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FM Transmitter Report

In the LC circuit arrangement, the charge and hence current behaves as a
harmonic oscillator. This can be understood by understanding the energy
transfer between the inductor (L) and capacitor(C).
In the capacitor the energy stored in the electric field between the capacitor
plates, whereas, in the inductor the energy is stored in the magnetic field. The
energy stored in the capacitor - EC
Q2 ( ) L I2
and the energy EC = 1 E L= (2) stored in the
2C 2
inductor - E L are given by:

When considering a capacitor initially at full charged and connected to an

inductor it will discharge through the inductor, the charge in the capacitor will
then vary as a function of time i.e. Q = Q (t). The energy of the capacitor will
therefore also vary in time. Since this circuit can be considered idealised i.e. no
external energy losses via resistance , heat etc. The loss in energy of the
capacitor must be transferred to the inductor.
The total energy of the circuit is given by:

Q2 L I 2 ( )
E= + 3
2C 2

Differentiating equation 3:
dE Q dQ dI
= + LI
dt C dt dt

Since the total energy E is a constant and will not change dt

Q dI
I + LI =0
C dt

W here I = Factoring out I, gives the differential equation:
dt .

d Q 1
= Q(4)
dt LC

The solution for this differential equation is given by:

Q (t )=Q 0 cos (t +)(5)

This solution is that of a simple harmonic oscillator in the case of an electrical

circuit. The charge oscillates transferring between the capacitor and inductor
with an oscillation frequency given by:
= (6)
L Inductance, C capacitance
From this solution the current and voltage as functions of time can be found:
Using I = -dq/dt i.e. the rate of decay of the charge through the capacitor:
I ( t )=I 0 sin (t +)(7)

And using V= Q/C :

V ( t )=V 0 cos (t +)(8)

Both the current and voltage across the capacitor therefore vary as harmonic
oscillators with time.
The interpretation of this is that

Interpret graphs, explain role of inductor Lenzs law and Faradays

2. A detailed description of the function of the transistor in supplying the oscillator with
The resistor behaves analogous to the friction term in a mechanical oscillator,

Amplifier feedback to oscillator provides energy at a rate equal to

the rate that the LC oscillator losses energy in-order to maintain it at
constant amplitude.
Positive feedback feedback oscillator

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