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The Tower of Moonrise, built not long after the Great War Against

Chaos, is a gigantic structure with an impressive array of gears and

mirrors that can focus moonlight and project it as a beam over several
miles. With this light, the wardens of the tower can search for lost
travelers; keep an eye peeled for enemies, or assist allies in battle.

DEPLOYMENTBoth sides roll a D6. The side that rolls higher may place
the tower anywhere on the table but not within 12 of either of the long
table edges.

The side that lost the roll off may then choose one of the long table
edges as its Deployment Zone.

Roll the Scatter Die. Move the tower 3D6 in the direction indicated
(stop if the tower hits a table edge).

Dice off to determine which side will begin deployment.Thereafter,

deployment proceeds as normal, with each side deploying units in

VICTORY CONDITIONSCalculate the victor per the Victory Point rules

in the Warhammer rulebook. The side that controls the tower at the
end of the game (per the scenario special rules) adds 25% to its
Victory Point total for the game.

The Tower: The army that controls the tower can gain an advantage
by manipulating the unique light-reflecting mechanisms (or forcing the
wardens to do so). A player (i.e., not side) controls the tower by having
a unit with the highest points value within 6 of the tower. The player
who controls the tower may use the reflectors up to one time in a
Shooting Phase. The tower can be used to spotlight one enemy unit.
Any unit illuminated by the bright light suffers 2D6 Str 3 hits and
suffers from the ASL special rule. However, since it is fully of
machinery it cannot be occupied as well.

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