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Music Video Responses

From the responses, the people who answered my survey were 21-60 years old
(mainly 41-60)
From the responses, the 3 people that answered were all male
From the responses on lighting, most of them said the lighting was neutral but
can be a bit grey where not needed.
Most of the people said the lighting could be improved by adding more lighting to
make it more effective.

The responses tell me that the editing was well done to the music and tells the
story well

To improve the editing, the responses suggest that we could add a variety of
different shots and the speed of the shots need to be adjusted
The responses say that the set up was good and fit the story
The responses are saying that we could improve the mise-en-scene by making
sure shots are in focus and are stable. Also that we should of added some make-
up and changed some of the clothing

When asking if theres any other comments to be added, the responses tell us
that maybe we could add a few more characters to add interest to the story but
they did like the playfulness of the characters

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