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Denise Joy S.

Assignment # 3: Blackhat

What were the tools used by the cyberterrorist in the movie blackhat?
Some of the tools used by the cyberterrorist in the movie are the following:

Stuxnet which was a computer worm that targeted and reportedly ruined
almost one fifth of Iran's nuclear centrifuges
Edge router - a specialized router residing at the edge or boundary of a
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) - a popular program used to encrypt and decrypt
email over the Internet, as well as authenticate messages with digital
signatures and encrypted stored files
Bulletproof hosting - is an underweb term for a hosting provider that will host
virtually any content, from phishing and carding sites to botnet command
centers and browser exploit kits.
PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) - an industrial computer control system
that continuously monitors the state of input devices and makes decisions
based upon a custom program to control the state of output devices.

It was shown that people was the biggest vulnerability in an information

system, how would you prevent your employees from committing these
kinds of mistakes? What are the ways you can prevent cyber criminals
from accessing your data?
First, I would spread awareness to my employees. I would give them enough
information about information systems, and the threats that we might face in the
future regarding the operation of the company. I would teach them the importance
of being alert and careful, especially if it involves the information about our
organization. I would tell them that its okay to be sceptical at times, especially when
they are being asked of their or the companys identification: those may be a social
engineering attack. I would create some policies that would ensure the safety of our
companys data. In accordance to that, I would inculcate to them the value of
strictly complying with the rules and regulations in the organization; that the rules
are not there to be bent with their prejudices.

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