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The Wikipedia entry for Spotify has charted the growth of Spotify:

In November 2011, more than 2.5 million paying subscribers signed up to its
service. This followed 500,000 premium users signing up since its partnership
with Facebooks Open Graph, which allows people to share the tracks they
were listening to with friends. It also launched in the United States in 2011.
In August 2012, there were four million paying Spotify subscribers responsible for
at least 20 million per month in revenue.
By March 2013, Spotify had grown to six million paying customers globally (a
figure that remained in December 2013) and 24 million total active users.
By May 2014, Spotify had grown to ten million paying customers and 30 million
free users.
By January 2015, Spotify had grown to 15 million paying customers and 45
million free users.
Through licensing the service to other businesses there are further opportunities
for revenue. For example, in January 2015, Playstation announced that Spotify
would power their new music service called Playstation Music.

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