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Nama : Fergie Yudha W

Kelas : XI TKJ 1
Pelajaran : B. Inggris

Lion and Rabbit

In ancient times, there lived a very ferocious lion in the forest. He always went hunting and
killed other animals every day. Animals that lived in the forest were worried about it. Finally
they came together to see the lion.

O great lion! You are very strong and brave. Starting from today, you are the king in this forest!
One of them said.

Groahh! I am the one who supposed to be the king! The lion said. But if you kill so many
animals every day, we will all be gone. Then how can you be a king if you do not have people!
One of them said.

From today you do not need to hunt anymore because one of us would go to see you as your
food everyday said another animal.

The lion finally agreed. He no longer hunted in the woods. Hes just waiting for the other
animals came to him as his food every day. Until one day, it was rabbits turn to meet him. He
figured out how to escape from the lion. Then he came too late on purpose so that the lion was
really hungry.

Groaah,, why are you so long and why only a rabbit! Youre not going to make me satisfied!
The lion yelled. Calm down, sir, I was here with my 12 families. But on our way they were
captured by the lion stronger than you! The rabbit said. He even sent me here to challenge
you! He added.

Show me where he is, Ill fight him! He said. Finally the rabbit drove him into a well. My
king, it was my sister, while others are still inside with the lion! The rabbit said while he was
pointing his own shadow out in the water. The lion then looked into the well and saw his shadow
too. He growled thought it was his enemy. The lion jumped into the well to attack him. However,
his head hit a rock, he dead and drowned in the well. Finally all the forest dwellers become free
because of the rabbit.

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