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Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico

Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatln

My favorite person
Mondragn Mancera Montserrat GROUP: 1112

Aaron Swartz

Aaron Swartz was born in Chicago, United States on November 8th of 1983.
He was a internet hactivist, programmer and writer.
He was a computer genius, since he was a child became interested in the
programming, and in his adolescence he chaired conferences regarding Internet.
From an early age he became interested in the issue of anti copyright.
He believed that knowledge should be free.
In 2011, Swartz was sued by JSTOR, MIT and,
ultimately, the government of the United States.
He was accused of illegally download more than five million company files
JSTOR and try to disseminate them for free on the Internet.
In 2013 he suffered a terrible period of depression which led him to commit suicide in his apartment in

admire Aaron
because he
was a very intelligent person and
he realized from very young that the government and business have the control of knowledge.
He was, undeniably, an extraordinary hacker. He fought for
the internet was completely free and could be accessed at any
Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico
Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatln
My favorite person
Mondragn Mancera Montserrat GROUP: 1112
part of the world, something that personalities like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg, not have dared to
Aaron's legacy endures, his ideals are something we must not forget,
we must demand that the internet becomes available to any human being.

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