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House on Mango Street Questions

For each vignette, please answer these questions in your journal.

The First Job (53)

Why is she scared to eat in the lunchroom?
What is the significance of her experience with the man in the

Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark (56)

What is Esperanzas reaction to her father crying?
What is papas role in Esperanzas life?
What is the tone at the end of the vignette?

Born Bad (58)

Why is she ashamed when she realizes her aunt is blind?
What is the significance of the poem?
What dreams do the girls dream?
What questions does she ask about her aunts death? What
conclusions does she come to?

Elenita, Cards, Palm, Water (62)

Why does she ask about a house?
Why does Esperanza seem disappointed with her fortune?

Geraldo No Last Name (65)

Why does Geraldo have no last name?
From the information Cisneros supplies, do you believe that his death
was inevitable?

Ednas Ruthie (67)

Why is Ruthie staying with Edna?
What does the fact that Ruthie sees lovely things everywhere say
about her?

The Earl of Tennesse (70)

What does she think of Earl?
Whey does she call him Earl of Tennessee?
Why does he fascinate the kids so much?
What can we tell about Earl by the end of the chapter?

Sire (72)
Why does she notice him, and how does she react to him?
Why does she feel she has something to prove?

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