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The day My video games became alive

Rafael Graciano
One day, I was in my room in the city of Los
Angeles playing a video game on my console. Pew
pew!! Went my Tv. I was having fun, and all of a
sudden, I heard a little crackling noise coming from
the back of my tv. Then my TV screen was getting
a static type of image. Huh I thought. I got up,
only to see a portal. What is this? I said to myself.
I was very curious. My body was telling me to go in
it, but my brain told me not to. Then I took a little
leap into the portal. Whoosh! went the loose
papers on my rug.
And all of a sudden I hear a familiar theme
song. Dun dun dunnn.. Dun dun dun dun dun
dun I was blinded by the sudden flash.. And
then .. I saw a character that I recognised Rico?
R.. Rico Rodriguez? I said in a little voice. I saw his
messy brown hair, with a dark blue button shirt
with some jeans and a belt full of gadgets.
*sigh*.. How can I help you my man? he replied.
JUST CAUSE 3?! I ran to him in surprise and shook
his hand.
yelled. Woah, woah woah.. Calm down buddy it is
not that easy. We must cross the bridge to Cima
leon. Yes sir! I said in happiness. Then I saw his
huge war jet. Hop on kid! Rico said. I got on the
jet in confusion. Then, Rico turned the engine on.
went the engine. SWWWOOOSH oh no,said rico
in shock what is wrong Rico? Are you OK? I
asked. Yes, but it looks like the sargent Di
ravelo sent his soldiers to the rebels strongest
base.. They have heavy backup on the waywe
need to hurry up before the cargo jet arrives to the
base! He will send out his strongest
reinforcements! I was scared, but i knew Rico had
everything under control. Rico, what is this
button? There was a big red button that said the
word eject Dont touch that button kiddo, that
will activate our strongest weapon on this jet. I
looked at him in surprise. Wait.. OUR? I said in
happiness. Yes, welcome to the rebels kid. I want
to know more about your brave soul. Tell me your
name. I passed out even before i could even
answer his question. Well that does it said Rico.
Are you enjoying yourself? said my mind
while I was unconscious. That is like asking Rafa
if he likes Rico! said my body. Hey guys stop
arguing i am having a great time, I said. Well you
could get yourself killed! You are about to be in a
military base war with the strongest military in
Guatemala! shouted my mind. Eh, no regrets. I
replied. Come on mind you dont have to be so
judgmental.. I mean, hes just a ki-My mind yelled
in rage before my body could finish talking. I
woke up from my minds gruesome rage.
Woah what happened Rico? Oh nothing,
were just about to release our strongest weapon.
Get ready kid! He presses the eject button which
sends out 5 missiles heading toward the enemy
cargo plane. Swoosh BOOM went the
missiles impact on the plane. We did it kid, and
now, we will land. Rico lowers his jet, closer to the
yells of war and suddenly.. Woah, watch out kid..
Woah.. Hey HEY!! Said Rico in complete horror.
WOAH AAAHHH RICO HELP- I realized that i
had just woken up from a horrid nightmare.. Are
you ok Rafa? Said my mom in shock. Yeah, I just
had an awesome nightmare, i was playing just
cause three, and then.. And then- Oh Rafa, I
knew that game would do something in your
mind.. said my mom in awkwardness. Well, it was
worth the stay in bed.. And after that, i realized
how extreme my mind was, but I was proud
knowing the fact that my mind was not normal.

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