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Name: .......................................................

Class: VII A
the 17th of March 2015


Turn from the direct into reported speech: (80 points)

1. They are working in the garden. he said.

2. I bought a new car last week Mary said.

3. Ill phone you tomorrow She said to Peter.

4. Will they visit us in the summer? she asked.

5. What have you done today? Mother asked.

6. Greece is hotter than England said George.

7. Have you seen this film? Helen asked me

8. Eat your dinner she said to him.

9. Are you going to stay out late tonight? she asked them.

10. Hes studying for an exam now she said.

11. Can you play the piano? Kate asked me.

12. How old are you? she asked him.

13. You are making too much noise! mother said to her children.

14. I wnat to go go sailing next week Michael said.

15. I didnt break the window said the little boy to her.

16. He took the money to the bank this morning she said.

17. She dropped the vase on the floor Tony said.

18. Weve bought you a present she said to me.

19. I havent phoned my uncle since last month Mary told us.

20. A giraffe is bigger than a mouse the student said.

20 points granted

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