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United States Senate


Senate Bill No. 8514

Principal Author: Peter Colwell

Engagement Alteration Act

FOR the purpose of altering the current Rules of Engagement to allow soldiers to be able to properly
defend themselves and their country. The current Rules of Engagement ban soldiers from using riot
control agents without presidential approval. This bill will alter the current Rules of Engagement to
allow soldiers to be allowed to use more of their power to properly eliminate threats while still protecting
innocents in and around areas of combat. This bill will also place more experienced soldiers in the
position to make orders.


1 WHEREAS Many soldiers die each month because they were not allowed to fight back
2 against enemies; and,
3 WHEREAS the current Rules of Engagement put inexperienced lawyers in command of
4 more experienced and capable soldiers; and,
5 WHEREAS soldiers are not allowed to use all the force at their disposal to properly
6 eliminate hostiles; and,
7 WHEREAS terrorists take advantage of the current Rules of Engagement to flee, hide,
8 and make and transport supplies; and,
10 AMERICA A BILL TO alter the current Rules of Engagement
12 1a. Riot control agents (Such as pepper spray and tear gas, or any incapacitating agent
13 lasting a few hours to a few days with no permanent injury or death) will now be allowed,
14 and all troops to be deployed must receive training to properly handle these substances.
15 This is necessary to help safely stop civilians from endangering themselves, other
16 civilians, and military personnel while not causing permanent harm.
17 2a. Landmines and Booby traps (such as mines and claymores) are now allowed in any
18 unpopulated areas where there is little to no chance an innocent will trigger it. This is
19 necessary to help protect marines from surprise assault. However, any bombs planted
20 must be kept on record, to keep marines or allies from triggering them accidentally.
21 3a. In firefights or major engagements, soldiers are allowed to use all force at their
22 disposal, including airstrikes. This is necessary to save American lives and kill all
23 hostiles.
24 4a. The Department of Humane War (DoHW) will be created, to be able to alter the
25 Rules of Engagement at any time, if necessary. This department will contain, high ranked
26 military officials and lawyers, to change the Rules of Engagement and to create the tests
27 for soldiers on the Rules of Engagement. This is necessary as different events could
28 happen in a war that force us to change our Rules of Engagement to combat it properly,
29 such as new weapons or new allies. To keep them from abusing this power, a committee
30 of 5 senators and 5 Representatives in the house will meet to approve or deny these
31 changes.
32 Section 2 - ENFORCEMENT
33 The United States Department of Defense (USDOD) will be in charge of enforcing this
34 bill. They will train all soldiers and military personnel about the changes to the Rules of
35 Engagement.
36 In order to fund the training and the creation of the new department, a new tax, the
37 ROEA (Rules of Engagement Alteration) Tax of 2017, will be imposed on firearms of
38 any kind.
39 The soldiers will all be required to pass a test on the Rules of Engagement once every
40 three months.
41 The ROEA Tax will be a 5% additional tax on any firearm bought and sold in the United
42 States of America. 6 billion is spent each year on firearms, so it is very possible to raise
43 enough money.
44 Section 3 - CLOSING SECTION
45 If this bill is passed, it will take effect October 1, 2017
46 SECTION 4. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by.

Peter Colwell

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