacked us but we won because were tots more amazing than them .After
that the last robot came out of the lake but cap caught it and some how
turd it into a space ship.We stopped at a planet called pork chop because
Of all the pigs on the planet.I said we should have called it death planet
101 you now because of the space monster that is about to eat us.cap
said it was a one of a kid space worm.I said it was a bloodthirsty monster
but you now we all have our opinions.You walt belive what happed next i
will give you a hint the have a big fury beast and have lazzer guns.if you
gest the mulenen falcon han solo and chewy your right.We hopped in and
tryed to leave but we got hit by some thing.I looked back and saw the worm
was eating the pigs and spiting them out at like 2oo miles per hour.So we
went down and i got scard,k i was like this guy is trying to kill me.
It turns out his hyper speed part was broken so we were going down.The
worm opened his mouth and almost ate us but he did not because for some
weird reason he fell to the ground and we saw michael jordan.I said is
everybody joining this par-tay.He said what up guys this funky crew got
room for one more member.I said how did you make that worm die?He
said he used a blow up ball so you get the idea.we said no we don't have
any room so we just left.It turns out that the evil space worm had a mom
and so like what ever hapend to that guy?After that they took me back
home and we all had donuts with mom!!!

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