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Lost generation filled with hopes and dreams and farewells to old connections to start

over. Dreams crushed underneath the fingertips of war. Men and women torn apart across the
ocean and their own inner struggles. The generation during World War 1, and after it ended
proved to be established as lost. There were many promises before War and heartbreak
post-war. It was a generation of falling out of love and figuring out how to live for yourself due to
the pace of having to grow up. Writers like Ernest Hemingway captured the struggles during the
period of World War 1 by writing stories such as A Very Short Story and The End of
Something. People Magazines wrote the biography about Hemingway and Agnes Von
Kurowsky. He focused on showing certain scenarios and how people dealt with the situations
they have been dealt. The lost generation was considered lost through the war and its effects on
people, some people could not trust, some people could not stay, and some could just not love.
It was a generation where love was no longer the same and relationships were ending. The lost
generation was tragic.
Ernest Hemingway wrote The End of Something and it was published in 1925. The
story was about a man named Nick and a woman named Marjorie. The story is about the two
spending time together fishing. Throughout the story, Hemingway uses the scenery and weather
to describe more than just the story. He uses pathetic fallacy in this script to describe how Nick
is feeling about the relationship. In the text it states They were trolling along the edge of the
channel bank where the bottom dropped off suddenly from the sandy shallows to twelve feet of
water (Hemingway 1). This was Hemingway showing how Nicks feelings for Marjorie had
suddenly gone away. He had realized he did not feel for Marjorie anymore. Later in the text,
Marjorie and Nicks dialogue about the fish was Theyre feeding, but they wont strike
(Hemingway 2). This shows how Nick is not taking the chance to tell Marjorie how he feels.
About halfway through the story Hemingway uses pathetic fallacy to use the weather to describe
their situation at that moment, It was not quite dark, and that is when Nick told Marjorie he did
not feel like eating. Afterwards when Marjorie asked Nick what that matter was, Nick proceeded
with I dont know, Marjorie had began to try to force it out and did not stop questioning until
Nick said, It isnt fun anymore (Hemingway 3). Nicks repetitive avoidance on the subject had
shown Marjorie that something was wrong and she retrieved her answer even though it was an
answer she did not want to hear. Marjorie asked Nick, Isnt love any fun? in which Nick
responded with No (Hemingway 4). Marjorie did not stay around to share how she felt and she
left Nick where they were sitting. Hemingway showcased the tragic part of the generation where
love just was not enough anymore.
People Magazines wrote the biographical text about Hemingway and Agnes to show
what war and distance can do to a couple hoping for a better future. Hemingway was a second
lieutenant in the American Red Cross Ambulance Service. Agnes was Hemingways nurse after
he was injured. In the second paragraph, People Magazines stated A callow 19-year-old
wounded, he was ripe for adventure and romance; his American Nurse, vivacious at 26, made
the perfect crush. After the war ended and Hemingway returned to the states, Agnes was in
Italy. People Magazines wrote, The pair exchanged love letters for several months, but in
March 1919, Agnes, who was finishing up a series of Red Cross postings in Italy and had taken
up with an Italian Nobleman, Hemingway had been so in love with Agnes only to have his love
crushed by someone who did not take him very seriously. Agnes had said she was fond of him
more as a mother than a sweetheart and they never saw each other again. Agnes had said It
was just a flirtation, and How proud I will be some day to say, Oh yes, Ernest Hemingway.
Used to know him quite well during the war (People Magazines.) This story showed beyond
the context of how war had caused Agnes to go out and find something more serious than what
she thought she had with Hemingway. Tragically, she married twice. Hemingway had to deal
with the loss of someone he fell in love with. This tragedy was an example of the lost
Hemingway wrote A Very Short Story in 1924 which was later revised in 1925. This
story was about a woman named Luz and another man. The man was a soldier and Luz was a
nurse whom fell in love while the man was under her care. The man fell in love with Luz as did
many others. In the third paragraph, Hemingway wrote Before he went back to the front, they
wanted to get married, but there was not enough time for the wedding announcements, and
neither of them had birth certificates. They felt as though they were married, but they wanted
everyone to know about it, and to make it so they could not lose it. They did not have birth
certificates because they were far from home during the war. As the war came to an end, the
man wanted Luz to come be with him in the states because they were still in Italy. Hemingway
wrote in the fourth paragraph, They (letters) were all about the hospital, and how much she
loved him and how it was impossible to get along without him and how terrible it was missing
him at night. Luz began to miss the man and refused to come live with him in the states until he
became stable enough to support both of them with a job. The man went to America on a boat.
Hemingway began to use pathetic fallacy through weather to describe how Luz was feeling and
her emotions about the man being away from her. In the sixth paragraph, Hemingway wrote
Living in the muddy, rainy town in the winter, the major of battalion made love to Luz. This
showed that her loneliness got the best of her and she gave in to affection to someone else.
Luz, however, thought that the man would still marry her in the Spring, in which he never did
because of the betrayal he faced as he was trying to build a life in the states so Luz can join
him. He became self destructive and decided to go off on himself and make some bad
decisions. Heming wrote in paragraph seven, The major did not marry her in the spring, or any
other time. Luz never got an answer to the letter to Chicago about it. A short time after, he
contracted gonorrhea from a sales girl in a loop department store while riding in a taxicab
through Lincoln Park. The relationship did not work out because the man could no longer trust
Luz. The war had isolated them to hopes of being together one day and Luz just could not
handle the idea of being alone until the man could figure it out making this a tragic ending to a
once hopeful situation.
In conclusion, the lost generation was filled with misunderstanding, lack of trust and
timing as well as the capability to live for more than in the moment. The time of war and the time
afterwards was a real test for love and couples hoping for forever because in actuality
relationships were ending due to loneliness and how love just was not enough anymore.
Hemingway wrote the stories to showcase how men and women acted during this generation
and how feelings were compromised through decisions made based on the now rather than
thinking about what will happen when they decide to act upon how they feel is right or what they
feel is okay to do. Therefore, the lost generation was tragic.

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