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Establishing Roles and Responsibility - RASCI 1. WHAT is a RASCI? The RASCI matrix is a useful tool for defining the roles and to determine the tasks, responsibilities and authority of everyone involved in the project. The names or functional roles of the development group members are listed along the horizontal axis of the matrix and the deliverables, activities or processes along the vertical axis. Designation Definition Guidance for use eo Recconeible Responsible to do the D work or get it done eo Approve ) Approves the activity or Assign to only one person Can easily become a recommendations bottleneck the activity (e.g. advice, financials, etc.) Look to convert to ‘Inform’ wherever possible to streamline the process Need to accept not everyone will have a say in every decision Must be consulted before @® Consult : proceeding ls informed about o Inform ) decisions after they are made e Support ) Supports the execution of ) Provides some kind of input

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