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Signs the student is having issues Strategies/Tips

Communicating with the professor If the student has a ton of unanswered I will select one item or topic and
questions coming into the session, or suggest to the student to ask the
has trouble deciphering either the professor about it. The only way to get
lecture notes or his hand-written notes, through the fear of asking your
this is a big indicator that they arent professor questions is to actually do it.
comfortable asking their professor But if they are intimidated of their
questions. professor, I tell them they can always
ask the TAs or their classmates the
same questions.
Time Management The student will say something like, I I enjoy creating study plans with my
dont have enough time to read the students, especially if the student is a
book, or the professor goes over the regular tutee of mine. Well identify
material too fast. I always ask my everything the student has to get done
tutees how their week is going so far to be ready for the exam, and the time
and if they say that they have been the student has to complete
really busy Ill ask them about their everything. Then, we make a
time management skills. reasonable plan that will work for the
Note-taking In the beginning of the session, I always I always suggest taking notes if the
ask the students to pull out their books students dont already. If they take poor
and notes. If they dont take out their notes, I encourage the students to try
notes, I ask them if they take notes in to summarize what the professor is
class or what their strategy is regarding saying and glean the important points
notes. Most classes I tutor for are out of the lecture. In math classes, I
lectures, with the professors simply advise that the student write down the
dictating down the PowerPoints. first practice problem, but then sit
through the second practice problem
and listen to how the teacher solves it,
so that they now have an idea on what
to do and have the previous example to
practice on.
Studying The student will typically say that he Study tips are simple: focus on topics
doesnt know what to study or that he you know will be on the exam. Study in
studies for long periods of time, but he chunks over longer periods as opposed
gets discouraged because he doesnt to cramming. Highlight and take notes
see significant boosts to his grade. while you read the chapter and reread
your notes.

Signs the student is having issues Strategies/Tips

Motivation The student will blame his poor Whenever I deal with a tutee who
performance on the teacher, the way doesnt want to be in the session, I
the class is structured, or basically remind the student that since he has to
anything else but himself. In addition, be here, he might as well get
unmotivated students will seem something from it instead of wasting
disinterested in the session, bored of both his and my time.
being there, and fed up with school in
Textbook Reading Whenever the student doesnt even Use the book during the session to
know they have a book, that is a HUGE prove to the student how useful it is.
problem (actually happens more than Whenever they have questions about
you think). Usually, I tutor pre-calculus formulas or definitions, I direct them to
and applied calculus, and I can tell you the book. Also, I like to walk through
that most students are not aware that book practice problems with my
they have the online textbook. students because the books way of
explaining the problems usually makes
more sense than the students
professors way.
Test-Taking and Test Anxiety Basically I hear the phrase, I hate The biggest strategy to overcome this
taking tests, or Im such a bad test anxiety is proving to the student they
taker. The biggest indicator is when a can solve the problems during the
student does something perfectly session. This will build their confidence
during the session, but then says, I come exam time. Also, I will give the
wont be able to do this on the test. student simple test-taking tips and
tricks to help build their confidence.
Mainly, their own lack of confidence is
the only thing standing in the way of
them performing well on tests.

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