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Chapter One

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Brooklyn Hathaway clutched her handbag under her arm as she rolled her suitcase out the
doors of Chicago's O'Hare Airport baggage terminal. As she made her way towards the
yellow taxis anxiously awaiting passengers, she took a few deep breaths before hopping
into the first taxi in her path.

"You can do this," she said to herself as she gave the driver the address to the hotel she
would be residing in for the next five days. When Brooklyn had agreed to be the maid of
honor for her best friend's wedding, she had inwardly cringed at the thought. Although
she loved her best friend Kaydence Walters and she adored her friends' fianc, Justin
Phillips, she absolutely despised Justin's best friend, her sworn nemesis, Wyatt

Two years ago, Brooklyn had left the Windy City and vowed to never return as long as
Wyatt was still living there. The two had met when she was twenty-six and hired as the
newest marketing manager for Plush Media. Wyatt, who was then twenty-eight, had been
with the company three months prior. One month into her employment, the Vice
President of Marketing asked both Brooklyn and Wyatt to create a campaign for one of
Plush Media's newest retail clients. The stakes were high. The person who created the
better campaign would be seriously considered for the recently vacated Marketing
Director position.

"We're here, ma'am. I'll get your suitcase out of the trunk."

Jarred from her thoughts, Brooklyn stepped out of the taxi in her strappy wedge sandals,
skinny jeans and black fitted top. She pulled her arms behind her in an upper body stretch
before glancing at her surroundings. The luxury boutique hotel was gorgeous and located
in the vibrant River North area. After she paid and thanked the driver, she let her mind
drift back to Wyatt as she began walking towards the hotel's entrance.

Wyatt had barely said more than a few sentences to Brooklyn during her first month of
employment, so she was convinced that he didn't like her until he asked her to dance at
the Christmas party. That dance had been the start of an office tryst unlike anything she'd
ever imagined. Within two weeks, their relationship was official. They couldn't keep their
hands off each other. And after introducing Kaydence to Justin, the four had become
instantly inseparable.

"Too bad it was all a game for Wyatt," Brooklyn huffed aloud already wishing she were
back in San Francisco where she'd comfortably made her home for the past two years.

Her long brown hair caught in the warm May wind and danced around her smooth honey-
toned shoulders. She slowed her pace to admire the sign on the front glass window of the
hotel welcoming the Walters and Phillips family and friends. As she walked into the hotel
lobby, she quickly scanned the bar to make sure she didn't notice any familiar faces in the
cluster of people gathered there.

"Hello, miss! Are you checking in?" the enthusiastic male desk attendant asked.

"Yes, I'm with the Walters and Phillips wedding party," Brooklyn said, handing the
attendant her identification and credit card. Within minutes, check-in was complete.

"You're all set, miss. Would you like assistance with your luggage?"

"No, I'm fine," Brooklyn responded as she gathered her belongings and made a beeline
straight to the elevator around the corner from the front desk. Once she cleared the
corner, she leaned back against the opposite wall, placed her belongings down and sighed
in relief.

"Almost home free," she voiced, lightly closing her eyes. Who knew checking into a hotel
could be so nerve-racking. Guaranteed, she was the one trying to avoid an awkward
greeting with Wyatt, but that wasn't the point. When she heard the elevator ding upon
arrival, she stalled her thoughts and bent down to gather her bags again.

"Brooklyn Hathaway," she heard the familiar voice say as they exited the elevator.
Brooklyn's hand stopped its original pursuit and momentarily dithered in midair. She
didn't have to look up to know the recipient of the deep voice. And if his voice wasn't an
indicator that she was very well acquainted with the person, his intoxicatingly erotic scent
served as a dead giveaway. There was only one man who had a smell so uniquely his.
One man who made love to her body so thoroughly that no matter how many showers she
took she still sensed his aroma every time her eyes drifted closed.

She didn't want to look up at the man's face, but she knew she would have to eventually.
Slowly, she lifted her head, briefly taking in the lips that had once branded her body by
marking certain parts his and his only. When her eyes finally made their way up his
muscular six-foot frame and reached his piercing dark eyes, she couldn't force herself to
look away.

The words "Hello, Wyatt," finally escaped her mouth barely above a whisper.

"Hello," he replied, his intense stare still unwavering. His almost black eyes had always
been her undoing. Focus, Hathaway. Brooklyn took a glance at his dark jeans and white
polo to distract from her focus on his eyes. His style of clothing was more mature than
she remembered, but his smooth copper complexion was still as sexy as ever.

She needed to say something to distract herself from his empowering presence and quick.

"So, Wyatt. How have you been?" she managed to say more confidently. As if I really
"I've been good" Wyatt replied. "I did want to talk to you about some." His voice
trailed off as Kaydence approached pulling Brooklyn into a tight embrace.

"Brooklyn, you're here!" Kaydence exclaimed.

"Great, you're both together! Glad you've already found each other," Kaydence

I'm not, Brooklyn thought as she turned up an eyebrow. Only then did she notice the four
women with Kaydence.

"Brooklyn, Wyatt. I'd like for you both to meet Imani, Cydney, Lexus and Mya. They're
the founders of Elite Events Incorporated here in Chicago."

Brooklyn and Wyatt both exchanged handshakes with the women.

"Did you all plan the wedding?" Brooklyn asked.

"Not exactly," exclaimed the woman who'd been introduced as Imani. "Justin's parents
are renewing their vows in two months and Cydney and I are co-planning their event."

"I'm the lead event planner for the wedding," Mya stated. "And Lexus is the planner that
you and Wyatt will be working with for the events you're hosting."

Brooklyn scrunched her face in confusion. "I don't understand." She then turned to look
at Kaydence. "What events are Wyatt and I hosting?"

But Kaydence pretended not to hear her, avoiding eye contact at all costs. "Kaydence,
what events?" Brooklyn asked again before turning her attention toward Wyatt who was
looking at everyone but her.

"You're both intricate parts of the wedding," Lexus intervened. "So Mya and I, along with
Kaydence and Justin, have created an agenda of wedding events for the guests who are
staying at the hotel. As maid of honor and best man, you and Wyatt will host the events.
Did you receive the schedule when you checked in?"

Brooklyn ruffled through some papers and spotted the schedule. Oh. My. Goodness.
There was something scheduled each day up until the wedding!

"Don't forget that you promised to help me this week," Kaydence said apparently finding
her voice again.

"Don't worry," Lexus said in an attempt to offer comfort to Brooklyn. "Wedding

festivities always seem overwhelming, but hosting will be a breeze."

Wedding festivities? Yeah sure, that's what I was worried about.

Brooklyn thanked the event planner and forced herself to smile at the group. Her plan to
avoid Wyatt Lexington at all costs was already failing. Now, she had to face the fact that
the man she'd spent two years avoiding was now her trusty hosting partner. Just Great.

Brooklyn chanced a glance in his direction only to get caught in Wyatt's penetrating stare.
You hate him. Just remember You. Hate. Him.

Wyatt wasn't going to make this easy. She could read it in his eyes. Oh boy she thought
as her breath caught.

Chapter Two
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"Now, Brooklyn, I know that you're upset, but trust meit won't be that bad." Brooklyn
was barely listening to Kaydence as she paced back and forth in her hotel room later that

"How can you say that?" Brooklyn exclaimed loudly not caring that she was coming off a
bit dramatic. "You know that man infuriates me to the point that I can't think straight."

"Brooklyn, calm down," Kaydence said as she placed a hand on Brooklyn's arm.

"You know I hate surprises. You know I hate being put on the spot. And you know I hate
Wyatt for" she paused when Kaydence grabbed both her arms.

"Honey, you're going to have to calm down," Kaydence said, her voice grew higher.
"Remember you're doing this for me! You're my best friend and he's the best man. You
can handle this and who knows, he may surprise you."

Yeah, he's good at surprises. That's what I'm afraid of.

Brooklyn took deep breaths as she let Kaydence's words sink in. She then ran her fingers
through her hair and sat next to Kaydence who had retreated to a nearby sofa.

"You're right Kay," Brooklyn said as she leaned in to hug her. A knock on the door
interrupted their conversation.

"Umm" Kaydence blurted out as she followed behind Brooklyn who was headed to the
door. "Since we're doing this whole bonding thing, please keep in mind that you love me
and try not to overreact."

"What are you talking about?" Brooklyn asked as she swung open the door.
"I think she's referring to the fact that she texted me your room number," Wyatt said as he
stepped around the two of them into the room. "I heard you in the hallway. Kaydence
never could whisper."

"By all means, do come in," Brooklyn said sarcastically. She looked down at her outfit of
short cotton shorts and a tank top and cringed. She didn't feel decently dressed for any
male company, let alone Wyatt.

"Remember, you can't kill the bride," Kaydence said to Brooklyn as she tiptoed past her
and shut the door behind her. Now alone with Wyatt, Brooklyn studied the ceiling, not
believing that Kaydence had actually given him her room number.

"Two times in twenty-four hours," Wyatt said as he walked around seemingly checking
out her hotel room. "That's got to be some type of record for us Hathaway."

"I just can't thank my lucky stars enough for gracing me with your presence," Brooklyn
said as she clasped her hands together, making sure he heard every bit of sarcasm in her
voice. "So, what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

Instead of responding, Wyatt walked over to her unmade bed, lay on his back and closed
his eyes. Brooklyn didn't know what irritated her more, the fact that looked downright
sexy in basketball shorts and a white T-shirt. Or the fact that although they'd been apart
for two years, he looked like he belonged in her bed. He slightly kicked his leg, which
drew her eyes to his calves. Damn, he even has sexy calves. Stop! She thought as she
slightly shook her head. Just rememberyou hate him! What in the world was wrong
with her? Calves weren't even something she normally found attractive, yet on Wyatt,
staring at his calves made her stare at his knees, which then prompted her to observe his
powerful thighs through his shorts. Shorts that were doing nothing to hide the imprint of
his manhood that she'd bet weren't confined by any boxers this late in the evening.

She hadn't felt herself get closer to the bed nor did she notice that Wyatt had now opened
his eyes. "Like what you see?" he asked causing her jump up as if she'd been caught

"Like what I see?" she repeated, quickly building her composure while forcing herself to
keep his gaze. "You mean a selfish arrogant jerk! My tastes have definitely evolved since
you Wyatt."

"Feisty" he said with a slight smile. "I always liked that about you."

She rolled her eyes and he continued, "I never got the chance to tell you how sorry I am
for everything." His eyes suddenly grew serious. "I never meant to hurt you."

Brooklyn eyed him suspiciously. "Are you kidding me?" she asked. "When we worked at
Plush Media, your entire mission was to get me in bed and steal my campaign idea. I'm
sure hurting me was just a bonus."
"That's not entirely true," Wyatt replied now sitting upright in the bed. "When you started
working for the company, I knew you would be my competition for the vacant marketing
director position. I may have only worked there a few months before you, but I'm also
two years older than you so I'd concluded that I deserved the position more. That meant I
needed to have the best campaign."

"I trusted you," Brooklyn said as she crossed her arms over her chest. "When we
exchanged campaign ideas, you convinced me that my original campaign wasn't good
enough. And like a dummy, I truly believed you were giving me constructive criticism so
that I would create a stronger campaign."

"I know," Wyatt said rising from the bed to stand next to her."It may have started off like
that, but once I falsely presented your campaign to the company and staged it as my own,
I realized I was completely wrong and I immediately sought you out to make it right."

"Wow," Brooklyn said throwing her hands up with a slight laugh. "You dated me for
months, we watched Kay and Justin fall in love with one another, we spent all that time
together. But you didn't feel guilty until that moment?"

"I didn't mean to betray you"

"Trust me," she said stepping towards him and halting his speech with her hand. "You'll
never get the opportunity to betray me again."

With each comeback, Brooklyn unconsciously moved closer to Wyatt. He took the final
advance forward, separating them by less than a foot. She then saw the wild desire exude
from his eyes, and she realized the mistake she had made. In their past, arguing had
always led into passionate nights of make-up sex followed by zealous mornings of
lovemaking. Still, she held his gaze unwilling to show any signs of weakness. Tread
lightly, she warned herself after realizing that one misstep of the eyes and quickening of
the breath would send him the wrong impression.

Crap! This is just how our relationship started before. But I'll be damned if it ends the
same. Time to turn the tables on Mr. Lexington.

Suddenly, he pulled her into his arms, holding her hostage in his lustful embrace. When
he leaned his face down to hers, she raised her hands and slightly pushed him away,
denying the pleasure she was sure would ensue.

"Not this time, Wyatt," she said in a determined voice. As disappointment flashed across
his face, Brooklyn shoved him back onto the bed he'd recently vacated.

"This time, it's on my terms," she said with a sly smile. Getting on all fours, she mounted
him and dropped her mouth mere inches from his. Looking into his penetrating eyes, she
willed her breathing to slow down.
"My game. My rules," she whispered as she placed a seductive kiss on his hungry lips
and welcomed the passion she hated to admit she'd been longing for.

Chapter Three
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Wyatt awoke the next morning with a familiar ache in the lower part of his body.
Brooklyn had left him yearning for so much more and despite his advances, she made it
clear that she was dead set on making the rules. After her proclamation of control, she
had thoroughly kissed him. Her luscious kiss had been way better than he remembered.
Even through their clothes, he'd felt every crevice of her body as she grinded against him
and moaned sweet words of seduction in his ear. Once he was alert and ready to strip
them both naked, she'd yawned, claimed she was tired and asked him to leave. He'd then
waited a couple minutes before he took the hint and left.

I need a cold shower, he thought as he rose from the bed and headed to the bathroom.
Since his night hadn't exactly gone as planned, Wyatt was anxious for the upcoming
brunch. According to the schedule he had reviewed yesterday, the brunch would begin
promptly at 11am. Kaydence, Justin and the members of Elite Events had seriously
outdone themselves with the variety of events they'd planned for the wedding guests.

While in the shower, Wyatt let the water hit his face in hopes of washing away some of
his frustration. My game. My rules Brooklyn's words danced in his head. Why are those
words still getting to me? he thought inhaling another deep breath. He knew that
Brooklyn was trying to bait him, and since he was trying to prove to her that he'd
changed, he had to follow her rules even if he didn't want to play her games.

Games. Rules. Not exactly a part of my plan to win her back, but I guess it's a start.

"Hey, buddy! You and Brooklyn have done a great job hosting this brunch," Justin said as
he tapped Wyatt on the shoulder. "Our families loved the opening speeches you both
gave. And the back and forth bickering was truly comical."

Wyatt shook his head at his best friend before glancing across the room at Brooklyn over
his champagne flute. She looked stunning in her blue strapless dress, her silky hair was
secured to the side in soft curls. "Yeah, well, I'm glad they're enjoying themselves and I
wish I could say our bickering was just an act, but since you know our situation then you
know it wasn't."

"Come on, man," Justin said with a laugh. "Brooklyn was pissed when you stole her
campaign and back then, and she had every right to be. I warned you to drop that stupid
"I know, I know. I was an idiot. But don't pretend that you weren't initially only interested
in sleeping with Kaydence. Smash and dashthe way of the brotherhood. Remember?"
Wyatt said leaning inward so the crowd around them couldn't hear.

"Okay, okay point made," Justin said. "But I remember the conversation we had when we
realized Brooklyn and Kaydence were game changers. I said goodbye to the game back
then and I thought you had too before the day you presented your campaign."

"I had," Wyatt said taking another sip of his champagne. "But a couple nights before my
presentation she said something that changed my mind."

"What did she say?" Justin inquired with a puzzled look.

"It's not important. The point is that the next morning I decided to go with my original
plan. Once my mind was made up, there was no time to take it back."

"Okay, so what are you going to do to change Brooklyn's mind about the two of you
getting involved now? I know you've got something major brewing since you've always
claimed she was the one that got away."

"My friend, you know me too well," Wyatt said as he slapped his arm across Justin's
shoulder. "Convincing you and Kay to let me co-host the events with Brooklyn was not
my only plan. A woman like Brooklyn won't accept my apology if she doesn't truly
believe I've changed. She needs to know the real Wyatt Lexington. A man who is loyal
and trustworthy not dishonest and deceitful."

Justin laughed and shook his head. "After hearing you both earlier, I think it's safe to say
you definitely have your work cut out for you."

Wyatt nodded his head in agreement and gulped down the rest of his champagne. He
missed Brooklyn like crazy and he had to win her back. It may take the rest of the week,
but by the wedding he was sure he'd win Brooklyn's trust, body and most importantly, her

The clinging of metal against a champagne flute drew Wyatt and Justin's attention
towards the front of the room.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Brooklyn began. "We hope you all are enjoying the lovely
h'ordeuvres, mimosas and champagne. Tonight, we want to continue the fun by inviting
you all to join us for a night at Navy Pier. We'll start the evening at 5 p.m. in the hotel bar
for happy hour. Once we arrive at Navy Pier, there will be several activities for you to
partake in or you can just enjoy the views of the Chicago skyline from one of the most
iconic areas in the city."

Wyatt missed the remainder of Brooklyn's speech as his eyes drifted from her luscious
pink lips to every curve of her well-toned body. He watched her intently as she went
around the room hugging a few of Kaydence's relatives after her speech. His thought's
drifted to their most memorable night together two years ago but a man approaching
Brooklyn from behind quickly snapped him out of his thoughts. As the gentleman leaned
into Brooklyn and whispered something into her ear, Wyatt fought the jealously growing
from within. A closer look revealed the man was one of Justin's groomsman.

"Calm down man, you look like you're ready to go over there and pounce on Tim," Justin
said slapping Wyatt on his back.

"Shut up, man," Wyatt shot back.

"So from the look on your face I take it you didn't contemplate other men in your plan? "
Justin asked, slightly shoving Wyatt with his elbow.

"No I didn't," Wyatt said, a worried look now pasted across his face.

"Well, man, you better think fast because with the rest of the groomsmen arrive later
today, so you'll definitely have some competition," Justin said shaking his head with a
slight smirk.

Another light tap on glassware interrupted Wyatt's thoughts once more. "Oh and please
don't forget the softball game tomorrow afternoon has been moved to 1pm, so the buses
will pick us up at 12pm sharp," Brooklyn spoke into the mic.

"Come on, man," Justin said slightly tugging Wyatt's arm and leading him towards a
nearby exit. "I want to run Kaydence's wedding present by you while she's occupied with
her family."

Hours later, after discussing a few wedding plans and agreeing to run a few best man
errands later in the week for Justin, Wyatt had attended happy hour before retiring for the
evening. Navy Pier sounded fun, but when the rest of the groomsmen had arrived, Wyatt
decided he needed time away from the group to gather his thoughts. Brooklyn can handle
hosting the group alone tonight, he had concluded.

As he lay sprawled out on the couch positioned right by his open balcony door, he
welcomed the light spring breeze. Taking out his mini notebook, he thought about
everything he would need to concoct his new and improved plan to make Brooklyn his
once more.

Notebook. Pen. Wedding schedule. Whiskey. He got up to retrieve a glass for the drink
before reaching for the ice bucket. Empty. Ah, I forgot to get ice.

Wyatt made his way to the third floor, due to the ice machine on his floor being out of
order and thought about the groomsmen.
Tim, Mike, Harris, Dean, Leonard. Wait who am I kidding? No need to worry about
Leonard. He's a nice guy, but he never could talk to women. I'd almost applaud him for
trying to talk to a woman like Brooklyn.

"Brooklyn?" Wyatt said as he rounded the corner of the vending area.

"Wyatt!" Brooklyn responded obviously caught off guard.

"You're on this floor?"

"No. The ice machine on my floor is out of order," he responded. "Getting a snack?"

"Um hmm, I need something sweet. My dinner just arrived to my room and they forgot to
bring my dessert."

"Dessert before dinner," Wyatt said with a slight chuckle. "You never could eat dinner
before dessert. One of your many cute quirks."


"Yeah," he said, as he got lost in thought. "Like how you believe that pinky promises are
sacred and how you can't drive past an animal shelter without feeling sad for all the
animals who may not find homes. Or the fact that you can't pass a cemetery without
saying a prayer for the families who have loved ones buried there. You're strong and
confident, but you wear your heart on your sleeve. You live by your values and expect
people to uphold integrity and be nice to one another. When we first met, you believed in
so many things with such zeal that I couldn't help believing in them to."

Wyatt suddenly stopped speaking, realizing that his rant had not just been in his head. He
briefly questioned whether or not he'd actually said everything out loud.

But one look at Brooklyn proved he had. Damn.

Brooklyn walked past Wyatt leaving the vending area. "Do you want some dinner?"
Brooklyn asked slightly glancing over her shoulder.

Wyatt quickly gained his composure and followed the direction Brooklyn had recently
vacated. Hmm. Sharing my deepest thoughts worked?

Chapter Four
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"Alright, everyone! Line up and we'll pick teams," Wyatt yelled once all the guests had
settled on the baseball field.
"I'll be one team leader and Jus"

"And I'll be the other," Brooklyn interjected.

"Alright. The maid of honor, Ms. Brooklyn Hathaway, will be the other team leader,"
Wyatt said seemingly not phased.

After a sleepless night, Brooklyn knew she should have been exhausted but the
competitiveness running through her veins was like a stimulant.

"Ladies first," Wyatt said gesturing for Brooklyn to pick the first member of her team.

"Justin," she responded.

Kaydence released a slightly huffed breath, which complemented her shocked expression.

"Sorry Kay," Brooklyn mouthed as she slowly cupped her right hand to her mouth to
block most of the crowd from reading her lips. "I need a strong player to beat Wyatt, and
you know you're not too good" she continued.

Kaydence rolled her eyes before crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'll take Kaydence," Wyatt stated, interrupting their convo.

After joining Wyatt's side of the field, Kaydence caught Brooklyn's eye and mouthed
What happened last night? Brooklyn glanced over at Wyatt before she mouthed I'll tell
you later to Kaydence.

Once the teams were formed and the batting order had been established, Brooklyn made
her way to the dugout to wait for her turn to bat. As she watched the team's progress, her
mind drifted back to last night's events.

When Wyatt had entered her room, Brooklyn could tell he was surprised by the invite.

"Surprised I invited you in?" she asked.

"Why did you?" he asked, slowly making his way towards her.

Brooklyn's eyebrows rose, as she looked Wyatt up and down.

"Oh, right, I almost forgot. Your rules right?" he asked. When Brooklyn didn't respond
Wyatt continued. "So do you ever miss Chicagoor the people still here?"

Brooklyn raised her finger gently touching Wyatt's lips. "No questions. My rules
"I remember. But that doesn't mean I have to like it," Wyatt said smoothly sliding his
hand behind the curve of Brooklyn's back. In one suave movement he'd flipped her onto
the bed landing her head perfectly on her pillow with his body falling gently on top of
hers. Before she had a chance to respond, Wyatt's mouth had engulfed hers in one long
passionate kiss. When her mouth went from rigid to relaxed, he released her. Slowly
bringing his hand up to the small of her neck, he lightly caressed her hair, letting her soft
curls fall in and out of his fingers. By the time her eyes met his again, her body was wet
with anticipation.

"Did you mean everything you said in the hallway?" Brooklyn asked, needing to know if
his words were sincere. As she held his gaze, each moment that passed took a piece of her
restraint and left her with a burning sensation to have him.

"Every. Last. Word," Wyatt finally answered. Her mind was working less and her body
began to take over as her hands drifted down his chest to the drawstring of his jogging
pants. Seconds away from satisfying her desire and giving into the seduction he was so
good at, a sudden chime coming from her IPhone caused her to jump. Brooklyn hastily
moved to answer her cell phone.

"You're really going to answer that now?" Wyatt said exasperated.

"Hello," Brooklyn said into the phone completely ignoring Wyatt.

"Brooklyn, where are you?" a panicked Kaydence responded on the other end.

"Kay?" Brooklyn asked.

"Yes Kay! Who else would it be? Where are you?"

"Where am I?" Brooklyn repeated chastising herself for not looking at the caller before
answering and recalling that she'd ditched her hosting assignment that night in an attempt
to avoid Wyatt and leave him to deal with the guests. "I'm by the thing. You knowthe
bigboat thing on the pier?"

"The big boat thing? Really, Brooke? I swear you better be by some boat thing here or
I'm going to kill you. Justin and I drove here. Imagine my surprise when my parents said
you weren't on the bus!" Kaydence shouted.

"Yes, Mrs. Phillips?" Kaydence voice's had transformed from angry to sweet in a matter
of seconds. "I'll be right there," she chirped, still talking into the receiver.

"You left me here alone with all the guests and my future in-laws!" Kaydence continued.
"They're ready to have a good time and are pulling me in fifty different directions. Justin
left for ice cream twenty minutes ago and never returned! And where the hell is Wyatt?"
Kaydence asked unwilling to let Brooklyn get a word in.
"Yes, Mrs. Phillips I just found them," Kaydence said once again answering in a sweet

"Brooklyn, you are so making this one up to me," Kaydence whispered before she
disconnected the call.

Brooklyn inhaled a deep breath before glancing over at Wyatt who was still standing
close by her.

"Batter up!" Wyatt called breaking Brooklyn out of her trance.

Ugh, Wyatt! Why did he have to be the pitcher? She was sexually frustrated after kicking
Wyatt out of her room last night and her mind was racing with regret.

How dare he seduce me last night with all those fake compliments? I even bet he stole my
dessert last night knowing I'd have to leave to get another one and then pretended to run
into me.

Brooklyn grabbed the bat from the ground and stepped up to the plate. Tightly twisting
the bat between her hands, she turned to face Wyatt as he pitched the softball.

Pop! Brooklyn ran for first base, and then decided to run for second since Kaydence was
covering that base.

"Safe!" the umpire yelled as Kaydence managed to catch the ball and then poorly throw it
back to Wyatt. Only then did Brooklyn notice Wyatt who was getting up from the ground
with his hands cupped to his middle. He then cracked his neck and shook his hands
before glancing over at Brooklyn.

"I guess last night didn't go to well, huh," Kaydence whispered into Brooklyn's ear.

"What happened?" Brooklyn asked.

"The ball I threw hit the ground and then bounced and hit Wyatt right in his private
parts," Kaydence replied with a laugh.

"Oh shoot," Brooklyn said as she covered her mouth with her hand. "Well, by that
seething look he's shooting your way, I think he believes you threw it," Kaydence replied
still laughing.

Brooklyn's team striked out which halted her conversation with Kaydence.

"You okay, Brooklyn?" Justin asked when she had reached the dugout and took a seat.
"Not really," Brooklyn said as she ran her fingers through her hair before re-securing her
ponytail. Am I going insane? He stole my dessert to seduce me? That's so preposterous,
he wouldn't do that. Why am I letting him affect me like this!

"I can't believe even after two years, he still gets to me," she paused. "Now he waltzes
back into my life and we're supposed to pick up where we left off? I don't think so! Who
cares if he's sexier than ever and too charming for his own good!"

"Um, Brooklyn? Justin said cautiously. "After the game, maybe you should have a
serious talk with Wyatt."

"Why the heck would I do that," Brooklyn said a little too loudly.

"Because you've just spent the last minute talking about him to yourself, or maybe you
were talking to me. I'm not really sure," Justin whispered to her. "But I am sure that you
both need to talk."

Brooklyn sighed heavily as she contemplated Justin's words. "Oh crap," she said aloud
when it hit her that she had voiced how she felt out loud and not in her head like she'd

"Uh-huh," Justin said with a knowing smile. "I heard every word."

Chapter Five
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"There's only two days before the wedding. You can do this," Brooklyn said to herself in
the bathroom mirror of Macy's on State Street in Chicago. Kaydence had given her a list
of errands to take care of before the group headed to the Chicago Architectural River
Tour later in the evening. Brooklyn hadn't planned to walk to Macy's, but when the bus
had stopped right across the street from the store, she couldn't help but indulge in a little
retail therapy to clear her mind.

After the softball game yesterday, she'd had to suffer through dinner with Wyatt later that
night. And of course, Kaydence and Justin had seated them next to one another. The
intense staring and whispered one-liners had thrown her off balance, but luckily,
Kaydence's cousin had pulled her into a conversation and given her a welcomed

Smoothing out her dress and taking one more glance at her appearance, she grabbed her
bags and left Macy's so that she could finish fulfilling the errands on Kaydence's list. She
was just pulling out the list when her phone rang.

"Hi, Lexus," Brooklyn answered after glancing at the caller ID.

"Hello, Brooklyn," Lexus replied. "Kaydence told me you were running a few errands for
her and I was hoping you could meet me at the Elite Events Incorporated main office to
pick up a couple things for the wedding. I have another engagement, but I will have a car
bring you back to the hotel."

"Sure, I can do that. Where is the office located?"

Brooklyn saved the address in her phone and was glad the Elite Events office was within
walking distance. Once there, she signed the visitor log and took the elevator to the
office. As she rounded the corner and reached a sign that read Elite Events Incorporated,
she stopped dead in her tracks.

Wyatt! What is he doing here? It would be just her luck that he would ride back to the
hotel with her, as well.

"Brooklyn, you made it," Lexus said as she entered the glass doors of the lobby and gave
her a quick hug. "I didn't know Justin called Wyatt to drop by as well so I figured you
both could ride back to the hotel together in the car I reserved. Or, since Wyatt is running
errands for Justin, maybe you can both finish up your errands together."

Brooklyn winkled her nose. "Must be my lucky day," she said in a pleasant voice
although she knew Wyatt would pick up on her sarcasm. Wyatt's penetrating eyes danced
with laughter at her comment.

"Oh come on, Hathaway," he said as he gripped her around the waist. She immediately
tried to free herself from release his grip, but her many bags got in the way. "We've been
meaning to spend more time together and now's our chance." With that, he pulled her in
for an explosive kiss ignoring the shocked look on Lexus's face and the office assistant.

When she felt his warm tongue slip in her mouth, she almost moaned but caught herself
and stepped back from his hold when she felt his hands give way. Gazing into his eyes,
she tried to formulate a response, but couldn't.

"Okay," Lexus said clapping her hands once together. "I wasn't aware that you two were
dating, but that's great. Then I know you both are okay with the arrangements. I'll see you

When Lexus left the lobby, Brooklyn still stood frozen in the same position Wyatt had
left her in after he had kissed her.

"Come on let's go," Wyatt said taking her hand and leading her out of the Elite Events
office after saying goodbye to the assistant. Wyatt walked ahead of her and spoke to the
driver as soon as they stepped outside. Once they were inside the confines of the car that
was taking them to the hotel, she was able to find her voice again.
"Why did you kiss me?" Brooklyn shrieked ignoring the questionable look from the
driver. Wyatt looked from the car window to Brooklyn before speaking.

"Because" Wyatt said as his voice trailed off.

"Because what?" Brooklyn asked preparing herself for a smart remark from Wyatt.

"Because lately when I'm around you, I can't help myself. If I had my way, I'd kiss you all
the time."

Brooklyn's breath caught as she studied Wyatt. He means every word. She could tell by
the sincere way he was looking at her.

"Do you recognize where we are?" Wyatt asked breaking her thoughts. Brooklyn looked
around at her surroundings surprised that she hadn't noticed they were in one of her
favorite areas in Chicago. The South Loop was filled with former factories and
warehouses that had been turned into businesses and residential buildings, providing a
unique collection of unconventional home and business spaces. The neighborhood wasn't
as crowded as other Chicago neighborhoods, and if you were lucky, you could find an
abandoned warehouse or factory still waiting to be restored. Glancing to her right, she
noticed the alley that led to an abandoned mini warehouse that used to be one of her and
Wyatt's secret spots.

"It's still abandoned?"

"Sure is. Hey, driver," Wyatt said. "Can you pull over?"

"Certainly," the driver responded pulling over the car to the curb.

"Thanks," Wyatt replied as he slipped the driver a twenty dollar bill. "Would you mind
giving us about thirty minutes?"

"Why?" Brooklyn asked although she had a pretty good idea.

"I want to show you something," Wyatt said as he looked from Brooklyn back towards
the driver awaiting his response. The driver gave Wyatt a wink before agreeing to return
in thirty minutes.

As they walked the short distance to the alley, Brooklyn pondered her current situation.
Why am I following him without asking more questions? Even as the thought entered her
mind, she already knew the answer. There was a time in her life when she would drop
everything for Wyatt and in turn, he always treated her like a gift he wanted to treasure
forever. That was why it had been so hard for her to accept his betrayal. But she couldn't
continue to be stuck in the past. It was evident that Wyatt had changed a great deal during
their two-year separation.
Wyatt used a nearby stick to prop open the solid door. As it creaked open, he glanced
around before ushering her to step inside. Once inside, she ventured to the same small
room with an old brown sofa where her and Wyatt would often spend time during their
lunch breaks.

"Wow," Brooklyn said when she stepped into the room and noticed that the old brown
sofa had been replaced by a black chair and futon, both decorated with white and black
pillows. There was also a fuzzy black rug on the concrete floor and a white sheer curtain
draped the only window in the room.

"You rememberedwhen did you do this?" Brooklyn asked recognizing the room dcor
as an exact replica of what she'd told Wyatt she wanted to do to the room before she'd
quit Plush Media.

"As soon as I confirmed with Kaydence that you were definitely coming to the wedding.
I was hoping for a chance to steal you away to show you."

Brooklyn looked at Wyatt leaning against the door jam. "I can't believe you did this for
me," she said.

"I'd do anything for you," he responded as he began taking steps towards her. Although
Brooklyn warned her heart not to believe him, his words crumbled her resistance. The
minute his lips crashed down on hers, Brooklyn immersed herself in his familiar taste.
When he lifted her off the ground, she wrapped her legs around his waist. His hands
quickly cupped her butt under her dress before he laid her down on the futon.

"Scoot towards me," he stated, already lifting her dress even more. Before Brooklyn had
time to think about what was happening, she felt Wyatt's mouth on her wet center. She
gasped, surprised by the onslaught of his tongue.

"Damn, I've been wanting to taste you again for years," he said in between licks.
Brooklyn's moans overpowered her words and she lost all sense of reality the minute his
fingers slipped through her folds and replaced his mouth. Within seconds, his mouth
joined his fingers demanding the release of the orgasm that was on the brink of breaking
free. His fingers and mouth moved in unison against her core.

"Wyatt!" she cried as she gripped his head, arched her back and welcomed the sweetest
release of pleasure. As her shivers subsided, Wyatt left her center and made his way to
look in her face.

"We have to go," he said as he brushed her disheveled hair from her face. "Are you

Brooklyn placed her hand on his cheek. "I'll be even more satisfied if you make love to
me tonight."
Chapter Six
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Wyatt scanned the crowd of people on the Chicago Architectural River Cruise and locked
eyes with his target. Brooklyn's hair flowed in the evening wind and she looked beautiful
in her maxi skirt and teal blouse. Kaydence and Justin had asked the wedding party to
wear teal so that the guests on the shoreline cruise could distinguish them from other
attendees. He'd chosen to wear classic blue jeans with a teal polo. Brooklyn always loved
him in polos and her glint of approval then proved that some things never change.

Wyatt took a swig of his beer as he began making his way towards Brooklyn and the
others in the bridal party who were gathered in the front of the boat. As he greeted the
group, he barely paid attention to the conversation. His complete focus was on Brooklyn
and he didn't care that his interest in her didn't go unnoticed. From the way she boldly
returned his stare, he figured she didn't care either.

"I guess your plan is working," Justin whispered in his ear.

"It has to," Wyatt replied, his eyes never leaving Brooklyn. Kaydence whispered
something into Brooklyn's ear as well that caused her to smile. Her smile made him think
about hours prior when he'd filled himself with her delicious taste.

"You don't plan to let her go back to San Francisco, do you?" Justin asked.

"No," Wyatt said as he took another swig of his beer. "At least not without me."

"Wait," Justin said as he opened his hands in disbelief. "You'd move to San Francisco to
be with her?"

"If that's what it takes," Wyatt responded as he peeked over at Brooklyn. He knew they
had a lot to talk about, but he didn't want to waste the night talking about the past. They
had thirty minutes before the cruise docked and since tonight, guests were on their own
for dinner, Wyatt had Brooklyn all to himself.

Wyatt looked around the suite that he'd reserved for the night to make sure everything
was in place. When Brooklyn had told him earlier that she wanted to make love to him
tonight, he'd went ahead and reserved a one-bedroom suite when they arrived back at the
hotel and given her the extra key.

He'd waited a long time for the moment to make love to her again and his only hope was
that she hadn't changed her mind. He'd set up their dinner on the dining room table and
had chocolate covered strawberries in the fridge for dessert. Wyatt glanced at his
cellphone to see how many minutes he had before she arrived. As he was pouring
Brooklyn's favorite red wine into two wine glasses, he heard a key card slip into the slot.

Wyatt placed the bottle on the table and turned around to face Brooklyn as she let the
door close behind her. She placed her bag on the floor and slipped off her flip-flops.
Wyatt gave her a once-over, admiring her sexy robe though a little surprised she'd walked
to the suite in it. She hadn't moved away from the door so Wyatt made his way towards
her instead. As he got closer, he understood why she hadn't moved. She's nervous, he
thought as he picked up on the uneasy look in her eyes

"Are you okay?" he asked her as he rubbed his hands up and down her shoulders. Her
hazel eyes were full of questions and after a few moments of silence, Wyatt realized that
he wasn't sure if he wanted her to ask them.

"I'm okay," she finally answered. "I'm right where I want to be."

Wyatt stopped rubbing her shoulders and tilted her chin towards his face choosing his
next words carefully. "Each moment I've spent with you has always been where I want to

His words seemed to touch her, but her eyes reflected a hint of amusement. "Yeah," she
said with a slight laugh. "I'm sure you say that to all of your women."

When they'd dated, he always tried to tell her what was in his heart, but now that he had
time to reflect on it, he wasn't sure if she ever really believed him. His father always said
when he met the right woman he wouldn't be able to imagine life without her.

"I've never said that to any other woman," Wyatt finally replied keeping her chin in place
when she tried to look away. "It may sound clich, but I never knew what I had until you
left me."

Her features softened and she slowly glanced from his lips to his eyes. His heart beat
faster when she placed her cool hands under his t-shirt and began rubbing over his body.
Wyatt pulled his shirt over his head and shivered when Brooklyn placed a seductive kiss
on his chest. Wyatt couldn't hold his restraint any longer and dipped his head down to
capture her lips pulling her into his strong embrace. His tongue explored her mouth in a
way it hadn't since her return to Chicago. As she moaned, he lifted her off her feet and
into his arms never breaking their kiss.

Slowly, he began walking towards the bedroom, dinner and wine forgotten. When he
placed her in the middle of the bed, he broke the kiss to remove her robe.

"Let me," Brooklyn said as she lifted herself off the bed to stand. She pulled his hands so
that he would stand next to her. While she undid her robe, Wyatt could do nothing but
watch in anticipation.
"Do you like it?" she asked standing before him in a red lace bra and panty set.

"You know what seeing you in red does to me," he said reminiscing on all the times she'd
worn that color for him.

She smiled as she flipped all her hair to one side as her hands gripped the drawstring of
his sweatpants before they dropped to the floor. When she reached his boxers, she
squatted down and shot her vibrant eyes up at him before leisurely pulling his boxers
down his hips. He let out a loud grunt once he sprang free. Oh Lord he thought when her
hands circled around his shaft and began massaging him in that special way only she

Don't rush thissavor the moment he warned himself although the minute she stood to
remove her lingerie he knew that would be a hard goal to accomplish. He wanted her
more than he'd ever wanted anything and tonight, he planned to have her as many times
as she would allow.

Taking over from there, Wyatt placed Brooklyn on the bed and began placing hot and wet
kisses all over her naked body. The sounds she uttered were sounds that he'd only heard
in his dreams as of late. Now, he had the real thing.

He grabbed a condom off the nightstand and quickly sheathed himself. With two fingers
he played with her core and found that she was more than ready for him.

He looked down and glazed over her sexy eyes, he then placed a soft kiss on her lips at
the same time that he thrust inside her. She moaned against his mouth, slightly lifting her
hips to meet his thrusts. As he rode her into the sweetest form of ecstasy, he placed his
head in the small of her neck.

"I've missed this I've missed us," he whispered into his ear as they both released
orgasms so strong that Wyatt said a silent prayer in hopes that the woman in his arms
would never leave him again.

Chapter Seven
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"Well, don't you look extremely happy," Kaydence said as Brooklyn walked into the
hotel's event room that had been chosen for tonight's rehearsal dinner. "And since you
weren't with me last night, who were you with?"

Brooklyn looked around to see if any of the other bridesmaids setting up the room were
paying attention to her and Kaydence. None were, but Kaydence's comment seemed to
garner the attention of Lexus, the event planner. Since her and Wyatt had shared an
explosive kiss in her office, Brooklyn was sure Lexus was drawing her own conclusions,
but she just politely smiled and continued working.
"And don't even think about lying to me," Kaydence gripped Brooklyn's arm and pulled
her into an empty meeting room next door. "You and Wyatt both missed brunch today

"I didn't know today's brunch was an event we had to host."

"It wasn't, but you and Wyatt were both missing. You slept with him didn't you?"
Kaydence asked, as her brown eyes grew big with anticipation.

"Why would you think that?" Brooklyn asked pretending to admire the wooden
conference table.

"Oh don't play stupid," Kaydence said lifting an eyebrow. "Remember, I know how you
look after a night with Wyatt."

Brooklyn glanced up from the conference table to Kaydence. "Ok, we had sex last night,"
she blurted out unable to contain her smile.

"I knew it!" Kaydence yelped as she clasped her hands together in excitement. "How was

Brooklyn sighed as she sat down in a chair around the table. "It was amazing," she said as
she let her head fall back to stare at the ceiling. "Better than amazing, but that's part of the

"How so?" Kaydence asked in confusion.

Brooklyn raised her head and thought about the best way to describe her feelings. "I've
spent the last couple years convincing myself that Wyatt Lexington was one of my
biggest mistakes. But now, after enjoying his company for the last few days and mind-
blowing sex, I'm falling for him again, just like that."

"It's not the same this time," Kaydence said as she sat down next to Brooklyn. "Neither of
you are in the same place and Wyatt has apologized profusely for stealing your campaign,
so I don't see a problem in exploring a relationship."

"That is the problem," Brooklyn breathed. "He apologized but how do I know he
wouldn't betray my trust again. How can I trust him with my heart when last time, he
threw my love back in my face."

"I understand," Kaydence said as she gently placed her hand on Brooklyn's arm. "But
sweetie, although I knew you loved Wyatt back then, you never told him that"

"He should have known I loved him. He was my everything."

"You have to tell men how you feel, not assume they know. And besides," Kaydence
paused. "Wyatt wasn't ready for your love before, but Justin and I have talked to him and
I assure you, he's ready now."

Brooklyn glanced away from Kaydence as she let her words sink in. He still should have
known. She wasn't ready to give Wyatt the benefit of the doubt. I have to protect my
heart, she thought as she pushed out of her mind the possibility that her heart had ever
stopped loving him.

Brooklyn glanced around the rehearsal dinner event space before taking a seat at a table
located in the back of the room. It seemed most of the bridal party had arrived except
Wyatt. She'd spent most of the afternoon helping Kaydence with some last minute
preparations before tomorrow's wedding and was glad that Kaydence told her the
rehearsal dinner was open seating. She wasn't trying to avoid Wyatt, but she appreciated
an evening out of the spotlight so she could gather her thoughts.

"Is this seat taken?"

Brooklyn looked behind her shoulder at Tim, one of Justin's groomsmen. "No, it isn't,"
she responded wishing she had chosen to sit in the front of the room with the rest of the
bridal party. Tim's silky blonde hair, tall physique and vivid green eyes would make most
women swoonbut not Brooklyn. She much preferred Wyatt's mysterious dark features
and bad-boy sex appeal.

"You look like a queen tonight Brooklyn," Tim said looking her up and down. Oh man, I
hope I don't have to suffer through his lame lines all night. Tim was an okay guy, but
Brooklyn wasn't in the mood to entertain him or stroke his ego. Suddenly, Tim's lively
face grew more serious as something caught his attention behind her. Wyatt, she thought
even before she turned around. When she did, she almost laughed at the death stare Wyatt
was giving Tim.

"Chill, man, I'm leaving," Tim said as he smiled at Brooklyn and left the table.

"Did you have to look at him like that?" Brooklyn asked once Wyatt had sat in the seat
Tim had vacated.

"If he felt intimidated then he isn't man enough for you anyway."

"Do you hear yourself?" Brooklyn said with a laugh as she shook her head.

"I'm protective of things that are mine," he said as if that justified his actions.

"That may be," Brooklyn said leaning in closer to him. "But I'm not an object and I'm not
your possession."
"Maybe not, but you are my woman."

"Not anymore."

"Oh come on," Wyatt said as he placed both hands on either side of her chair and pulled
her in between his legs. "You belong to me just as much as I belong to you so don't act
like we didn't possess each other last night in the most intimate way possible."

Brooklyn wasn't sure what was sexier to her. The fact that even now, she could tell how
much he wanted her. Or the fact that he said that she was his woman.

"If I remember correctly, we possessed each other several times," she whispered in his
ear. He slightly quivered when she'd moved in to place a kiss on his neck.

"You better not kiss me like that or else I might be tempted to ditch this rehearsal."

"The best man and maid of honor can't ditch the rehearsal before the wedding," Brooklyn
said in a playful tone. "But they can leave early if they need to have a private discussion
about the weddingabout the wedding, of course"

A sly smile filled Wyatt's face. "I like the way you think. Good thing I booked the suite
for one more night."

"Hmmthat's a little presumptuous of you," she said leaning in closer. All she could do
was smile because they both knew one night of passionate love would never have
satisfied either of them. The day after the wedding she was going back to San Francisco
so she wanted to enjoy as much of Wyatt as she could before she left.

Suddenly, Justin's voice filled the room prompting the start of the rehearsal dinner.

"We'll continue this in the bedroom," he said and surprised her with a sweet kiss that
quickly deepened. When Wyatt released her lips, she glanced around the room and was
glad that most the attendees were intently listening to Justin.

When her eyes returned to Wyatt, she momentarily stopped breathing. I still love him, she
thought quickly turning back to Justin so that Wyatt wouldn't be able to see the
realization clearly reflected in her eyes. She tightly closed her eyes before opening them
again. What am I going to do now?

Chapter Eight
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The union of Kaydence Walters and Justin Phillips was breathtaking and the women of
Elite Events Incorporated did an outstanding job turning Kaydence and Justin's dream
wedding into a reality. The reception dcor tastefully displayed Kaydence's nature
inspired theme with elegant tree branches for the centerpieces complemented by an array
of orange, red and yellow floral arrangements.

Wyatt glanced over at Justin who was sitting to his right at the large reception table. He'd
never seen Justin so happy and as he shared a kiss with Kaydence, Wyatt couldn't stop his
gaze from landing on Brooklyn who was sitting next to Kaydence. She looked absolutely
beautiful. But her beauty was only one of the many qualities he loved about her.

Love Last night had been amazing and Wyatt knew he couldn't go back to the way
things once were. Before the end of the night, he would express his love to Brooklyn and
pray that she didn't reject him.

The event planners, Mya and Lexus, walked to their reception table and announced that it
was time to give the maid of honor and best man speeches. They had already toasted the
happy couple and the delicious dinner had concluded. As rehearsed, Brooklyn stood to
give her speech first.

While she was speaking to the audience, he admired her poise and poetic words. He
loved the fact that talking about Kaydence and Justin made her emotional and a quick
glance at the attentive audience and bridal party proved she wasn't the only one on the
verge of tears.

As she concluded her speech, she looked over at Wyatt before she sat down. She has to
love me. There was no way he was misreading her body language. Please let her love me.
Justin cleared his throat signaling that it was Wyatt's turn to deliver his speech.

Although Wyatt wasn't normally the sentimental type, his heartfelt speech about Justin
marrying his one true love didn't leave a dry eye in the entire reception. He even noticed
the event planners dabbing tears in the corner of their eyes. When he was almost finished
with his speech, he turned from the audience to look at Brooklyn before his eyes left hers
and landed on newlyweds.

Justin stood to hug Wyatt at the same time that Kaydence stood to hug Brooklyn. "Don't
waste any more time, man. You have to tell her how you feel," Justin said quietly to

He nodded his head in agreement right before the DJ made his announcement signaling
that it was time for the bride and groom's first dance before the wedding party hit the
dance floor.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, let's give a round of applause to Mr. and Mrs. Phillips."

Just breathe Brooklyn encouraged herself as she took the dance floor with Wyatt. Her
heart was racing so fast that she was sure others could tell she was nervous. Wyatt had
always had a keen ability of reading her mind and her deepest thoughts. She'd often
turned to sarcasm when she wanted to direct his attention elsewhere, but she wasn't sure
her tactics would work tonight. Being with him this week and hosting the wedding
festivities had been a great feeling and she remembered all the reasons why she fell in
love with him in the first place.

"Are you okay?" he asked her with sincerity moving closer to whisper in her ear as she
swayed in his arms

"I'm fine," Brooklyn replied hoping he couldn't tell that was far from the truth.

"Do you remember that first dance we shared?" Wyatt asked as he pulled her a little
closer to the fit of him and dropped his hand on her lower back.

"How could I forget," she said with a smile. "I'd been shocked when you asked me to
dance at the company holiday party. Especially since I thought you didn't like me at all."

"I liked you too much," Wyatt said smiling as well. "Of course I didn't like that you were
a better candidate for that promotion, but more importantly, I was caught off guard by my
attraction to you. I had never reacted that way to a woman before."

Brooklyn chanced a look into his eyes surprised that she no longer felt any animosity
towards Wyatt for stealing her campaign. That was in the past and right now, she wanted
to focus on the present.

"I'd never felt that way about anyone either," she finally replied. "You were everything I
thought I didn't need, yet everything I actually" her voice trailed off when she realized
she had said too much. Wyatt looked from her eyes to her lips before speaking.

"Brooklyn, can I ask you something?"

"Sure," she said nearly breathless.

He stopped dancing, but kept his hands in place so that she couldn't move. "I was a jerk
two years ago and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't regret hurting you." Wyatt
leaned in even closer.

"You're beautiful, intelligent, and thoughtful and I can't let you go back to San

"What are you saying?" Brooklyn asked, her heart racing with questions as she studied
his facial features.

He placed both hands on either side of her face before he answered. "I'm saying,
Brooklyn Hathaway, that I love you more than I've ever loved anyone in this entire world
and my life would be incomplete without you in my future."
Brooklyn bit her bottom lip and placed both her hands over his. He loves me, she
thought, her heart filling with happiness.

"Well, then I guess it's time that I finally return home," she said, smiling even harder.

"What are you saying?" Wyatt asked as he searched her eyes.

"I'm saying, Wyatt Lexington, that you're determined, downright sexy, and you have a big
heart even though you try to hide it. I fell in love with you two years ago and I never
stopped loving you."

Wyatt gave her a slight look of confusion. "But two days before our campaign
presentations, you told me you could never love a man like me and that I didn't know
how to love."

"That was only after I overheard you tell Justin that you were incapable of love,"
Brooklyn responded.

Wyatt dropped his head to the floor before looking at Brooklyn again. "Had you listened
to the entire conversation, you would have heard me tell him that I was incapable of love
before I met you"

Brooklyn's mouth parted in surprise. "I didn't know," she said breathlessly realizing the
error she'd made. "I'm so sorry."

"I'm sorry, too," Wyatt said. "But let's leave the past behind us."

"And work towards starting a future," Brooklyn said as she pulled him in for a hug. When
his arms encircled her body, he lowered his head and gave her passionate kiss filled with
all their hopes and promises for the future. The catcalls and cheers from the bridal party
who were still dancing caused them to break their kiss. Kaydence walked over and
hugged Brooklyn while Justin slapped Wyatt on the back.

"I love you, Brooklyn Hathaway, and I can't imagine my future without you," Wyatt said
as he pulled Brooklyn back towards him and leaned down to plant another kiss on her

"And I love you, too, Wyatt Lexington," Brooklyn replied. "My future was always with
you," she continued as she placed her head on his shoulder and continued to dance with
the one man she couldn't live without.


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