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5AUCER 35 OO!WIDEiiAL !rf.SLETTER tz - February 25th, 1958

We believe that we ha ve held back long enough in p rint

ing our p ro of that G\'torge Williamson did not make at least one of the discover
ies in Peru which h e claims to have made. The above photo, taken in 1955, is a
close-up view of part of the large mysterious stone with hieroglyphioa on it
which Wi l l iamson claims to have dis co v er ed personally in 1957, on an expe d i ti o n
up one of the tributaries of Peru' a Upp er Madre de Dios River. Thia photograph
waa in our possession long before Williamson ever went to Peru, or thought of
going. It was furnished to us by Al Bello,an exp lo r er presently living at Calle
Washington 1158, de p t . 8, Lima, Peru. Bello has b een making expeditions to this
ston e since 1952, and his story and pictures have app e a red in Lima 1s 1El Com
merc io1 and o ther newspapers. Even Bello was not really the fi rst to discover
the rock. Yet, w ri t i ng in the Nov .-Dec., 1957 issue of England 1 s F l y i ng Saucer

Review , Will i ams on says, 10n July loth, at 3-30 in the afternoon, we di ee ov e r
!i (il ics mine) te fabled 'Rock of the Marks or Writings'. We are in unknown
country on the Rio Sinkibenia a n d ahead of us at a sh ort distance is a w ild

'tfibe that has been v i s it e d by wh ite or civil i z ed menl1 There is no que s

tion in our minds, here at SAUCER NEWS, that Will i ams on's rock and Bello's rock
are one and the same. Will iamson undoubtedly h ea r d of the rock somehow while he
was in Lima, an d perhap s he did go th e re and revisit it; but by no stretch of
the imagination did h e discover itl
We understand that in hi s lectures and writings William
so n is now a dm it tin g that the rui ns on Peru's Marce.huasi Plateau which he
cla i m s to have visited, were really d i s c ov e r ed by Dr. Daniel Ruzo. We have re
ceived full details fr om a trusted correspondent about Ruzo's a uthent ic expedi
tions to this plateau. In addition, your Editor is p e rs o na lly quite familiar
with Peruvian ru ins; and we shall continue to s c ru t i ni z e Williamson's wr it ing s
carefully, in search of more of his factual lapses for the b en ef i t of Ameri ca n
and Br it i sh audiences!

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