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Pastry with cow cheese recipe


First Layer:
325 g flour
1 pinch of baking
1 tablespoon cocoa
2 eggs
1 pinch of salt
150 ml of oil
200 g Sugar
200 ml of milk

600 g cottage cheese, drained well
100 g Sugar
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
rum, Gust after
50 g raisins
Zest of 1 lemon

Powdered sugar / vanilla powdered sugar, if you prefer
Sift flour with baking powder and cocoa together. Put on hold.
Separately, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt un until stiff, then add sugar and
continue to mix all until the consistency of hard foam and shiny.

Add the yolks first, then oil in thin fir, Continuous mixing.
Put 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture alternating with the flour, then some of the milk and beat
to incorporate further up the entire amount of flour and milk.
Pour into a tray lined with baking paper (25x35cm).

Mixture by mixing cream cheese with sugar, eggs and flavorings.
Embed raisins and lemon zest.
Put the tray from place to place, 1 spoon of stuffing.

Give the preheated oven for about 35- 45 minutes at 180 degrees or until the cake is baked
(pass test with toothpick).

Remove the grill and allow to cool us in the tray.

Portion Serve, dusted with powdered sugar.

Preparation time: 30 minutes
Complexity: Low

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