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When Josie Dew was young, she felt out of a car, so she has never learnt to drive.

She was still at primary school when she the USA. She was in Romania on Christmas
decided she wanted to travel. So when she was Day in 1989 when President Ceausescu was
eleven, she decided to go for long bike rides, executed by the Government. And she hasnt
and cycled 40 or 50 miles every day. been to Egypt yet, because when she was in
Turkey, a war started nearby. So she went to
Josie says: The only good thing about
Greece instead.
secondary school was cycling there and back. I
left when I was 16. I love cooking, so I started She has sometimes travelled with friends,
a business. I cooked three-course meals, and boyfriends and even her mother, but she has
delivered them by bike! In 1985, as soon as I often cycled alone. She had only one really
had some money, I cycled to Africa and back. frightening experience a man attacked her in
Josie has been to 40 countries and has had all
kinds of interesting experiences. She has In 1997 she hurt her knee very badly, so she
cycled through the Himalayan Mountains in started writing books about her journeys. Shes
Nepal, then down to India. She has cycled written five books, and now shes on her bike
through millions of locusts in the Moroccan again! At the moment shes planning to cycle
desert. She has travelled through tornados in around New Zealand.

1. Josie has never learnt to drive because _____.

A. of her bad experience falling out of a car
B. she loves cycling
C. primary school students are not allowed to drive a car
D. must cycle 40 or 50 miles every day
E. must deliver food to her customers

2. Josie started cycling _____.

A. when she left secondary school
B. as soon as she had some money
C. from the Himalayan mountains
D. when she was eleven
E. when she was sixteen

3. Which year did she go abroad for the first time?

A. In 1974
B. In 1985
C. In 1989
D. In 1997
E. In 2005
4. Which statement is correct according to the passage?
A. Josie Dew always travels alone.
B. Josie cycled to India before she went to Nepal.
C. Josie succeeded going to Egypt even though there was a war nearby.
D. On Christmas Day in 1989 Josie was in Turkey.
E. Josie has written five books and gone on cycling.
5. She had only one really frightening experience a man attacked her in Bulgaria.
H. The underlined word has closest meaning to:
A. scary
B. interesting
C. happy ending
D. unforgettable
E. confusing
6. I cooked three-course meals, and delivered them by bike.
F. The underlined word means:
A. refused
B. kept
C. sent
D. sold
E. changed
I. TODD CHRISTIAN, the Human Cannonball, has lost his job, because he is scared
of flying. But it isnt the giant cannon that scares him, its aeroplanes! He is quite happy
to fly 30 meters above the circus at 80 kph, but he wont get on a plane.
J. When Todd, 26, injured his leg during a performance, the circus said he
should go to Brazil for a special training course. But Todd refused to go. He said, I
know it sounds crazy, because Im a human cannonball, but I dont like long flights. If
Im on a plane for a long time, I start to panic.
K. So the circus told him he had to leave his job. Todd said he was very upset. He
is now discussing the situation with his lawyer. He thinks he doesnt have to do the
L. Meanwhile, Brazilian Diego Zeman, the Human Rocket, has arrived at the
circus to take Todds job. Senhoe Zeman has already done the special training course. I
feel sorry for Todd, but this is my dream job and Im very happy, said the Human
M. Marnie Dock, who became the worlds first female human cannonball at the
age of 16, is now the circuss cannon trainer. She thought that Todd should do the
training course. She explained that the circus had to be very strict, as the human
cannonball performance could be very dangerous. We did it for his own safety, she
N. Meanwhile, the circus has offered him another job as a clown.
7. Which one is correct?
A. Todd is scared of his job.
B. Flying scared Todd
C. Todds leg was hurt during the training
D. The aeroplane has a cannon
E. Todd went to Brazil for special training
8. Which one is correct?
A. The circus wanted him to go on a training course in South America.
B. The circus said he didnt have to go on the course.
C. Todd thinks that the training course is necessary.
D. Todd decided not to take the job as a clown.
E. Diego Zeman is Todds trainer in the course.
9. Todd Christian, , has lost his job because he is terrified of flying.
P. The underlined word is synonymous to the word:
A. very big
B. unhappy
C. hurt
D. in trouble
E. really scared.
AB. The following numbers do not have relationship with the text. Choose the
correct answer.
10. At this moment she . . . her dress.
A. will sew.
B. is sewing.
C. sews.
D. sew.
E. sewed.
11. I . . . everything I can to help you.
A. do
B. is doing.
C. will do.
D. have done.
E. did.
12. She . . . her grandparents next month
A. has visited.
B. visited.
C. visits.
D. will visit.
E. was visiting.
13. Keep quiet, w e . . . to the music.
A. are listening.
B. will listen.
C. have listened.
D. listened.
E. were listening
14. Daru : What are you going to do after leaving the college?
A. Dimas : Well, I dont want to be jobless. So Im ..getting a job soon.
A. planning
B. thinking of
C. would like
D. going to
E. intending
15. You cant see Tom now; he __________ a bath.
A. is having
B. has
C. will have
D. have
E. is going
16. He usually _____ coffee but today he _____ tea.
A. is drinking is drinking
B. drinks drinks
C. is drinking drinks
D. drinks is drinking
E. drinks will drink
17. What __________ of the Budget?
A. He __________ it most unfair.
B. I __________with him.
C. is Tom thinking is thinking am agrreing
D. does Tom think thinks agree
E. does Tom think is thinking agree
F. is Tom thinking thinks agree
G. is Tom thinking thinks am agreeing
18. Can I borrow your pen or __________it at the moment?
A. are you using
B. do you use
C. does he use
D. will you use
E. did you
19. __________ to your local library? Yes, I do.
A. Are you belong
B. Are you belonging
C. Do you belonging
D. Do you belong
E. Will you belong
20. Did you remember to book seats?
A. Oh no, I forgot. I __________ for them now.
B. am going to telephone
C. will telephone
D. telephone
E. am telephoning
F. will be telephoning
21. Why are you peeling that bit of garlic?
A. I __________ it in the stew.
B. put
C. am going to put
D. will put
E. putting
F. to put
22. I cant understand this letter.
A. I _____ my son. He _____ it for you.
B. am calling is translating
C. will call will translate
D. will call translate
E. call translate
F. am going to call is going to translate
23. Child : Ive torn(merobekkan) my dress.
A. Mother: I __________ it for you.
B. mend
C. am mending
D. am going to mend
E. will mend
F. mends
24. He _____ whatever you tell him.
A. is believing
B. is going to believe
C. believes
D. believing
E. will believe
25. If you think it over you _____ that I am right.
A. will see
B. are going to see
C. are seeing
D. see
E. do seeing

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