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1. Leader
2. Challenger
3. Follower
4. Nicher

Imitators are companies that do not have sufficient resources, appropriate market
position technical skills or organizational commitment to challenge the market

Marketing segmentation: needs, attitudes, values and behaviors

B2C Segmentation:

Geographic region, type of settlement, consumption, media

Socio-demographic gender, age, no of children, education, occupation,
Psychographic attitudes, values, interests, activities, lifestyle
Behavioral frequency of usage (heavy, medium, light, occasional, non-
Benefit needs, benefits, characteristics (e.g. quality seekers, status seekers

Minerva model of segmentation:

1. Modern
2. Idealistic
3. Traditional
4. Pragmatic

VALS (values, attitudes and lifestyle)

Thinkers (high $, well informed, mature, practical) believers (low $, traditional,

predictable, loyal)
Achievers (goal oriented, carrier) strivers (concerned with others opinion, fun,
stylish, trendy)
Experiencers (enthusiastic, impulsive, hipsters) makers (practical, limited $)
Innovators survivors

Types of shoppers:
1. Balanced
2. Addicted
3. Fast forward
4. Gate keepers

B2B Segmentation : focused on prince, quality and brand, partnership, service

1. Convenience geography, language
2. Firmographics size of company, products made
3. Behavior price, delivery, quality
4. Needs security, power, esteem
Positioning = the place occupied in the mind of the costumer

1. Product class
2. Competitor
3. Origin
4. Personality
5. Product attributes
6. Product benefits
7. Usage occasion
8. Users
9. Activities

Credence attributes used to position the product have to be perceived to be

Competitiveness offering the consumer benefits which competitors are not
Clarity a clearly differentiated position for the product in the minds of the target

Generation X born 60-80: accepts diversity, looks for rules, self involved, uses
Generation Y born 81-96: celebrates diversity, re-writes rules, self inventive,
love technology
Generation Z 96 : assume diversity, rejects rules, self expansive, life is

Consumer behavior

Marketing mix 4Ps: Product, Price, Promotion, Place

Marketing mix 4Cs: Costumer, Cost, Convenience, Communication

Augmented product enhances the experience ( delivery, warranty etc.)
Actual product tangible product (pack, taste, brand, color, shape etc.)
Core product satifies basic needs

Pricing strategies
1. Premium - small businesses that sell unique goods
2. Penetration
3. Product line
4. Competition
5. Skimming high to low price
6. Psychology
7. Bundle something + something else for free
8. Sympathetic painkiller, sympathetic, purposeful
9. Optional that gives you something extra (1 year guarantee, a seat near the
window in a plane)
10.Cost plus
11.Freemium basic product for free+ premium features that cost; mostly online
products such as games
12.*politeness pricing

Marketing mix:
1. Product
2. Consumer attitudes
3. Consumer purchase behavior low involvement, price and feature focus etc.
4. Place limited, exclusive markets, widespread etc.
5. Price
6. Promotion mass comm, ads etc.

Manufacturer->wholesaler(intermediar)->retailer (final sale)showroom store

Shopping experience

Promotion: reminding, informing, persuading

ATL (brand awareness, tv/radio ads etc.) & BTL (targets specific groups, e-mail,
telemarketing etc.) & TTL (social media campaigns)

Celebrity endorsement
Influence marketing

Social media marketing: traffic, brand exposure and interaction

Raising interest and visibility
Improving and maintaining relationships
Building and maintaining TRUST

Brand: name, term, sign, symbol, design
An asset is an element that is able to produce benefits over a long period of time. In
order to deliver their benefits, their financial value, they need to work in conjunction
with other material assets such as production facilities. Brands cannot exist without
a support (i.e. product or service)

Branding creates mental structures that help consumers organize their knowledge
about products and services in a way that clarifies their decision making.

Brand identity: what it stands for; product + organization (organizational attributes)

+ symbol + person (brand personality)
Brand image: the way it is perceived by consumers (set of characteristics attached
to the brand) ex. sincerity, competence, connectivity etc.

Apple ex. o brand identity:

Physique: think different, logo symbol, easy access
Personality: cool, simplicity, innovative
Relationship: friendliness
Culture: believe in bringing change, US culture
Reflection: self-enhancement, connection
Self-image: young brand, fun etc

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