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Day 1: Tarangire Treetops Lodge (Tarangire) LDBB
Day 2: Tarangire Treetops Lodge (Tarangire) LDBB
Day 3: Ngorongoro Crater Lodge (Ngorongoro) LDBB
Day 4: Ngorongoro Crater Lodge (Ngorongoro) LDBB
Day 5: Four Seasons Safari Lodge (Serengeti) LDBB
Day 6: Four Seasons Safari Lodge (Serengeti) LDBB
Day 7: Four Seasons Safari Lodge (Serengeti) LDBB
Day 8: Depart (Kilimanjaro Airport)
Day 01:
Pick up and assist to
board into a charter flight to Tarangire (30 minutes) where
you will be met upon arrival and transferred within the
park, to the lodge for lunch. You might even get a chance to
see wildlife en-route although this is not a game drive. In Cessna C208 (13 Seater)
the Afternoon, go on a game drive in search of the myriad
Dinner and overnight at Tarangire Treetops

Tarangire National Park lies 120 km south of Arusha. The Tarangire River, after which
the park is named, provides the only permanent water for wildlife in the area The most
common animals found in the park include zebras, wildebeest, lions, leopards, waterbucks,
giraffe, elephants, gazelles, impala, gerenuk, lesser kudu and the beautiful fringe-eared
Day 02:
Have breakfast in the Lodge and thereafter, meet your
guide at the front desk and head out for your morning
game drive.
Come back to the Lodge for your lunch. After lunch, have
a siesta or just relax. Later on in the afternoon, again
meet your driver and go on the afternoon game drive.
Meals and overnight at Tarangire Treetops

Tarangire Treetops is located outside the Park in a private conservation area, 21 km from
the Boundary Hill gate. It is about 2 hours drive from Arusha town. The boutique style
lodge consists of 20 entirely open fronted luxury tree houses perched high up in Baobab
& Marula trees, all with en-suite bathroom, 24 hours power & hot water, hair dryer, a
large private deck, safe deposit box, coffee or tea making facilities
Day 03:
After breakfast, depart for Ngorongoro Conversation Area
which is located on the southern rim of the Ngorongoro
Crater. Arrive in time for lunch and thereafter check-in.
The afternoon is spent at leisure
Dinner and overnight at Ngorongoro Crater

Ngorongoro Crater Lodge, has a stunning view of the crater. It is 190 km from Arusha
town and consists of three adjacent camps with 30 Maasai-inspired suites perched on
stilts on the rim of the Ngorongoro Crater - North and South Camp each with 12 suites
and Tree Camp with six suites, set in classic crescents with spectacular views of the
crater from large glass windows in the bathroom, lounge and bedroom, yet almost
invisible from the crater floor.
After breakfast, grab your picnic lunch boxes and drive to Ngorongoro Crater for a full
day crater tour. The Ngorongoro Crater, which is the central attraction in the area, is the
largest Caldera in the world that has its walls intact. The Ngorongoro Crater floor, a sheer
drop of 610 metres below the crater rim, has an area of 304 sq. km, with a diameter of 19
km. The sight of the Ngorongoro Crater is simply stunning. It is impossible to give a fair
description of the size and beauty of the Crater, for there is nothing with which one can
compare it. It is one of the Wonders of the World once wrote Professor Bernhard
Dinner and overnight at Ngorongoro Crater Lodge

Covering approximately 8,292 square km, the

Ngorongoro Conservation Area consists of the
Ngorongoro Crater itself, the Olduvai Gorge and
Ndutu, the Empakai crater and the Oldonyo
Lengai Mountain.
The crater floor is home to tens of thousands of
plains animals, including wildebeest, zebra,
gazelles, elands, and a large predator population
of lions, hyena and jackal which can all be viewed
at close quarters. The rare black rhino can be
viewed here, and if you are lucky you can see
cheetah and leopard.
Day 05:
After breakfast, drive to Manyara for your 1100 hours charter
flight to Lobo in Serengeti National Park. On arrival, you will be
picked and go on a game. Later arrive for lunch and check-in at
your Lodge
Arrive at Serengeti Four Seasons Safari Lodge which is
located in Northern Serengeti, hidden among Kopjes or rocky
outcrops in a prime game viewing area, 20km from Lobo airstrip.
Dinner and overnight at Four Seasons Safari Lodge Cessna C208 (13 Seater)

The Olduvai Gorge, popularly referred to as

The Cradle of Humankind, is the site where
in 1959 Dr. Louis Leakey discovered the skull
of Zinjanthropus or Nutcracker Man
believed to have lived 1.75 million years ago.
Later reclassified as Australopithecus boisei,
this creature had a massive skull though small
brained (500 cc) with huge teeth. Several
months later Dr. Leakey found another fossil
hominid in the same layer of excavation, called
Homo habilis or handy man, smaller than the
Nutcracker Man but with a larger brain (600
cc) and capable of making simple stone tools.
Day 06 & 7:
Have breakfast in the Lodge and thereafter, meet your guide at the front desk and head
out for your morning game drive. Come back to the Lodge for your lunch. After lunch, have
a siesta or just relax. Later on in the afternoon, again meet your driver and go on the
afternoon game drive.
Meals and overnight at Dinner and overnight at Four Seasons Safari Lodge
The name 'Serengeti' comes from the Maasai language and appropriately means an
'extended place'. The National Park is as big as Northern Ireland, but its ecosystem,
which includes the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, the Maswa Game Reserve and the
Maasai Mara Game reserve (in Kenya), is roughly the size of Kuwait.
Day 08:
Transfer to Lobo Airstrip for chartered flight to Kilimanjaro (one hour) on arrival in
Kilimanjaro, you will be met and assisted to connect on a departure flight.
Ground Transportation with a 6 seater safari prepared vehicle
Services of a professional English speaking driver guide
Accommodation and meals at the lodge only as per the above
itinerary Park entry fees.
Bottled water
Porters (tipping direct)
Charter flight from Kilimanjaro Airport to Tarangire
Airstrip Charter from Manyara to Lobo
Charter flight from Lobo to Kilimanjaro

Visa fees, laundry services, inoculations drinks, tipping
All expenses of personal nature
Gratuities, medical, personal and travel insurance
Domestic and international Flights
Transfers and accommodation in Arusha
Airport departure taxes
Optional excursions and activities
Flying doctor and medical evacuation.
All Supplement

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