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Clinical Pharmacy

Santos, Shaira F.
PM 401
Study: Cough-cold shoppers are basket-fillers
Author: Joseph Tarnowski, VP content, ECRM
The title of the article says that cough-cold shoppers are basket-fillers, the article
content is about how they manage their cough and colds condition. Many
participants on the study rely on the cough and colds preparation that are available
in the market with the percent of 77.9% but the percent on the participants that
taking only water and rest are not far on the number that are taking medication.
The study on this article for me is accurate because as a consumer I do rely on cold
and cough preparation that are available and also if the medication is not available I
only take rest and water. I agree on the data in the article because me as a
consumer usually do things like

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